- The only
exception to this rule occurs where the user has explicitly changed the
special character using the @=@= special sequence.
- In FunnelWeb, these two functions
are aspects of a single computer program. However, in Knuth's WEBWEB
the two functions are embodied in two separate computer programs called
Tangle and Weave, presumably because, as everyone knows, it takes
two to Tangle.
- As
an example, the author used
FunnelWeb to develop a largish computer program and found that on average
his style of using FunnelWeb resulted in about 30% documentation and
70% macros (code) (measured by numbers of lines).
- Here the term typeset is used loosely to refer to
FunnelWeb's generation of typesetter commands for each construct in the
input file. Strictly, the term should be used only to describe the actions
of a typesetter program (TEX).