James's.deh is a patch for Dehacked 2.2 for DOOM2 v 1.666. It turns the troopers, sargeants and imps into marines. The brown marines shoot pistols and are about 3x as tough as the troopers were. The gray marines shoot shotguns and again about 3x as tough as the seargents. The red marines shoot rockets and are about 2x times as tough as the imps were. to combat this little increase, I've given you some extra power. The pistol is twice as fast, the shotgun is as fast is the chaingun,the super shotgun is almost stupidly fast. There's nothing wrong with that is there? The chaingun is ultra-fast. The rocket launcher is twice as fast and the rockets do more damage. The plasma rifle is stronger and faster and the BFG9000 is 2x faster and and stronger. Those STUPID blue bottles can finally be destroyed and leave a blood trail. The regular berrals have been modified to flame and still explode. !! COOL !! FIRE! FIRE! There are a few bugs in this .deh when you shoot people on lifts, sometimes blood is left hanging in the air. If you find anymore bugs DON'T TELL ME, FIX IT YOURSELF. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for James Haynes and his marined.zip file and Alex Clarke and his dm2ore.zip file and me James Bristle. If there are any problems tell at my parents logon name Mattie Mell