FunnelWeb Installation
This chapter describes how to obtain, compile, and install FunnelWeb.
You will need:
- FTP access to the internet or a FunnelWeb distribution kit on disk.
- A Sun, VMS VAX, Macintosh, or PC or lots of extra time to port
FunnelWeb to a new platform.
- About four megabytes of free disk space. You might be able to
install it with less, but four megabytes is safe. The distribution kit itself
is about two and a half megabytes.
If you are short on space, you can throw away everything after installation
except the binary executable which will consume about half a megabyte.
- A C compiler.
- An acquaintance with the C programming language and the ability to
compile and link C programs on your machine.
- Elementary systems programming knowledege for your machine.
- About an hour.
You will not need any sort of system privileges to install FunnelWeb,
unless you want the FunnelWeb command fw to be automatically available
to everyone on your machine as well as yourself.