$Unique_ID{BRD00602} $Pretitle{} $Title{Genus VII.--Microptera, Nutt. Woodcock or Bogsucker} $Subject{Scolopacinae; Microptera; Woodcock, Bogsucker} $Journal{Birds of America: Volume VI} $Volume{Vol. 6:15} $Family{Scolopacinae} $Genus{Microptera} $Species{} $Common_Name{Woodcock, Bogsucker} $Log{ Family*00565.txt} Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992 B I R D S O F A M E R I C A . By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E. ------------------------------------------ VOL. VI. -------------------------------- GENUS VII.--MICROPTERA, Nutt. WOODCOCK OR BOGSUCKER. Bill double the length of the head, straight, slender, tapering, sub-trigonal, and deeper than broad at the base, slightly depressed towards the end; upper mandible with the ridge narrow, towards the end flattened, the sides with a narrow groove extending to near the tip, the tip blunt, knob-like, and longer than that of the lower. Head rather large, oblong; eyes large, and placed high; neck short; body full. Feet rather short; tibia feathered to the joint; tarsus rather short, compressed, scutellate; first toe very small, the third much longer than the tarsus. Claws very small, arched, acute. Wings short, rounded, the fourth and fifth quills longest, the first three extraordinarily attenuated. Tail very short, cuneate, of twelve feathers.