Web Server Tools wt_trial.exe 12/6/96 Analyzes your Web server's log | files. Compatible with log files created by | ANY Web server. Reports include statistical | information as well as colorful graphs that | show trends, usage, market share and much | more. Reports can be generated as HTML files. | For more info, check out the WebTrends Home | Page. thl25p.exe 12/17/96 Hit List Pro is the ultimate web site log | analysis solution. 17 reports (and 232 | calculations and graphs for creating custom | reports.) Automatic Multiple Virtual Domain, | Cookie Support. Reports for what keywords | were used in search engines to find your | site, and then compares usage patterns. | Email reports automatically in MS Word | format. For more info, check out the Hit List | Pro Home Page. thl25s.exe 12/17/96 Hit List Standard is the powerful, affordable | and scalable web site log analysis solution | for growing sites. Offers 11 reports (and 162 | calculations and graphs for creating custom | reports.) Automatic Multiple Virtual Domain | and Cookie Support. Email reports | automatically in MS Word format. For more | info, check out the Hit List Standard Edition | Home Page. kiwt_kit.exe 12/10/96 WebTrak provides basic HTTPD log analysis and | reporting. WebTrak reads any given CERN | formatted log ( Common Log File Format | (NCSA)) from a text file and produces a | report in HTML format suitable for viewing | with your Web browser. WebTrak produces | statistical report and bar graphs in HTML. | For more info, check out the WebTrak Home | Page. ADNetd32.ZIP 12/10/96 Advertisement tool which can propagate YOUR | advertisements throughout the InterNet. The | advertisements are then propagated across | member web pages. Increasing everyone's | exposure exponentially. The program has a GUI | interface and is designed to run under | Windows NT / 95. For more info, check out the | ADNET Home Page. kist12_kit.exe 12/7/96 Continuous monitoring of Internet networks | including Web Servers (HTTPD) using HTML | tests, and all other nodes (routers, bridges, | ..) using PING. Reports to screen, log | files, and report files in HTML or text | format. Four alarms types may be selected | which include audio, pager, Email, and | 'launch command'. User may designate testing | frequency, max alerts, and many other | features. For more info, check out the | ServerTrak Home Page. camsht11.exe 12/2/96 CamShot WebCam HTTP Server is a Windows 95/NT | web server that serves up web pages | containing time stamped images captured from | a video camera. The images can be viewed | from anywhere on the network with a web | browser. CamShot works with Video For | Windows compatible video equipment. For more | info, check out the CamShot WebCam HTTP | Server Home Page. setupex.exe 11/26/96 PicServer turns your PC into a special | purpose web server and allows you to show | pictures that reside on your hard drive. For | more info, check out the PicServer Home Page. wdR1S.exe 11/20/96 WebDisk is a fully functional, personal Web | server allowing any Internet/Intranet users | access to your computer, via the Web. WebDisk | includes industry standard Web server | technology, like HTTP transfers, CGI-BIN | process, and mutliple connections, as other | features like relative path support for all | files, access to any PC mounted drive, and | upload capabilities. For more info, check out | the WebDisk Home Page. pws10a.exe 11/17/96 The Personal Web Server, available for no | charge on the Web and designed for easy | installation and management by corporate IS | managers and individual users, is the latest | member of the Microsoft scalable family of | Web server software, supporting Web use from | the desktop to the enterprise and beyond. For | more info, check out the Personal Web Server | Home Page. nt.exe 11/16/96 America Online's web server for Windows | NT. For more info, check out the AOLServer | For Windows NT (Intel) Home Page. oh10b3a.exe 10/24/96 OmniHTTPd is an extremely fast and efficient | web server for the Windows 95. Supports | Netscape Gold PUBLISH, all flavors of CGI, | SSI, Keep-Alives, and Dynamic IP Site | resolution. Easy to setup. For more info, | check the OmniHTTPd Home Page. wbi11w95.exe 10/22/96 This tool is a local http proxy server and is | compatible with most web browsers. It | supports page caching, history and URL | watching. It will help you avoiding to have a | different cache space for each browser you | are using. For more info, check out the IBM | Personal Web Agent Home Page. wd2_R1S.exe 10/8/96 webDataDaemon, the newest product from Ararat | Software, offers Web users database access | regardless of platform type! Using a | three-tier architecture, webDataDaemon lets | users access their data from a Web browser, | using CGI-BIN technology. For more info, | check the webDataDaemon Home Page. s7051.zip 10/15/96 It's a Win95-based Web server that's | freeware, and supports ISAPI! For more info, | check the Server 7 Home Page. dist.zip 9/20/96 WALA is a new type of Web Access Log | Analyzer. It will perform all the basic | functions including top 5-30 listings for | over 10 different topics. It will also | perform Client Tracking, Icons on top | listings, and a customer database. You will | be able to perform detailed reports for your | customers, and have all reports E-mailed, | printed, or output as HTML (client reports | support HTML Frames). For more info, check | out the WALA Home Page. nutwbcam.zip 9/5/96 A Multi Threaded WEB Server for Windows NT | & Windows 95 with a Built In Web | Cam. Supports Connectix QuickCam or any other | Video For Windows compatable capture | device. Capable of sending 7+ frames per | second !!WOW!! to browsers that support Push | Image. fdr1_1p3.zip 9/4/96 A 32 bit, multithreaded proxy server for | Windows 95 and Windows/NT with a HTTP proxy, | FTP proxy, support for Telnet, SMTP, POP3 and | more. On-demand dialling and disconnect, | fully configurable for any TCP/IP service via | a HTML interface. For more info, check the | FireDoor Home Page. wsg322b2.exe 8/22/96 WSGopher32 software allows easy Internet | navigation of Gopher servers without the | heavy overhead of HTML browsers.Gopher client | software is the quickest way to retrieve | information from the vast number of Gopher | servers. For more info, check the WSGopher32 | Home Page. webcount.zip 8/19/96 A simple way to put a hit counter on your | home page. A CGI 32 bit script file Designed | for Windows 95 or 'NT. Features include | unlimited amount of counters and styles. For | more info, check the WebCount Home Page. vtalk32.exe 8/1/96 ViaConference includes a complete chat client | that lets you make use of color and fonts, a | full-featured Email client, a great FTP | client, and the new SurfSilly Bookmark bar | for automatically creating and organizing WWW | Bookmark lists using your browser. Includes | many other features: Direct File Transfer; | Internic WHOIS client; and the ability to | send thumbnail photos and graphics. The | ViaTalk Chat client is a virtual | CyberSpace-Station, converting your PC into a | server capable of up to 25 simultaneous chat | connections! Group surfing feature allows you | to share your favorite Web pages with | others. For more info, check out the | ViaConference Home Page. sesames.exe 7/8/96 Proxy/Gateway Server for Windows 95/NT with | Caching. It supports all major internet | protocols: HTTP (the World Wide Web | protocol), POP, FTP (native and through HTTP | browser), Telnet, SSL tunneling and | others. For more info, check out the Open | Sesame Home Page. WEBLS10.ZIP 7/4/96 WebLS is a system for integrating intelligent | components, agents or logic-bases with web | pages. These can be used for answering | support questions, diagnosing problems, | giving sales advice etc. All you need is a | text editor and a Win 95 or NT CGI-compliant | web server. Includes documentation, samples | and source code. For more info, check out the | WebLS Home Page. fnord.zip 6/8/96 Free, multi-threaded, Web server for Windows | 95 and NT with source. For more info, check | out the Fnord Home Page. d2cgiur.zip 5/23/96 d2CGI Pro an Internet CGI tool for Win95 and | NT Web servers. Offering Template Update, | Guestbook, HTTP Upload, ExecuteAnyApp and | MailTo. Each feature is customizable to suit | your needs. For more info, check the d2CGI | Pro Home Page. randcgi.zip 5/15/96 RandCGI for Windows 95 and NT Web | Servers. Inserts random image/text/links in | HTML documents for those servers that support | SSI (server side includes). For more info, | check the RandCGI Home Page. alibabas.exe 4/21/96 Version 2.0 of Alibaba the WWW Server for | Windows 95/NT. Multithreaded High Performance | WWW Server, SSL Security, CGI (DOS-CGI, | WINCGI 1.3, 32bit CGI, DLL interface and | ISAPI), Multiple Serveradresses | (Multihoming), Aliases, Icon extensions for | directory listings, Integrated or external | image mapper, and more. For more info, check | out the Alibaba Home Page. zbspro.zip 3/27/96 ZB Server Pro 1.50b is a one-stop program for | home page, ftp and gopher server | functionality. It is extremely fast and takes | up very little space. Offers passwd | protected page access and many other little | add-ins every web site needs. For more info, | check the ZB Server Home Page. book.zip 3/3/96 A simple CGI guest book to record people's | comments about your page. For servers | running on Windows NT or Windows 95. For more | info, check the Simple Guest Book Home Page. clock.zip 3/1/96 A CGI that displays a digital clock on your | homepage For servers running on Windows NT or | Windows 95. For more info, check the Digital | Clock Home Page. website-11e.exe 2/7/96 O'Reilly's award-winning Windows 95 Web | Server. For more info, check out the Website | Home Page. folkweb.zip 12/1/95 An easy to use 32-bit Web Server. cyczbs12.zip 10/29/95 Animation utility for Windows 95 Web servers | (supports ZBServer, WebSite, Alibaba, whttpd, | etc.). w4srv95.zip 10/10/95 Windows 95 Web Server Readme.txt pgcnt21.zip 8/27/95 Windows-based CGI that works with WebSite to | track hits.