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  GRADIENT PALETTE MODE                                              <Alt>+H

  This mode allows you to fill an area using a colour gradient. Once you
  invoke this mode a line will appear on the screen showing you what the
  gradient looks like and a summary of the keys that you can use in this

  Most keys should still work normally except for the following exceptions:

  <Shift>+<Home> ..... Make the start of the gradient "brighter".
  <Shift>+<End> ...... Make the start of the gradient "darker".
  <Shift>+<PgUp> ..... Make the end of the gradient "brighter".
  <Shift>+<PgDn> ..... Make the end of the gradient "darker".
  <Shift>+<Arrows> ... Fill the area in the "direction" of the arrow key
                       used. E.g. <Shift>+<Down> fills with a gradient
                       that gets brighter from top to bottom.

  Changing the colour when in this mode (using <Alt>+A) will change the
  colours that will be used for the gradient.

  <Alt>+H or <Esc> will take you back into normal mode.

See Also: Attribute Change
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson