The CP/M Plus - FAST LOADER (v1.4) with fast Mode 2 Character-Output Start CPM by RUN"C from Drive A or B, from a disc with Data or System-format !! hint: Input 'RUN"C' as follows: a) 'C' b) c) + (small Enter-Key) # Improvements comparing to the last version: If you copy this installation, you needn't pay attention to the correct order of the C10CPM3.EMS-blocks any more. This file is now loaded by block-loading, the patches are set (Mode 2 Character-Output, Drive set) and CP/M Plus starts ... from a system or data-formatted disk ! Marco Vieth, Dezember 1990 starting CP/M ... #  mit schneller MODE 2 Zeichenausgabe CPM starten durch RUN"C von Laufwerk A oder B