This file lists all the files included in the unregistered version of Puzzler. Additional *.PZL files are shipped with premium registrations (See SAMPLES.TXT for a list). All *.PZL files are copied into the default load and save directory you choose during install. The rest of the files are copied into the destination directory you choose. If you are missing any files, try to get a copy of Puzzler from a different source. The most recent version will be on Compuserve in Lib 7, "Word and Card games", of the PCFUN forum. ================================================= PUZZLER.EXE INSTALL.EXE PZLCOPY.BAT OS2SETUP.CMD PUZZLER.ICO REGISTER.FRM README.TXT ABSTRACT.TXT CRWD.TXT FILES.TXT GETSTRTD.TXT HISTORY.TXT KEYS.TXT REGISTER.TXT SAMPLES.TXT SCRAMBLE.TXT SUPPORT.TXT WRDSCH.TXT BITMAP.BGI DJ500B.BGI DJ500C.BGI EGAVGA.BGI EP24CLR.BGI EP24PIN.BGI EP9CLR.BGI EP9PIN.BGI HERC.BGI HP7475.BGI HP7585.BGI HPLJ2.BGI HPPJ.BGI PSBGI.BGI PSBGI.PS X24.BGI LCOM.CHR LITT.CHR SIMP.CHR BIBLE.PZL LINCOLN.PZL PARTIES.PZL TRIVIA.PZL US-CAPS1.PZL VOCAB1.PZL