Index Overview
Thread Control
Thread Control implements independent flows of execution. In other words,
Thread Control enables you to run several activities simultaneously.
Thread Control has the following attributes:
Number of Orders - This attribute specifies the number of orders the
control will initiate ( Take into account that these orders will be intiated
sequentially Start1, Start2, ...).
Thread Control has the following actions
and parameters:
- Start - When carried out, the control starts
the orders Start1, Start2, ...
- Stop - Terminates the execution of the thread.
- Suspend - Suspends the execution of the thread.
- Resume - Resumes the execution of the thread.
- Start1, Start2 - These orders are issued
by the thread.
Input Parameters:
- Priority - This parameter specifies the priority of the thread. The
minimum is 1, the maximum is 10.
- Delay - This parameter specifies the delay between the cyclic execution
of Start1, Start2, ... If Delay is set below zero, the thread will execute