Information file for FC directories ----------------------------------- The directories beneath \FC contain productions made by the Future Crew. The productions are classified into five different categories: demos (and the alike), graphics, musics, utilities and other software. If you need more information about the Future Crew, you should read our information file, namely FCINFO16.TXT that can be found in this directory. Most of the questions you might have are most propably answered there. \FC\DEMOS contains all demos and intros ever released by the Future Crew, even the very first ones! Please read all necessary instructions that are included in the subdirectories before running a demo or a intro. \FC\GFX contains most of the pictures released by the Future Crew. \FC\MUSIC contains most of the modules released by the Future Crew. You can either play them with the MDP (Module Disk Player by FC) or with the player used with GUI. \FC\UTILS contains most of the utilities released by the Future Crew. \FC\OTHERS contains patches and source code for FC productions. The compilation of Future Crew productions on this CD-ROM is not complete, and you can find more and newer productions for example at StarPort - The Future Crew World HQ or at any of our distsites. See FCINFO17.TXT and FCSITE17.TXT for details.