Index Overview

If Control

If Control implements simple choice points. When a control reaches these choice points, it continues by using True or False orders, according to the result of the Logical Operation.

Logical Operation

The Logical Operation is a comparison performed by the IF control to decide which order it must undertake. If the result of this comparison is True, then a True order will be initiated, otherwise a False order will be initiated. In order to perform the Logical Operation, the If Control must receive the required data from the following Input Parameters:

1. Right Parameter - The relevant data on the right side of the comparison.

2. Left Parameter - The relevant data on the left side of the comparison.

3. Relation - The tested relation, which assumes the form of < > or ==.

The > relation is true when the Right Parameter figure is greater than the Left Parameter figure. In accordance, the < relation is true when the Right Parameter figure is less than the Left Parameter figure. The tested relation == is true, when the Right Parameter figure equals the Left Parameter figure.

If Control has the following actions and parameters:



Input Parameters