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  This is a list of the fill patterns distributed with SDES.
  |Name               |Attribute Type|Name               |Attribute Type|
  |Bar Code           |  Colour      |Nothing            |  Background  |
  |Big Chess          |  Colour      |Outline            |  Colour      |
  |Boxes              |  Colour      |Pressed Metal      |  Nothing     |
  |Chess              |  Colour      |Rainbow            |  Nothing     |
  |Clovers            |  Colour      |Random Colours     |  Foreground  |
  |Cross Link         |  Colour      |Solid              |  Foreground  |
  |Crosses            |  Colour      |Squiggle Link      |  Colour      |
  |Cubes              |  3-Colour    |Stars              |  Density     |
  |Diagonal Interleave|  Colour      |Stars and Stripes  |  Division    |
  |Double Line Bricks |  Colour      |Static             |  Nothing     |
  |Drop Shadow        |  Colour      |Tartan             |  4-Colour    |
  |Egyptian           |  Nothing     |Twirly Link        |  Colour      |
  |Grid               |  Colour      |Vertical Bars      |  Colour      |
  |Horizontal Bars    |  Colour      |Vertical Lines     |  Colour      |
  |Horizontal Lines   |  Colour      |Vertical Stripes   |  Colour      |
  |Horizontal Stripes |  Colour      |Waves              |  Colour      |
  |Hypnosis           |  Colour      |Weaved Basket      |  Colour      |
  |Interleaved        |  Colour      |Weaved Chain       |  Colour      |
  |Line Bricks        |  Colour      |Windows            |  Density     |
  |Line Link          |  Colour      |Zigzag             |  Colour      |

  The attribute type specifies what effect the attribute settings have on
  the pattern as follows:
  |Attribute Type|Meaning                                                |
  |  Colour      |The pattern is displayed using the current text colour |
  |              |and background colour.                                 |
  |  3-Colour    |The pattern is displayed in three colours - the current|
  |              |text colour, the background colour, and a darkened text|
  |              |colour (if the text colour is already dark, then there |
  |              |will be only two colours).                             |
  |  4-Colour    |The pattern is displayed in four colours - the current |
  |              |text colour, the background colour, a darkened text    |
  |              |colour, and the background colour of the character     |
  |              |beneath the cursor position.                           |
  |  Density     |The text colour is used to specify the density of the  |
  |              |pattern being drawn - the closer the colour is to black|
  |              |the denser the pattern, the closer to white, the less  |
  |              |dense the pattern.                                     |
  |  Nothing     |The current attribute settings have no effect on the   |
  |              |pattern.                                               |
  |  Background  |The pattern is displayed using the current background  |
  |              |colour.                                                |
  |  Foreground  |The pattern is displayed using the current text colour.|
  |  Division    |The pattern is made of two parts - everything above the|
  |              |cursor position is filled with the one pattern, while  |
  |              |everything below uses the other. The current background|
  |              |colour specifies which of the two patterns is used for |
  |              |the line the cursor is on. If the background colour is |
  |              |one of the lower four colour (red to light gray) the   |
  |              |lower pattern is used, if it is one of the top four    |
  |              |colour (black to cyan), the upper pattern is used.     |

See Also: Pattern Fill
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson