A D D O N S . T X T

               FundRaiser Basic Version 1.44  (01/22/96)


  This file contains a description of addon programs for FundRaiser
  Basic.  As of this version, there is only one addon available. 
  However, several more are planned.  These include a full-featured
  word-processor with selectable fonts, more reports, a special
  version compatible with dBase IV, after-the-fact duplicate checker, 
  etc.  Tell us what you want so we can provide it.

  1)  FRBMERGE - $7.00

  This program is designed to combine the Master files from two
  separate FundRaiser Basic programs, looking for possible duplicates
  as it goes.

  Why would you want to do this?  Well, you may have a big list of
  names to type into the program and want to spread the work out
  among several people.  Just give each person a copy of FundRaiser
  Basic on a floppy and their share of the list on paper, and tell
  them to bring it all back when they have entered all their assigned
  names.  Then, all you have to do is run this program, and it will
  combine the names (and contributions, if any) that they entered
  with the ones on your "master" computer. 

  Or you may want to share your list with another like-minded agency
  that also uses FundRaiser Basic.  This can be a great way to expand
  your mailing list at very low cost.


FundRaiser Basic Addons Order Form:

Program is registered to: ____________________________________________

                 address: ____________________________________________




      Name of Addon Program/ Feature:                       Price:
      ----------------------------------------------        ----------

      ______________________________________________        $_________

      ______________________________________________        $_________

      ______________________________________________        $

                                                Total       $_________
   (for residents of Missouri only)  Sales Tax 6.225%       $_________

                                Shipping and Handling       $_________
   ($0 if ordering with FRB; $5-USA/Canada; $8-Other)

                                          Grand Total       $_________

disk size: ( ) 3-1/2"   ( ) 5-1/4"

Paying by: ( ) check/ money order  (personal or agency)
           ( ) VISA / MasterCard  (fill out card info below)

|__.__.__.__|__.__.__.__|__.__.__.__|__.__.__.__|   exp: |__.__/__.__|

Name on card: ________________________________________________________

Signature:    ________________________________________________________

Mail: Professional Support Software     or Fax: 417-256-6370 
      106 Garfield Ave                   Phone: 800-880-3454
      PO Box 901                         (VISA/ MasterCard sales only)
      West Plains, MO  65775-0901 USA