Welcome to the Shareware Version of MATE (SMATE) Copyright 1993, VRontier Worlds of Stoughton, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. **************************************************************************** **** PLEASE NOTE: SMATE is a limited version of MATE. **** **** LIMITS: There is a time limit of 15 minutes on the **** **** modem part of SMATE. No limit on single. **** **** Also, the SAVE and LOAD features are disabled. **** **** In this documentation, SMATE and MATE refer to the same program. **** **** (SMATE stands for "the Shareware version of MATE") **** **** **** **** To register for the unlimited, full-featured version of MATE, **** **** order from the address given below. For your convenience, a **** **** REGISTRATION FORM is at the end of this documentation file. **** **************************************************************************** MATE is a true Virtual Reality Chess Game that allows TWO players to interact in a single virtual environment. In addition, you don't have to live close to your opponent. Just call them up and play over the modem and telephone lines. All the telephone functions are built into the program. ============================================================================== EQUIPMENT Each player must have the following equipment: ~ 80386 or higher IBM compatible computer ~ Mouse ~ 2400 Baud or higher modem Recommended: ~ Joystick ~ Coprocessor (The software will emulate the coprocessor if one is not available, however the speed of the game will be drastically reduced). In addition, each player must have separate copies of the MATE system software. ============================================================================== SETUP and START First, create a sub-directory on your hard disk (perhaps called SMATE). Copy all files from the floppy disk, or your download directory, to the hard disk directory. Start up the program at the DOS command line from within the hard disk directory. 1. To execute the program, type SMATE and press RETURN or ENTER. Do not start MATE from Microsoft WINDOWS. Start MATE from the DOS command line. (MATE writes directly to video, which conflicts with WINDOWS). 2. You will see the opening screen. 3. You are asked to type 'w' (WHITE) or 'b' (BLACK) Select BLACK or WHITE player by typing 'w' or 'b'. NOTE: You and your opponent must each select opposite sides. 4. You are asked to type '1, 2, 3, or 4' for the modem's COM port. Select a COM port number by typing the correct number between 1 and 4. NOTE: MATE uses BOTH a mouse and the modem. They must be on opposite COM ports. If your mouse is on COM1, then your modem must be on either COM2 or COM4. If there is a conflict, MATE will stop. 5. You will see a message explaining the coloring scheme used in MATE. NOTE: The GRAY chess pieces correspond to the WHITE player. The RED chess pieces correspond to the BLACK player. Press any key to continue. 6. You will see the message "LOADING..." Please wait while the program starts up. It will take a few seconds. NOTE: During the start-up process, the program will check the COM port you selected. If a problem is detected, the program will exit and you will see a chart listing the COM ports and instructions. Try starting the program again, and make sure you type the correct COM number. If the program still does not run, please check carefully for any COM conflicts, then try again. Remember, your mouse COM port and your modem COM ports must be different, otherwise they will conflict and the program won't run. 6a. You will see a message "Null modem/Modem". If you are not going to play over the modem, press 'N'. If you are going to practice, without using the modem, press 'N'. Pressing 'N' will save time by skipping the modem checking routine. To play over the modem, press 'M'. This starts a modem check by the computer. 7. If the program sees no COM port conflicts, you will see a chess board with RED and GRAY pieces on it. In the middle of the screen, you will see a chart listing representations, or "faces", you may select: (eg. MOUSE, CAT, etc.) 8. Select the representation, or "face", you wish. Your opponent will see it, and you will see the "face" your opponent has chosen. They can be the same or different. Type the corresponding number to choose your representative "face". 9. Now you are ready to practice. After practicing, you will be ready to dial your opponent and interact in this virtual reality environment. See the Practice section following the next section. 10. When you are ready, you can either: -- Call your opponent by voice, and then let the program take over the phone line ('O' key) or -- Let the program dial your opponent ('D' key) (see 'D' for Dial, and 'O' for Originate). 10. In the Shareware version, when the remaining time has reached one minute, a counter will appear in the top right corner of the screen. When the counter reaches zero, the program will exit. If you order the full-featured version, there is no time limit. ============================================================================== HELP 'H' Press the 'H' key, at any time after MATE has begun, to see the HELP screen. The following is a list of keys and a short description: 'A' -- Answer opponent's computer. 'B' -- Back to original positions. 'C' -- Color change. (Switch sides). 'D' -- Dial opponent's computer. 'E' -- Return viewpoint and hand to original position. 'G' -- Disconnect modem. 'H' -- Help screen. 'L' -- Load previously saved game. (Disabled in Shareware version). 'M' -- Send message. 'O' -- Originate after voice connection. 'P' -- Change modem speed. 'Q' -- Quit and exit. 'R' -- Restart timer. 'S' -- Save game. (Disabled in Shareware version). 'T' -- Timer: set number of minutes per move. 'U' -- Display timer. 'X' -- Activate null modem cable connection. 'Z' -- Answer null modem activation. ============================================================================== PRACTICE Mouse Movements Before you actually dial an opponent, you should practice moving and picking up pieces. Above the chess board in front of you is a virtual representation of your hand, with four fingers and a thumb. This hand is controlled by using the mouse. Remember, you will not see your opponent until you have dialed and connected with your opponent, or your "mate". MOUSE AND HAND MOTIONS If you move the mouse to the left, your "hand" moves to the left. If you move the mouse to the right, your "hand" moves to the right. Try both motions with the mouse. If you move the mouse forward or backward, your "hand" moves forward and backward. Try this and watch your "hand" move. If you press and hold down the RIGHT button on the mouse while moving the mouse forward or backward, your "hand" moves up and down (towards the board and away from the board). The mouse will not move your "hand" below the chess board. Try holding down the RIGHT button, and moving the mouse away from you (forward) and towards you (backward). Watch the "hand" move up and down. GRABBING AND MOVING PIECES Now, practice picking up a chess piece. If you press the LEFT button on the mouse, your "hand" will make a gripping action. Press the LEFT mouse button and watch your "hand" grip. To pick up a chess piece, you have to get your "hand" close to a piece. Move the mouse and maneuver your "hand" close to a chess piece. When your "hand" is close enough, the back of your "hand" will turn BLUE. This is a signal to help you gauge whether you are close enough to grip a chess piece. When you see the BLUE signal, press and hold the LEFT button (this grabs the piece). Then move the mouse while holding down the LEFT button. This will move the piece. When you have moved the chess piece to the appropriate square, just release the LEFT button. The piece will stay where it is. Later, when you are playing chess, to capture one of your opponent's pieces, grab and move the opponent's piece off the board, and grab and move your piece to the corresponding square. ============================================================================== JOYSTICK/KEYBOARD Viewpoint Movements In addition to moving your "hand", you have the ability to move your viewpoint. Your viewpoint is the position from which you view the virtual chess board and pieces. Both the joystick and the keyboard can be used to control your viewpoint position. First we will discuss the joystick. With all the joystick movements, the farther you push on the joystick, the faster you move. For slow movement, push just a little. To move forward or backward in the virtual environment, move the joystick forward or backward. Try pushing and pulling the joystick and watch your viewpoint move forward and backward. To move to the left or right, move the joystick to the left or right. Try these motions and watch your viewpoint move left and right. BUTTON 0 -------- The next movements depend on button 0 of the joystick. This button is usually located on top of the joystick itself. If you move the joystick forward or backward while holding button 0 down, you rotate your viewpoint down or up. This is just like rotating your head forward or backward except that in the virtual environment we have the ability to rotate a full 360 degrees. NOTE: Your hand does NOT follow while rotating since you are just rotating your head and not your entire body. Try holding down button 0 on top of the joystick, and watch your viewpoint rotate as you push or pull the joystick. If you move the joystick left or right while holding button 0 down, you pan your viewpoint left or right. This is like looking left or right. Try holding down button 0 while pushing the joystick left and right, and look left and right. BUTTON 1 -------- The last movements depend on button 1 of the joystick. This button is usually located on the base of the joystick. If you move the joystick forward or backward while holding down button 1, your viewpoint will move up or down. Try holding down button 1 while moving the joystick forward or backward, and watch your viewpoint move up or down. There is no action for the left/right movements of the joystick while holding button 1 down. KEYBOARD CURSOR KEYS ==================== All of the joystick movements can be duplicated using the keyboard. If your keyboard does not have separate cursor keys, turn number lock off and use the number pad cursor keys. The keys are: LEFT arrow - move left RIGHT arrow - move right UP arrow - move forward DOWN arrow - move back SHIFT LEFT arrow - pan, or look, to the left SHIFT RIGHT arrow - pan, or look, to the right SHIFT UP arrow - rotate down SHIFT DOWN arrow - rotate up PageUp key - move up PageDown key - move down ============================================================================== SETTING MODEM SPEED 'P' The 'P' key allows you to change the speed setting of the modem. You are allowed to change the modem speed up to 14,400 Baud. The game is set up for 2400 baud initially. (Default Protocol: 8 Data bits, No parity, and 1 stop bit) ============================================================================== DIALING YOUR OPPONENT 'D' The 'D' key allows you to dial an opponent's phone number. You are asked for the number. You can enter a phone number up to 25 characters in length. Once the number is entered, press ENTER. The modem will pick up and dial. If you have already connected by voice, then use the 'O' key instead of 'D'. See ALTERNATIVE CONNECTION section. Once your opponent's modem picks up the line, you will see a message: 'waiting to connect..' After a little information is passed between computers, your opponent's representation will appear onscreen. Press any key to continue. ============================================================================== ANSWERING AN OPPONENT'S CALL 'A' If you are designated to answer the computer link from your opponent, press the 'A' key when your phone starts to ring. You will see the same messages as the dialer. ============================================================================== ALTERNATIVE CONNECTION 'O' If you and your opponent have already established a voice connection, you do not have to hang up to play MATE. One player presses the 'O' key to originate a modem call. The other player presses 'A' to answer the call. After the modems have picked up, place your phone handset on its cradle. Do not pick up the phone handset after the connection is established. Use the 'M' key instead to send messages. ============================================================================== CONNECTED Once connected, you and your opponent, or 'mate' can start playing chess. Remember that the WHITE player always goes first. You'll see your opponent's representation, or "face", and s/he will see yours. You will see both your opponent's "hand" and your own "hand". And you'll see what s/he is doing -- moving, turning, gripping, etc. During MATE, you have several things you can do beside play chess. NOTE: The following options are listed under the HELP menu. To see the help menu, press the 'H' key. ---- QUIT 'Q' The 'Q' key will exit you from the MATE game. You will see a message 'Are you sure?' If you do not want to quit, press 'N', otherwise press 'Y'. The system will automatically hang up the modem for you, and you will be returned to the operating system. Make sure to SAVE your game before quitting MATE. ---------- RESET GAME 'B' The 'B' key will reset the MATE game. You AND your opponent will be returned to the original positions. All of the chess pieces will be returned to their home positions. Make sure to SAVE your game before pushing this key. ----------- SWITCH SIDE 'C' The 'C' key will reset the game as above AND change each of you to the opposite color. Make sure to SAVE your game before pushing this key. ----------------- ORIGINAL POSITION 'E' The 'E' key will return your viewpoint and "hand" to their original positions. However, this will NOT change the position of your opponent or the position of any of the chess pieces. Make sure to SAVE your game before pushing this key. ------ HANGUP 'G' The 'G' key will hang up the modem but you will stay in the MATE game. Each of you can SAVE the game either before or after pressing 'G'. ---- HELP 'H' Press the 'H' key at any time after MATE has begun to see the HELP screen. ------------------ LOAD PREVIOUS GAME 'L' (This feature is disabled in Shareware version) The 'L' key allows you to load a previously saved game. You will be asked for the complete filename. Type the 8 character name, period, and the 3 character extension. For safety reasons, each player must separately load a previous game. You can load a previous game either when you first execute MATE or when you are online. ------------ SEND MESSAGE 'M' The 'M' key allows you to send a message to your opponent. You will see an text box. Enter a message up to 33 characters in length. Press the 'enter' key to send the message to your opponent. Your 'mate' must press a key to erase the message from both screens. --------- SAVE GAME 'S' (This feature is disabled in Shareware version) The 'S' key allows you to save a current game. You will be asked for the complete filename. Type the 8 character name, period, and the 3 character extension. For safety reasons, each player must separately save a current game. Make sure you SAVE a game before exiting from the game, or the information will be lost, erased, and gone forever. ----- TIMER 'T', 'U' and 'R' SET TIMER LENGTH 'T' ---------------- The 'T' key allows you to set the number of minutes for the timer. The timer is used to limit the time for competition moves. Before starting the timer, agree with your opponent about the number of minutes per move. You will be asked to enter the number of minutes per move. You can enter up to 255 minutes per move. Only ONE player has to set the time. The system will transfer the correct setting to the other computer automatically. START TIMER 'U' ----------- The 'U' key starts the timer. The timer will appear on both screens. The timer will automatically start with the WHITE player. RESET TIMER 'R' ----------- The 'R' key restarts the timer. When you have finished your move, restart the timer. Because of lag time that can be experienced with the system, the timer may not change to the other player immediately. Just be patient, it will change. If the timer expires, the opposite player must press a key to make the message display. The timer will automatically start for the other player. ============================================================================== NULL MODEM 'X' and 'Z' You may have occasion to play MATE with two computers in the same room. Connect two computers with a NULL modem cable. The cable must have pins 2 and 3 interchanged, and at least one of the ground pins connected straight through. To activate the cable connection instead of the modem, one player presses the 'X' key and the other presses the 'Z' key. (Do not use the 'D' and 'A' sequence -- those are for dialing and answering with the modem). The connection will proceed the same way as a modem connection. ============================================================================== FULL VERSION The full version of MATE is $29.95. It has no time limit, and you can SAVE and LOAD games. Both you and your opponents will need to purchase separate copies of the game in order for it to work properly. We hope you enjoy MATE and sincerely thank you for helping us provide the best possible Virtual Reality software on the market today. Joseph D. Gradecki Director of Software R&D VRontier Worlds We would like to hear about your experiences with MATE. If you have a comment, or a bug to report, give us a call or write us: VRontier Worlds, 809 E. South St, Stoughton, WI. 53589 (608) 873 - 8523 (608) 877 - 0575 (FAX) If you call ask for Joe or Tom. ************************************************************************** VRontier BBS 608-873-8523 VRontier BBS ************************************************************************** Your VR support network. You have described the virtual reality BBS you want. You have wondered when it would happen. Now it is here. And this is just the beginning. The VRontier BBS is the leader in virtual reality support. Providing you with a forum for your VR questions, interests, communication and interaction. Ready to grow with you. Interactive virtual reality on-line -- will soon be ready. Special virtual reality sections -- --- FREE connect time. Thousands of other programs ----------- FREE until August 9th. Hours: All non-business hours (Central Standard Time) Monday through Friday ----- 6pm to 7am. CST Weekends and holidays ----- 24 hours. Remember, this is off-hours only. During weekdays, it is a voice phone. Call VRontier BBS at: 608-873-8523 (Two lines) *************************************************************************** VRontier Worlds of Stoughton, Inc. manufactures and develops virtual reality hardware and software. "working on the frontier of virtual reality" Hardware: -------- "the most realism for the least cost" Tier 1 "Private Viewer" is a head-mounted display designed for research. Monoscopic or stereoscopic. 4 inch color LCD screens. ============================================================================== REGISTRATION FORM The following is a registration form to make it easier to order MATE. Registration Form ----------------- Mail to (or call): ----------------- VRontier Worlds, 809 E. South St. Stoughton, WI. 53589 (608) 873 - 8523 (608) 877 - 0575 (FAX) (800) 878 - 4371 (Sales) Date: ________________ Name: _______________________________________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________ Credit Card: Master Card _________________________________ exp.date ________ Visa ________________________________________ exp.date ________ Please send me: _______ copies of MATE on 3.5 inch floppy at $29.95 each. $___________ (Two separate MATE systems are needed for two-user operation). _______ copies of MATE on 5.25 inch floppy at $34.95 each. $___________ (Two separate MATE systems are needed for two-user operation). If ordering in Wisconsin, I have included 5% State Sales tax...: (Purchase times .05) $___________ and I have included applicable .5% county tax...: (Purchase times .005) $___________ Shipping: $3.50 per order for shipping (UPS or MAIL). $ ----------- $12.50 per order for shipping FEDERAL EXPRESS overnight. $ ----------- Total -- $___________ Other virtual reality applications I would like to see: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank You!! ============================================================================= (End of Registration Form).