Usage: TRANSX95 [Option] Control Line Arguments: +Cn - Case state, used for debugging. n 1-10. Contact ITS Systems for a more detailed description. +Rn - Used to control the screen resolution. n=1-80x25,n=2-20x28 n=3-80x50 +VC - Enable the internal video cache. +P - Enable pop-up windows. +MEM - Conserve conventional memory where possible. +SVn - Use video interface. n=0-Default,n=1-Use TTY,n=2-Use BIOS. +LB - Use low intensity background colors. +LF - Use low intensity foreground colors. -CPU - Bypass the CPU detection and speed test.(Maybe needed on 100MHZ and above processors). -B - Disable the Typematic error reporting mode. -L - Bypass the low conventional memory test. -VSB1 - Video set back switch, default is set back video, if this switch is used the video setup by the program remain in effect even after termination. -Pn - Set virtual memory type priority sequence, n=1-XDL,n=2-XLD n=3-DXL,n=4-DLX,n=5-LXD,n=6-LDX. Where X=Extended memory, D=Disk memory, and L=Conventional memory. -In - Set virtual memory security level. n=0-LOW,n=1-HIGH. -? /? - Show help screen. -A - Update B/I to I with each video pass. -NM - Bypass mouse initialization, even if a mouse is present in the system. (Will not use the mouse) -PRE - Do not preserve time,date, or attributes during Transfer A Drive function. -NSTAT- Do not calculate or use status output during the Transfer A Drive function. -IDC - Do not check for illegal characters present in directories while using the Transfer A Drive function. +WBC - Do not check for Windows 95 when doing Transfer Boot Code. +BW - Disables all color display. Use for Monochrome & LCD displays. -DIR - Use alternate directory building algorithm.