Index Overview

Image Control

Image Control implements gifs or jpeg images. Choose Image on the Examples button to view an example of how it can be used.

Image control has the following attributes:

Image URL - This attribute specifies the URL of the image, until changed with Take New Image.

Image control has the following actions and parameters:


  • Take New Image - This changes the Image's URL with the data from the input parameter named URL String and shows a new Image from this URL
  • Hide/Show - Hides the control if previously visible, and vise versa
  • Input Parameters:

  • URL String - The URL of the image is taken from this parameter when Take New Image is used. If this parameter is not connected, the URL specified in the control's attribute will be used
  • Output Parameter:

  • Image - This parameter supplies the current image. It is used by Animator and other controls which use images.