
FunnelWeb is distributed under a GNU license, and you are free to modify the source code and distribute modified copies (see Section [*]). However, there are good reasons why you should avoid doing this.

  1. If you distribute modified versions of FunnelWeb, you run the risk of creating a version that will diverge from the ``official'' version of FunnelWeb that I intend to maintain.

  2. If you release a version of FunnelWeb with a changed input language, users of your modified version will create source files that will no longer work on other versions of FunnelWeb. The result would be chaos.

For these reasons I request that you do not distribute modified versions of FunnelWeb, particularly versions with a modified language. However, if you must distribute a version with a modified language, please change its name (i.e. from ``FunnelWeb'' to something else). Please also allocate a new file extension to replace ``.fw'' as the extension for source files written in the modified language.

For more information, refer to the FunnelWeb Hacker's Manual.