Index Overview
Loop Control
Loop Control will let you implement repititions and repeating activities.
The loop will increase the internal loop counter on every iteration by
the value specified in the Step Input Parameter. The loop will iterate
until the value of the internal loop counter is smaller then the Up To
Input Parameter.
Loop Control has the following actions
and parameters:
- Loop Start - When carried out, the control will
start looping.
- Body End - This action will be carried out at
the end of the loop body. The loop body consists of the controls you wish
to execute repeatedly.
- Body Start - This action will be carried out
by the control in order to activate the execution of the loop body.
- Loop End - This action will be carried out by
the control when the execution of the loop has ended.
Input Parameters:
- Step - This parameter specifies the increase of the internal loop counter
on every iteration.
- Up To - This parameter specifies the maximum value of the loop counter
before the loop ends.
Output Parameters:
- Loop Counter - This parameter supplies the current
value of the loop counter.