$Unique_ID{BRD00448} $Pretitle{} $Title{Genus I.--Coccyzus, Vieill. American Cuckoo} $Subject{Cuculinae; Coccyzus; American Cuckoo} $Journal{Birds of America: Volume IV} $Volume{Vol. 4:293} $Family{Cuculinae} $Genus{Coccyzus} $Species{} $Common_Name{American Cuckoo} $Log{Family*00447.txt} Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992 B I R D S O F A M E R I C A . By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E. ------------------------------------------ VOL. IV. -------------------------------- GENUS I.--COCCYZUS, Vieill. AMERICAN CUCKOO. Bill of moderate length, rather slender, somewhat arched, much compressed, acute; upper mandible with the dorsal line arched, the ridge rounded, the sides erect toward the end, the edges thin, direct, the tip narrow, decurved; lower mandible with the angle of moderate length, rather wider, the dorsal line decurved toward the end, the sides nearly erect, the edges decurved, the tip narrow; the nostrils small, oblong, operculate. Eyelids bare, except at the margin. Head rather small; neck of moderate length; body slender. Feet rather short; tarsus compressed, rather stout, with seven very broad scutella; toes slender, compressed, anterior united at the base, first small. Claws moderate, arched, compressed, laterally grooved, acute. Plumage soft and blended, somewhat compact on the back. Wings of moderate length, with the first quill very short, the third and fourth longest. Tail very long, cuneate or graduated.