(Open New Windows\Close) Contributor: Next Step Details: 5.31 KB February 15 1998 Description: This script is a wonderful example of JavaScript at it's best. This will show you the basics on opening new windows and closing windows |
Window Scroller Description: This is actually a DHTML script that scrolls down a page than repeats again and again. |
on Link and it Changes to Different Frames Contributor: Next Step Details: 2.11 KB February 15 1998 Description: This will load to different pages into two different frames when you click a link. |
Windows on Mouse Passover Contributor: Next Step Details: .71 KB February 15 1998 Description: This will launch a remote Window with a message or link when the mouse is passed over a link> |
Popup Window when Page Loads Description: This will launch a remote Window when you enter a page. |
Window when Entering Page - Closes on Timer Contributor: Next Step Details: .71 KB * October 25 1998 Description: This will launch a remote Window when entering a page and the remote Window will stay open for a set amount of time. In the example it is 5 seconds. |
Window when Button Clicked - Closes on Timer Contributor: Next Step Details: .81 KB February 15 1998 Description: This will launch a remote Window when clicking a button and the remote Window will stay open for a set amount of time. In the example it is 5 seconds. |
Window when Mouse is Moved Over a Link - Closes on Timer Contributor: Next Step Description: This will launch a remote Window when you pass the mouse over a Link and the remote Window will stay open for a set amount of time. In the example it is 5 seconds. |
Window when Mouse is Moved Over an Image - Closes on Timer Contributor: Next Step Description: This will launch a remote Window when you pass the mouse over a n Image and the remote Window will stay open for a set amount of time. In the example it is 5 seconds. |
Window when Mouse is Clicks a Link - Closes on Timer Contributor: Next Step Description: This will launch a remote Window when you pass the click a Link and the remote Window will stay open for a set amount of time. In the example it is 5 seconds. |
Windows when mouse passes over Text Contributor: Next Step Details: .83 KB February 15 1998 Description: This will launch a remote Window when the mouse passes over certain text and remains open until the user closes the window. |
Windows While Mouse Is Over Text Closes when not on Text Contributor: Next Step Details: .91 KB February 25 1998 Description: This will launch a remote Window when mouse is over text and the window will remained open until the mouse moves off the text or hot spot. |
Breaker Contributor: Next Step Details: .31 KB * October 25 1998 Description: The below script will automatically break out of a frame if it detects one. Great for people who came from a frames site to yours so they don't get caught up in all those irratating frames. |
Second Window Details: 1.81 KB * October 25 1998 Description: This cool script will allow users to open a secondary, the user can customizable the second window to his needs. |
Window That Moves Description: Opens up a second small window and moves the window around in a circular fashion. . |
Window Launcher Description: Loads a new "Fairwell" window whenever someone leaves the page. |
Window Launcher 2 Contributor: Next Step Details: .91 KB February 25 1998 Description: This will launch a remote Window that launches pages into pages in the original window. |
Title: Loads
New Page and Open Pop-Up Window With Link Description: This will load a new page in the current page that your in plus open a Popup Window when the Hyperlink is clicked by the mouse. |
Title: Loads
New Page and Opens 2 Pop-Up Window With Link Description: This will load a new page in the current page that your in plus open 2 new Popup Window when the Hyperlink is clicked by the mouse. |