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  SAVE SCREEN                                                        <Alt>+S

  This operation allows you to save the screen to disk in a number of
  different formats. Note, however, that SDES can only load screens saved
  in certain of these modes, so make sure you always save in one of the
  "loadable" formats if you may wish to edit your screen again later.

  When you attempt to save, you will first be asked to enter a filename. Do
  not specify an extension with the name, since SDES will add the correct
  extension depending on the format used. You will then be asked to select
  the format you wish to use, which can one of the following:

    ANSI Text File ... This is the file format most BBSs use for displaying
      menus, bulletins, etc. It uses ANSI codes to display the colour
      information. These files can also be displayed from DOS by just
      TYPEing them to the screen (e.g. TYPE PICTURE.ANS will display the
      file PICTURE.ANS) as long as the device driver ANSI.SYS has been
      installed on your system.

    PASCAL Source Code ... This is a Pascal source file that can be compiled
      using Turbo Pascal. All it does is display the screen and then exit.
      However, since it is in source format, you can modify it to do
      whatever else you need.

    BASIC Source Code ... This is a BASIC source file that can be run using
      MS-DOS's Q-BASIC (amongst others). Once again it just displays the
      screen and then exits.

    Assembler Source Code ... This is an assembler source file that can be
      assembled with Turbo Assembler, and linked with Turbo Link.

    C Source Code ... This is a C source file that can be compiled using
      Turbo C.

    Raw Data ... This is a binary file (with a .BIN) extension, that stores
      the whole screen exactly as it is. It can only be loaded by SDES.

    ASCII file without colour ... This is a straight text file with no
      special codes that can be loaded into any text editor. There is no
      colour information stored with this format.

    DOS Prompt ... This is a batch file (with a .BAT extension) that when
      run will change the DOS prompt to whatever you drew on the screen.
      Note however, that it will only work for very small prompts - if you
      wish to draw larger prompts then you should use the huge prompt mode.
      If you wish to include meta-strings in your prompt you can do so using
      the tilde character ('~') as follows:

        ~t   Displays the current time.
        ~d   Displays the current date.
        ~p   Displays the current drive and directory.
        ~v   Displays the DOS version number.
        ~n   Displays the current drive.

      Note that there is no need for sequences like ~g (to display the '>'
      character), since that will be handled by SDES - you just type the '>'
      character as you would normally.

    Huge Prompt ... This works in much the same way as the DOS prompt
      format, except that it is a COM file, and can handle much bigger
      prompts. However, there is still a limit on the size of your prompt
      dependant on the size of the DOS environment. If you run the file, and
      the prompt gets set to the default (something like "C>"), that means
      there wasn't enough environment space.

      You can create a temporary shell with a bigger environment by typing
      COMMAND /e:1024 (where 1024 is the size of the environment in bytes).
      Once you have established the right environment size, you can set
      your environment size permanently by adding the following line to you
      CONFIG.SYS file:

          SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /p /e:1024

      The above assumes your COMMAND.COM is in root directory of drive C and
      you wish an environment size of 1024 bytes.

    Norton Guides Source ... This format is used to create pictures for use
      within Norton Guides help files. The file produced can not be compiled
      by itself, but you can link it in at the appropriate place in your own
      source files.

  Depending on your choice of format, you may be asked other questions now.
  For ANSI, DOS Prompt, and Huge Prompt, you will be asked whether you wish
  to clear the screen, home the cursor, or neither at the beginning of the
  ANSI data. If you choose to clear the screen, you will also be asked what
  colour you wish to use when clearing the screen.

  For BASIC source code, you will asked the line number and line increments
  to use in the BASIC source.

  Having answered those questions, you will then be given a chance to
  specify the area of the screen that is to be save (except in the case of
  the raw data format where the whole screen is saved regardless). <UpArrow>
  and <DownArrow> shrink and extend the length of area that is to be save.
  <PgUp> and <PgDn> moves the start line up and down. If you're saving as
  Norton Guides Source, then you can also specify the width to be saved
  using <LeftArrow>/<RightArrow> and <Home>/<End>.

  Once you have setup your selection, you can press <Enter> to perform the
  actual save operation.

  Instead of the above operation, you can also just press <Tab> which will
  set the bottom of the selected area to the last line containing text, and
  then save the screen. This is usually the most economical thing to do for
  an ANSI file unless there is an area you specifically wish to select.

See Also: Get Screen
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson