$Unique_ID{BRD00203} $Pretitle{} $Title{Genus II.--Troglodytes, Cuv. Wren} $Subject{Certhianae; Troglodytes; Wren} $Journal{Birds of America: Volume II} $Volume{Vol. 2:113} $Family{Certhianae} $Genus{Troglodytes} $Species{} $Common_Name{Wren} $Log{ Family*00200.TXT} Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992 B I R D S O F A M E R I C A . By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E. ------------------------------------------ VOL. II. -------------------------------- GENUS II.--TROGLODYTES, Cuv. WREN. Bill of moderate length, or nearly as long as the head, slender, slightly arched, much compressed toward the end; upper mandible with the dorsal line slightly convex, the edges a little inflected toward the end, the notches slight, the tip rather acute; lower mandible with the angle rather long and narrow, the outline slightly decurved, the sides erect and convex, the edges inclinate, the tip acute. Nostrils oblong, operculate, exposed. Head oblong; neck short; body slender. Feet of ordinary length, rather strong; tarsus longer than the middle toe, compressed, with eight anterior distinct scutella; toes of moderate size, the third and fourth united at the base, the first very large, the lateral nearly equal; claws rather long, moderately arched, much compressed, very acute. Plumage soft and blended. Bristles obsolete. Wings of moderate length, or short, convex, much rounded; the first quill very small, the fourth and fifth longest. Tail rather short, rounded, of twelve slightly arched, weak, rounded feathers.