DETAILED REGISTRATION AND LICENSE INFORMATION There are four levels of registration. Budget Registration (Level 1) Fee: $10.00 (US) per individual or per computer. License: Puzzler may be installed on multiple machines for use by one person (e.g. desktop & laptop), OR Puzzler may be installed on one machine that is used at different times by different people. Audience: Everyone who uses Puzzler. This fee level makes it possible for anyone to be a registered user. Premium Registration (Level 2) Fee: $25.00 (US) per individual or per computer. License: Same as above. Audience: People who are pleased with Puzzler, want to show their support to the author, and would like further registration benefits. Benefits: You will receive a disk containing the latest version, and additional sample word lists. You will also receive a short printed manual with helpful tips. Premium customers will be given priority for tech support and upgrades. Medium Size Site License (Level 3) Fee: $150 (US) for 50 users or less. License: Puzzler may be installed on a computer accessible via a network and/or on individual computers for the use of up to 50 users at one site. Audience: Schools, churches, businesses, or other organizations. (Note: site licenses are not required for use in an organization, they are just more cost effective for large numbers of users.) Benefits: You will receive a disk with the latest version, and 2 copies of the manual. You may request up to 3 additional copies at no charge. Manuals may also be copied at your site. Large Site License (Level 4) Fee: $300 (US) for more than 50 users License: Puzzler may be installed on a computer accessible via a network and/or on individual computers for unlimited use at one site. Audience: Same as above. Benefits: Same as above, but you may request up to 8 additional manuals. PAYMENT METHODS P.O. orders are accepted from organizations. As of this writing, payment can only be accepted by check. If you would like to register Puzzler in some other way, please contact me. I hope to have other options available. Please send your registration, or contact me at: Darren V. Croft P.O. BOX 711706 CIS email: 102036,1233 Salt Lake City, UT 84171 Internet: You may print a registration form by copying REGISTER.FRM to your printer, or by using the registration option within Puzzler--[R] then [P] from main. PUZZLER SHAREWARE LICENSE You are encouraged to share your shareware copy with friends and acquaintances, or to upload it to a BBS or internet FTP site. IMPORTANT: In all instances, Puzzler must be distributed as PUZZLER.ZIP. It must be unmodified and must not include a PUZZLER.CFG file. Do not remove sample word lists (.PZL) or add your own. To meet these requirements it is best to keep the PUZZLER.ZIP file you originally received, or use the .ZIP file you recevied with your premium registration. To share your own word lists, upload separate files. SHAREWARE DISBRIBUTORS Puzzler may be distributed by shareware distributors, however distributors must first receive written permission from the author. To get permission, notify the author of the fee to be charged and how Puzzler will be packaged -- by itself, grouped with what programs, or included on a CD-ROM. LIMITS ON USAGE There is NO ENFORCED time or usage limit for the shareware version. My personal feeling is that after a few tries (maybe 3-5) you will know whether Puzzler is useful to you. I trust that once you have made your decision you will send in your registration fee or stop using Puzzler. The shareware version of Puzzler is fully functional, but it does contain various reminders. My intent was to make these reminders noticeable, but not intrusive. After you send in your registration fee, you can use the register option from the main menu to disable all the reminders. You will not need a password, secret code or anything similar, you need only answer honestly that you have sent in your registration fee. EXPLANATION OF SHAREWARE Puzzler is shareware. One goal of shareware is to let as many people as possible have access to a piece of software so they can evaluate it. Those people who decide to continue using the software after evaluating it are expected to register their copy and compensate the author for his work. You may have gotten a copy of Puzzler from a bulletin board, or a friend, or you may have purchased a disk or CD-ROM of shareware. Puzzler can legally be distributed in all these ways. If you had to pay charges for downloading, or for floppy disks or a CD-ROM, you have compensated the distributor, BBS operator, or telephone company. However, unless you register, I will not be compensated -- shareware authors do not receive any compensation through bulletin boards or shareware distributors. Please remember that shareware is not free software. If I don't receive sufficient compensation through registrations, I can't justify spending the time required to update Puzzler or produce new software. If you find Puzzler useful, please send in your registration.