#DISC BAS or CPC" "is loading ..." "BATCH.BAS" #disc "Welcome in the CPC-World !" "Menu :" "------" "1) Animator (3D-wireframes)" "2) Archi (little architect)" PRINT"3) Atombunker (simple game)" "3) Anti-Multiface v1.1" "4) Copymate (copy program)" "5) DC - Drive C (RamDisc)" "6) Fast-CP/M Plus-Loader" "7) Labyrinth (game)" "8) Pointy (Window Pack)" PRINT"9) States of the Earth (learning)" "9) Batch for CPC" "DC is (c) Juergen Weber," "Anti-Multiface is (c) Magic Software" "Others are (c) Marco Vieth" "(Source and german doc is available.)" "Please select : "; Animator "Animator - Demo" "loading ..." "ANIDMO.BAS" "Archi - Demo" "is loading ..." "ARCHIDMO.BAS" "Anti-Multiface" "is loading ..." "MULTIFAC.BAS" "Copymate - Demo" "is loading ..." "COPYDMO.BAS" "Drive C" "is loading ..." "DC.BAS" "Fastcpm" "is loading ..." "FASTCPM.BAS" "Labyrinth" "is loading ..." "LGAME.BAS" "Pointy" "is loading ..." "POTEST.BAS" "Batch for CPC" "is loading ..." "BATCH.BAS" isk." "STAATEN.BAS"