Hello, 6.0 is out. Remember that there is 'Other information source' session at the end of my list. If you can't find the info you need in my list, try those places. Or you can finger my account for more info. This is the last issue of PC Game cheat and info list (if no one take up my job). I have start and maintain the list for over 1 year and its time to stop maintain the list and let other people take up the job. I stop maintain the list because I need to concentrate on other subject (but I still play games :>) and I find that I can't keep up with the newsgroup now (there are over 200 messages for each game related groups) and I can't read all of them everyday!!!! I find that on average, I need to spend 2 - 3 hrs each day to read all the game groups to search for cheats/soltion etc etc. Hope that someone will take up my job. Thanks. Regds LAM Chi-fung --------------------------------Start of File---------------------------- PC Games Cheats & info List Started by LAM Chi-fung (cflam@hk.super.net) currently maintained by LAM Chi-fung (cflam@hk.super.net) Updated 12 May 1996 ver 6 Feel free to distribute this list. This list has been posted to the following groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce tw.bbs.rec.pcgame tw.bbs.comp.hacker *********************************************************************** After the cheats, there are some pointers to another information source, if you can't find info in this list, you may try those places. At he end of this file, there are pointers to document on how to access InterNet by e-mail, if you only have e-mail access, you should read it. *********************************************************************** Please send all comments, updates, new cheats/crack/edits/maps/add-ons/hint pointers, corrections to: cflam@hk.super.net Thanks to all people who contribute to this list. Unless submitter specified, otherwise contributor's name and e-mail address will not include due to the size of this list. Some cheats in this list are from Jan Hertsens (Jan.hertsens@ping.be)'s Cheat machine. Now, there are 7 places carry this list: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/cheatlam.zip Thanks Volker ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/cheat.list Thanks game domain ftp://ftp.nucleus.com/pub/cheats/cheat_li.zip Thanks Jim http://www.panix.com/~viper/ Thanks Paul Stern Viper@Panix.Com http://www.xmission.com/~rstulce/index.htm Thanks Randy rstulce@xmission.xmission.com http://www.powerup.com.au/~tfung/cheats.txt Thanks Thomas Fung http://www.malgomaj.vilhelmina.se/~daniela Thanks Daniel Almqvist http://www.cybernet.dk/users/kolstrup/ Thanks Kristian Kolstrup http://www.xs4all.nl/~reggie/gameinfo/index.htm Thanks Jim http://www.sn.no/~vgagnat/cheats Thanks Vegard Wolffgramm (UZS691@IBM.RHRZ.Uni-Bonn.DE), thanks you for the Dirty Little Helper. It can be found on: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/dlh*.zip Also, the DLH Special action game cheat can also be found at: ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/utility/cheat/dlhspec2.zip It contain a lot of action game cheat. I can't guarantee the correctness of information in this list, since I haven't test all stuff in it. Each record is divided into several sessions: i)Cheat Codes ii)Cheat Edit iii)Crack iv)Editor/Trainer v)Patches vi)Solution/Hint/maps vii) Add-on viii) FAQs For cheat edit, most probably you need a hex editor e.g. PCTOOLS, Norton Diskedit, there are some game cheat editor in ftp, e.g. UGE Please specify the version of the game for cheat edit, e.g. Master of Magic 1.3 or specify the size/time/date of the edited file e.g. command.com 47845 04-Sep-91 5:00a you may need to use UNLZEXE or UNP to 'decompress' the file before edit it. UNP 4.11 can be found at: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/archiver/execomp/unp411A.zip Lordsoth, Thanks you for the site and the X-Wing/OMF etc site. The cheat edit format in the list is: search AA BB CC DD change -- 90 90 -- means that change AA BB CC DD to AA 90 90 DD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games is mirrored to ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/ *** Always backup the file before edit it *** In most case, a patch will not upgrade a cracked/patched game. Especially the one which modify the EXE. In general, 'cheat codes' is better than cheat edit. Be mind that crack/cheat may only apply to specific version. One useful game patching tools is Game Tools, current version is 3.23, 1 way to get it is by finger the author WONG Wing-kin (wwkin@cs.ust.hk). Game Wizard shareware version can be found on: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/gwiz*.zip and the offical web site of Game Wizard is: http://www.gwiz.com Game Wizard 32 3.0 shareware version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/utility/cheat/gwiz32.zip the following 2 place contain many crack/cheat utilities: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/crack utilities to crack games can also be found on: http://www.intersurf.com/~materva/files.html Gold cup v.1.2 http://www.intersurf.com/~eric/files/croc0195.zip Locksmith http://www.intersurf.com/~eric/files/locksmth.zip Nevlock spring 95 edition http://www.intersurf.com/~eric/files/nvl9504b.zip The patcher v6.3 http://www.intersurf.com/~materva/files/patchv63.zip Raw copy http://www.intersurf.com/~eric/files/rawcopy.zip UHS reader can be found: UHS V3.0 reader for DOS ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/uhsdos.zip UHS V3.0 reader for Windows ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/uhswin.zip UHS V3.1 reader for DOS and Windows ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/uhspc.zip ******************************************************************** FPE (Fix People Expert, current version is 4.0) is the best game patching tools I ever seen. In game patching aspect, it even better than Game Wizard Registered version (I have both of them)!!! But the FPE doesn't have the 'Save Game' function that allow you save the game at any time. The author of FPE 4 is Li Guoo-jaw (s48161036@vax9k.nchu.edu.tw) The software now published by Kingformation Co. Ltd., software is in English but the manual is in Chinese!!!!! No sure Kingformation has English translation or not. FPE can handle protected mode program and work well on P5. Also, it can edit the XMS part of the memory. It compatible with Japanese (DOS/V). Below is Kingformation's address/tel/fax: KINGFORMATION CO.,LTD 9F-8,NO.4,LANE 609,SEC.5,CHUNG HSIN RD. SAN CHUNG CITY, TAIPEI HSIEN TAIWAN contact : PEI-MIN LEE TEL:886-2-999-6883 FAX:886-2-999-7061 e-mail : king@c7.hinet.net When order, state clear you want 3.5" or 5.25" disk FPE patch (4.0 to 4.1a) at: ftp://ftp.tem.nctu.edu.tw/upload/msdos/fpepat02.zip ******************************************************************** '*' before game means new or revised since last update Games cover in this list: 11th hour 1830: Railroad & Robber Barons 1869 1942 1944 Across the Rhine 3D Realms 4D Boxing 688 Sub Attack 7-Up 8 Ball Deluxe A.T.A.C A-10 Tank Killer *A-train Aaargh ABC Monday Night Football Absolute Zero Abuse Aces of the Deep Ace over Europe Ace over the Pacific Actua Soccer After the War Afterburner Aide De Camp AirDuel Air Supremacy *Air Warrior Al-Qadim Aladdin *Albion Aliens: A Comic book adventure Alien Breed Alien Carnage Alien Invansion Alien Legacy Alien Logic Allied General Alone in the Dark Alone in the Dark II Alone in The Dark III Alphaman Amazon Guardians of Eden American Civil War America Invades Android Pinball (Parts of EPIC Pinball) Another World Anvil of Dawn *Apache Longbow Aragon Sword Arena Arkanoid Arkanoid II Artic Moves Ascendancy Asgardian Wars Asterix Atomino Axis Baby Joe Back to Future II Bad Blood *Badmojo BallGame 2 Barbarian Bard's Tale Bard's Tale II Bard's Tale III Bargon Attack BART VS THE SPACE MUTANTS Baryon Batman Battle Beast Battle Bugs Battle Chess Battle Chess II Battle Hawks 1942 Battle of Britian Battle of Destiny Battle Isle Battle Isle II BATTLE SQUADRON Battledrome BattleGround BEACH VOLLEYBALL BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD in VIRTUAL STUPIDITY Beer Beetle Juice Beneath the Steel Sky Betrayal of Krondor BETTER DEAD THAN ALIEN Beyond Zork Big 3 for Windows BioMENACE BioForge Black Cauldron Black Throne Blades of Steel Blake Stone Blitz Block Out Blue Force Blue Lighting Bolo Brain Dead 13 Brain Storm Pro Breach II Breach III Brutal : Paw of Furries Budokan Bureau 13 Buried In Time Caesar II Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder 2 Capitalism CARMEN SANDIEGO (USA) Carmen Sandiego (World) Carrier Command Castles Castles II Castle of Dr Brain Catacomb Abyss Caveman Caverns CCPRO Challenge of the 5 Realms Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess *ChampionShip Manager II Chaos Control Chaos Engine Charly The Crown Chessmaster 4000 Chess Maniac 5 billion & 1 Chewy *Chronomaster Chronoquest Civilization *Civilization II CivNet Clash of Steel Clown O'Mania Colonels Bequest Colonization Comanche Combat II Command Adventure-Starship *Command & Conquer Command HQ Commander Keen Commander Keen 4 Commander Keen 6 Conan Confirm Kill Conquered Kingdom Conquest of Camelot Conquest of the Longbow : Robin Hood *Conquest of the New World Cool Croc Twins Cool Spot Corridor 7 Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure Cougar Force CrackDown Creature Shock Creepers Crime Patrol Crime Wave Crusader: No Remorse Crystal Caves Curses *Cyberia CyberMage Cybernoid Cyclemania Cyclones D/Generation D-Day Daedalus Encounter Dalek Attack Dark Ages *Dark Forces Dark Lands Dark Legions Dark Queen of Krynn Dark Seed *Dark Sun Dark Sun II Data Storm David Leadbetter Golf Dawn Patrol Death Gate Death Knights of Krynn Death Track USA Descendarium DejaVu 2 Delta V Denaris Derby Stallion Descent Descent II Desert Strike Destruction Derby Detroit Dime City Dino's Quest DiscWorld Disciples of Steel Dizzy World Fantasy Dogs of War DOOM DOOM II Dracula Dracula Unleashed Dragon's Lair Dragon's Lair II Dragon's Lair III Dragon Lore DragonSphere Dragon Strike Dragon Wars DreamWeb Drug Wars Dschump Duck Tales Duke Nukem *Duke Nukem' 3D Dune II Dungeon Hack Dungeon Master Dungeon Master II Dust DynaBlaster Dynamite Dux E-Motion EA Sport Cricket 96 Earthworm Jim Ecoquest Ecstatica *EF 2000 Elite Plus Elvira Elvira II Empire Empire II Entomorph Epic Epic Brix Epic Pinball (all series) Eric the Unready Escape from Hell Exolon Eye of the Beholder I Eye of the Beholder II Eye of the Beholder III F-117A F-14 F-15 F-16 Falcon 3.0 F-29 Retaliator Faces Fade to Black Fantasy Empire Fatal Racing Felix Fields of Glory *Fifa 96 Fifa International Soccer Fighter DUel Fighter Wing Find the Flag FireHawk FlashBack Flight Commander II Flight of the Amazon Queen Flight Simulator 5.0 Flight Unlimited Flippin Heck Flying Tigers Football glory Fortress Of Dr.Radiaki Framed FRANKENSTEIN: THROUGH THE EYES OF THE MONSTER Front Line Front Page Sports : Baseball '94 Front Page Sports Football Pro Front Page Sports Football Pro 96 *Frontier : First Encounter Frontier : Elite 2 Full Throttle *Fury 3 Future Wars FX Fighter Galactic Civilizations *Galactic Civilizations II Gabriel Knight Gabriel Knight II Gear Works Geekwad Games Geisha Genesia Gobliiins Gobliins II Goblins III God Father God of Thunder Golden Axe Global Conquest Grand Prix Manager Grand Prix Unlimited Great Naval Battles Great Naval Battles II Great Naval Battles III Greed Greens Gremlins II Guy Spy Hack Hacker Halloween Harry I Hardball III Hardball IV Hardball V Hare Raising Havoc Harley Davidson Harpoon II Harpoon Classic for Windows Heimdall Hell *Heretic *Heroes of Might & Magic Hero's Quest/Quest for Glory Hero's Quest II/Quest for Glory II Hero's Quest III/Quest for Glory III Hero Quest IV/Quest of Glory IV Heroes of Lance Hexen Hi Octane High Seas Trader Highway Highway Hunter History Line 1914 - 1918 Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy Hive Hockey League Simulator II Hocus Pocus Hollywood Hijinks Horde Hostage Hugo Hugo II Humans Humans (Insult to Injury) I have no mouth, and I must scream Ian Botham's Cricket Immortal In Extremis In search of Dr. Riptide Inca Inca II Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indiana Jones and the Temple of DOOM IndyCar Inferno Infocom Inherit The Earth Innocent until Caught II : Presumed Guilty Interrupt Iron Cross Island of Dr Brain Jack Nicklaus Signature Tour Vol 2 Jagged Alliance Jammit Basketball Janitor Joe Jazz Jackrabbit Jet Strike Jewels of the Oracle Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour John Madden Football Jordon in Flight JourneyMan Project Jump Raven Jungle Strike Jurassic Park Kali Kasparov's Gambit 1.1 Ken's Labyrinth Kick off 3 European Challenge King of the Beach Kings Quest I Kings Quest II Kings Quest III Kings Quest IV Kings Quest V Kings Quest VI Kings Quest VII Klick & Play *Knight's Chase Knights of the Sky Knights of Xentar Krusty's Super Fun House Labyrinth of Time Lamers Lands of Lore Laser Squad Last Dynasty Laura Bow II Lbid Leanardo Leather Goddesses of Phobos Leather Goddesses of Phobos II Legend of Kyrandia I Legend of Kyrandia II Legend of Kyrandia III - Malcolm's Revenge Legions for Windows Leisure Suit Larry I Leisure Suit Larry II Leisure Suit Larry III Leisure Suit Larry VI Leisure Suit Larry V Lemmings Lemmings II Lemmings III Lemmings 3D Les Manley 2: Lost in LA LHA Attack Chopper LightSpeed Lion Lion King Litil Divil Locus Lode Runner for Windows Logical Logo Lollypop Loom Lords of Midnight Lords of The Realm Lost in Time Lost Vikings Lucky's Casino Adventure 1.02 Lunicus Lure of the Temptress *Lurking Horror Lyrid Crossword M1 Abrams Tank Simulator M1 Tank Platoon M4 for Windows Machiavelli the Prince Mad Dog Mad Dog 2 Magic Candle III Magic Carpet Magic Carpet II Magic Pockets Manchester United III Manga Game Manhunter Maniac Mansion Maniac Mansion II : Day of the Tentacle Mansell's World Championship Mantis Mario's Time Machine Mario is Losing Master of Magic *Master of Orion Megaman MegaMan X Megamaze MegaRace Mean Streets MechWarrior Mechwarrior II Medival Warriors Mega Lo Mania Menzoberranzan Merchant Prince Metal & Lace Metal Marines Metaltach: Earthsiege Microcosm Mid Winter Might & Magic III Might & Magic IV : Clouds of Xeen Might & Magic V Mines of Titan Mike Ditka Ultimate Football (Part 1) Mike Ditka Ultimate Football (Part 2) Mission Critical Mixed Up Mother Goose Modern Bride Monkey Island Monkey Island II Monopoly Deluex for DOS Monster Bash Monty Pythons Complete Waste of Time Mordor More Vegas Games Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat II Mortal Kombat III Myst Mystic Towers Nascar Racing Navy Strike *NBA Live' 95 *NBA Live' 96 *Need for Speed Neuromancer NHL Hockey '96 Noctropolis Nomad Nova 9 NovaStorm Nuclear War Oh No! more Lemmings Omar Bridge Omega One Must Fall 2097 One Step Beyond Operation Crusader Orion Conspiracy Oscar OuterRidge Outpost Outrun Overlord Oxyd Magnum Pacific Air Warrior Pacific Strike Pacific War Paladin II Pang *Panthers in the Shadows Panza Kick Boxing Panzer General PBA Bowling for Windows Pea Shootin' Pete PerOxyd PGA Golf Phantasmagoria Pinball Fantasies PipeLine Pipe Dream Pipe Line Pipe Mania Pitfall!: The Mayan Adventure Planetfall Planet's Edge Planet Football Police Quest I Police Quest II Police Quest III Police Quest IV Police Quest SWAT Pool of Darkness Populous Populous II *PowerDrive Power Drome Power House PowerPoker PowerSlave Prehistorik Premier Manager 2 Premier Manager 3 Primal Rage Prince of Persia Prince of Persia II Princeness Maker II Prisoner of Ice Privateer Priates ! Gold! *Pro Pinball Project - X Protostar Prototype *Quake Quarantine QuarterPole R-Type Radix : Into the Void Raiden Railroad Tycoon Rally Rampart Raptor Ravenloft Ravenloft II Reach for the Skies Realms of Arkania Realms of Chaos Rebel Assault *Rebel Assault II Red Baron Red Crystal Redstorm Rising Relentless Renegade Legion: Battle for Jacobs Star Return of Medusa Return of Phantom Return to Zork Reunion Rex Nebular and the CGB Ring World Ripley's Believe it or not! The Riddle of Master Lu *Ripper Rise of The Robot Rise of The Triad Risky Wood RoadBlasters Road from Sumpter to Appomattox Robocod Robosport Rocketeer Rockman 7 Roller Blade Racer Rollin Rome AD 92 Rules of Engagement II Russian Sixpack for Windows Sam & Max hit the road Sand Storm Savage Warrior *Screamer S.D.I. Seal Team SeaWolf Search for the King Secret Agent Man Secret of The SilverBlades Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe Seek and Destroy Sensible Soccer Serfcity Sex Vixen ShadowCaster ShadowGate Shadow of Cairn Shadow of the Beast II Shanghai: Greatest Moments Shannara Shards Shipyards II *Shivers Sid & Al's Incredible Toons Siege/ Tegel's Mercenaries Silent Service II *Silent Steel Sim Ant Sim City 2000 Sim Earth Sim Farm Sim Isle Simpsons SimTower Simon the Sorcerer Simon the Sorcerer 2 Sink or Swim SKUNNY KART SKUNNY - BACK TO THE FOREST SKUNNY - DESERT RAID SKUNNY - LOST IN SPACE SKUNNY - SAVE OUR PIZZAS SKUNNY - WildWest Slam City Sleep Walker Slipheed Slipstream 5000 Solitare Deluxe for Windows Soccer Kid Space Ace Space Ace II *Space Bucks Space Hulk Space Nightmare Space Pirates Space Quest I Space Quest II Space Quest III Space Quest IV Space Quest V Space Quest VI Spaceward Ho! for Windows Speedball II Spellcasting 301 : Spring Break *Spell Jammer Splatter House 2 Stalingrad Star Control Star-Control II StarLord *Stars! Star Emperor Star Flight Star Glider Star Glider II *Star Trails : Realms of Arkania II Star Trek-25th Anniversary Star Trek-The Next Generation : Final Unity Stationfall *Steel Panthers Stellar 7 Stonekeep *Strife Strike Commander Strike Football Strip Poker for Windows Strip Poker II Strong Hold Stunt Driver *SU-27 Flanker Sub-Marine Riptide SubWar 2050 Summoning Supaplex SuperHero League of Hobokan Superkarts Super Frog Super Street Fighter II Turbo Super Tetris for Windows Surf Ninjas Switch Syndicate System Shock T2 Tactical Manager Take a break : Pinball Tank Commander Tekken TekWar *Terminator : Future Shock Terminator Rampage Terminal Velocity Terra Nova Test Drive III TFX Theme Park The 7th Guest The Adventures of Willy Beamish The Alignment Wizard The Blue and The Grey The Dig *The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall The Even More Incredible Machine The Grandest Fleet The Last Bounty Hunter The Legacy The Light Corridor The lost Files of Sherlock Holmes The Martian Chronicles The Patrician The Perfect General The Prophecy ThunderScape Thunder Strike Tie Fighter Tigers on the Prowl Titus the Fox Tom Laundry Strategy Football Tony & Friends Tony LaRussa Baseball III Top Gun Torin's Passage Tornado Tower Assualt Tradewar 2002 Transarctica Transport Tycoon Tricky Quicky Tristan Troddlers Trog Trolls *Trophy Bass Tube Tubular Worlds Tunnels of Armageddon Tyrian UFO: Enemy Unknown/X-COM UFO II: Terror from The Deep UGH Ultima II : Martain Dream Ultima V Ultima VI Ultima VII Ultima VIII *Ultima IX Ultima Underworld Ultima Underworld II Ultima : ways to kill Lord British Ultimate Backgammon Ultimate Football Ultimate Soccer Manager Under A Killing Moon Uninvited Unlimited Adventure Unneccessary Roughness '96 US Navy Fighter USS Ticonderoga Utopia Vegas Entertainment Pack Veil of Darkness VGA Roulette 2.0 Video Pool Vigilante Viking II Viking Child Viking Kids Virtual Pool Voyager Wacky Wheels War in Russia War in the Gulf WarCraft *WarCraft II Warlords II WarWizard WasteLand Wax Work Wayne Gretzky Hockey III *Werewolf VS Comanche 2.0 Wetlands Where In Time is Carmen SanDiego Whiplash Whizz Wing Commander I Wing Commander II *Wing Commander III *Wing Commander IV Wing Commander Armada Winter Olympic 94 Witchaven Wizardary VI Wizardary VII Wizball Woodruff and the Anzimuth of Schnibble World Circuit World Cup USA 94 World Tour Golf Worms Warth of Earth Wrath of the Gods X-Wing Xargon Xatax Xenoball Xenon 2 Xybots Zak McKracken Zeliard Zephyr Zone 66 Zone Raiders Zool II Zork I Zork II Zork III Zork 1+2+3 Zork Nemesis Zorro ========================================================================= 11th hour i) cheat codes If you hit p twice during the skull "monitor adjust" screen, then you can right-click to skip all the title stuff. vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/11th-hour.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/11hour.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/11thhour.uhs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/11thhour.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1830: Railroad & Robber Barons iii) crack edit 1830.EXE search 59 59 0B C0 74 03 E9 E9 00 change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- iv) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1830_upd.zip (july, 17th) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1830jul.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/1830rrb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1869 iii) crack File: 1869.exe Search for: 3e 2b 5e 02 74 50 Replace with: -- -- -- -- eb -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1942 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1942dig.zip upgrade to 1.5b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/paw15b.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1944 Across the Rhine viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/atrhine.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Realms viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/3drealms.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/3dreal13.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/3D-Realms.faq ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4D Boxing iii) cracks method 1) VGA version edit 4DBMCGA.EXE search : 83 C4 04 0B C0 75 72 C6 06 84 0B 01 change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -- -- search : 83 3E A8 08 00 75 04 0E E8 A5 3C change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -- method 2) File: 4DBMCGA.EXE There are 2 changes: 1)Find: 32 B8 05 46 Change: 0A 2)Find:EE 03 E1 05 FD 07 01 08 11 0A 20 0C 31 0E 00 1C 50 00 Change:D1 E0 F4 00 10 27 30 2F When you get a picture of boxer face, hit ENTER 2 times. iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/4d.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 688 Sub Attack iii) cracks edit GAME.EXE offset 24429 change into: EB 1F vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/688sonar.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-Up i) Cheat Codes (for beta version only) 0 restore energy F6 add COOL % M can move freely, press again to restore + skip level 5 replay and change level of difficulity F4 reduce energy to minimun F10 time become 10 seconds select level pause the game (use 1 or END) and oress A-K to select level iii) Crack edit ZX.EXE go sector 1 offset 269 - 271 change E8 34 EE to 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Ball Deluxe iii) cracks edit 8BALLDLX.EXE position: 39002 change into: 90 90 position: 164218 change into: EB 4F ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.T.A.C. iii) cracks edit ATAC2.DAT offset: 837044 change into: 90 90 90 enter anything and the game will continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-10 Tank Killer v) Patches clicking sound fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/a10click.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABC's Monday Night Football (VGA) iii) cracks edit MONDAY.EXE SEARCH_3A 91 80 3E D4 C3 00 74 F1 _REPLACE_3A 91 80 3E D4 C3 00 EB 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Absolute Zero v) patches 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/azup104.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abuse i) cheat codes Only built in cheat is god mode. Start Abuse with -edit, and then press shift-Z. Be sure the cursor is in the window while doing this, and then press tab to start playing.. viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/abuse.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-train i) Cheat Codes 1. Press CTRL with SHIFT and type: cheater-cheaterwimp This cheat gives $1M plus all the supplies you can store. 2. You can run the booming metropolis shown in the demo if you do the following: First run the game, then open SYSTEM menu and select the SAVE option. Save the game and then exit. Then run the game again and simply load your saved scenario. That should give you the demo city. 3. If railway moguldom bores you and you'd rather see some groovy graphics on the ending screen, then, while the game is running, press and hold CTRL and ALT and type: bellybutton. 4. ctrl-shift-petercheatercheaterwimp and only works 10 or 11 times before you are kicked out of the game. You can reset the cheat counter by saving your city, quitting the game, running it again and reloading your city. You should buy up lots of real estate before cheating, so as to get the largest amount of building materials possible. Note: This embezzlement function does not work on some of the earlier versions of the game. Contact Maxis for an upgrade. Another way to cheat is by using DEBUG. Save your game and quit A-Train, then type: DEBUG filename.a_t E D78C 87 W Q Run A-Train and load your city. Your cash has magically increased by $16 million! (Note: Replace "filename" with the name of your savegame.) If you want, you can automate the cheat. In your A-Train directory, type: COPY CON $ E D78C 87 W Q Then press Ctrl-Z. Next, type: COPY CON CHEAT.BAT @ECHO OFF DEBUG %1.A_T<$ Then press Ctrl-Z. Now, to cheat, just type: CHEAT filename where "filename" is the name of your savegame. iii) Crack UNP ATDRV.EXE SEARCH : 00 CD 21 1F BA CHANGE : -- 90 90 -- -- SEARCH : 07 CD 21 83 CHANGE : -- EB 2B -- SEARCH : 38 A0 0D 0A 75 0F CHANGE : -- -- -- -- -- 00 SEARCH : 38 A0 0D 0A 75 09 CHANGE : -- -- -- -- -- 00 iv) editors/trainer A-Train money cheat ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/atramon.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/atdos6.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaargh i) cheat codes Skip to level 6. To go to level 6 without violence or risking your life, stand behind the grey statue on level 1 and punch the ground as if you were eating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aces of the Deep v) Patches to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aod12.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace over Europe iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/aoeasy10.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/acecon.zip Select a Service ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/sase1.zip v) Patches new joystick drivers and other fixes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aoe_dos.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace over the Pacific v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1946ptch.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actua Soccer i) cheat codes give you an very talented team. Run the game by typing SOCCER -01142475549 and you will be able to use the ULTIMATE in teams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTER THE WAR i) cheat codes Invulnerability [Alt] + [L] + [B] in Level 1 [Alt] + [L] + [M] in Level 2 level Code for level 2: 101069 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTERBURNER i) cheats code While playing type: TOGETHER IN ELECTRIC DREAMS and then you have : < - down one level > - up one level G - more rockets T - less rockets N - extra live ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aide De Camp v) patches 1.16b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/adc_116b.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AirDuel iii) Crack UNLZEXE AIRDUEL.EXE edit AIRDUEL.EXE search E8 1D 00 26 3A 05 75 06 47 change -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- another method UNLZEXE AIRDUEL.EXE edit AIRDUEL.EXE search 55 75 F2 C3 FF change -- 90 90 -- -- search 05 75 06 47 C3 change -- 90 90 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Supremacy i) cheat codes Level Codes. 1944 - SCRAMBLE 1991 - STACCATO 2150 - EQUANIMITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Warrior v) patches 2.03b to 2.04b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/awup204b.zip 2.04b to 2.04d (for Windows 3.1) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aw204d31.zip 2.04b to 2.04d (for Windows 95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aw204d95.zip 2.04d to 2.04e (for Windows 3.1) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aw204e31.zip 2.04d to 2.04e (for Windows 95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aw204e95.zip 2.04e to 2.04f (for Windows 3.1) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aw204f31.zip 2.04e to 2.04f (for Windows 95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aw204f95.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Al-Qadim iii) cracks Removing doc check: Edit GENIER.EXE Offset: 06314A Change 0Ch to 00h v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/alqadm11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aladdin ii) Cheat Edit edit ALADDIN.EXE undead search 2E FF 0E B2 0B change 90 90 90 90 90 unlimit apple search 2E FF 0E DA 0B change 90 90 90 90 90 search 2E A3 42 17 2E C7 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- unlimit item search 2E 83 2E DC 0B 0A change 90 90 90 90 90 90 search 2E A3 40 17 2E C7 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search 2E 83 2E DC 0B 05 change 90 90 90 90 90 90 iii) Crack bypass password edit ALADDIN.EXE search 2E 3A 46 00 75 0C 41 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- search 2E 39 0E 88 10 74 27 E8 change -- -- -- -- -- EB 27 -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/alad-trn.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albion iii) cracks ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/alb127cr.zip v) patches 1.27 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/albi127.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aliens: A comic book adventure vi) Solutions/hint/maps ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/aliens.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Breed i) cheat codes Level-Codes: 2 - AAJIHGDDC 3 - CGGHDGGDG 4 - HDICICCII 5 - IDHEHDGCC 6 - IJIIDIHEC 7 - CFDFEFEFJ 8 - JIIJIIIIC 9 - AAAABAAAA 10 - CCGDGBBBB 11 - HHIAAAJJIG 12 - GGDDJJHFD 13 - JIECBFGFF 14 - HGGEDDCCB 15 - HHHGFGDCC 16 - 20 IHHDCHGHFF special codes BODY GRAB BMHD CMAP DLTA LEAVING MR CHRISTMAS CUT A DISK KEY TO THE CITY MR YALE OR WHAT JUST CALL ME MOGGY WHY NOT CALL ME MOGGY AS WELL JESUS THIS JIM BREAMS IS GOOD STUFF AHH BUT WILL SHE SWALLOW IT STEVIE WONDER KNACKERED JOYSTICK HARD BASTARDS ALIENS LIKE MICHAEL BOLTON FU_K OFF JANUARY SALE NOW ON ALIENS ARE BENDERS ST EMULATIO KATRINA HAS FARTED AND ITS A BEAUTY PC EMULATO I JUST LOVE TEAM 17 SOFTWARE I WANT FISH SALMAN RUSHDIE PLAYS ALIEN BREED THE IRAQIS MADE THE WEAPONS ELVIS MODE ST USERS STUART HODGKINSON BBC MARTYN BROWN SPIDER iii) Crack (password) edit ALIEN.EXE search E8 03 00 E9 D3 change 90 90 90 -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/alientrn.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Carnage i) Cheat Codes + Customer Cheat - Pressing [B] [I] [G] all at the same time will give you full health and jetpack power. + Debug mode - The following debug keys work for version 1.1 of Halloween Harry only: [ctrl] [R] [E] [N] - Gives you all weapons, and activates god mode for several seconds. [alt] [L] - Level warp. Type the number of the episode (1-4), followed by the number of the level (1-5). Illegal input will dump you to DOS. This can not be used in the shareware version to access levels in the registered version. [alt] [=] - Change location within a level. Type coordinates after this code; illegal input will probably crash the game. + Tech Parameter - Pressing these four keys at the same time will show you the coordinates you are at on the level. This serves no real function on its own, but it is used by Apogee's Game Hint Line sometimes to locate a player in a level. The keys are [ctrl] [alt] [rshift] [F12] + Misc Command Line Parameter - "skip" will start the game directly from the main menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alien Invasion i) cheat codes Level Codes 1 - START 2 - ERMINTRUDE 3 - HELP 4 - CRACKERS 5 - CHRISTMAS 6 - WEDDING 7 - TROUBLE 8 - DEFENCE 9 - GRASS 10 - BOOKCASE 11 - DISCO 12 - SHOULDERS 13 - MONEY 14 - BLACKADDER 15 - QUEEN 16 - EDITOR 17 - SABBATH 18 - RUSH 19 - NEWTON 20 - APPLE 21 - GARAGE 22 - MARION 23 - LOVES 24 - ME 25 - GRANT 26 - SOFTWARE 27 - BIRTHDAY 28 - PLATINUM 29 - ELECTRIC 30 - SEARCH 31 - AIRPORT 32 - TARN 33 - MOUNTAIN 34 - NAIL 35 - CIDER 36 - FINISHED 37 - LOVESICK 38 - WORK 39 - PROGRAMME 40 - TELEVISION 41 - SECRETZONE 42 - HIDESAWAY 43 - HELLO 44 - FIREMAN 45 - DONGLE 46 - LORRY 47 - EINSTEIN 48 - DAUGHTER --------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Legacy v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/alien101.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/alienleg.zip (homepage) (FAQ, ASCII) (FAQ, Word 6.0 for Windows) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Logic Skyrealms of Jorune i) cheat code Internal "Get All" cheat menu. Load the game by typing ALIEN /J and you'll game a number of gifts that will help you during the game. With this enabled, and whilst on a SIDE view, pressing C will bring up the "get all" menu, which will enable you to get a whole number of new bits...... v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jorun1_1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allied General iv) editor/trainer Savegame Editor v1.1 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/agen-e.zip savegame-editor 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/aged11.zip savegame-editor 1.15 (for Windows) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/aged115.zip v) patches 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ag_v101.zip 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/agwin11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone in the Dark ii) cheat edit edit save?.itd and change the listed bytes to FF: Byte Item ------------------------------ 19.865 Oil for the lamp 19.866 Ammo for rifle 19.882 Health 20.024 Ammo for the pistol iii) Crack edit INDARK.CC1 search C4 6F 5E 75 28 F7 8D C6 change -- -- -- EB 1A -- -- -- iv) editor/trainer Alone in the Dark cheat ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/aitd_cht.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/alone.zip (Quick Dox only) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/alonedox.zip v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aitdcdfx.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone in the Dark II v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aitd2fix.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone in The Dark III ii) cheat edit 1) undead edit AITD3.EXE search 26 29 07 E9 3F 02 C4 1E change 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- 2) Play the game as usual and create a save game in slot 1, quit to DOS and type the following at the DOS prompt :- DEBUG NSAVE0.ITD L EAE64 00 40 For maximum health EB0CE 00 40 For the 38 Special EB0C6 00 40 For the Winchester EB1C0 00 40 For the Gatling Gun EB16A 00 40 For the Shot Gun EAE7A 00 40 Health after returning from the dead EB1EA 00 40 For the Colt W Q vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/aitd3.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/alone3.uhs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alphaman viii) FAQs to 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/alpham03.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon Guardians of Eden v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/amazon2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Civil War v) patches 1.1.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/acw_113a.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/acw_113b.zip 1.15 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cw115en2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cw115en1.zip 1.15 (additional files for int. rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cw115int.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- America Invades v) patches 1.0 to 1.0.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ai_101.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Android Pinball (Parts of EPIC pinball) viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/android.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another World i) cheat codes level Codes: LDKD HDTC CLLD LBKG XDDJ FXLC KRFK KLFB TTCT XRJT HBHK TFBB TXHF CKJL LFCK iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/ttrn-aw.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anvil of Dawn v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/anvup11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apache Longbow v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/apache2.zip modem patch (US-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/apchptch.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aragon Sword iii) Crack edit SWORD.EXE search 75 03 E9 52 00 FF 06 8E 89 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Arena iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/arena-ed.zip v) Patches (to 1.06) ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/arupd6.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/arena.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/arena-at.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arkanoid i) cheat code 1. While playing type: RUNCHEAT for unlimited lives 2. To get into the cheat mode you have to pause the game with spacebar. Now type in: DSIMAGIC (not Enter) and press the spacebar again. Now catch the yellow capsule DS. Now you can call up the other capsules with B - Opens door and adds bonus points C - Holds the ball D - Divides into three balls E - Lenghtens bat L - Laser P - Extra player S - Slow F - Warp to the last level Enter - Leave level ii) Cheat edit undead edit ARKANOID.EXE search FE 0E A9 02 74 0B change C6 06 A9 02 74 0B -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANOID II: REVENGE OF DOH i) cheat codes 1. Type in : DEBBIE S' at the Highscore list and you have unlimited lives 2. If you die: wait for the title screen and press caps-lock-key und type: DALEY-88 - you can go on with the game at the point you died. MAGENTA - you can skip the level by pressing 3. Continuous mode - At title screen type ROBOCOPPETER See roboCop Press the right mouse buttion while the game first loads ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Artic Moves i) Cheat codes Level Codes. 1st Mission/2nd Level - 88368 2nd Mission - 28018 End - 22778 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ascendancy v) Patches 1.6.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/asc161.zip Ascendancy (Antagonizer AI module,US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/antag.zip Ascendancy (Antagonizer AI module,non-US rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/antag_f.zip Ascendancy 1.8.5 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/asc185.zip Ascendancy 1.8.5 (non-US rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/asc185f.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asgardian Wars i) Cheat Codes To obtain the cheat menu, use the optic blast on Jean Grey and then on your reflection. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Asterix iii) cracks Remove passcode File: LOADER.EXE 00010621: 00A0 A2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Atomino i) cheat codes Level Codes. Level 10 - SIGMA Level 20 - LIBELLE Level 30 - HEROLD Level 40 - HARALD Level 50 - URAL Level 60 - BOJE Level 70 - TRIUMPH Level 80 - GOETHE Level 90 - HUSTEN Level 100 - DIESES ------------------------------------------------------------------- Axis i) cheat codes Level Codes. Level 1 - HotWetSoap Level 2 - yFishTankW Level 3 - ankelRotar Level 4 - yEngineVib Level 5 - raphoneKin Level 6 - rSolomonsW Level 7 - inesTheArc Level 8 - hitectSket ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Joe iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/joevtrn0.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BACK TO FUTURE 2 i) cheat codes When you are told to press fire, type in : EINSTEIN and there will be a cheat text. Turn it off with typing EINSTEIN again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bad Blood ii) Cheat Edit edit save game, offset 26C, change to FF, give 255 health ------------------------------------------------------------------ Badmojo vi) solutions/hint/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/badmojo.uhs --------------------------------------------------------------------- BALLGAME 2 i) cheat codes Start the game with ballgame +210 +211 +212 +213 and you now have an editor for this interactive demo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBARIAN i) cheat codes Type in while playing: 04-08-59 and the Screen turns grey. You now have unlimited lives and invulnerability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bard's Tale vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/bard1_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bard's Tale II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/bards2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bard's Tale III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/bard3_sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bargon Attack iii) Crack UNLZEXE LOADER.EXE edit LOADER.EXE search 74 03 E9 71 FB C7 06 change EB -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BART VS THE SPACE MUTANTS i) cheat codes Type in: COWABUNGA to get unvulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baryon iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/baryon-t.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batman i) Cheat Codes type JAMMMM in the title screen, now have unlimit life and can use F10 to warp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Beast i) cheat codes (demo version) ULTIMATE CHEAT CODE: YOYOYO *typed in at order form ITIHFO - fight 3 rounds instead of just one ERHNE - fight all the characters instead of one AOFREOIO - Opens all bonus doors OFOVH - 2X in bonus rooms ERHYHRLY - Makes the Toadman Weaker (like you need this one) OAOAEIOA - Autofly Mode in lab EATEE - Morphing dissabled (Now lets see the 'puter beat ya) OIVNNFOF - Tadpoles attacking in lab enabled EHRTRR - Autofly In bonus rooms enabled Make sure you RESET all the cheats before you play a new game, unless you want the same cheats applied! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Bugs iii) Crack bypass password edit BUGS.EXE method 1 go sector 146 offset 247 - 248 change 75 2B to 90 90 go sector 146 offset 266 - 267 change 75 18 to 90 90 iii) Crack edit BUGS.EXE (207193) method 1 search : 40 00 75 29 change : -- -- EB -- method 2 search : 1C FF change : 00 00 search : 11 FF change : 00 00 (Turn off EMS, press anything for password) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Chess iii) crack FILE TO SEARCH: CHESS.EXE SEARCH : EB FE C4 5E CHANGE : 90 90 -- -- SEARCH : 3D 02 00 7D CHANGE : -- 00 -- -- v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cdchess.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Chess II v) patches Chinese Chess fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/chess2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Hawks 1942 iii) crack edit BH.EXE position: 11350 change into: E9 A2 00 just hit enter and the game will continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle of Britian - Their Finest Hour iii) cracks edit BOB.EXE SEARCH_36 24 75 08 B8 01 00 _REPLACE_36 24 74 08 B8 01 00 v) patches Battles of Britain 1940 upgrade ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bobexe.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles of Destiny v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bodpch.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE ISLE i) cheat codes Codes for One-Player-Mode: FIRST GHOST GAMMA MARSS EAGLE METAN FOTON POLAR TIGER SNAKE ZENIT DONNN VESTA OXXID DEMON GIANT Codes for Two-Player-Mode: CONRA PHASE EXOTY MOUNT FIGHT RUSTY FIFTH VESUV MAGIC SPACE VALEY TESTY TERRA SLAVE NEVER RIVER EUROP STORM (Scenario Disk #1) Passwords 1 player game:WATCH LAGUN BIRMA SERPT RAMBO YUKON POINT FROGS ITALY LINES VARUS SOUND TWEAK 2 player game:CLOCK LOSAG BOMBS COMET PEARL MIROR ROMEL MAGMA (Battle Isle '93 Scenario) Passwords 1 player game:LUMIT LINAR LUTOF SONIX SOSOO SONAF RACHE RAMOE RANGG FILMO FIEST FINXT EBENE EBSYL EBONY EBTAT KARST KANTO KAROT KAIST SYBIL SYNOM SFINX DIONE 2 player game:LUPOS SONNE SOTEX RASEN FISCH EBTON KABEL SYTAX NAIAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Isle II i) cheat codes level codes AMPORGE JOGRWAI GEGIDOS WABODAE BUFASWE GEHAUWA OLARIBU FITORGE DAFATWA WABIKDO GEEUSAT KAIMAWA SIETIBU GEDEROM ULUARGE ABUNDWA LANADGE WAFEFAL BUSALUG GEKAFZU YETUDWA WAGOPAY ZAFLUGE SKATZWA iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/bi2cht.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bi2updt.zip 1.05 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bi2_105.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE SQUADRON i) cheat codes 1. To get a list with various options, type during the game: ELECTRONIC 2. To make the ship invulnerable, type: CASTOR the function keys (F1,etc.) give you the different weapons with different power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battledrome i) Cheat Codes When you first create your "character", put a * as the first letter of the name (i.e. mine would be "*Andrew") That'll give you somewhere close to 500 Billion dollars. v) patches Thrustmaster files ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bdadv.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battleground: v) patches Ardennes (fix for problems under Windows95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bgawin95.zip Gettysburg 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bgg102.zip Ardennes 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bga11_1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bga11_2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bga11_3.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEACH VOLLEYBALL i) cheat codes Type in: DADDY BRACEY and now you can press to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beetle Juice 1) cheat codes Level 10 - BEETLE Level 20 - BJBJBJ Level 30 - EERIE Level 40 - TRICKY Level 50 - WEIRDO Level 60 - CRAAZY Level 70 - SPLAT Level 80 - BLORT Level 90 - PTOOIE Level 100- BLAMMO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD in VIRTUAL STUPIDITY vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/b&b-virtualstupidity.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/bb.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEER i) cheat codes Start the game with beer /007.* where,* can be: 1 - unlimited lives 2 - unlimited money 4 - invulnerability The numbers can be added to start with multi cheat. If you want to activate all cheats start with 7 for *. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beneath The Steel Sky vi) Solutions/hints/maps ftp://risc.ua.edu/pub/ms-dos/games/solutions/sol.beneathsteelsky ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/steelsky.uhs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betrayal of Krondor i) cheat codes This is in reference to the Motherload chests. Each chapter has it's own chest and it's own code. To get to them you need to be in the bird's eye view map(not world map) and hold down the keys: ALT RT-SHIFT ~ Takes a second or two but you should end up on a Moredhel chest, the codes are: chap. code 1 6478 2 9216 3 7702 4 2132 5 5052 6 0680 7 0194 8 4743 9 9995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BETTER DEAD THAN ALIEN i) cheat codes 1. To get a list of cheat keys, type: CHAMP while the options screen. Then press the HELP-key 2. The code for the last level is QUARANTINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beyond Zork vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/beyndzrk.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big 3 for WIndows iv) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/big3.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BioMENACE i) cheat codes 1) Super Plasma Bolt - hold down the UP-key for 2 seconds till you hear "Charge up". Then press fire. This will cost you one hit. 2) Fireballs - move six or seven times from left to right and then press jump. This will cost you one hit. 3) Shield - move six or seven times from right to left and then press jump. You get a different colour and a shield appears. Last for a very short time. 4) Invulnerability - hold down the UP-key for 2 seconds then press the DOWN-key. You will blink and be invunvulnerable for a very short time. ii) Cheat Edit undead, unlimit life, unlimit bullet, unlimit bomb UNP BMENACE1.EXE go sector 113 offset 61 - 64 change 2B 46 08 to 90 90 90 go sector 118 offset 254 - 257 change FF 0E 08 44 to 90 90 90 90 go sector 113 offset 117 - 120 change FE 0E 0D 44 to 90 90 90 90 go sector 139 offset 468 - 471 change FE 0E ED 43 to 90 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bio Forge vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/bioforge.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/bioforge.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/bioforge-step.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Cauldron iii) Crack edit CAULDRON.EXE search : 83 C4 08 9A 04 00 53 13 change : -- -- -- EB 04 90 -- -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/blackcau.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Throne i) Cheat Codes STRT TJ1F PBKT SJ5Z GSG3 TNLQ DBQ7 BMHS FMWY <--- END SEQUENCE FBWC Y4DJ QP7R HCKD WJTV NRLF RRYB JGBZ ZS9P MJXG XJSN K3CH CGDM L8VJ iii) crack edit SETUP.EXE search 3B 87 0E 03 75 10 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 search 3D 03 00 75 06 change -- -- -- EB -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/bt_trn.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blades of Steel iii) cracks edit PLAY.EXE SEARCH_3B 46 F6 74 14 _REPLACE_3B 46 F6 75 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake Stone i) cheat codes To activate debugging mode you must type a command line password when you run the program. The password is POWERBALL. [other program paramaters are listed below] The startup command with debug mode enabled: bstone powerball There's more! When you see the Jam logo during startup, you must press and hold both left and right shift keys. Press and hold the left shift first, then the right shift. Pressing the keys at the right time can be tricky, there is a sound comfirmation if successful, otherwise you'll have to try again from the start. Debugging keys (hold down BACKSPACE and press the indicated key): BACKSPACE, B -- Border color BACKSPACE, C -- Statistics BACKSPACE, E -- Jumps ahead to end of next level BACKSPACE, F -- Displays x and y coordinates and angle BACKSPACE, G -- God mode on/off (when ON you cannot be hurt) BACKSPACE, H -- Hurt yourself (minus 1% health) BACKSPACE, I -- Free items BACKSPACE, M -- Displays memory usage BACKSPACE, Q -- Quit to DOS BACKSPACE, S -- Slow motion on/off BACKSPACE, T -- Displays walls, sprites, and sound waveforms. BACKSPACE, V -- ??? "Add extra VBLs(0-8)". Not sure what this does. BACKSPACE, W -- Warp to any level Radar mode: ----------- The radar mode enables a real time level map at the lower left corner of the screen. Play is slow as sludge, but the mode is in there. Use the command line password RADAR. The startup command would be: bstone radar Or, stack it with the debug password: bstone powerball radar --- Development/Cheat Parameters: ----------------------------- POWERBALL - See information above. TICS - Display TIC INFO in score area. MUSIC - Enable music test mode - + changes music. RADAR - Displays radar ii) Cheat edit Reg ver only UNP BS_AOG.EXE undead search 29 3E A7 51 83 3E A7 51 00 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- unlimit bullet search FF 0E B1 51 6A 00 0E change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- vi) editors/trainer (v1 & v2) 30,000% health ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/blakech2.zip v) Patches 2.0 to 2.1 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bs21pat6.zip 2.1 to 3.0 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bs30pat6.zip to 2.0 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bspatch6.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blitz i) cheat codes Level Codes Level 2 - SIERRA Level 3 - MOUSE Level 4 - HERBERT Level 5 - COMPACT Level 6 - FERRARI Level 7 - GELESBY Level 8 - PLANE Level 9 - DESKJET Level 10 - EARNEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Out iii) cracks Remove doc check File: BL.EXE 00000631: E8 90 00000632: D4 90 00000633: 53 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Force ii) Cheat Edit unlimit bullet search BLUE.EXE search FF 0E 08 07 change 90 90 90 90 search FF 0E 0A 07 change 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Lightning i) cheat codes The codes are: 1-AAAA 2-PLAN 3-ALFA 4-BELL 5-NINE 6-LOCK 7-HAND 8-FLEA 9-LIFE You can land upside down on the Courrier Run mission (LOCK). For bonus points, hit your afterburniners as you enter the canyons on level BELL. The Gutsy Bonus will give you 30,000 points ("You've got guts!") When you're in the canyons fire your afterburners for 65,000 points (Lunatic Bonus) "You're crazy!!" The points are added when you land -- but if you do both, it will only display the Lunatic Bonus, but you get points for both. (A good place for the second bonus is right before you enter the second set of canyons). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bolo v) patches Bolo update (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bolo_upd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brain Dead 13 vi)solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/bd13.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brain Storm Pro i) Cheat codes All the Passwords for Shareware Version Level No. Level Name Password _____________________________________________________ 001 Connect Them! -------- 002 Look at Those Arrows AAWFHRIE 003 Practicing Coloring JLCMBVBH 004 To the Other Side XJUISVSH 005 Brainstorm Unplugged EIMGVHMD 006 MTV WHUZMXVA 007 Nucleur Brainstorm Plant DDNAPAUQ 008 Maze USOFRPYQ 009 The Skull ZGRHCUMW 010 Changing places NOYRIASZ 011 Under Pressure UTFDXUPW 012 The Temple RHCQHWEH 013 Is this a Trick? OYEEGEOM 014 All Together Now! HEPTTCBB 015 Confused? CUUJPLTM 016 The Machine IVVDCBBF 017 Russian Roulette RFOGJVII 018 Another Wicked Problem RRXIMHTT 019 Three Crazy Blocks OSKOPWRC 020 Look Carefully. Then Act MKCBORCX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Breach II v) Patches to 2.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/b2_23.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Breach III v) Patches 1.0 to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/b3_101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brutal Paw of Furries viii)FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/brutal.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDOKAN i) cheat codes FunCheat: Move right as far as you can. When you are between the dojo and the fence press and you have a small breakout game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bureau 13 v) patches Stalking the Night Fantastic fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/b13patch.zip vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/b13-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/bureau13.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buried in Time v) Patches Buried in Time 1.04 (Windows 3.1) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bit31upd.zip vi) Solution/hint.map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/buriedintime.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/bit.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/bit.uhs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caesar II v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/caesar11.zip vi) Solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/caesar2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannon Fodder i) Cheat Code To skip levels go to the map screen, hold down CTRL key (which is located in the bottom right hand of your keyboard, for you slow ones!) and type in 'Fodder'. A white boarder will/should appear around the screen. No exit the map and return to the game. When you press 'ENTER' a message will appear on the screen saying, "Phase Complete." Now you can move onto the next level and ditto, it's as simple as that. ii) Cheat Edit edit save game, change the value of offset for different stuff: offset valid value 00 00-47 Current Mission 0C 00-23 Show Mission Briefings 48 00-FF Kills by Leader 4C 00-0E Rank of Leader 00-Private 0E-General 58 00-0E Rank 2nd 64 00-0E Rank 3rd 70 00-0E Rank 4th 7C 00-0E Rank 5th 12 00-FF Number of Recruits 6F2 00-FF Number of Kills iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/cannon_f.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cannon Fodder 2 ii) cheat edit Save a game without playing a mission , and edit the save game you've just saved (will have a .CF extension) To choose starting mission, change value at 00 to a value between 00 and 47 To Show a mission briefing, change value at 0C to a value between 00 and 47 To set kills made by leader, change value at 48 to a value between 00 and FF To set number of recruits, change value at 12 to a value between 00 and FF -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carmen Sandiego (USA) iii) cracks edit CARMEN.EXE position: 75609 change into: B8 01 00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capitalism v) patches Capitalism 1.02 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/capg102.zip Capitalism 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cap102.zip 1.10 (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cap11bta.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARMEN SANDIEGO (WORLD) i) cheat codes start game with : carmen cheat a cheat option will appear in the option menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrier Command iii) cracks edit CARRIER.EXE position: 1006 change into: 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castles iii) crack FILE: CASTLES1.EXE search : 3B 16 46 26 75 06 3B 06 44 26 74 11 change : -- -- -- -- -- 00 -- -- -- -- EB -- FILE: SETUP.EXE search : 0B C0 74 0C C6 46 F5 00 change : -- -- -- 00 -- -- -- -- iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/cascheat.zip v) patches Castles 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/castles.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Castles II iii) crack edit CASTLES2.EXE position: 49739 change into: FF FF position: 246031 change into: FF FF This unprotect removes the random doc check from the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Castle of Dr. Brain v) patches (new Soundblaster driver) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/brain_sb.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catacomb Abyss i) cheat codes Press F10 and the following keys: W Warp Z Freeze Monsters I Extra Items G God Mode E Skip (Exit) Current Level O Overhead View M Memory Usage Info P Unknown 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ Gives you a scroll 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / iv) editor/trainer (v1.12 & v1.13) editor ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/catabcht.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caveman iii) Crack method 1) FILENAME : CAVEMAN.DAT (2,594,816 BYTES) search : 2E 3A 05 75 09 change : 2E 88 05 75 00 search : CD 13 59 73 1C change : -- -- -- EB -- method 2) edit SOS.EXE search : E8 76 01 E8 BB 48 change : -- -- -- 90 90 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Caverns i) cheat code ICE, MINERVA, ORANGE, WITCHES, DRAKE, BICYCLE, PARASITE, FATE, WATER, CREATION, AGARIC, LIBERTY, MIRROR, CHINESE, GO, SELFISH. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CCPRO (for Links 386 CD and Links 386 Pro) v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ccprocd.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge of the 5 Realms iii) Crack edit C5.DAT Search : 74 F3 2C 41 3C 1A Change : EB -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/scimut.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Championship Manager II i) cheat codes Manager Cheat. Type this name Terry Vennables & You are now International Manager. iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/cm2ed180.zip Data editor 2.00 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/cm2ed200.zip v) patches 1.56 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cm2patch.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Control ii) cheat edit Edit cheat, contributed by Bernd Wolffgramm. To jump direct to a special mission, edit the file chaos.sav with a hexeditor. You have to edit the 4th byte in row 1. Replace the byte through 01 - mission 1 03 - mission 2 04 - mission 3 05 - mission 4 07 - final sequence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Engine i) cheat codes LXMZK8HS839Y 4C32NLKVCBLW T6PLY122FGSC M8GLH2NNFGD0 SLHLXJ4VVFLD LQVH4MFB4JB3 <--- great one! (lots of cash for player 1) 084NGD1#600# B7WQLNH9711W WORLD 1 - HHGGFFDDCCBB - Thug & Preacher - 50,000 Credits - TTTTTTTTTTTT - Mercenary/Gentleman - 45,000 Credits WORLD 2 - 2F#8Q55KKQNH - Navvie & Gentleman - 50,000 Credits - 0WHS5PX3835F - Mercenary & Thug - 40,000 Credits WORLD 3 - C4HNWRH86B18 - Navvie & Gentleman - 34,000 Credits - 8H8BK0SWQY7H - Thug & Preacher - 30,000 Credits WORLD 4 - HMWNVY0WB019 - Navvie & Gentleman - 33,000 Credits - P28BKM6XMWWK - Thug & Preacher - 30,000 Credits For the two-player game use the following code: WORLD 4 - RVDBK0Q7JWM6 - Preacher & Gentleman - 30 lives each ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life use UNP decomp CHAOS.EXE search 26 28 44 48 you will find 4 occurance of this group change the last 3 time to: 90 90 90 90 money not reduce go sector 84 offset 351 - 353 change 66 89 04 to 90 90 90 iii) cracks UNP CHAOS.EXE First look for Byte no. E306 in the file. You should find a value 9A there. Replace the byte string 9A4901 there with E9AC01. (9A4901xxxx is actually a CALL to display the screen that asks for the passcode. E9AC01 is a JMP rel16 to the next level, bypassing the aforesaid screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charly The Clown i) cheat codes Level Codes for the Shareware Version. ITSEASY MOREEASY LOLLY POING PARROT - Bonus Level ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chessmaster 4000 v) Patches to 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cm4_104.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 iii) cracks edit CM5.EXE position: 512858 change into: 00 This unprotect will completely remove the doc check routine. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chewy v) patches 1.1 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/chewy11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronomaster vi) solutions/hints/maps http://spoiler.et.ee/ADVENTURE/Intracorp/Chronomaster.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronoquest vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/chronoq.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Civilization i) cheat codes When you're on the "choose your civ" screen, press esc and type in your own! Version 1: Hold down and press 123456789t. Older versions, ALT-R will randomize enemy leaders. If you look at the civs using the Shift-56 cheat and F7, civs can go into "Vendetta" mode and be more inclined to go to war with you, charge you more tribute, etc. You can choose your own colours for your tribes if you use debug. Get into the directory and type for example --debug civil0.sve When you get the prompt from the debug routine, type d for display. The computer will then print out the first 80h bytes of the file. I believe it is the third byte which is the human player. Use e for edit and by changing the numbers you can get any colour available 00=red (but then you act like the barbarians and there are a couple of other twists) 01=white, 02=green, 03=blue 04=yellow, 05=light blue, 06=pink and 07=grey. Settler cheat: The way it works is that, when you tell a settler unit to do something (build a road, mines or irrigation, for example), and you have at least one other unit that still hasn't been moved (blinking), you can go back to the settler unit, click on it to start it blinking again (click on its icon in the box that comes up when you click on the unit), and then press R, M, or I to start the settler working again. Then you go back and click on the settler again and hit R, M or I while it's blinking, and you keep doing that until the improvement is built (you can tell it's done when, when you click the unit, the icon in the box no longer has a letter on top of it). This works best when you have the "end of turn" feature on, and of course you shouldn't move other units until you're done with the settler. If you do this right, you can get your settlers to build anything you want in just one turn (normaly it takes 2 to 12 turns)!! iii) Cracks method 1 : This is a quick and simple unprotect for Microprose's CIVILIZATION game. The unprotect will remove that annoying request at 3000BC for information regarding the requirement to achieve some randomly selected technology. FILE: CIV.EXE (mine is date stamped 12/03/91) Look for the following hex byte sequence: 7D 05 CD It should start at hex offset 276D. Change the "7D" to "EB" and save the modified file. method 2: -civ.exe find:39 46 a4 75 52 to: 89 90 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/civilcht.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/cived15.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/civmap22.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civsnd.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civv05.zip for Windows ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civwinv2.zip Advanced Civilization 1.0 to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/adciv101.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/civil.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Civilization II i) cheat codes Cheatmode Cheat As all of you, who got this game knows that if you use the cheat mode it will show on your Civilization Highscore Chart. Here is a way to get around that: You load the *.sav file into an Hex-editor, and you change the address from to 0F: XX A7 then you preform the cheats you want to, and then changes it back to 27, and save. iv) editors/trainer Savegame cheat ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/civ2-ed.zip Savegame Cheat Tag removal ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/civ2-cht.zip v) patches 1.11 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civ2111.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/civ2.zip Strategy and Tips v2.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/civ2-stg.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CivNet v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civnetp2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civnetp3.zip vii) Add-ons CivNet 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civnetv1.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/civnet.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clash of Steel v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cos11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clown O'Mania i) cheat codes Type HELP to get more jumps and ammo. Can be repeated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Colonels Bequest iii) crack EDIT SCIV.EXE SECTOR 68 OFFSET 223 change 75 TO EB vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/cbquest1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/colonel.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Colonization i) Cheat code Hold down the alt key and press W I N. Lets you access a cheat menu. To sell items under boycott in Europe, go to the ship, select item and press "U". This worked in the MS-DOS version. ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit COLONY00.SAV go sector 20 offset 128 - 131 change to FF FF FF 7F v) Patches ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/colv30.zip (patch for CD ver.) ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/col_cd.zip (Win95-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/col95.zip Colonization 3.0 (german) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/colger.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/colonize.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comanche i) Cheat Code 1) whilst in the menu, hold down the backspace and type KYLE This gives two more options: reload and fix damage. 2) search for the string: "heat" (non capital letters). move a letter before it and write "C" (CAPITAL!) enter the game and have a new menu called cheat. its like your cheat but last forever. iv) editor/trainer access to all missions ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/com_cht.zip v) Patches fix for P5 and more ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cmom2g.zip Maximum Overkill ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/comancup.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat II iii) Crack edit COMBAT2.EXE go sector 108 offset 172 change 74 to EB go sector 108 offset 195 change 75 to EB go sector 118 offset 219 - 220 change 75 03 to 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command Adventure-Starship ii) Cheat Edit change money edit PLAYER1 go sector 0 offset 20 - 22 change to FF FF FF iii) Crack edit MAIN.EXE search E8 53 0D 6A 01 EB 32 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- search E8 7C 0D EB 03 E8 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Command & Conquer iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-mony.zip trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-t.zip money cheater ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-cash.zip mission selector ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-miss.zip weapon editor v1.4 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-edit.zip Scenario Editor v1.0 (Finally!) ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-scen.zip Multipurpose Editor v1.5 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-edit.zip Editor 1.5 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/ccedit15.zip Command and Conquer Ultimate Map Editor v0.9b (Graphical!) ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-map.zip Command and Conquer Mix Manager v2.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-mix.zip Editor 1.5 rev.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/ccedit.zip Editor v2.0 (Andrew's) w/ english.dat ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/c&c-edit.zip Editor 2.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/ccedit21.zip Map Editor 2.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/ccmap.zip Unit editor ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/ce4c_c.zip v) Patches 1.07 to 1.08 alpha ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ccp108a.zip Command & Conquer 1.07 to 1.18p ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cc118p.zip Command & Conquer 1.07 to 1.19p ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cc119p.zip 1.07 to 1.20p (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cc120pg.zip 1.07 to 1.20p (french rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cc120f.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/c&c-faq.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/c&c.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/command-n-conquer.faq FAQ v3.2 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/c&c-stgy.zip Unofficial Command and Conquer Multiplayer Strategy Guide v1.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/c&c-mult.zip Strategics FAQ 3.71 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/ccsfaq.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/command-n-conquer.faq strategy FAQ v7.01 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/c&c-stgy.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command HQ iii) Crack UNLZEXE CHQ.EXE edit CHQ.EXE search F7 D1 2B F9 F3 A6 74 05 1B C0 change -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- v) Patches upgrade to 1.97 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/chq197.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commander Keen i) Cheat codes Cheat mode - In the game hold [Alt][2][Enter] then Press [F10] with one of the folloing G - God mode W - Jump level J - High jump N - No clipping I - Free items T - Sprite test D - Record a demo V - Add a VLB M - Get memory usage info E - Restart game S - Put game in slow-mo Y - Makes the game look wiered C - Mega-stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commander Keen 4 i) cheat codes In the Invasion of the Vorticon series (Keen #1 - #3), press C, T and SPACE simultaneously. You will receive the pogo stick, all key cards, and lots of ray gun charges. While at the map level, pressing SHIFT and TAB will allow you to bypass a city. In the Goodbye Galaxy series (Keen #4 and #5), press B, A, and T simultaneously to enter the cheat mode. This gives you additional shots, gems, and an extra life. Also in Goodbye Galaxy, push A 2 ENTER at the same time to enter the debugging mode (used during beta testing). Then the following codes can be used to cheat or gather information (hold down F10 and push the letter key): B - Set border color (1-15) C - Number of active/inactive objects in the level D - Record a demo E - End or finish the current level G - God mode (you can't die) I - Free items (add 3000 points and 99 shots) J - Jump mode (you can fly anywhere) M - Memory usage display N - No clipping (fall through ground) S - Slow motion T - Sprite test display V - Add 0-8 VBLs W - Warp to any level Y - Reveal hidden areas (shown in normal color) Note that several of the above codes also work in Keen Dreams and Aliens Ate My Babysitter (particularly the God and jump modes). You can also hold down the 'T', 'A', and 'B' keys at the same time and you'll getan extra life, 99 shots and all four diamond keys for a level. To get to the secret pyramid (the one with the hand on it), go in the Pyramid of the Moons. Take the yellow diamond and go down. Use the diamond on the second yellow keyhole. Assemble 12 of the little yellow worms in one place. They will turn into a giant foot. Jump on the foot to go to the secret pyramid. You can not get to the raindrops and lifewater flasks floating over the underground river in Lifewater Oasis (it's just a tease). In the Pyramid of the Moons, stand on the moon drawing on the floor in the upper right portion of the game level. Wait for a while - Keen will "moon" you. You can only do this once. ii) Cheat Edit unlimit bullet PKLITE decomp KEEN4.EXE edit KEEN4.EXE search FF 0E D7 77 change 90 90 90 90 unlimit life search FF 0E E9 77 change 90 90 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commander Keen 6 i) cheat codes + - End level + - Invulnerability + - 99 ammo, all keys and items + - press and mouse and you can fly + - no clipping, but you die, if you leave the level + - Warp to any level + - Background turns grey and all secret ways will be visible + - Records a demo, pressing + again will save the demo. ii) Cheat Edit unlimit bullet and life UNLZEXE KEEN6.EXE edit KEEN6.EXE search FF 0E 90 75 change 90 90 90 90 search FF 0E A6 75 change 90 90 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conan v) Patches (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/concdfix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confirm Kill viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/cnfmkill.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquered Kingdoms v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/conqkin1.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquest of Camelot vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/camelot.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquest of the Longbow : Robin Hood iii) cracks edit RESOURCE.004 position: 638824 change into: 34 while the monk asks you to select the gems, select three different gems for each riddle. The game will then continue. v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lbpat.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/conq_lb.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/robin_hd.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/robin.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquest of the New World v) patches 1.05 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cnw105.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Croc Twins i) cheat codes Level codes W1-1 :AAAA W6-16 :MILP W12-36:TRUB W19-56:QUOL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Spot i) Cheat Codes 0 restore energy F6 add COOL % M can move freely, press again to restore + skip level 5 replay and change level of difficulity F4 reduce energy to minimun F10 time become 10 seconds Select Level Pause the game (use 1 or END) and press A-K to select level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corridor 7 i) cheat codes To receive all nine weapons, full life and proximity mines, press and hold the letters W, A, and X all at the same time. Note: Your score is set back to zero every time you use this code. You can also gain access to individual cheats by typing C7 LEVEL1DIAGNOSTIC at the DOS prompt when you begin the game. Then, during play, try these key combinations: BackspaceG: Toggles God mode on or off. BackspaceW:Warps between levels. BackspaceN: Lets you walk through walls. BackspaceR: Puts a skull image in front of your character. BackspaceI: Increases your score. ii) Cheat Edit undead and unlimit bullet edit CORR7.EXE search 83 2E BA 48 02 83 3E BA change 90 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- search FF 0E BC 48 9A D1 0A change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- search 29 36 BA 48 56 9A 37 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure: Codes i) cheat code Hit tab, F12, DEL all together to activate the key modes. Then: Hit F10 W - Warp to any level F10 G - God mode toggle F10 M - Memory Status free items..... C-0-F10 You can do this anytime --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cougar Force UNLZEXE SPOON.EXE search FF 36 A6 12 9A 5A 00 18 1C 83 C4 06 change -- -- -- -- EB 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrackDown iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/crackdn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creature Shock ii) cheat edit Edit the file creature.set with a hexeditor and change the 8th byte in the first row to 04. Now you can jump direct into every level you want. v) patches Creature Shock 1.0a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/crshk10a.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creepers i) cheat codes levelcodes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/creepers.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime Patrol ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life copy CP.EXE and CPSB8.EXE to install directory edit CP.EXE go sector 55 offset 439 change 48 to 90 apply samething to CPSB8.EXE next time, play the game by running CP.EXE (no sound) or CPSB8.EXE (have sound) from the hard disk -------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime Wave iii) Crack edit CW.EXE method 1 search 75 0D change 90 90 method 2 go sector 9 offset 11A change E8 AD to EB 0B method 3 Edit cw.exe sector 7 offset 307 change cd 21 to 90 90 sector 7 offset 314 change cd 21 to 90 90 sector 7 offset 416 change 75 0d to 90 90 v) Patches Crimewave (486-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/crimewav.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crusader: No Remorse i) Cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/crusader.cht v) patches 1.01 to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cru121p.zip soundcard-patch (GUS,SB16&AWE,Ensoniq) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/crusndp.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crystal Caves i) cheat codes god mode....... Z-E-U-S (with god mode on, 'G' will toggle gravity) warp mode...... N-E-X-T increase ammo.. X-T-R-A NOTES: For 'warp mode' and 'increase ammo' you must release the third key of the four-key combination before you release the other keys. EXAMPLE (warp mode): First, press and hold: N E X T Next, release: X Then, release the other three keys. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curses vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/curses.uhs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/curses.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberia v) Patches Cyberia (savegame-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cyb1208.zip vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/cyberia.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/cyberia2.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberMage ii) cheat edit file save00x.dat 0x6ac - unsigned word of current mana 0x6ae - unsigned word of maximum mana 0x318b4 - unsigned word of current health 0x318b6 - unsigned word of maximum health 0x3189c 0x3189e > - unsigned word, left armors current values 0x318a0 0x318a2 0x318a4 > - unsigned word, right armors current values 0x318a6 0x318a8 0x318aa > - unsigned word, left armors maximum values 0x318ac 0x318ae 0x318b0 > - unsigned word, right armors maximum values 0x318b2 change ^^^ values to E7 03 - it's 999 points iv) editor/trainer +4 Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/cm-t.zip vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/cybrmage.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CycleMania ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit CHAMP.DAT go sector 0 offset 0 - 1 change to 50 C3 now you have $50000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cybernoid i) cheat codes On the title page, type 'NECRONOMICON' for unlimited lives. Pause the game and hit 'N' to advance to the next level, or 'L' for the current level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyclones i) cheat codes All cheat codes are entered at the command line during startup. They must be preceded with 8335791. e.g.: CYCLONES 8335791 [-D(E|M|H)] [-W(1-8)] [-L] [] [-A(1-3)] [-J] [startx starty] [startz] -D(E|M|H) Set difficulty. -DE Easy -DM Medium -DH Hard -W<#> Start with weapons up to the number specified. Stocked with full ammunition. (e.g. CYCLONES 8335791 -W3 will provide weapons 1 through 3.. . the Gauss Pistol, the Chaingun, and the Alien Pistol) -L<#> Start at level number (e.g. CYCLONES 8335791 -L5) This automatically starts player at starting location for that level. Levels 9, 17, 18, 20, and 24 are incomplete and are not visited during the course of the game. Specify a map by name (the .MAP files in the directory) Location defaults to (1,1). -A<#> Start with armored suit/hand weapon 1-3 for the game. 1=Sabre glove. 2=Saw glove. 3=Nano hand. -J Start with the jump jet, with a huge charge on it. Examples: CYCLONES 8335791 hive2 30 30 CYCLONES 8335791 -L4 -DE -W4 -A2 Also, running CYCLONE 8335791 (no 'S') starts a SINGLE LEVEL immediately without the intro. However, the game will quit at the end of the level. Cheat codes may be used as normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D/Generation iii) crack Search : A1 96 5E 3B 06 82 5E 74 0E change : -- -- -- A3 82 5E EB 0F 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Day ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit ?.SAV (? is the save game name) go sector 98 offset 66 - 69 change to FF FF FF 10 v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dday11.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Daedalus Encounter i) Cheat codes JUMP TO any part of the game. >From the Main Menu select GAME. Hit ALT-F5. Pick JUMP TO and it will show thumbnails of various scenes in the game. Click on one to jump to it. Skip a puzzle Use ALT-SHIFT and the first letter of the puzzle's name. For example, to skip the Probe Logic Circuit Puzzle by pressing ALT-SHIFT-P. The exception is the Orbit puzzle- use ALT-SHIFT-I. The code is different for each puzzle. Norm has a complete listing and will pass it out soon. iv) Patches upgrade to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/daedal11.zip to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/daedal12.zip vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/daedalus.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/daedalus.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark seed iii) Crack edit TOS.EXE method 1 search 9A 80 B0 00 00 change EB 03 -- -- -- method 2 Search: 0b c0 74 03 e9 86 00 Change: -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/darkseed.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/darkseed.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/darkseed.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalek Attack i) cheat codes Invincibility - type in during the game "JAMES BOND AND OLIVER REED WERE NEVER GOOD SINGERS" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Ages i) cheat codes Cheat mode: F10 and Backspace Press = for autofire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Forces i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/df-cod.txt iii) crack method 1: just copy the cd.cfg to the installed directory, no more check the CD-ROM method 2 type set Jedi= (e.g. set Jedi=D) iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dfcheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/dfed2.zip ftp://ftp.wpi.edu/starwars/computer_games/Dark Forces/DFED2.ZIP ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/DarkForces/dfuse09.exe v) Patches (Thrustmaster .B50 file) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/darkfrce.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/dforces.zip 2.40 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/df24.zip v2.50 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/dforces.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Lands iii) cracks edit DARKLAND.EXE position: 549725 change into: EB 15 EB 13 just enter any number and the game will continue. NOTE! You must enter a number between 1-4 and do not use the mouse! iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/dled11.zip v) patches (new sounddrivers for Roland+SB combo) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/drksnd.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/darkland.zip FAQ 1.1 (ASCII-format) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dkld-asc.zip FAQ 1.1 (Postscript-format) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dkld-ps.zip FAQ 1.1 (DVI-format) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dkld-dvi.zip FAQ 1.1 (PDF-format ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dkld-pdf.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Legions iii) Crack bypass password edit DL.EXE search 75 1D 3C 00 74 F3 3A change 90 90 -- -- EB -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/darkleg.zip v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dl3511.zip CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dlcd11.zip Dark Legion Critic's Choice 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ccdl11.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Queen of Krynn v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dqkfix.zip vi) Solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/drkqueen.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Sun i) cheat codes use DSUN -K911 enter game to enable cheat key: t - raise level m - restore all magic Alt-F2 - increase attack power Alt-F4 - learn all spell iii) Crack password edit DARKSUN.EXE search 83 C4 08 0B C0 75 0F change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/eddrksun.zip v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dscd11a.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dscd11b.zip floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dsun11d1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dsun11d2.zip viii) FAQs Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands official FAQ 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dsonline.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Sun II v) Patches CD to 1.10 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wakecd11.zip Floppy to 1.10 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wakedk11.zip viii) FAQs Darksun 2 FAQ v1.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/darksun2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Storm i) cheat codes After the game has been loaded, wait for the Highscore screen, the press (F10). An information will be displayed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Leadbetter Golf iii) cracks edit GOLFPROG.EXE position: 31380 change into: 88 position: 31384 change into: 90 90 just hit enter and the game will proceed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn Patrol v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dawnpupd.zip new SVGA drivers ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dpsvga.zip Dawn Patrol 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dpupdate.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Gate vi) Solutions/hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/dgate.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/dgate.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Knights of Krynn iii) crack edit start.exe search : 9A 25 00 4A 00 change : EB 4B -- -- -- edit game.ovl search : 80 BD F6 01 0A 72 change : -- -- -- -- -- EB ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Track USA ii) cheat edit In the game you'll need much money, So let's make it !!! (This will give you about $16777,215) 1. Play the game and save it under your name. 2. Start a hex editor (e.g. Norton Utilities) with the savegame. (NU NAME.GAM) 3. Edit the file at Offset: 18,19,20 / Hex: 12,13,14 4. Change the bytes in "FFFF FF" 5. Write the file and leave NU 6. Start the game and load your patched Savegame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Descendarium viii) FAQs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/descendarium.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DejaVu 2 vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dejavu2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delta V ii) Cheat Edit use UNP.EXE to decomp D.EXE Unlimited Energy, find and Change the values :- search 66 29 06 64 D5 change 90 90 90 90 90 Unlimited Shields search 66 29 06 5C D5 change 90 90 90 90 90 Full Phaser Energy search 66 81 2E 64 D5 FA 00 change 66 81 2E 64 D5 00 00 v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dvfxcd.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Denaris i) cheat codes To get to the training mode, simply press (Z) after you have chosen a game. Then plug the mouse to com 2 and hold the right mouse button down during the loading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Derby Stallion ii) Cheat Edit edit DS.DAT go sector 46 offset 173 - 176 change to 80 F0 FA 02 now have 5000000000 yen ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Descent i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/descent.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/descent.zip v) Patches to 1.2 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dcnt12up.zip 1.0 to 1.4 updte ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dreg14up.zip 1.0 to 1.4a (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/desc14a.zip Descent (new Thrustmaster .B50 & .M50 files) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/descfl.zip 1.0 to 1.5 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dreg15.zip 1.4a to 1.5 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dreg14a5.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/descent.uhs viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/descent.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dcnt1_28.zip Descent FAQ 1.25 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dcnt1_25.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descent II i) cheat codes cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/descent2.cod demo cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/d2demo.cod iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/d2-ed.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desert Strike i) Cheat Codes Level code: 2 CMMKBMMMJ 3 CMN-BMMMZ 4 CMBRNMMM5 5 CMVBBMMMG undead: press ESC, enter WATERFALL and press ESC again iii) Crack password floppy version edit DESERT.DAT search 3A 06 7E 3A 74 0B FE 0E 7D change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destruction Derby i) cheat codes To become invulnerable, enter Championship Mode and select any course. Then type !DAMAGE! and the cheat should be in operation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detroit ii) cheat edit (CD) Load up a HEX editor, edit the file DETROIT.SAV change the values at HEX offset 20A to FF FF FF 64 Now load the game up and you will have loads of cash. iv) editor/trainer trainer 2.0 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/detroit2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dime City v) patches 1.0c (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dime_10c.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dino's Quest i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dinoq.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- DiscWorld iv) Patches patch to Discworld 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/disc-up.zip vi) Solutions/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/discwrld.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/discwrld.uhs viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/discwrld.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dscworld.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/discworld.FAQ ftp://Lspace.cp.tn.tudelft.nl/pub/pratchett/faqs/discworld-game-faq ftp://ftp.britain.eu.net/pub/misc/pratchett/faqs/discworld-game-faq ftp://theory.lcs.mit.edu/pub/pratchett/faqs/discworld-game-faq ftp://death.socs.uts.edu.au/Mirror/Pratchett/faqs/discworld-game-faq ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/disc1_45.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/discworld.faq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disciples of Steel iii) Crack edit STEEL.EXE search 74 07 FF 86 22 FE E9 06 00 (2 occurances) change 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 (change all 2 occurances) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/discrk.zip v) Patches to 1.013 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel113.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dizzy World Fantasy vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dizzyslv.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dogs of War i) cheat codes When playing, enter 'TIMBO'. Then press F5 to turn off sprite detection. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/doom_id.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/doom_cht.zip v) Patches to 1.2 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1_2rpt.zip to 1.2 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1_2spt.zip 1.2 to 1.666 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1666rp.zip 1.2 to 1.666 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1666sp.zip 1.666 to 1.9 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm19rpat.zip 1.666 to 1.9 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm19spat.zip DOOM! 1.8 to 1.9 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dms18_19.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM II i) Cheat Codes IDDQD = GOD MODE IDKFA = ALL KEYS AND FULL AMMO IDCLIP = WALK THROUGH WALLS IDMYPOS = CO-ORDINATES IDDT = MAP ADD ON IDCHOPPERS = GIVES YOU A CHAINSAW for NetWork cheat: in map mode, hold down ALT and type IDDT 4 times DeathMatch cheat: Go into your map and type t for talk mode. Hold down ALT key and type iddt several times. And when all of your map comes up, repeat again once to see all items and again to put it back to normal. This does not work with the other cheats by holding ALT. * = works on DOOM as well. *IDDQD= God mode. IDCLIP= Walk through walls. *IDCLEV= [MAP NUMBER]. *IDKFA= All weopons and keys. IDFA= Reset ammo. *IDSPISPOPD= Only for doom not doom2= clipping. *IDCHOPPERS= Says this message and gives you chainsaw. *IDMUS= {LEVEL NUMBER} to switch to that levels music. *IDBEHOLD= Press these when you type in idbehold. I for invisible. A for all map. V for a that green face bonus. Kind of like god mode. S for beserk, one cool chuck style. L for light amplification. if theres any more letters I didn't remember them. *Idmusic= This is how you exit when level= ic v) Patches 1.7a to 1.9 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm2_19pt.zip 1.666 to 1.8 (German) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm2g18pt.zip to 1.7a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/doom2p.zip dm11_19r.zip - DOOM! 1.1 to 1.9 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm11_19r.zip dm12_19r.zip - DOOM! 1.2 to 1.9 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm12_19r.zip dm16_19r.zip - DOOM! 1.666 to 1.9 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm16_19r.zip dm18_19r.zip - DOOM! 1.8 to 1.9 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm18_19r.zip DOOM! 1.9 -> The Ultimate DOOM! ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/19_udpat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula ii) Cheat Edit edit DRAC.EXE energy not reduce search E8 64 47 80 2E E3 3E 28 73 0A change -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 -- -- bullet not reduce search C6 06 29 6C 00 FF 0E EE 3E 83 C3 0A change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- holy water not reduce search 74 25 FE 0E ED 3E C7 06 DE 3E 01 00 EB 13 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula Unleashed v) Patches to 2.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/du21.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dracula.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon's Lair i) cheat codes Cheat: How to get the last level: On the first level when the snakes appear,push and you will end up at the last level. iii) crack EDIT GAME.EXE SECTOR 29 OFFSET 3 CHANGE CD 21 TO 90 90 OFFSET 10 CHANGE CD 21 TO 90 90 OFFSET 18 CHANGE 74 TO EB OFFSET 33 CHANGE 73 TO EB OFFSET 45 CHANGE 74 to EB iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dltrain.zip vi) solutions ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/draglair.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon's Lair ][ i) cheat codes Auto Play- At the intro (around the title screen) type in "DIRK" and the game will play itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon's Lair III i) cheat codes Auto Play- At the into (around the title screen type in "TIME" and the game will play itself. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Lore vi) Solutions/hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/dlore.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dragonlore-step.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DragonSphere iii) Crack bypass password edit SPHERE.EXE find 74 14 46 83 FE 02 change EB -- -- -- -- -- vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/dsphere.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Strike iii) crack edit Main.exe Search : 8A 05 2E 3A 04 74 change : -- -- -- -- -- EB Note: There are two occurences of this search pattern replace both. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Wars vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dragon_s.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dragon_w.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DreamWeb vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/solution/dreamweb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drug Wars v) patches save/restore fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ggdwfix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dschump i) Cheat Codes level code DUDEM ACCOUNT ISLAND CRICKET WYATT FUSSBALL SHARP GOLDSTAR COKECOLA UNITED TURBO JOYSTICK POWER HAMBURG STUDENT SAMPO FUNCTION REGISTER HDD ON ---------------------------------------------------------------- Duck Tales iii) crack edit ducktale.exe Search : 80 3F 00 75 03 E9 F7 00 change : -- -- -- -- 00 -- -- -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ducktale.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Duke Nukem i) cheat codes Backspace and Pagedown at the same time will give you full ammo and all the keys iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/dukeedit.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps shareware version hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/duke3d.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/dukenuke.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Duke Nukem' 3D i) cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/duke3d.cod v) patches 1.1 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dn3d11pt.zip 1.1 to 1.3d (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dnsw13pt.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/duke3d.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/duke3d.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/Duke-Nukem-3D.faq FAQ VERSION 0.8 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/duke3d.zip FAQ 0.8 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/duke3d08.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dune II iii) crack (original version) 1 Byte crack on DUNE2.EXE: Search: 74 2E FF 76 FA replace: 74 with EB (patched version) 1 Byte crack on DUNE2.EXE: Search: 83 C4 08 0B C0 74 42 replace: 74 with EB iv) editor/trainer Saved Game File Editor 1.5 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/eddune.zip v) patches Dune II PAS-fix (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/duneup.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/dune2.uhs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/dune2.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dungeon Hack i) cheat codes Save the file aesop.exe (can be destroyed) type before you start the game: "set aesop_diag=1" Now start with HACK an now you have: - Destroys all monsters - activates text mode - you can go through walls, doors and windows - practise magic and get new items vi) Solution/Hint/map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dunghack.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dungeon Master i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dm2str.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dm_maps.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dungeonm.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dungeon Master II iv) editor/trainer editor 0.1 beta ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/dm2edit.zip v) Patches sound-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm2up.zip vi) solution/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/dm2-sol.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust vi) solution/hint/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dust-hexpuzzle.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dust-puzzles.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DynaBlaster i) cheat codes level codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dynab.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamite Dux i) cheat codes Level Skip Type CHEAT during the title-sequence and the keys [F1]-[F6] will warp to the corresponding level. New Game Type NUDE and you will get a new game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Motion i) Cheat codes When you see the picture of einstein type in "MOONUNIT" then in the game 1 level up 1 level down 10 level up 10 level down -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EA Sports Cricket 96 v) patches (fix for Trident VLB 9400 CXi videocard) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/c96trdnt.zip (fix for 486sx machines) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/crk96sx.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthworm Jim i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/ewj.cod ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecoquest vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ecoq1.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/ecoquest.uhs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/ecoquest.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecstatica vi) solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/ecstatic.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/ecstatica-sol.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/ecstatic.uhs ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/ecstatica-hints.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/ecstatica-step.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EF 2000 v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/epatchef.zip 2.02 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dpatchef.zip 2.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/epatchef.zip (french rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpatef2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Plus iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/eliteplu.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elvira ii) Cheat Edit unlimited Lives edit the file ELVMCGA.EXE search 2E FF 0E 01 1A change 90 90 90 90 90 unlimited Energy search 2E FF 0E 10 72 change 90 90 90 90 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/elvira.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/elvtrn0.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/elvira.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elvira II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/elvira2.zip (Quick Dox) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/elv2-dox.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Empire iii) crack edit EMPIRE.EXE search : 39 8F AA 0C 74 03 ?? ?? ?? Change : 39 8F AA 0C 74 03 90 90 90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Empire II v) patches 1.00 to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/e2dv101u.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entomorph v) patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/entov11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epic i) Cheat codes Level codes : 1 AURIGA 5 CETUS 2 CAPHUS/APUS 6 FORMAX 3 MUSCA 7 CAELUM 4 PYXIS 8 CORVUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epic Brix i) Cheat codes All the Level Codes 1-1-1 = IJKL 1-1-2 = ALKL 1-1-3 = ILKL 1-1-4 = AJLL _____________________________ 2-1-1 = KJKLE 2-2-1 = CLKDG 2-1-2 = KBMLE 2-2-2 = CDMDG 2-1-3 = KJMLE 2-2-3 = CLMDG 2-1-4 = KBKME 2-2-4 = CDKEG ________________________________________________ 3-1-1 = ILKLMN 3-2-1 = KDMLMF 3-3-1 = KLMLEP 3-1-2 = ILCNMN 3-2-2 = KDENMF 3-3-2 = KLENEP 3-1-3 = ILKNMN 3-2-3 = KDMNMF 3-3-3 = KLMNEP 3-1-4 = ILCLNN 3-2-4 = KDELNF 3-3-4 = KLELFP _____________________________________________________________________ 4-1-1 = IBKMMNO 4-2-1 = ADCOMNO 4-3-1 = KDKOMFQ 4-4-1 = CBDMNFQ 4-1-2 = IBKEONO 4-2-2 = ADCGONO 4-3-2 = KDKGOFQ 4-4-2 = CBDEPFQ 4-1-3 = IBKMONO 4-2-3 = ADCOONO 4-3-3 = KDKOOFQ 4-4-3 = CBDMPFQ 4-1-4 = IBKEMOO 4-2-4 = ADCGMOO 4-3-4 = KDKGMGQ 4-4-4 = CBDENGQ _____________________________________________________________________ 5-1-1 = IJKLNNOP 5-2-1 = IBMDPNOP 5-3-1 = ???????? 5-1-2 = IJKLFPOP 5-2-2 = IBMDHPOP 5-3-2 = ???????? 5-1-3 = IJKLNPOP 5-2-3 = IBMDPPOP 5-3-3 = ???????? 5-1-4 = IJKLFNPP 5-2-4 = IBMDHNPP 5-3-4 = ???????? 5-4-1 = CBLENOGR 5-5-1 = CJLMNOGR 5-4-2 = CBLEFQGR 5-5-2 = CJLMFQGR 5-4-3 = CBLENQGR 5-5-3 = CJLMNQGR 5-4-4 = CBLEFOHR 5-5-4 = CJLMFOHR _____________________________________________________________________ 6-1-1 = IJKDOOOPQ 6-2-1 = IJCFGQOPQ 6-3-1 = ????????? 6-1-2 = IJKDOGQPQ 6-2-2 = IJCFGIQPQ 6-3-2 = ????????? 6-1-3 = IJKDOOQPQ 6-2-3 = IJCFGQQPQ 6-3-3 = ????????? 6-1-4 = IJKDOGOQQ 6-2-4 = IJCFGIOQQ 6-3-4 = ????????? 6-4-1 = ????????? 6-5-1 = CJLEPOPHS 6-6-1 = CJDGHQPHS 6-4-2 = ????????? 6-5-2 = CJLEPGRHS 6-6-2 = CJDGHIRHS 6-4-3 = ????????? 6-5-3 = CJLEPORHS 6-6-3 = CJDGHQRHS 6-4-4 = ????????? 6-5-4 = CJLEPGPIS 6-6-4 = CJDGHIPIS _____________________________________________________________________ 7-1-1 = IJKLMPPPQR 7-2-1 = IJKDOHRPQR 7-3-1 = ?????????? 7-1-2 = IJKLMPHRQR 7-2-2 = IJKDOHJRQR 7-3-2 = ?????????? 7-1-3 = IJKLMPPRQR 7-2-3 = IJKDOHRRQR 7-3-3 = ?????????? 7-1-4 = IJKLMPHPRR 7-2-4 = IJKDOHJPRR 7-3-4 = ?????????? 7-4-1 = ?????????? 7-5-1 = ?????????? 7-6-1 = CJDGPIRQIT 7-4-2 = ?????????? 7-5-2 = ?????????? 7-6-2 = CJDGPIJSIT 7-4-3 = ?????????? 7-5-3 = ?????????? 7-6-3 = CJDGPIRSIT 7-4-4 = ?????????? 7-5-4 = ?????????? 7-6-4 = CJDGPIJQJT 7-7-1 = CJDOPQRQIT 7-7-2 = CJDOPQJSIT 7-7-3 = CJDOPQRSIT 7-7-4 = CJDOPQJQJT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epic Pinball i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/epicball.zip ii) Cheat Edit For unlimited balls, jump to dos and do this: DEBUG CONFIG.PIN e10b 00 w q ** For unlimited balls in all of the tables (registered): ** Be sure that the ep*.exe are not packed with exe-compressors like pklite or lzexe! file/table file-offset (hex/dec) original (hex) ep1.exe/ANDROID 34D0D/216333 FE 06 37 68 ep2.exe/POT OF GOLD 36AD1/223953 FE 06 58 55 ep3.exe/EXCALIBUR 336B7/210615 FE 06 C1 4D ep4.exe/CRASH AND BURN 338C8/211144 FE 06 55 59 ep5.exe/MAGIC 3049D/197789 FE 06 D2 43 ep6.exe/JUNGLE PINBALL 37FF6/229366 FE 06 BB 60 ep7.exe/DEEP SEA 34358/213848 FE 06 1E 55 ep8.exe/ENIGMA 37932/227634 FE 06 AE 4F overwrite the original bytes with 4 x 90 (hex). now you should play pinball with umlimited balls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric the Unready vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/eric.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Escape from Hell iii) cracks edit ESCAPE.EXE SEARCH_83 7E D6 02 7D 03 _REPLACE_83 7E D6 02 7D 0D ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Exolon i) cheat code Type "ad astra" (small with space) during the Highscore screen and you will get unlimited lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye of the Beholder I iii) crack File : eob .exe Search For : 9A9D67wwww83C4080BC074194783FF03 Replace With : 9A9D67wwww83C4080BC0EB194783FF03 -- Notes : Disables the password protection. When prompted for a password press ENTER. The w's are wild. Search for the second bit, then make sure the first bit matches. v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/eob2_11.zip vi)Solution/Hint/maps ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob1spec.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob1maps.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob1sol.zip ftp://taurus.cira.colostate.edu/pub/pc/eob1maps.zip (map) ftp://taurus.cira.colostate.edu/pub/pc/eob1solu.zip (walkthru) ftp://taurus.cira.colostate.edu/pub/pc/eob1spec.zip (special quest) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye of the Beholder II iii) Crack edit START.EXE search : 0B F6 74 14 47 change : -- -- EB -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/eob2_cht.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob2map.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye of the Beholder III i) Cheat Codes 1) watch ending theme rename INTRO.GFF to any name e.g. CFLAM.GFF and then rename FINALE.GFF to INTRO.GFF start game to watch ending theme change back the file name to restore 2) In the game directory, type; Set Aesop_Diag=1 Then start the game, during the game the letter; G actives the teleporter, the letter; A unleashes armageddon on your enemies. iii) cracks edit EYE.RES position: 4186145 change into: 07 when you leave the grave yard you will be prompted for a word from the book. Just type in anything and the game will continue. iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/eob3edit.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-117A iii) crack unlzexe and edit START.EXE search : 75 11 C4 1E 06 E1 change : -- 00 -- -- -- -- unlzexe and edit INSTALL.EXE search : 75 0C 50 E8 2C 0B 83 C4 02 3D F8 00 75 0A change : -- 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/f117adoc.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-14 iv) editors/trainer F-14 Fleet Defender crew reviver 1.00 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/f14-rev.zip v) patches Gold video update ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fdgvid.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-15 ii) cheat edit edit EGAME.EXE fuel search 29 06 EE 4F change 90 90 90 90 fire ball search FF 8F F0 4F change 90 90 90 90 missile search FF 8F FA 4F change 90 90 90 90 life/energy search FF 06 00 95 change 90 90 90 90 iii) crack edt f15.com Search : A7 3D 90 44 AA 96 F0 9D change : -- -- 4B C1 48 44 -- 6D or search : AB 7B F3 2F B0 73 21 FA change : -- FE -- FD 6B -- C3 -- Does not work properly for Version 451.02 v) Patches F-15 II, F-15 III, Red Storm Rising, M1-Tank Platoon (Pentium-fixes) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/p5upd.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- F-16 Falcon 3.0 i) Cheat Codes iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/falcnr.zip v) patches F-16 Falcon Gold fix (for version 3.05 exclusively) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/305fix.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map (Quick Dox only) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/f30_qdox.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-29 RETALIATOR i) Cheat code Get full power up - when entring your name for a new game put your name in as "CIARAN", your name will change to OCEAN OK and you will get a powerful start. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faces iii) cracks edit FACES.EXE SEARCH_75 09 FF 46 FC _REPLACE_EB 17 FF 46 FC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fade to Black iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/f2b-t.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fantasy Empire iii) Crack edit FANTASY.EXE search 75 05 E8 24 05 00 00 change EB -- -- -- -- -- -- v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fe110.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/fant_emp.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Racing i)Cheat Codes Enter any of these codes on the main configuration to enable the cheat/feature :- LOVEBUN Secret Car MAYTE " " TINKLE " " SUICYCO " " 2X4B523P Secret Car FORMULA 1 Access Second Cars SUPERMAN Destruction Mode DR DEATH Invincible Human Cars GOLDBOY Premier Cup MREPRISE Bonus Cup CUP WON See End Sequence I WON See Race Win ROLL EM See Credits DUEL Killer Opponent TOPTUNES Alternative Sounds Enter No Name Black & White Mode CINEMA Widescreen Mode REMOVE Remove cheats ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felix i) cheat codes FELIX MUSIC EMERALD MAGIC HEADACHE ORANGE PANTHER PORCHE DUNGEON PARADISE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields of Glory iii) cracks edit FOG32.EXE position: 45536 change into: 90 90 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fifa 96 viii) FAQs v1.3 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/fifa96.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/fifa1_3.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fifa International Soccer v) patches fix for users with only 4meg RAM ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fifa.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighter Duel v) patches 1.0.45 (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fdupdv1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighter Wing iv) Patches Fighter Wing 1.0 to 2.0 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fwcd20.zip Fighter Wing 3.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fwdk34.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the Flag i) cheat codes The key to getting to the super challenge Make sure you toggle between the F7 decoder and F8 super challenge so you can work out which letters correspond to which flags etc. The alternative, much more fun, is to just click anyware on the super challenge and wait til you get some flukey pair-ups. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIREHAWK ii) cheat edit to use your Sound Blaster with IRQ settings other than IRQ 7 File : sndblast.drv Search For : B007BA8F20BB561EE8CB008CCAB8151F Replace with : --xx---------------------------- File : sndblast.drv Search For : B007BB561EE8BF00580BC0C3B0E12E8B Replace with : --xx---------------------------- File : sndblast.drv Search For : 83C20EEC2EC606280007B020E6205A581FCF1E0650 Replace With : ------------------xx---------------------- For xx use your IRQ setting. i.e. xx=02,03,05,0A for IRQ 2,3,5,10 respectively. iii) crack File : game.exe Search For : 803E9B05FF7403 Replace With : C606------EB-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlashBack i) Cheat Codes Level code JAGUAR,BANTHA,TOHOLD,COMBEL,SHIVA PICOLO,ANTIC,KASYYK,FUGU,NOLAN SARLAC,CAPSUL,ARTHUR,MAENOC,ZZZAP SHIRYU,SULUST,MANIAC,RENDER,NEPTUN NO WAY,BLUGA iii) Crack English version edit FB.EXE search 8A 2C 46 3A CD 75 1F change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 search 48 75 CE 80 3C 51 75 17 change -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Commander II v) Patches to 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/flcom104.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight of the Amazon Queen i) cheat codes In game cheat/special feature keys:- Duting the game, type one of the following to enable feature :- GRIMLEY - General Info ZEROXPARK - Chose ANY room KOWAMORI - High Speed NEUROTOX - Play Tune GRIMLEYZ - check CD sampel Command Line Switches: /c Reconfigure sound driver /rr Skip loading of Roland intruments if already loaded /t Display text always /ni Skip intro vi)solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/amazonqueen-step.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/fotaq.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Simulator 5.0 v) Patches to 5.0a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fs50a.zip Microsoft Flight-Simulator: Europe I scenery 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/eur1ptch.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Unlimited v) patches to 2.0 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fu_patch.zip PAS-16 driver ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fu_pas16.zip Flight Unlimited 2.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fupat24.zip 3D-Blaster update ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fu3dpat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flippin Heck i) cheat codes To go straight to level 2 - GDC To go straight to level 3 - JSG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Tigers i) cheat codes During the game, PAUSE using the TAB key. While the Game is paused, enter any of the following codes: [ocellaris1q] - Change levels, up/down arrow to change level [ocellaris1l] - Player 1 extra life [ocellaris1h] - Extra health [ocellaris1f] - Fireball shots [ocellaris1z] - Laser shots [ocellaris1n] - Napalm shots [ocellaris1m] - Missle shots [ocellaris1s] - One shield [ocellaris1c] - One c-bomb shot [ocellaris2l] - Player Two (same as above, replace 1 with a 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Football Glory i) cheat codes You must be playing down the pitch for this cheat to work. If the opposition scores a goal, wait until your number 9 prepares to kick off again, press down, right, fire and then hold down. As the ball reaches the oppostions number 2, he will pass the ball to the keeper, who will miss the ball, thus an own goal being scored. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Framed i) cheat code To turn on the secret cheat mode press C and + on the numeric keypad together. F1 then restores your health to 100%. F2 enables objects to be collected. F3 enables warping to different locations. F4 displays the current location. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fortress Of Dr.Radiaki i) cheat code Press EJG together and you can get full ammo by pressing A. With C you can change the coridance and with H you get full health again. Press ACH together and you have the O-Key to show the whole map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANKENSTEIN: THROUGH THE EYES OF THE MONSTER vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/frankenstein.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/franken.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Lines Floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fldk102.zip CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/flcd102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Page Sports Baseball '94 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpsbb102.zip Front Page Sports: Baseball '94 1.02 to 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpsbb103.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Page Sports Football Pro iii) Crack edit FB__MENU.EXE search 74 DD 2B C3 5F 5E 5D change -- -- 33 C0 -- -- -- iv) editor/trainer FPGen 1.0 free agent generator for FPS:Football Pro ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/fpgen.zip v) Patches to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fbp95.zip to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpropt.zip Front Page Sports: Football 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fbpatch.zip 1.0 to 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpsfb103.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Page Sports Football Pro 96 v) patches 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fb96_101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frontier : First Encounter i) cheat codes 1) Brilliant trading route which is totaly safe! 1: Go to sol (system) 2: Sell all equipment except for autopilot nav computer and atmospheric shielding 3: Buy enough fuel for a trip to Bernards star (near Sol) 4: Fill up remaining cargo space with luxury goods 5: Hyperspace to Bernards star 6: Go to a station (use miller depot) 7: Sell all luxury goods 8: Buy enough fuel for a trip back to Sol. 9: Fill up remaining space on Robots or Computers 10: Hyperspace to Sol 11: sell Robots or Computers for huge profit (look on bulletin board for special buyers) 12: repeat until very rich 2) Undocumented Features: - If you want to know what version of the game you're playing, press SHIFT-v a few times during the intro, while the Thargoid ship is shooting down the Turner and the Viper MKII. - Before you start the game, if you press '5', it will take you straight to the loading commander screen, so you don't have to start every time by first loading the initial commander, and then your present one. - Pressing '4' should give you your last saved commander, but doesn't always work. - Pressing '1' starts you off in Ross 154, with 100 credits, and an Eagle MKII. Just like the recommended starting point in Frontier. - Pressing keys 1-4 will usually select the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th option of an option list if you're in a space-station (or when you communicate in space.) This can greatly save you in mouse-clicks. Also, the arrow keys will scroll you through the bulletin board. - Prt-Screen will dump a .bmp file of your screen to disk. - You don't need to activate the Transmission jammer, no matter what the mission description says. - In the galactic map, you can use SHIFT together with the cursor keys to speed up scrolling. Very useful in certain cases... - Pg-Up/Pg-Dn allow you to scroll through the message area. (And the papers... Simultaneously.) - If you want to change your name from commander Jameson to something else, go to the save page, and click on the place where it says Jameson. You can now change it. It's very satisfying to do this just after your (old) name has appeared in the paper, as the entire history of the universe will have changed! - If you don't like the standard bitmaps provided as background-screens, you can edit cabin0.bmp-cabin6.bmp. Changes will not take place immediately, you need to buy a ship with a different cabin so that your new bitmaps are loaded. v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep2_ecd.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep2_efp.zip patch to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep_v02.zip 1.05 (Uk-rel.,CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep_5dcd.zip 1.0 to 1.05 (Euro-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep_v105.zip 1.06 CD-version (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ffe106d.zip 1.06 CD-version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ffe106ec.zip 1.06 CD-version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ffe106ec.zip 1.06 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ffe106d.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Throttle i) Cheat Codes If you stop moving and don't touch anything for a few min, a screen will come up that shows a bunch of different vehicles and rotates them. If you have some trouble fighting those bikers on the old mine road , try this: When the fight starts press LEFT SHIFT V to win. (you might have to repeat it a few times) vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/fullthrottle-sol.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/fullthrottle-step.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/fullthrt.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frontier : Elite 2 i) cheat codes For extra cash :- Buy extra passenger cabins, go to bulletin board and accept passengers. Then, try to buy another ship. It will be refused, but the difference in price between your ship will be given to you - so try to buy a cheaper ship! To warp further than possible with Hyberdrive :- Choose a system really far from you with Shift-cursor keys. You'll be indicated: nn tons required", "Out of range", "nn tons required". Now warp to where you really wanted to go, using same trick, and warp again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fury 3 i) cheat codes Any command with a P will pause the game Any command with a V will change your viewpoint Any command with an A speeds up your ship (Use Z to slow down again) TRYMEON toggles invincibility seemingly on a permanent basis, new sessions, missions, levels and games retain the setting. IMTUFFF - 30 seconds of invincibilty. ICUNOMO - 30 seconds of invisibility. LIVITUP - Turbo units WORMIT8 through WORMIT1 - goto level 8 through 1 WORMIT9 - GOTCHA! message GIVITUP - Watusi 1000 turbo units FRAMEIT - frame rate readout on/off URDUSTD - Turbo Fury - everything is faster! SCOPEIT - Oscilliscope SSMOKIN - 950 turbo units STPNSHP - HOVER JUMPNIT - finish current mission TUFENUF - Restore shields Increase Ammo: PACKIN1 Servo Laser PACKIN2 Isokenetic Gun PACKIN3 Rapid Laser PACKIN4 DOM PACKIN5 Viper PACKIN6 Baryon PACKIN7 Superbomb -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Wars vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/futrewrs.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FX Fighter i) cheat codes There is an undocumented feature available. Hit the HOME key and use the arrow keys to change the camera angle. viii)FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/fxfight.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/fxfaq10.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/fxfight.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Civilizations iv) editor/trainer shareware version Editor ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/galedit.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcfix06a.exe ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcfix07.exe fix #6b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcfix06b.exe 1.07 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gc107_a.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Civilizations II v) patches 2.0.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcdisk.zip 2.11 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gc211.zip 2.12a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gc212a.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gabriel Knight v) Patches to 1.0a Floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gk110a.zip to 1.0a CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gkcdpat.zip 1.0b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gkpat10b.zip vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/gk-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk-hints.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk-step.txt ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/gk.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within v) patches 1.11 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gk2pat11.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/gknight2.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk2.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk2-step.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk2-sol.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gear Works i) cheat codes Level 1 = 0000 Level 2 = 3518 Level 3 = 6382 Level 4 = 8427 Level 5 = 2385 Level 6 = 5924 Level 7 = 1267 Level 8 = 7208 Level 9 = 6532 Level 10 = 5012 Level 11 = 6511 Level 12 = 8562 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geekwad Games i) cheat codes WEIRD DWEEB CYBER WACKY GOOFY EERIE INANE DENSE MORON WITTY SILLY KOOKY IDIOT DUNCE CLOWN COMIC JOKER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Geisha vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/geisha.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genesia ii) Cheat edit patch the money/food/water etc edit 0.DAT under GSAVE dir THING TO CHANGE... _ GOTO HEX-OFFSET... _ CHANGE TO... __________________________________________________________ Money _ 3CC0 _ 9F 86 01 Food _ 4566 _ 0F 27 Water _ 45E6 _ 0F 27 Wood _ 48E6 _ 0F 27 Metal _ 4966 _ 0F 27 Stone _ 49E6 _ 0F 27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOBLIIINS i) cheat codes level codes VQVQFDE ICIGCAA ECPQPCC FTWKFEN HQWFTFW DWNDGBW JCJCJHM ICVGCGT HNWVFKA FTQKULD DCPLPMG EWDGONK TCNGTOV TCVQRPM IQDNKQO KKKPURE NGOGKSP NNGWTTO LGWFGUS TQNGFVC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gobliins II v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gob2dk.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goblins III vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/gob3sol.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Father i) cheat codes Become invisible - just type in "Holiday INN" iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/godftrn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ God Of Thunder i) cheat codes At the DOS prompt, enter "GOT /VOLSTAGG" to run the program. You will now be able to instantly recharge your magic by pressing the Z key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden AXE i) Cheat codes Level select - when asked to select player push <1>...<8> to select starting level. (Does not work on the Numpad) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Conquest iii) cracks edit INSTALL.EXE SEARCH_CE 03 7C 03 E9 E1 _REPLACE_CE 03 90 90 E9 E1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Prix Manager v) patches 1.01 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gpman101.zip 1.01 (french rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gpmfre.zip 1.01 (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gpmger.zip 1.01 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gpmus.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Prix Unlimited File: GPU.EXE Search: 83 7e e6 00 74 4e Change: c6 46 -- -- eb -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Naval Battles v) patches North Atlantic 1939-43 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gnb_12.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Naval Battles II v) patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gnb2v11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Naval Battles III v) patches 1.0 to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gnb10_12.zip 1.1 to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gnb11_12.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greed i)Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/greed.cod --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greens v) patches (SB Pro drivers) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/grnsbp.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gremlins II i) cheat codes Level select at title screen push .. to select level, but do this after the 90 lives code below 90 lives - get a high score and put your namein as "sinatra" iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/grem2cht.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/gremcht.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guy Spy i) Cheat codes Skip levels - Type in GETVONMAXGUY and now press to skip levels --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hack vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hack.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hacker vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hacker.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halloween Harry I i) cheat codes Press , and simultaniously and the energy will be full again. But attention: The points go back to 0. iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/harrycht.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardball III iii) Crack edit HARDBALL.EXE search A1 90 4A FF 06 90 4A 0B C0 74 6D change 81 F3 17 BD 89 1E 86 4A EB DC -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardball IV v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hb4fix.zip ftp://brawl.mindlink.net/pub/MindSpan/HardBall4/hb4fix.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hb4sound.zip fix #2 (14th july '95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hb4fix2.zip fix for ACER-PCs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/acer.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardball V v) patches V 5.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hball512.zip (league of 1995) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hb5lgd96.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hare Raising Havoc i) Cheat codes Level Skip - Press to skip to next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harley Davidson iii) crack FILE: HG.EXE ORIGINAL: 72 9A BD 0F 2B 03 9A 04 00 28 0A 40 74 09 B8 87 73 CRACK : -- -- -- -- -- -- EB 0F 00 00 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpoon II v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/h2upgr.zip ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/h2upgr.zip for 1.5 ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/whrp153i.zip ftp://gate.net/pub/users/intracor/threesixty/h2upgrad.zip Harpoon II (Deluxe) 2.1.13 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/h2dpatch.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/harpoon2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpoon Classic for Windows iv) Patches upgrade to 1.55 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wh155.zip Harpoon Classic for Windows 1.55f (+ latest scenario editor version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/whrp155f.zip Harpoon Classic for Windows 1.58 (+ latest scenario editor version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/whrp158.zip 1.58a (+ latest scenario editor version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/whrp158a.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heimdall iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/heim_trn.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/heimhelp.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hell i) cheat codes Extra Options Menu. Hold down the [Left mouse button]+[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[G] at the same time. A dialog box will appear asking for a password. Enter NATAS LIVE Now go to the GAME menu and you will see extra options like the ability to goto any area you want, get any object, view cut scenes, etc. Be careful though, you could screw up the sequence of events and ruin the story line. v) Patches for PG-13 version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hpatpg13.zip fix for 512K graphic boards (uncensored v.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hell512k.zip translation fixes (german rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hell_ger.zip fix #2 (for PG-13 version only!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hellpg13.zip vi) Solution/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/hell-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/hell.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heretic i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/heretic.cod ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/f16.zip ii) Cheat Edit Offsets in SAVEGAME files in hex ******************************************************************************* 60 - Health -(0-200) 64 - Armor -(0-200) 68 - Shield -Numbers= 01 6C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #1 -Icons - 01=Ring 70 - Number of inventory item #1 - 02=Mask 74 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #2 - 03=Potion 78 - Number of inventory item #2 - 04=*** Don't use. *** 7C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #3 - 05=Book 80 - Number of inventory item #3 - 06=Torch 84 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #4 - 07=Hour Glass 88 - Number of inventory item #4 - 08=Egg 8C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #5 - 09=Golden Wings 90 - Number of inventory item #5 94 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #6 -Numbers= 01-63hex (1-99). 98 - Number of inventory item #6 9C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #7 A0 - Number of inventory item #7 A4 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #8 A8 - Number of inventory item #8 E4 - Number of Items in inventory -Numbers= 00-08 10C - Yellow Key -Numbers= 01=YES 110 - Green Key 114 - Blue Key 134 - Staff 138 - Wand 13C - Crossbow 140 - Dragon's Claw 150 - Gloves 158 - Wand Ammo -Numbers= 0-03E7 (0-999) 15C - Crossbow Ammo 160 - Dragon's Claw Ammo 174 - Wand Max Ammo 178 - Crossbow Max Ammo 17C - Dragon's Claw Max Ammo 190 - God mode and clipping -God=02, Clipping=01, Both=03 EC - Ring Time (Low Adress) -1 minute = 0834hex ED - Ring Time (High Address) F0 - Mask Time (Low Adress) F1 - Mask Time (High Address) F8 - Torch Time (Low Adress) F9 - Torch Time (High Address) FC - Book Time (Low Adress) FD - Book Time (High Address) 100 - Wing Time (Low Adress) 101 - Wing Time (High Adress) v) patches htic12r.zip - Heretic 1.2 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/htic12r.zip htic12s.zip - Heretic 1.2 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/htic12s.zip 1.2 to 1.3 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/htic13rp.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Heroes of Might and Magic ii) cheat edit Use a hex editor to examine your save file in HEROES\GAMES directory (I only tested campaign files "*.CGM" so far): Resource Address (in hex) -------- ------- Lumber 16F Mercury 173 Ore 177 Sulfur 17B Red Crystal 17F Gem 183 Gold 187+188 (low byte, high byte) For example, put the value of "40" in location 16F and you will get 64 units of lumber. Put "20 4E" in locations 187+188 will give you 20,000 in gold. (20,000 = 4E20 in hex) To edit a hero's attributes is slightly more complicated. First, search for your hero's name (e.g. "Tyro") and go to that location. The starting location for the hero's name is your base address (offset 0). Attribute Offset (decimal) --------- ------ Experience Pts 39+40 Experience Lvl 44 Attack 46 Defence 47 Spell 48 Knowledge 49 iii) cracks ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/hmm12crk.zip iv) editor/trainer Complete Heroes Editor v1.1 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/homm-ed.zip v) Patches to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hpatch12.zip viii) FAQs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/HeroesOfMightAndMagic.faq FAQ v0.8 Alpha ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/homm.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Quest/Quest for Glory i) cheat codes type 'razzle dazzle root beer' to enable cheat v) patches VGA patch A ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qgepat.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/heroq1.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/qfg1.uhs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Quest II/Quest for Glory II i) cheat codes type in the command 'Suck blue frog'. It should enable a cheat mode in which typing ALT-H to change your stats, and ALT-I to change your inventory Here's a trick for the classic game, Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire by Sierra On-Line. This trick enables you to get all the money you desire. You'll lose all the money near the end of the game, but spend all you want until them. All you do is visit the Dervish at the desert oasis. Get some of his beard off the tree. Return to Shapier and go to the Magic Shop. Sell the Beard to the shop keeper for money. You can repeat this as many times as you want, without getting more beard. 1. On the overhead map, hold down the ALT-Right SHIFT and ~ (the key next to the 1) for about three seconds, and a chest will appear. Each chest contains the items needed to finish that chapter, and an option to heal all characters. Just use the cheat trick, in conjunction with these level codes, and you can beat every chapter: Chapter 1: 6478 Chapter 2: 9216 Chapter 3: 7702 Chapter 4: 2132 Chapter 5: 5052 Chapter 6: 0680 Chapter 7: 0194 Chapter 8: 4743 Chapter 9: 9995 2. To strengthen yourself a bit, here's another trick. On your way to Elvandar in Chapter 6, there's a well which, when you add Fadamor's Formula to it, can increase your characters' strengths by three points -- permanently. To find it, follow the main road to Elvandar. Just before the road dead-ends, you should find the well (use spyglass of Ishap). The trick is that when you use the well with the formula, it takes all of the formula you have with you so that you can only do the strengthen trick once. But if you leave all but one dose in the bag in front of the well, use the well, then take another dose from the bag, you can use the well again. Every time you repeat this process, both Owyn's and Gorath's strength increases by three. v) Patches (savegame-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg2fix.zip (character import-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg2imprt.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hq2_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Quest III/Quest for Glory III v) Patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg3_11.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/qfg3_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero Quest IV/Quest of Glory IV v) Patches to 1.10a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg4_110a.zip (import-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg4imp.zip (fix for missing fake note) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg4note.zip vi) Solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/qfg4.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heroes of the Lance iii) crack edit START.EXE SEARCH_74 1A BB _REPLACE_EB 1A BB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hexen i) cheat codes Demo cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/hexdemo.cod codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/hexen.cod v) patches 1.0 to 1.1 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hexn11rp.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/hexen.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Octane i) cheat codes [Alt]+[F1] = Destroy yourself [Alt]+[F2] = Destroys all enemies [Alt]+[F3] = Full fuel [Alt]+[F4] = Max ammo [Alt]+[F5] = Max shield [Alt]+[F6] = one more lap [Alt]+[y] = Autopilot on [Alt]+[c] = Autopilot off iii) cracks To play the game from the hard-drive 1 - Delete hioctane.cd directory of your HD or somethink like it 2 - copy the entire CD to a directory called OCT or the root directory other name may work but I know this one does. 3 - then run the game out of this directory and it should intall it's self again on your HD and It's done. v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hioctan1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hioctan2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Seas Trader ii) cheat edit money edit edit *.SAV (* is your save game) sector 75 disp 319-321 change to FF FF FF ship capacity edit sector 75 disp 234-235 change to E8 03 cargo load capacity sector 64 disp 482 iv) Patches CD Version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hstcd102.zip floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hstdk102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highway ii) cheat edit life and energy not reduce edit HW1.EXE search FE 0E B0 0F change 90 90 90 90 search FF 0E B1 0F change 90 90 90 90 (change 3 times) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Highway Hunter i) Cheat Codes START.EXE BEER for Unlimited energy START.EXE FREE for Unlimited weapons START.EXE SKIP to Skip introduction START.EXE_L# where # is starting level number --------------------------------------------------------------------- History Line i) cheat codes level codes: 1 - PULSE 2 - CIVIL 3 - MOUSE 4 - VENOM 5 - NOISE 6 - KIGHT 7 - ORKAN 8 - FRONT 9 - RATIO 10 - PARTS 11 - PLANE 12 - FLAME 13 - GOTHA 14 - BALON 15 - PAUSE 16 - ELITE 17 - INFRA 18 - HILLS 19 - COBRA 20 - ATLAS 21 - AMPER 22 - KHEIN 23 - CANDL 24 - STERN 1 - PULSE 2 - GOOSE 3 - SPORT 4 - BIMBO 5 - TEMPO 6 - BARON 7 - BUMM 8 - LEVEL 9 - MODE 10 - PRINC 11 - CLEAN 12 - XENON 13 - SIGNS 14 - HOUSE 15 - SIGMA 16 - SEVEN 17 - ZOMBI 18 - MOVES 19 - BLADE 20 - ZORRO 21 - STONE 22 - MOSEL 23 - ORDER 24 - SODOM --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hhgttg.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hive v) patches 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hive_101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockey League Simulator II v) Patches to 1.14 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/h2v114.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hocus Pocus ii) Cheat Edit undead edit HOCUS.EXE search 01 06 3C 70 you will find 5 occurance change all to 90 90 90 90 unlimit 'continuous shoot time' edit HOCUS.EXE search FF 0E 70 CE change 90 90 90 90 v) Patches to 1.1 (Reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hppat-r.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hollywood Hijinks vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hijinks.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horde iii) Crack edit HORDE.EXE (504429)Byt search 8A 55 CC 66 8B change EB 28 -- -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/horde.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/hordecht.zip v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hord11cd.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hord11dk.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/horde.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostage i) cheat codes Captain/Commander Cheat. To become Captain or Commander type either HPETS or EDUAB. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hugo_sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hugo2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humans i) cheat codes level codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/human.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/humpat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Humans (Insult to Injury) i) cheat Codes level codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/humani.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have no mouth, and I must scream vi) solutions/hint/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/scream.uhs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Botham's Cricket iii) crack UNLZEXE BLOCK1.EXE Search : 0A C0 75 0C 80 3C 00 change : -- -- EB 05 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immortal i) cheat codes Certificates: cddff10006f70 ------- Level 2 f47ef21000e10 ------- Level 3 b5fff31001eb0 ------- Level 4 563f743000eb0 ------- Level 5 cbdec53010a41 ------- Level 6 c250f63010ac1 ------- Level 7 e011f730178c1 ------- Level 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Extremis i) cheat codes level codes Level Level-Code GOTO code ---------------------------------------------- C200 IJEKAH B101 JBHGAD A002 CJBAIK ATILAHUN B103 FIJGAD C204 KADBEI ZENDOR56 D305 JDKCHB STRADIUS C207 CHIGAK TARRACI12 B108 HDGJAE A009 BGJAF CARTOONO C210 AFBJDH GOREXZ73 B111 JEAGHI ALTEA117 A012 ABFEKI B113 AIDCJF C214 EFGHJC RAMDAC38 D315 IJHGBA E416 EIABDC D317 JFBADG EPSILON4 F518 AEDKGB G620 KCFGIB H721 HEAJDF NEAREND1 H719 KFGCJD I822 GDEAJF CENTRAL7 G623 HEFDKB H724 JGCDIB H725 CDAJKE ARKETYPE F526 EFIBAG PRACTIX4 I827 BHAJKG F528 HJKDCF ANTARESS G629 FKIEJG CLEENEND --------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Search of Dr.Riptide ii) cheat edit For unlimited oxygen Edit the file RIPTIDE.EXE within a HEX editor or some kind. At Sector 76, Offset 173-176 - Change 01 06 C0 2A to 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inca i) cheat code Press ++ and you have full energy again. vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/inca.txt Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/incamp.zip v) patches (CD-version, 4th august '95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/incacdpt.zip (5th march '93) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/inca_pat.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inca II vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/inca2.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis i) cheat codes To win all your fights simply hit INSERT during the scrap, and you will without any effort win over your opponent. iii) Crack edit INDY4A.EXE search 41 74 44 31 FD FF change 4C 5A 39 -- -- -- then use UNLZEXE to decomp INDY4A.EXE search 75 1F B8 08 00 50 B8 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- when ask password, press any key is o.k. v) patches fix for Pentiums (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fatecd.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/indy4.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/indy4.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/indy4.sol --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade iii) cracks ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/indy3.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom iii) cracks edit INDY.EXE SEARCH_3D FF FF 74 03 E9 _REPLACE_3D FF FF EB 03 E9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IndyCar iii) Crack edit indycar.exe search 3b 14 85 78 bb 00 00 75 13 change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 CD-ROM Version edit ic.exe search 3b 14 85 30 c5 00 00 75 13 change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 for V 1.05 edit indycar.exe search 3b 14 85 60 c4 00 00 75 13 change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno i) Cheat codes Whilst in your cockpit hold down the RIGHT-SHIFT and type LOLIFE to activeate the cheat. The message "Cheat-Enabled" will appear on your HUD and you will be invincible and have unlimited weapons. In addition, pause the game using ALT-P and press numbers 1 thru 7 to award the corresponding combat pod. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infocom vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/infocom.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inherit The Earth v) patches upgrade (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/inher_cd.zip install-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/instite.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/walkthrus/InheritTheEarth.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Innocent Until Caught II : Presumed Guilty vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/guilty.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interrupt iii) crack edit TITLE.EXE search 1D FF FF 0B C0 75 09 9A 04 change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Cross iv) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ic_patch.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Island of Dr Brain v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/db2patch.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Nicklaus Signature Tour Vol 2 iii) Crack use UNLZEXE to decomp GOLF.EXE search 83 3E 7E C2 03 74 05 change -- -- -- -- -- EB -- v) Patches Jack Nicklaus Unlimeted Golf 1.51 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jnu151.zip Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition Golf ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jns_golf.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagged Alliance i) cheat codes Have one of your mercs walk a longer distance than his/her action points will allow (like 80 or so). Watch the merc's action points as they decrease. When the merc's action points get below the amount usually needed to shoot (but _not_ to zero), right click on their picture to spin it around and get the three buttons. Click on the "reserve points" button (I believe it has to be unchecked before this little cheat is attempted). Then right click on the picture again to spin it back around. The merc will continue walking (as usual), but he/she will walk _all_ the way to wherever you told him/her to go, with absolutely no regard for action points. A nice way to get out of range of that sniper... ii) cheat edit HexCheats: Load a savegame into a hexeditor and search for the name of a hero. Important are the next two rows: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 NA ME HE RO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 01 08 00 00 00 00 00 01 XX XX 00 00 00 00 00 64 YY ZZ AA BB CC DD EE FF 00 XX XX Health , change to whatever you want ------------------------------------------------- YY mobility ZZ skill AA wisdom BB medicine CC explosive DD mechanics EE accurance FF experiance Change all to 63 iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-mny.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-merc.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-edit.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-heal.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/jaedit15.zip Editor 1.2 (for version 1.12) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/jahack1.zip v) Patches to 1.11 ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/ja111.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/jagged.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/jagged-alliance.faq ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammit Basketball i) Cheat Codes all level codes SLADE : CHILL : ROXY : ------- ------- ------- MRKYMCY TZMYNYN DKRBNSN HNSFJLD THMSLNS STPKRNR DWGTSTN DNWYGLL SSNHYDN DMDWYDZ DLMRVNN JNFRBCN TRYBRNM MRNLYNG LRNCHLS BRNMCMN MKGLSCK PLWRHDS JSPHKSC THMSCSY STWSPKN PHLSRGR JRBRGHT BBSKNNR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Janitor Joe i) cheat codes Secret Bonus Level The secret bonus level can be obtained by going to the far right on the first level and jumping up and down a few times. Be about 3 people spaces from the right wall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jazz Jackrabbit i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/jazzjack.zip ii) Cheat edit unlimit bullet edit JAZZ.EXE search FF 8D E2 D6 A0 DC D8 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jet Strike i) cheat codes Level Codes. TDEJQNQL JHALMROB RZWVUVCP VZQRUDOP HTETAPOJ NFYHOTAR RPSREBSX TREFCPMJ XHYJMVKX HHSFMBQX HXEXWPWV ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jewels of the Oracle i) cheat codes What do I do after I've done the Ball Maze ? When you clear all the balls, you should hear a chime, and a jewel appears in the top middle of the screen. Hold down the control key, and click the left mouse button to be transported to the room where your count will be taken. If nothing happens, check your settings. vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/joto.uhs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour iii) Crack edit VGA.DAT search E8 BF 08 E8 F9 09 E8 F9 0B change 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Madden Football iii) cracks edit MFB.EXE position: 14667 change into: C3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jordon in Flight ii) Cheat Edit Edit file ????????.tnm offset 000C Round Number minus one 0050 First Team games won 0052 First Team games lost 0056,0058 Second Team games won,lost 005C,005E Third Team games won,lost 0062,0064 Fourth Team games won,lost 0068,006A Fifth Team games won,lost 006E,0070 Sixth Team games won,lost 0074,0076 Seventh Team games won,lost 007A,007C Eighth Team games won,lost --------------------------------------------------------------------- JourneyMan Project v) patches Turbo Non-english fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jmupdate.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump Raven v) Patches Jump Raven 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jraven11.zip Windows 95/NT upgrade: ftp://ftp.cyberflix.com/pub/patches/rave95.zip Mac PowerPC/68k fat binary: ftp://ftp.cyberflix.com/pub/patches/RavenMacFat.sea (Windows 95/NT fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rave95.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jungle Strike i) Cheat codes level codes 1 - 2MMSXMMMP 2 - 9BN8QMMMZ 3 - 9BB63MMMF 4 - YVV6KNMMQ 5 - YVCGSBMMR 6 - MCXJXVMM4 7 - MCZQLCMMJ undead: press ESC after start, enter CHINKEN and then ESC, undead unless you hit the wall iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jungle-t.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- JURASSIC PARK i) cheat codes level codes 2 - B14A5+++ 3 - 3B5FB+++ 4 - 0377D+++ 5 - -------- 6 - 0179D+++ 7 - 607AF+++ 8 - EB8FD+++ 9 - 8B8FF+++ 10 - AB901+++ 11 - 4B903+++ Play the first level and take the last three letters and replace the +++ in the list. This works with every level.. for CD version 2. C37EF8D1 3. 4D9458D1 4. 15AC78D1 5. 13AE78D1 6. 72AF98D1 7. FDC478D1 8. 9DC498D1 9. BDC4B8D1 10. 5DC4D81 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kali (play many games through InterNet) (can be find in ftp://tracker.vet.uga.edu/pub/kali) iii) crack edit KALI.EXE UNP (or PKLITE) KALI.EXE search : 83 06 96 00 01 change : -- -- -- -- 00 (crack the 15 mins constrain) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasparov's Gambit v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kgptch.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken's Labyrinth iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/kencheat.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kick off 3 European Challenge iii) Crack edit INTRO.EXE search 83 7E FE 00 74 38 B8 03 change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- edit KICK.EXE search 3D FF FF 75 38 0E change -- -- -- EB -- -- search 0B C0 75 F0 6A 03 9A 02 change -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- -- edit MAIN.EXE search 85 C0 74 34 B8 B5 change -- -- EB -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings of the Beach i) cheat codes Level code LOGIC ON LOGIC OFF EAT ME DRINK ME ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq1s.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq1-step.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq2s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq3s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest IV v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kq4fix.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq4s.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq4.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest V v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kq5fix.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq5s.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq5.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq5.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq5-guide.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq5-maps.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest VI iii) cracks edit 21.SCR position: 2902 change into: 32 position: 3018 change into: 00 click sometimes up to five different icons for each riddle. v) Patches CD-version,SVGA-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kq6cdhi.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq6s.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq6-map.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest VII v) Patches to 1.51 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kq7_151.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ma-dos/games/patches/kq7pat.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/kq7-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq7-sol.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq7-hints.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klick & Play v) Patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/knpup11.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knight's Chase vi) solutions/hint/map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/knight.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Sky iii) cracks edit ID.EXE SEARCH_10 9C F4 85 05 _REPLACE_10 9C FA 85 05 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kots.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of Xentar ii) Cheat Edit floppy version undead edit K.EXE search 89 44 06 8B 45 change 90 90 90 -- -- quick attack edit K.EXE search C6 47 11 00 56 change 90 90 90 90 -- (still need to wait until speed max to have quick attack) photo gallery edit KX.EXE search 80 3E CB 0E 00 74 13 change C6 06 -- -- 01 90 90 unlimit HP and MP UNP K.EXE go sector 15 offset 435 change 18 to 1C go sector 15 offset 441 change 1A to 1E go sector 15 offset 449 change 06 to 04 go sector 15 offset 455 change 0A to 08 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kox108a.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kox_hnt.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Krusty's Super Fun House ii) Cheat Edit UNLZEXE TD.EXE TR.EXE TXS.EXE unlimit energy search 2C 0A 2E A2 A3 0E in 3 files change 90 90 -- -- -- -- unlimit bullet search FE C8 2E A2 A5 0E in 3 files change 90 90 -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labyrinth of Time vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/walkthrus/LabyrinthOTime.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamers i) cheat codes ________________________ _ Level 2 _ IRAQBAGDAD _ _ Level 3 _ AQUAFRESH _ _ Level 4 _ LUFTHANSA _ _ Level 5 _ OSLOTAXI _ _ Level 6 _ SUPERVGA _ _ Level 7 _ LEGO _ _ Level 8 _ MAZE _ _ Level 9 _ SCREWED _ ________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lands of Lore ii) Cheat Edit health not reduce edit MAIN.EXE search 5E FC 26 89 7F 39 26 83 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- magic point not reduce edit MAIN.EXE search 5E FC 26 89 7F 3D EB 12 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- search 5E FC 26 01 47 3D 26 83 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- iii) Crack by pass password edit MAIN.EXE search 83 7E FE 00 75 4A 6A change C7 46 FE 01 00 EB 49 for 1.11a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/lol11crk.zip iv) editor/trainer Lands of Lore Trainer 1.1a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/loltrn2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/loledit.zip v) Patches to 1.02 CD ver ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolcdpch.zip to 1.23 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolp123.zip English ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolen123.zip Franch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolfr123.zip Germany ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolgr123.zip Lands of Lore fix for Waveblaster ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolwave.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lol-sol.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lolmap.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Laser Squad ii) cheat edit Edit the mission files with a Hex editor and make the changes detailed in the table below to increase the number of credits you have to 800. This should be plenty as if you were to spend more you would be too heavily weighed down and you'd lose lots of action points. File Starting Offset Type: 1 Hex 2309 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 2 Hex 2309 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 3 Hex 2309 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 4 Hex 2309 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 5 Hex 2309 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 20 03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Dynasty v) patches (joystick-fix under Windows95) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ldjoy.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laura Bow II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lb2solve.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lbid i) cheat codes (level codes) 01 - 696 14 - 11264 27 - 26639 40 - 23725 02 - 31877 15 - 30917 28 - 9625 41 - 15194 03 - 16022 16 - 19507 29 - 14551 42 - 2051 04 - 27037 17 - 12510 30 - 17278 43 - 14852 05 - 23428 18 - 20848 31 - 7157 44 - 591 06 - 12765 19 - 29124 32 - 29596 45 - 28500 07 - 14773 20 - 9780 33 - 1648 46 - 15256 08 - 24726 21 - 1581 34 - 19829 47 - 20318 09 - 18412 22 - 19380 35 - 4046 48 - 10607 10 - 23812 23 - 29385 36 - 9468 49 - 17771 11 - 30724 24 - 21013 37 - 22866 50 - 8951 12 - 21570 25 - 8492 38 - 14517 13 - 6337 26 - 21374 39 - 21956 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leanardo i) cheat codes EMMENTALER, ALPHORN, MATTERHORN, IVANHOE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Goddesses of Phobos vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lgop_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Goddesses of Phobos II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lgop2sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend of Kyrandia I iii) cracks edit MAIN.EXE position: 14852 change into: 50 B8 4C 4C CD 21 position: 257064 change into: EB vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kyrandia.zip ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub0/game-solutions/kyrandia.sol ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kyrandia.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legend of Kyrandia II iv) editors/trainer Hand of Fate stage and hotspot editor ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/hof-ed.zip v) Patches to 1.40 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hof1_40.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend of Kyrandia III - Malcom's Revenge vi) Solution/hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/kyrand3.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kyr3sol.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/malcolm.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legions for Windows iv) Patches Windows NT fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lgnpat.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl1_sol.zip (X rate questions) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl_code.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl2_sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl3_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry VI v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lsl6pat.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/lsl6-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/lsl6.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry V vi) solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/larry5.sol -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemmings vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lemmings.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lemmings II ii) cheat edit add Cheta = 1 in L2.INI and select CHEAT MODE in PREF iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/lem2crk.zip Edit the file L2.RKO Find: 74 0E C7 06 0B Replace with: EB 23 C7 06 0B vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lemming2.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemmings III ii) cheat edit unlimit time edit L3F.EXE search FE 06 C8 1D change 90 90 90 90 edit L3FGUS.EXE search FE 06 C8 1D change 90 90 90 90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemmings 3D i) cheat codes Level Codes: ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/lemm3d.zip ii) cheat edit edit LM3D.EXE unlimit time search FE 0E 4E 20 79 11 search 90 90 90 90 -- -- search C7 06 4E 20 00 00 change -- -- -- -- 01 -- unlimit tools search FE 4F 01 60 B0 11 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- search FE 4F 01 64 C6 45 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- iv) editors/trainer Interactive Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/lemm3d-t.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Les Manley 2: Lost in LA vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/lesman2.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LHA Attack Chopper i) cheat code To re-arm and refuel just press ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LightSpeed ii) Cheat Edit Edit LIGHTSPD.EXE search E9 BE 03 A1 F3 change 90 90 90 A1 F3 give more firepower iii) crack File : lightspd.ovl Search For : A372A1833EBFE3007419509ADA Replace With : A372A1833EBFE300EB19509ADA -- Search For : 9A021A2011EBF9 (Repeat proccess 13 times) Replace With : EB039090909090 -------------- You will no longer be prompted for a password. v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lsver02.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lion v) patches (fix for low memory) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lion560.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lion King i) Cheat Codes DWARF, press these words at the title screen, and it will display "CHEAT ENABLED", then start game. During the game, press "L" to jump to the next level, "H" for full health! iii) crack Lion King Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/lioncrac.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Litil Divil i) Cheat Codes type the following to start game: DIVIL KmCiNpOcKeT --- press F1 to warp DIVIL Nicole --- press shift-P to go to another room DIVIL MEANING --- press SHIFT T to add energy DIVIL Donkey --- press T to add money DIVIL Grumpy --- K to add key ii) Cheat Edit unlimit energy edit DIVIL.EXE Change Offset A9B1 to 00 iii) Crack edit DIVIL.EXE search 83 7E FC 01 74 0C change C6 46 FC 01 EB 0c iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/lildev_t.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locus v) patches (CyberMaxx Head Mounted Display fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/locus_cp.zip (Virtual I/O-Glasses fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/locus_vd.zip ("Not enough low memory" fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/locusmem.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lode Runner for Windows i) cheat codes how to use 'monk' DOS version CTRL F3 to active monk mode use T,Y,U ot G,H,J or B,N,M to control monk use TAB to use monk Windows version in main menu screen(Lode Runner menu, not Windows menu, click on the upper left corner spot, and press CTHULU (v 1.2) or YOG (v 1.3) if success, a 'gang' sound is heard use T,Y,U ot G,H,J or B,N,M to control monk use TAB to use monk v) Patches to 1.3 (floppy) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lode1_3.zip CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lode_cd.zip vii) Add-on all files in this directory contain add-ons ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/loderunner/*.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical i) cheat codes level code ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/logical.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logo i) Cheat Codes level codes 01. 0123456 06. 8765432 02. 1234567 07. 7654321 03. 2345678 08. 6543210 04. 3456789 09. 1122330 05. 9876543 10. 5566779 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOLLYPOP i) cheat codes Underground A71E7U Rainy Forrest BR3220 Spookville OFUJ5F The Mansion QALXPH Dreamland QWAXJ1 Frosty Land QWGJQQ Candy Hill ONKBTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Loom iii) cracks Remove passcodes File: 69.LFL 00001671: 57 E5 00001674: CB FF 00001675: FE FF 00001676: B9 E7 00001677: 9C CE 00001678: FF FE v) patches Roland soundriver ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/loom_rol.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/loom.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lords of Midnight III v) Patches update 1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lom.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lords of the The Realm ii) cheat edit (edit money) Edit the savegame with a hex editor and go to the decimal offsets 87,990, 87,991 and 87,992. Simply change them all to FF. v) Patches for CD ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/dresden/games/patches/lotr101c.zip for floppy ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/dresden/games/patches/lotr101d.zip 1.02 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lotr102c.zip 1.02 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lotr102d.zip 1.03 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lotr103c.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Vikings i) cheat codes STRT GR8T TLPT GRND LLMO FL0T TRSS PHRS CVRN BBLS VLCN QCKS PHR0 C1R0 SPKS JMNN TTRS JLLY PLNG BTRY JNKR CBLT H0PP SMRT V8TR NFL8 WKYY CMB0 8BLL TRDR FNTM WRLR TRPD TFFF FRGT 4RN4 MSTR iii) Crack edit SETUP.EXE search 3B 87 C6 08 75 12 33 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lucky's Casino Adventure v) patches 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lca1_02.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lost in Time v) Patches for CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/litcd.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/lit.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunicus v) Patches Lunicus 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lunifix.zip Windows 95/NT upgrade: ftp://ftp.cyberflix.com/pub/patches/luni95.zip Mac PowerPC/68k fat binary: ftp://ftp.cyberflix.com/pub/patches/LunicusMacFat.sea (Windows 95/NT fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/luni95.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- M1 Abrams Tank Simulator iii) cracks edit START.EXE SEARCH_74 18 E8 11 F3 _REPLACE_EB 18 E8 11 F3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- M1 Tank Platoon iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/m1edit.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- M4 for Windows v) patches 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/m4v104.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LURE OF THE TEMPTRESS iii) crack File: LURE.EXE Search for : 74 01 C3 8B 04 Replace with: -- 00 -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lurking Horror vi)solutions/hint/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/lurking.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrid Crossword iii) Crack edit LCW.EXE search 75 05 3B 46 F6 74 42 change 90 90 -- -- -- EB -- search 75 05 33 C0 E9 39 01 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Machiavelli the Prince v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mach11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mad Dog v) patches soundblaster fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/maddog.zip soundblaster 16 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/maddogb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Dog 2 ii) Cheat Edit undead and unlimit bullet assume CD-ROM drive is D: copy D:\MADDOG2.EXE to C:\ edit MADDOG2.EXE search 26 FF 8F B8 34 (six occurances) change 90 90 90 90 90 (change all six occurance) search FF 8F BC 34 change 90 90 90 90 to start game, change to CD-ROM drive, type C:\MADDOG2 v) patches soundblaster fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/maddog2.zip soundblaster 16 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/maddog2b.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Candle III v) Patches to 1.16 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mc3upb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Carpet i) Cheat Codes Press 'i' and then type 'ratty'. Alt-F1 gives you all the spells. Alt-F2 gives you more manna. Alt-F6 heals you. Alt-F7 kills all creatures. Shift-C completes the level. CARPET -level # to skip to level number #. for Magic Carpet Plus For Magic Carpet Plus, type 'i' then "quick" + to activate cheat. Then press alt + F1-F8 for different cheats. Press Ctrl+C to skip levels. v) Patches level 50 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mclvl50.zip Magic Carpet Plus (missing maphack.exe) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/maphack.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/carpet10.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Carpet II i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/carpet2.cht ii) cheat edit Edit an *.GAM file. You need to activate a spell and set its experience at the maximum to get all 3 spells. Change the byte at the Activation offset in sector 1 to activate the spell Change the bytes at the Experience offsets in sector 0 to get all 3 spells Spell Activation Experience Fireball 92 214 et 215 Possesion 93 218 et 219 Castle 94 222 et 223 Speed Up 95 226 et 227 Metamorph 96 230 et 231 Heal 97 234 et 235 Shield 98 238 et 239 Lightning 99 242 et 243 Rebound 100 246 et 247 Meteor 101 250 et 251 Teleport 102 254 et 255 Invisible 103 258 et 259 Beyond Sight 104 262 et 263 Steal Mana 105 266 et 267 Duel 106 270 et 271 Tremor 107 274 et 275 Crater 108 278 et 279 Eathquake 109 282 et 283 Volcano 110 286 et 287 Summon Army 111 290 et 291 Gravity Well 112 294 et 295 Whirlwind 113 298 et 299 Fools Mana 114 302 et 303 Mine Node 115 306 et 307 Alliance 116 310 et 311 Modify byte at offset 207 in sector 0 to FF to get all the world places PYGMALION project: the ultimate game iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/carpet2t.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/mcarpet2.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC POCKETS i) cheat codes Level-Codes: 5 - 7766 10 - 1960 15 - 1786 20 - 3123 25 - 1286 26 - 6067 27 - 5139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manchester United III i) cheat codes 1) To have a player at 100 % performance, save a game and search his name at English.tda. After his name are several 00's, then 9 offsets will appear. On the first 2 offsets don't put anything, in the other's put 64. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manga Games i) cheat codes During the game type the name of the game BACKWARDS and you should be presented with a Cheat Menu. Easy ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manhunter iii) crack edit MHVOL.1 search 41 06 7A change 7F C3 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maniac Mansion iii) crack Removing doc check: File: 43.lfl 00000B79: FE FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maniac Mansion II : Day of the Tentacle v) Patches fix sound card ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dottupd.zip fix for Pentiums (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dottcd.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/dott.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mansell's World Championship iii) Crack edit MANSELL.EXE search 74 39 B8 6A 00 change EB -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantis iii) cracks edit SOLBASE.DAT search : 8B A8 8B C8 8B D0 change : C7 06 6D 03 EB 32 v) patches (SB Pro drivers) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/man_sbp.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario's Time Machine ii) Cheat Edit money edit MARIOSTA.00? search sector 0 displacement 13,14 change to 0F 27 time search sector 4 displacement 452,453 change to 0F 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario is Losing ii) Cheat edit edit MARIO.BIN car not reduce search : 7E 04 FF 0E DE 6E B8 02 00 change : -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- time not reduce search : 29 16 0D 70 19 06 0F change : 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master of Magic i) Cheat Codes In the "M"agic screen hold down the alt key and type alt-POWER -- You are able to cast every spell that are learnable, including Spell of Mastery. You will also get a fair amount of mana. However, all of the wizards get this also. alt-REVEAL -- You will get to see everything on the map, and so will all the wizards. [you must exit the "M"agic screen and re-enter it for this to show up] destin to get a message asking you to give MP your saved game and a bug report [presumably this was a cheat at one time] iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-edt.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-gold.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/momgld13.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/momgold.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/edmom.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/momedt21.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-ed.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/momedt21.zip http://cosyfish.ab.umd.edu/~rdiblasi/momedit/momedt22.zip http://cosyfish.ab.umd.edu/~rdiblasi/momedit/momedit.html Graphical Utilities 1.0 alpha rev.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/momgu1a3.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/mom131.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mom131.zip vii) Add-ons (unregistered multi player shell) ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mmom30s.exe viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/mom-faq.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/mom_102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master of Orion i) Cheat Codes Galaxy scout's the whole galaxy for you Moola gives 100bc while in Planet screen iii)Crack Method 1: edit STABMAP.EXE search 3B 46 F6 75 0D C7 06 AA change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- Method 2: edit STABMAP.EXE search 3B 46 F6 75 0D C7 06 change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- Method 3: ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/moo13crk.zip for v 1.3 edit STARMAP.EXE search : 8b 46 fc 48 3b 46 f6 change : -- -- f6 90 -- -- -- Master of Orion Cracker 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/crorion.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/edmoo.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/moosed11.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-edt.zip Master of Orion 5,000,000 BC cheat ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/orioncht.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/moov13.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/moo.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/moofaq28.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megaman iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/megam-pd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MegaMan X iii) crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/mmx-fix.zip iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/mmx-t.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megamaze i) Cheat Codes Level Codes. Level 5 - 2781 Level 10 - 6185 Level 15 - 7866 Level 20 - 9366 Level 25 - 2115 Level 50 - 2065 Level 90 - 1130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MegaRace ii) cheat edit DEBUG N .SAV E 100 33 E 101 30 E 102 EE E 103 EE E 104 EE E 105 EE E 106 00 E 107 EE E 108 00 E 109 00 E 10a 00 E 154 FF E 156 FF E 158 FF E 160 FF E 162 FF E 164 FF E 166 FF E 168 FF E 16A FF E 16C FF E 16E FF E 170 FF E 172 FF E 174 FF E 176 FF W Q v) patches fix for Packard Bell PCs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/megapb.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean Streets v) Patches to 1.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/meanst14.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MechWarrior iii) crack edit MW_MAIN.EXE search 04 00 FF 1E 2C 00 change -- -- E9 31 01 90. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechwarrior II i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mechwar2.txt Ghost Bear Legacy cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mech2gbl.cod iii) crack MW2 run without CD-ROM. 1) Do a full installation to your hard drive (~103 MB). (Do the installation, but don't copy over any other files from the CD - you don't need them). 2) edit mech2.exe with a hex editor. Search for OLD_HERC.DRV. Change the preceeding %c to one of the following (note that syntax and case is important): %A if you want A drive %B if you want B drive %C if you want C drive %D if you want D drive %E if you want E drive etc. or change 25 63 3A 5C 00 to 25 41 3A 5C 00 for drive A 25 42 3A 5C 00 B 25 43 3A 5C 00 C 25 44 3A 5C 00 D 25 45 3A 5C 00 E 3) repeat the same for the mw2.exe executable file changing it to the same letter that you did for mech2.exe. 4) copy the hidden file from the CD-ROM to the root directory of the drive that you referenced in the above two executables. 5) reboot your system making sure that you are no longer loading a CD-ROM driver. Run mech2.exe to load the game. This break works with NETDEMO. Disadvantages You don't get to listen to the greatest music score to accompany any game ever. You don't get some incidental still shots. iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/mw2cheat.zip editor 1.0 (windows) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/meched10.zip Weapon editor ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mw2-ed.zip Mission Selecter ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mw2-msn.zip v) Patches new joystick drivers ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mw2patch.zip new joystick drivers (v2) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mw2giddi.zip Mechwarrior II 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mech2v11.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/mechwar2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/mw2faq.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medeival Warriors iii) crack FILE: WARRIORS.EXE (or WARRIOR.EXE) ORIGINAL: 89 46 FE 83 7E FE 61 7D 04 83 46 FE 20 CRACK : A1 40 2B 89 46 FE EB 00 EB 00 EB 00 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega Lo Mania i) Cheat Codes level codes 1st EPOCH : IUIAZXFIWMB 2nd EPOCH : XEFABXIMHTZ 3rd EPOCH : WSOCBFWVJNT 4th EPOCH : YABDTQDHCOF 5th EPOCH : WYYCTOJAUIP 6th EPOCH : WVSDHOUGNJR 7th EPOCH : ATNDRHJNGKV 8th EPOCH : WJJDRFPYZKQ 9th EPOCH : POJABZCPQFC last island is Mega Lo Mania, code is: MKBAPWXOIIV --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menzo vi) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/menzo-c.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merchant Prince iii) Crack password edit MERCHANT.EXE search A2 1C 74 0C 1E 68 02 1F change -- -- EB 0C -- -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/merch11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal & Lace iii) Crack 8 floppy version edit MAIN.EXE search 3B 06 36 0E 74 06 EB change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- 9 floppy version search 74 06 EB 46 change EB -- -- -- search 74 34 68 DE 04 68 change EB -- -- -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.42 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mlp142.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Marines i) Cheat Codes Level # Level Name Level Passcode --------- ------------ ---------------- 1 GAEA PNTM 2 COUGAR HBBT 3 EAGLE PCRC 4 BISON NWTN 5 GRAMPUS LSMD 6 ICEBERG CLST 7 EUROSTORM I JPTR 8 EUROSTORM II NBLR 9 EUROSTORM III PRSC 10 ARTEMIS PHTN 11 POSEIDON TRNS 12 KINGDOM RNSN 13 SANDSTORM ZDCP 14 ZIHARD FKDV 15 KIWI YSHM 16 SNARLFISH CLPD 17 MARLION LNVV 18 CHINGLONG JFMR 19 SUKURA JCRY 20 SUNRISE KNLB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metaltech: Earthsiege i) cheat codes >From the main menu, start or resume a campaign. Now go back to the main menu and select single mission. Choose any of the missions offered. Enter briefing, then click on armament. Grab yourself a big hulking Herc. Return to the briefing and cancel the single mission. Resume the campaign from the main menu, play the first assigned mission, then save. Load the save and you'll now have all Hercs completely decked out and ready for action. v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/esxpanpt.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microcosm v) Patches to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mcosm1_2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mid Winter iii) cracks edit MIDWINTR.EXE SEARCH_E8 59 01 2E FF _REPLACE_E8 59 01 EB 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might & Magic III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/mm3_sol.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might & Magic IV : Clouds of Xeen i) Cheat codes Magic for all: Go to a Teleport mirror and type the following Lord Xeen - To go to lord Xeen Bogus - ???? you tell me Count du money - Fo to Dragons lair Showtime - Go to the end of the game Shangri-la - find a hidden town I lost it - get the magical sword iii) Crack the crack may apply to: Might & Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen Might & Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen World of Xeen (MM4+MM5) sorry that I am not sure.... UNP XEEN.EXE search : 2E 8B 16 1A 08 2E A1 1C 08 change : BA 09 01 B8 E5 6C 90 90 90 search : B4 40 BA 42 08 CD 21 change : -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 UNP XEEN.DAT search : 8B 46 FC 0B 46 FE 74 2C 16 change : -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- search : 83 C4 08 0B C0 75 16 6A 0B change : -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- input anything when ask password v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cloudup.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might & Magic V iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/mm5crk.zip v) patches Darkside of Xeen Covox sounddriver ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/xeen_cov.zip fix for SB Pro on INT 10 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/xeen_sbp.zip town-portal fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/xeenfix2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mines of Titan iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/mthack.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Ditka Ultimate Football (Part 1) iii) cracks edit MDFB.EXE position: 26482 change into: 90 90 Note, you must also run the unprotect for Mike Ditka Football Part II ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Ditka Ultimate Football (Part 2) iii) cracks edit DAT101.DAT position: 48216 change into: 90 90 NOTE! You must also run the unprotect for Mike Ditka Football (Part I) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Critical vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/missioncritical.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/misscrit.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/missioncritical-sol.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/mission.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mixed Up Mother Goose v) patches (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mgcd486.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern Bride v) patches 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bride104.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Island iii) crack The Secret of Monkey Island (VGA) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/monkycrk.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Island II iii) Crack edit MONKEY2.001 search 6F 6B 83 68 4B change -- -- 6F 6B -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/mi2solve.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/monkey2.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monopoly Deluxe (for DOS) v) patches 1.0 to 1.5 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mddos150.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster Bash I vi) editors/trainer more lives ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/bashcht.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monty Pythons Complete Waste of Time v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pythfix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORDOR iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/moredit.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Vegas Games v) patches 1.00 to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mvgs102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortal Kombat i) Cheat Codes opening the setup menu by pressing F10 hold down shift while typing DIP. This pops up a DIP-switch menu which you can alter at will. Their purpose: Switch 1:Fatalities on/off Switch 2:Blood On/Off Switch 3:Comic Book Offer On/Off Switch 4:CPU Fatalities on/off Switch 5:Freeplay on/off ii) Cheat edits unlimit continuous edit MK.EXE search A7 0C 03 FF FA 04 change -- -- -- -- -- 0A iii) Crack password edit MK.EXE search 75 05 41 42 change 90 90 -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/mkcrack.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mkpat.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortal Kombat II i) Cheat Codes in the copyright screen (black with white letters) type AICULEDSSUL in the demo, press F9. iii) Cracks (MKII CD-ROM version) make it can play from harddisk directly search : FD FF FF E8 94 FD FF FF B8 change : -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 -- for the floppy version, use the method of MK1 vi) solution/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/mk2pc-mv.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/mk2faq16.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortal Kombat III i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mk3.cod iii) crack Address a3570 c0 0f 84 d7 0e 00 00 Search for a3570 c0 0f 85 d7 0e 00 00 Change to c3eb0 5a c3 68 08 00 00 00 Search for c3eb0 5a c3 c3 08 00 00 00 Change to viii)FAQs FAQ v1.10 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/mk3.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myst v) Patches MWave fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mystfix.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/mystwalk.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/msdos/romulus/hints/mystwalk.zip. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystic Towers i) cheat codes + Customer Cheat - Cheats are activated by typing "BALDRIC" during a level. Once actived, your score is reset to zero, and you can press the following key combos to achieve what is listed: [lshift] R xx - where xx is a number of a room to jump to (01-45) [lshift] H - to get maximum health, also food and drink [lshift] K - to get all keys except the end tower key [lshift] W - to get full weapons [lshift] C - to get ten coins Only the health cheat works in the shareware version; the rest require the registered version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nascar Racing iv) Editors/Trainer Nascar/IndyCar setup viewer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nascrstg.zip v) Patches upgrade to 1.2 ftp://ftp.std.com/ftp/vendors/papyrus/nas12.exe ftp://ftp.std.com/ftp/vendors/papyrus/readme12.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nascar12.zip Nascar Racing 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nas121.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Navy Strike v) patches (new video drivers) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/navyup.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- NBA Live' 95 iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/nba95-ed.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbaed201.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbaed202.zip v) Patches patch 3.28 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv328.zip NBA Live! 95 Rookies patch 1.0 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nba95r10.zip NBA Live! patch 3.00 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv30.zip NBA Live! 95 all-time greats patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/alltime.zip NBA Live! '95 PAS-16 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nbapa16.zip NBA Live! patch 3.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv304.zip patch 4.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv403.zip nbapv416.zip - NBA Live! '95 roster patch 4.16 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv416.zip 95 roster patch 4.27 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv427.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/nba95.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBA Live' 96 v) patches patch 3.05 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/rostv305.zip 3.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbaed31.zip roster patch 3.13 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/rostv313.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need for Speed i) cheat codes As far as I can tell, you have to beat the tournament -twice- before the codes are made available. Winning the tourney once just gives you the extra track (Lost Vegas). Once you've completed the 2nd tournament, a check of the credits will reveal these codes: EAC POWR - makes the bonus car available. EAC WARP - makes gameplay go faster. EAC RALY - turns Rusty Springs into an Egyptian dirt track. Yes, they have to be in all caps, and there must be a space between EAC and the code word - just like they're typed above. You type them in at the prompt for the player's name when starting a single race. It may also work in head-to-head and time trial - I haven't tried it there yet. ii) cheat edit choose Las Vegas be the 1st at each game or edit the save game under: NFS\GAMEDATA\SAVEGAME find relative sector 0000001 0304(0130) 5A 00 20 00 43 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0320(0140) 00 00 00 00 00 00........... change to 0340(0130) 5A 00 20 00 43 00 48 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 0320(0140) 01 00 01 00 ................ load the save game again, choose any game and play (can quit in the middle) then the hidden track will appear. iv) editor/trainer bonus cars/tracks enabler v1.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/nfs-cht.zip Race Track Editor v0.2 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/nfs-tred.zip v) patches CD-ROM seek error fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nfs_cd.zip vii) add-ons Road & Tracks ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nfs.zip viii) FAQs 1.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/nfs_faq.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neuromancer vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/neuro_pw.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/neuroman.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NHL Hockey '96 v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nhl96fix.zip (fix for CD-ROM errors during games) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nhl96fix.zip gameplay fixes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nhl96.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noctropolis vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/noctropo.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/noctropolis-step.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/noctrop.uhs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomad v) Patches 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nomad101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova 9 i) cheat codes Shield recharge and level retry: Start game with this command "nova9 sandman" now push <7> to recharge sheilds and when you die you can retry the level iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/nov9trn1.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/nova9hnt.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NovaStorm i) Cheat Codes The special warp code in Nova Storm: After game start, when you get control of the plane, type: tomatoes You will then warp to a special bonus level (all shoot become tomato shape) and can get all special weapons. After the bonus level, you will go to the final stage. ii) Cheat Edit NovaStorm add life method: use any hex editor, edit NOVASTRM.CFG (in c:\), change the first byte to any number you like. The first byte is the number of plane (life). You can even make the file read-only. another cheat edit: assume CD drive is E: copy e:\novastrm.exe to c:\ edit NOVASTRM.EXE unlimit life search 66 FF 0D 98 2B 03 00 79 09 change EB 05 -- -- -- -- -- EB -- energy no reduce 66 29 05 95 2B 03 00 79 37 EB 05 -- -- -- -- -- EB -- bomb not reduce FE 0D BF E8 02 00 EB 04 -- -- -- -- to run NOVASTRM, at E: type c:\novastrm.exe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclear War iii) cracks edit NUKEWAR.EXE position: 56946 change into: 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh No! More Lemmings i) cheat codes TAME LEVEL 01. ---------- 50 50 1 4 Down & out Lemmings 02. IHRTDLCCAR 50 50 1 4 Rent-a-Lemming 03. LRTDLCADAO 50 50 1 4 Undercover lemming 04. RTDLCILEAH 50 50 1 4 Downwordly Nobile lemmings 05. TDLCAHTFAO 50 50 1 4 Smuggle up to a lemming 06. DLCIHUTGAJ 50 50 1 4 Intsy-wintsy... lemming! 07. LCALUTDHAG 50 50 1 4 Who's that lemming 08. CILUTDLIAP 50 50 1 4 Dangerzone 09. CAHRUDKJAR 50 50 1 4 And now this... 10. IHRUDLCKAK 50 50 1 4 New lemmings on the block 11. LRUDLCALAH 50 50 1 4 With compliments 12. RUDLCILMAQ 50 50 1 4 Citizen lemming 13. UDLCAHVNAJ 50 50 1 4 Thunder-lemmings are go! 14. DLCIITUOAR 50 50 1 4 Get a little extra help 15. LCALVUDPAP 50 50 1 4 Not just a pretty lemming 16. CILVUDLQAI 50 50 1 4 Gone with the lemming 17. CAHRTFLBBL 50 50 1 4 Honey, i saved the lemmings 18. IHRTFLCCBE 50 50 1 4 Lemmings for presidents! 19. LRTFLCADBR 50 50 1 4 Lemming Productions present... 20. RTFLCILEBK 50 50 1 4 Custom built for lemmings CRAZY LEVEL 01. TFLCAHVFBD 50 96 1 3 "That's a good level" 02. FLCIHTTGBK 80 100 99 4 Dolly simple 03. LCALUTFHBJ 50 96 80 4 Many lemmings make level work 04. CILTTFLIBQ 20 100 99 3 Lemming Express 05. CAHRUFLJBE 80 100 1 4 24 hour lemathon 06. IHRUFLCKBN 20 100 1 3 The stack 07. LRUFLCALBK 50 100 1 3 And now, the end is near 08. RUFLCILMBD 80 93 1 4 Keep on trucking 09. WNHCEIVNBH 20 100 50 1 On the antarctic coast 10. FLCIHVUOBF 80 98 1 3 Rocky VI 11. LCAMTUFPBR 80 10 1 1 No problemming! 12. BIMTUNLQBT 80 93 1 3 Lemming friendly 13. CAIPTDMBCK 20 50 1 3 It's a trade off 14. IHRTDMCCCF 50 90 1 4 Time waits for no lemming 15. LRULICADCH 50 88 1 3 Worra load of old blocks! 16. RVLICILECQ 16 100 1 3 Across the gap 17. TDMCAHVFCD 50 99 1 3 Digging for victory 18. DMCIITTGCL 50 90 10 3 No problem 19. ICAMTVLHCO 50 90 5 3 Don't panic 20. CILVVLIICI 20 50 1 4 Ice ice lemming WILD LEVEL 01. BAHRWLMJCN 60 88 5 4 Pop you top!!! 02. IHPUDMCKCL 80 75 1 4 Lemming hotel 03. LPUDMCELCM 60 81 1 3 Lemming rhythms 04. PUDMCIMMCS 80 100 1 4 Meeting adjourned 05. UDMCAHVNCM 80 85 1 4 Lemming head 06. LICMHVWOCP 80 100 1 2 Just a quicky 07. MCALVUDPCS 80 100 99 2 You take the high road 08. CILVUDMQEL 10 100 1 1 It's a tight fit 09. CAHRTFMBDO 40 100 50 4 Ice station lemming 10. IHRTFMCCDH 80 75 1 3 Higgledy Piggledy 11. MRTNICADDJ 50 98 1 3 Mutiny on the bounty 12. PTFMCIMEDM 50 80 1 3 Snow joke 13. TNICAHTFDL 80 93 10 3 Onward and upward 14. NICMHUVGDJ 80 87 5 4 Ice spy 15. ICEMVVNHDH 50 80 5 3 The silence of the Lemmings 16. CIMVTNIIDK 1 100 1 3 Take care, sweetie 17. CAHRUFMJDH 80 100 1 3 The chain with no name 18. IHRUFMCKDQ 80 75 1 3 Dr Lemming Good 19. MPUNICELDE 80 81 1 4 Lemmingpelica 20. PUFMCMLMDI 30 96 1 4 Got anything... Lemmingy??? WICKED LEVEL 01. UFMCAHTNDN 60 80 1 2 Lemming Tomato ketcup facility 02. NICMHVUOOQ 1 100 1 4 Introducing super lemming 03. MCALVUFPDF 50 100 1 3 This corrsion 04. CILVUFMQDO 50 60 1 4 Oh no! It's the 4th dimension! 05. GAHRTDHBEM 20 100 1 3 Chill out! 06. IHRTDLGCEJ 80 37 1 8 Pop til you drop! 07. MPTLLFADEM 80 90 1 2 Last Lemming to Lemming Central 08. PVLHGMMEEI 50 90 1 4 A towering problem 09. VLHGAHVFEO 50 90 1 4 How on Earth? 10. DLGIHTTGEP 50 96 20 4 Temple of Love 11. LGALTTDHEM 50 80 10 4 Rocky road 12. GILVTLHIEL 80 97 60 4 Suicidal tendencies 13. GEHPUDLJEL 80 87 1 4 Almost nearly virtual reality 14. IHPWLHGKEG 80 98 1 3 The Lemming learning curve 15. MPUDLGALEO 50 80 1 4 Spam, spam, spam, egg and Lemming 16. RULHGILMEM 6 83 75 1 Five alive 17. ULHGEITNEI 30 96 10 3 Down the tube 18. DLGIHTUOEI 60 83 1 4 Lots more where they came from 19. HGAMTWLPEM 50 82 1 2 Up, down or round and round 20. GIMTULHQED 70 97 1 2 The Lemming Funhouse HAVOC LEVEL 01. GAIPTFLBFS 80 95 1 4 Tubular lemming 02. IIPTFLGCFL 30 96 1 4 Be more than just a number 03. LPTFLGADFH 50 100 1 4 It's the price you have to pay 04. RTFLGILEFS 20 100 1 3 The race against cliches 05. TFLGAHVFFL 20 100 1 4 There's madness in the method 06. FLGIHVTGFE 50 100 1 4 Now get out of that! 07. LGALVTFHFR 20 75 50 3 Creature discomforts 08. GILTNNHIFM 50 90 1 4 Lemming about town 09. GAIPUFLJFL 50 100 1 4 Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!! 10. IHRUFLGKFF 21 14 50 1 Flow control 11. MRWFHFALFQ 80 100 1 4 Welcome to the party, pal! 12. RUFLGILMFL 80 100 1 3 It's all a matter of timing 13. UFLGAHVNFE 80 93 5 4 Highland fling 14. FLGMHTUOFP 80 100 40 1 Synchronised Lemming 15. LGALVUFPFK 10 80 20 6 Have an ice day 16. GILTUNHQFF 50 90 80 2 Scaling the heights 17. GAIPVLIBGI 80 97 20 2 Where lemmings dare 18. MHPTDMGCGO 70 97 99 4 Lemmings in a situation 19. MPTDMGADGI 80 100 30 3 Looks a bit nippy out there 20. ETDMGILEGS 60 83 1 7 Look before you lead! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omar Bridge iii) Crack edit BRIDGE.EXE Search 1F 0B C0 74 03 E9 C0 FC Change -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- v) Patches Omar Sharif on bridge (Windows) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/omar_upd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omega vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/omega.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Must Fall 2097 ii) Cheat Edit change money and attribute edit save game file (*.CHR) go sector 0 offset 40 - 43 change to 05 27 2A A8 go sector 0 offset 28 - 34 change to C1 EC E3 EA D5 C1 D6 now you have $210000000 and the best robot list of save game offset ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfoff.txt iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/omfcheat.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/i_omfed.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfcheat.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfedt.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfmod.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfxor.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/ult_v15.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/omf-cht.zip (get this for updated file list of OMF) ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/OMFINDEX v) Patches to 1.1 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/omfupd11.zip 2.0 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/omfup20.zip One Must Fall: 2097 2.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/omfup21.zip vi) solution/hints/maps ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/omf-pit.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/omf-faq.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/m_omf23.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/omf.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Step Beyond i) cheat codes level codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/osb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation Crusader 2.35 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ocpatch.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Orion Conspiracy v) patches SVGA-fix (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/orivesa.zip vi) Solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/orioncon.zip orioncon.zip - Orion Conspiracy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/orioncon.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oscar ii) Cheat Edit unlimit lives Edit OSCARVGA.PCN search 2E FF 0E 74 81 change 90 90 90 90 90 ** there are 3 occurances, change all ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outer Ridge i) cheat codes Load the game with the command-line parameter: -devparm When you get to the game's main menu, press the following key combination :- [ALT] + [SHIFT] + U You should now find yourself in level editing mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outpost i) cheat codes use ALT-WIN to enable cheat [F5] CTRL+F8 - Cheering and Applause CTRL+F9 - Mass driver accident at Rebel Colony CTRL+F10 - Pick a disaster for your colony (CD only) CTRL+F11 - INFINITE RESOURCES! CTRL+F12 - INCREASE/DECREASE MORALE, EDUCATION or CRIME! v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/outp11.zip 1.5 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/out15cd.zip 1.5 floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/out15fd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outrun ii) Cheat edit unlimit time edit OUTCGA or OUTEGA search 75 05 C6 06 85 3D 02 change 75 05 C6 06 85 3D 00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overlord iii) cracks edit GAME.EXE SEARCH_31 32 74 15 _REPLACE_31 32 EB 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oxyd Magnum i) cheat codes Level Code Levelname 1 12315524 PRIMITIVE LAND 2 98242163 OUT THE DOOR 3 89693796 HOVER ROOM 4 12343596 CRACKS 5 93255867 SWAMP OF BALLS 6 07659199 TRY IT AGAIN 7 96549204 JAM 8 31222519 LAND OF THE DOORS 9 63343665 WHAT'S THAT 10 40222617 11 44598444 MARBLES&MOUNTAINS 12 35787325 LASER ROOM 13 68099940 MOVING PUZZLES 14 88815926 BLACK OR WHITE 15 13236967 WHERE IS IT ? 16 24629215 PULL ME! 17 49344163 SLIDE 18 11076228 WHO'S THAT BALL 19 65670965 FLIPPER 20 27763196 21 30124217 LASER ROOM II 22 70220598 SWAMPLAND 23 65870799 BLACK HOLES 24 20527223 SNOWLAND 25 06002006 BEACONS ON ICE 26 94254906 ONEWAY 27 86510660 HOVERDOOR 28 86993842 LAND OF IMPULSE 29 98493601 YIN-YANG 30 04496947 31 62087948 HOOPERBALLS 32 64526776 BODYGUARD 33 58468944 FOLLOW THE LIGHT 34 14213476 PLUS & MINUS 35 76231232 CURLING 36 27333386 LIGHT PASSENGER 37 18604278 TILT 38 03298891 THE HIDDEN HOLE 39 99454196 TENNIS 40 41961156 41 76588783 LIGHT PASSENGERS II 42 85245124 BELT DRIVEN DOORS 43 52876649 AMMUNITION DEPOT 44 50310209 ONLY BLACK 45 57899374 LAND OF THE FALLING STONES 46 13834195 CATCH THE KEY! 47 96169827 WATERSKI 48 89062821 TRAP 49 99490654 THE MAGNETIC LAND 50 39284938 51 17129395 BIG LABYRINTH 52 70370609 DEFECTIVE DOORS 53 23326211 WOODEN PONTOON 54 95626932 GOLF 55 68165303 PULLER PATH 56 86729336 BILLIARD 57 64194675 FLY BY LIGHT 58 86223230 LIGHT & DOORS 59 64811274 WORK OR THINK! 60 80411666 61 07993986 WATER WHEELS 62 91069662 KILLING DOORS 63 90262957 THE HUNT 64 83333677 THE RED ROOM 65 89882818 SEED MAILING 66 75562082 DEMOLITION PARTY 67 36485136 LAND OF THE BOMS 68 56988310 NO MONEY - NO FUN 69 15352071 LAND OF THE RED NOSES 70 88079866 71 42447856 LAND OF THE RIVER MOUTH 72 27623703 TINMAN 73 67214017 SWAMP & HILLS 74 63838940 THE LONG JUMP 75 59147171 BLACKLAND 76 47682221 LAND OF THE BROKEN PIECES 77 26093418 POST OFFICE 78 11676607 SENSOR FIELDS 79 69421493 INVISIBLE DEATH 80 58632123 81 17189650 PUSH IT! 82 53113536 PULLER MAILING 83 47640135 GRANARY 84 06979920 TURNSTILES 85 65914917 THE MALL 86 10514120 SWAMP ISLAND 87 96204636 STEEPLE 88 16550005 WOODLAND 89 17561760 MIRROR HOUSE 90 34493724 91 99898913 CLAUSTROPHOBIA 92 57587967 ISOLATION 93 08110454 SHOGUN ISLAND 94 45289502 SMITHY 95 48529617 FREE ME! 96 78059932 HALL OF MIRRORS 97 43134777 COIN IT! 98 20061737 FIVE MINUTES 99 79231045 TWIN ISLANDS 100 82705689 THE END Diploma: 48724993 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Air Warrior i) Cheat code RASTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Strike i) cheat code This cheat uses the built in option. If you don't want to lose any of your weaponry then use the below method of firing. While flying the torpedo bombers, turn infinite ammo on. Drop lots of torpedos, but turn off infinite ammo before they hit their targets. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific War v) Patches Pacific War 1.1 x22 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pwx22.zip 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pacwar11.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pacedit.zip vi) Solution/Hint ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pwhint9.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paladin II iii) Crack edit PALADIN2.EXE ( 249378 bytes ) search : 39 5E FA 74 40 change : -- -- -- EB -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pang i) cheat codes Area Select. On the map screen, type 'WHAT A NICE CHEAT' and you'll be able to choose any place you want ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panza Kick Boxing i) cheat codes When knocked down by an opponent, press ESC for invulnerability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panzer General ii) cheat edit To change your prestige rate, simply edit the savegame and search for E4 00. Change this to FF FF and your prestige is pretty well. iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/panzer-e.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pgedit04.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/pg-edit.zip Panzer General editor for Windows ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pzged11.zip v) Patches 1.1 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11cd.zip 1.1 to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11cd12.zip to 1.1 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11dk.zip 1.1 to 1.2 (floppy) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11dk12.zip 1.0 to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg12cd.zip 1.0 to 1.2 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg12dk.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/pzgen.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panthers in the Shadows v) Patches 1.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ps_112.zip 1.13c ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ps_113.zip 1.15 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ps_115.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PBA Bowling for Windows v) patches 1.10 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pba110.zip PBA Bowling for Windows95 1.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pba112.zip PBA Bowling for Windows95 1.13 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pba113.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pea Shootin' Pete ii) Cheat Edit change number of life edit PETE.EXE search FE 0E EE change EB 02 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PerOxyd v) patches 4.0 to 4.2 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/perox0_2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PGA Golf iii) Crack edit GOLF.EXE search D1 E6 8B 46 F4 39 82 00 FF 74 0B change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- or Search : E8 AA A9 90 0E E8 C9 C3 C6 06 FE 09 32 B8 38 74 Change : -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v) patches PGA Tour 486 Golf fix (for ATI cards) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pga486.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phantasmagoria v) Patches SB16-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/phantdac.zip to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/phant11.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/phantasmagoria.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/phantas.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/phantas.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/phant.uhs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/phant.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinball Fantasies i) Cheat Codes select table but before game start, type CHEAT to get intro of cheat type EARTHQUAKE to stop table tile, type EXTRABALLS to add 7 balls type FAIR PLAY to disable cheat iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pfedit.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PipeLine i) cheat codes level codes : FOLD EYES EGGS TEAR PEAS DUCT PODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipe Dream i) cheat codes level Codes. Level 5 - plam Level 9 - zami Level 13 - poom Level 17 - dink Level 21 - spoo Level 25 - bork Level 29 - tarr Level 33 - fooz -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipe Line i) cheat codes Level Codes FOLD, EYES, EGGS, TEAR, PEAS, DUCT, PODS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIPE MANIA i) cheat codes GRIP TICK DUCK OOZE BLOB BALL WILD HAYA GRIN REAP SEED GROW TAIL YALI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitfall!: The Mayan Adventure i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/pitfall.cod ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planetfall vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/planet.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet's Edge iii) cracks edit SPACE.EXE position: 186199 change into: 33 C0 90 09 position: 186206 change into: 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Football iii) Crack bypass password edit FOOT.EXE search 61 5F 5D CB C8 02 00 change -- -- -- -- CB -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest I v) patches VGA ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pq1vga.zip pentium fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pq1v_pen.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/policeq1.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest II iii) cracks Rename SIERRA.EXE to SIERRA.XXX and load DEBUG. Enter these lines: E 0394 74 E 7FDB 05 1F E 9E9B B8 08 35 CD 21 89 1E 38 13 8C 06 3A 13 B8 24 35 E 9EAB CD 21 89 1E 3C 13 8C 06 3E 13 B8 24 35 CD 21 89 E 9EBB 1E 40 13 8C 06 42 13 07 1E 0E 1F BA E9 9C B8 23 E 9ECB 25 CD 21 BA EA 9C B8 24 35 CD 21 1F E8 5A 00 C7 E 9EDB 06 36 13 01 00 C3 90 57 51 B9 38 00 BF B8 AB C6 E 9EEB 05 00 47 E2 FA 2E C7 06 DB 7C 5B 01 59 5F E9 DE E 9EFB E0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 83 E 9F0B 3E 36 13 00 75 01 C3 1E 07 W Q Rename SIERRA.XXX back to SIERRA.EXE and your unprotection is complete. vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/policeq2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pq3_map.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pq3_sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/pq3.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest IV v) Patches to 1.0b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pq410b.zip Police Quest IV 1.0c ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pq4_10c.zip Police Quest IV (handcuffs-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pq4cuf.zip vi) solution/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/pq4.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest SWAT vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/pqswat.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pools of Darkness iii) cracks File: GAME.OVR Change 9a 74 0b 25 08 74 03 e9 (use the first occurance only) to == == == == == EB == == Change 9a 74 0b 25 08 75 06 c6 to == == == == == 90 90 == ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Populous i) cheat codes at title screen, type : KILLUSPAL iii) Crack edit file POPULOUS.EXE search 3B 46 0C 75 09 8B 46 0C A3 82 2A change -- -- -- 74 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/popcrack.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Populous II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pop2.zip ftp://ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/msdos/romulus/hints/populus2.codes english ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pop2eng.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PowerDrive ii) cheat edit Using a HEX editor, edit ANY of your save games (files with RAL extensions). Find the figures 00028000 (at 88BC7) and change to 01228000 The PowerDrive passwords are: Round 2 - Kenya: YDV2KDKV5Q;2RDPB8 Round 3 - Sweden: YTV9KJV0146HJF8X- ii) cheat edit To make all cars in PowerDrive cost $1: search 30 30 30 32 35 30 30 30 FF 30 30 30 32 37 30 30 30 FF 30 30 30 33 change -- -- -- 30 30 -- -- 31 -- -- -- -- 30 30 -- -- 31 -- -- -- -- 30 search 34 30 30 30 FF 30 30 30 33 38 30 30 30 FF 30 30 30 36 32 30 30 30 change 30 -- -- 31 -- -- -- -- 30 30 -- -- 31 -- -- -- -- 30 30 -- -- 31 search FF 30 30 30 36 35 30 30 30 change -- -- -- -- 30 30 -- -- 31 *OR* you could search for: 00025000 Then, change each of the 7 numbers to: 00000001 iii)Crack password edit PDRIVE.EXE search F3 A6 74 1B 2E 80 3E change -- -- EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Drome iii) cracks edit PD.EXE SEARCH_74 07 3A 05 75 09 47 _REPLACE_EB 07 3A 05 75 09 47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power House v) patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/power11.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PowerPoker for Windows v) patches (network play update) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/poker.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerslave i) cheat codes Press the below within the game. ALT-W to get all weapons ALT-G to enable GOD mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistorik ii) Cheat Edit unlimit energy Edit PREHISTO.EXE search 9A 98 0A change -- -- FF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premier Manager 2 ii) Cheat edit Choose Halifax Town as your team, save the game, exit to DOS, and edit your save game file. At 00D94F change value to FF At 00D950 change value to FF At 00D951 change value to FF At 00D952 change value to 3F This will give you loads of DOSH !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premier Manager 3 i) cheat codes Go to the phone and dial the following numbers: 945475 - Gives you money 010870 - Gives each player 99 % fitness and enables them to kick the ball with both feet 718143 - Give sone of your players the ultimate assistant manager 607420 - Gives one of your players the ultimate rating of 99, but only works about one out of five times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primal Rage vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/prage.zip viii) FAQs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/primal-rage-PC.faq CD-ROM FAQ v1.8 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/prage.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince of Persia i) cheat codes Start game with: PRINCE MEGAHIT For ver 1.3 use "IMPROVED" insted of "MEGAHIT" as the load paramater Some of the cheat keys: Shift-L Advance to next Level Shift-T Extra bar of energy Shift-W Fall real slow Shift-I Flip Screen Shift-B View Animation/Sprites Shift-S Drink Small Potion C View Code (??) V View screen to the top H View screen to the left J View Screen to the right N View screen to the bottom K Kill enemies on screen + Increase Time - Decrease Time iii) Crack edit PRINCE.EXE search 75 0E 83 3E 9A 00 00 75 change 90 C7 06 9E 00 FF FF EB search 7E 06 A1 B8 42 change EB -- -- -- -- iv) ediotr/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/prinche.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince of Persia II i) Cheat Codes type PRINCE MAKINIT2 to start game in cheat mode, + add time - sub time K kill all enemy on screen R return from dead F1 show position (press again to disable) F3 player on/off F6 ruler SHIFT T add energy SHIFT K sub energy SHIFT R show room number and jump right SHIFT W show room number and jump left SHIFT I turn screen upside down, press again to restore SHIFT B show prince only, press again to restore ALT N skip to next level ALT D create DUMP?.TXT iii) Crack edit prince.exe search 74 0A 83 FE change EB -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/pp2-trn.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pp2-edit.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Princeness Maker II i) Cheat Codes Add "MOPI=1" in pm2.cnf, press F10 at icon goto city Add "CAMERA=1", press F5 for screen capture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prisoner of Ice vi) Solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/poi.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/poi.uhs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Privateer iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/predit21.zip vi) solution/hints/maps ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/prvmap.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/privateer.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pirates ! Gold! iii) cracks edit PIRATESG.EXE search : 34 05 00 00 74 5C 8B DE FF change : -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pro Pinball - The Web v) patches 1.10e ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pinup.zip The Web 1.30e ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pinup.zip The Web 1.30k ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/web130kb.zip The Web 1.40k ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/web140kb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Project - X ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life edit X.EXE go sector 122 offset 452 - 455 change FF 0E 5E B3 to 90 90 90 90 undead (except the first level boss) edit X.EXE go sector 72 offset 428 - 429 change 74 2E to EB 04 iii) Crack (bypass password) edit X.EXE go sector 68 offset 94 change A6 to ED ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/projxfix.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protostar iii) cracks edit PROTO.EXE Search : 83 C4 08 0B C0 74 03 E9 F8 02 Change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prototype v) patches Prototype fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/protofix.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quake i) cheat codes Demo version Load up your map (map test1-2-3) and then type in: 1234567890 You will then be given all the weapon's and full ammo. For the Quake Deathmatch Test 1 (Quake Demo), the keys should be: F1 = Clear memory cache and reload map and programs F2 = Reload map F3 = View BSP order correctly (debugging) F4 = View BSP order backwards (debugging) F5 = Take a screen shot in PCX format F6 = Turn off drawing speeds (debugging) F7 = Turn on drawing speeds (debugging) F8 = Turn monster targeting off (debugging) F9 = Turn clipping on/off (debugging) F10 = Turn godmode on/off F12 = Quit game to DOS 9 = All weapons These keys were ripped straight from the deathmatch test documentation. viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/quake.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarantine i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/quarant.zip ii) Cheat Edit change money edit SAVE?.GAM (? is the save game number) go sector 0 offset 407 - 408 change to 0F 27 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/snr-quar.zip v) Patches for CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/quarcd35.zip for floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/quardk35.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QuarterPole v) Patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qpole11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- R-Type i) cheat code Unlimited Lives Cheat. On the Hi-Score table, enter your name as SUMITA for unlimited lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RADIX: INTO THE VOID v) patches viii) FAQ v4.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/radix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raiden ii) Cheat Edit edit RAIDEN.EXE unlimit life search FE 8C 7A 0D change 90 90 90 90 bomb unlimit search FE 8C 7B 0D change 90 90 90 90 iii) Crack edit RAIDEN.EXE search E8 B8 B2 change 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Railroad Tycoon i) Cheat Codes go to the top layer of maps and press the $ key and it should give you 500,000 dollars. There is a money cheat for Railroad Tycoon, F1-$ pressed together (which means Shift as well), and it gives instantly over $3,000,000. However, it seems that this can only be used once ever, not quite sure whether it's per game or per load saved game. iii) Crack edit GAME.EXE method 1 search 8B 46 F6 39 46 FC 74 03 E9 AE 00 change -- -- -- 89 -- -- EB -- -- -- -- method 2 search E8 DF D9 89 46 F2 3D 0D 00 75 change 90 90 90 89 46 F2 3D 0D 00 90 search 2A 8B 46 F6 39 46 FC 74 change 90 8B 46 F6 89 46 FC EB for deluxe edit RRT.EXE search 00 55 8B EC 83 EC 0C 57 56 B8 01 change 00 CB 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rail_dlx.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rrt20crk.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rrtv3.zip slum fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/slumfix.zip for Deluxe ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rrdxv2.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/rtycoon.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rally iii) Crack password edit MENU.EXE search E8 89 76 change 90 90 90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rampart iii) crack File: RAMPART.EXE Search: 80 3e c8 81 00 75 03 Change: c6 06 c8 81 01 eb 03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raptor i) Cheat Codes Change the date to May 16 e.g. 05-16-95 New enemy like lazer shooting cow and barel will appear work on the Registered Version only press BACKSPACE during the game, you will get Deathray and full energy with the proce of all money, but it can still work even your money is 0 Type below in DOS prompt before enter game: SET S_HOST=CASTLE you will get ultima craft, all weapons and many cash ** should see message "GOD mode enabled" in the top left of the screen. Warp This is a 2 key code. At the "Sector" screen type: Z (if you want to go to Bravo Sector) X (if you want to go to Tango Sector) Y (if you want to got to Other Regions) Then let go of that key and push..... Q (for level 1) W (for level 2) E (for level 3) R (for level 4) T (for level 5) Y (for level 6) U (for level 7) I (for level 8) O (for level 9) ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit RAP.EXE go sector 540 offset 446 - 448 change 10 27 00 to 7F 96 98 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/rap_chtr.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/rapedr10.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/rapedit.zip v) Patches unreg to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rappat-r.zip 1.1 to 1.2 unreg ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rpat_12s.zip reg to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rappat-s.zip 1.1 to 1.2 reg ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rpat_12r.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravenloft ii) Cheat Edit edit saved game (save.dat). Offset 0097 to 14 00 Max Class Player 1 02DF '' '' '' '' '' '' 2 00A9 to FF (x10) Max Stats Player 1 02F1 '' '' '' '' '' '' 2 0093 to FF 7F FF 7F Max Hit Point Player 1 02DB '' '' '' ' '' 2 009D to 00 09 3D 00 Max Classes Player 1 02E5 '' '' '' ''' 2 iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/revenlof.zip v) Patches to 1.1 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftcd11.zip to 1.1 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftdk11.zip to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftcd12.zip to 1.2 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftdk12.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/rloftsol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravenloft II: Stone Prophet v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rloft2_11.zip vi) solutions/hint/map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/.4.1/vol4/ms-dos/games/solution/stprmaps.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reach for the Skies iii) Crack password UNLZEXE CONTROL.EXE search 02 C4 74 0F 80 3E AD 33 change -- -- EB 0F -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realms of Arkania iii) Crack edit BLADEM.EXE search 75 06 B8 01 00 E9 10 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/starcht.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roa_upd.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Realms of Chaos i) cheat code You can warp to any level by using a command line parameter when you start up the game. The parameter is "QUEST:ExLyDz", where x is a number from 1-3 and signifies the episode number, y is from 1-9 and signifies the level number, and z is from 1-5 and signifies the difficulty level. If the "Ex" is missing, the episode number defaults to 1; if the "Ly" is missing, the level number defaults to 1; and if the "Dz" is missing, the difficulty level defaults to 3. Warning: use of any of the following codes may cause the system to crash -- use at your own risk! To enter "examine level" mode, hold [capslock] [d] [x] down simultaneously. For each code given below, press [backspace], then type the word in, letter by letter. FIRE - power up weapons for both characters RAIN - recharge health points MAGMA - power up stamina for both characters ASTRAL - Round mana gems up to 250 PRIME - has effects of FIRE, RAIN, MAGMA, and ASTRAL ETHER - level warp WIND - partial invincibility (invulnerable to everything except spikes, crushing weight, and drowning) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebel Assault i) Cheat Codes ******************************************************************************* GAME CHAPTERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED MISSION NAMES MISSION CHAPTER NAME EASY NORMAL HARD 1A Flight Training - Part I 1B Flight Training - Part II 2 Asteroid Field Training 3 Planet Kolaador 4A Star Destroyer Attack FALCON BIGGS,ACKBAR 4B 5A Tatooine Attack 5B 6 Asteroid Field Chase 7 Imperial Probe Droids KAIBURR 8 Imperial Walkers 9A Stormtroopers 9B 10 Protect Rebel Transport 11 Yavin Training MYNOCK,BESPIN 12 Tie Attack 13 Death Star Surface 14A Surface Cannon 14B 15A Death Star Trench DAGOBAH KESSEL 15B GAME END (Not a Chapter) ORGANA MIMBAN ****************************************************************************** BUILT-IN CHEATMODE -:- ACTIVATING the cheatmode 1.) Wait for the animated LucasArts logo. 2.) Move the joystick UP and then press FIRE 3.) Move the joystick DOWN and then press FIRE 4.) Move the joystick LEFT and then press FIRE 5.) Move the joystick RIGHT and then press FIRE 6.) You'll hear a bell ringing and voice answering "LucasArts" 7.) The cheatmode is now active. -:- USING the cheatmode - Everywhere in the game you can type the number of chapter you want to play in order to GO there. Chapters are counted in hexadecimal values. So: 1 goes to Chapter 1 2 goes to Chapter 2 [...] 9 goes to Chapter 9 A goes to Chapter 10 B goes to Chapter 11 [...] F goes to Chapter 15 - During the mission... ... "+" on the numeric keypad will reset ship damage to zero. ... "ESC" will move to the next cutscene, which is to say to the chapter ending animation. v) Patches to 1.8 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rebel18.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebel Assault II i) cheat codes Access Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/rebel2.cod press ALT V during the game A screen will pop up type 'letgo' will turn on the cheat During game play '+' on the numeric keypad will decearse the damge to zero '-' will increase the damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red Baron i) cheat code Put your plane in a forward slip (full rudder one way and enough aileron the opposite direction to fly a constant heading) and this will make the enemy think they can't get a shot at you. ONLY Works from the front. Also works with Aces Over The Pacific and Aces Over Europe (see this issue for more details). v) Patches Mission Builder (videocards-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rbmpat.zip (joystick-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rbvgajoy.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Crystal iii) Crack password edit MOD6.EXE search 0B C0 74 0B 1E B8 0F change -- -- EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redstorm Rising iii) crack edit REDSTORM.COM SECTOR 1 OFFSET 315 CHANGE 79 TO EB SECTOR 6 OFFSET 221 CHANGE BD to 8D SECTOR 6 OFFSET 344 CHANGE C3 TO 00. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relentless i) Cheat codes To restore Life Health and Jetpack Power. Hold down the keys BIG Tech Parameter Mode By pressing CTRL ALT Right SHIFT F12 all together your current co-ordinates will be displayed. iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/relent-t.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/lba-trn.zip vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/relent.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/relent-b.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/littlebig.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renegade Legion: Battle for Jacobs Star iii) cracks edit START.EXE SEARCH_2A C8 00 75 18 E8 08 _REPLACE_2A C8 00 EB 18 E8 08 iv) editor/trainer OvrEdit 10-05.1c ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/oe10051c.zip v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ren60v11.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return of Medusa i) cheat codes: plress Alt-c to activate cheat menu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return of Phantom iii) Crack edit RETURN.EXE method 1 search 74 14 46 83 FE 02 change EB -- -- -- -- -- method 2 edit return.exe search 74 14 46 change E9 13 00 v) Patches sound fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/phandig.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/phantom.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return to Zork iii) Crack password edit RTZ.PRJ from sector 55 displacement D235 to sector 56 displacement 09, change all to 00 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rtzcrk.zip v) Patches to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rtzcd12.zip to 1.2 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rtzdk12.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/rtz.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reunion ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit SPIDY.? go sector 28 offset 140 - 143 change to FF FF FF FF viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/reunion.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex Nebular and the CGB i) cheat codes pressing CTRL and typing WIDEPIPE, after creating a new game. The message "CHEAT ENABLED" should be displayed and you'll be able to do any of the following :- CTRL 2 - Will cause an error emergency SPACE - Speeds up the game CTRL - Goes to room number (101-111, 201-215, 301-351, 401-413, 501-513, 601-612, 701-706, 801-804) CTRL P - Gives current room number CTRL O - Move object (0-54) to location (2=current) iii) cracks ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rexneb.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/rexneb.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring World iii) crack edit RING.EXE position: 441835 change into: EB 10 90 position: 441853 change into: 1E 50 26 8B 47 1E 8E D8 3E C7 06 26 00 BC 02 58 1F E9 97 00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ripley's Believe it or not! The Riddle of Master Lu v) Patches (riddle.exe patch for v1.08) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ridpatch.zip 2.05 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roml205.zip vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ripley.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/riddle-mlu.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/masterlu.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/masterlu.uhs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ripper v) patches 1.0 to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ripper01.zip 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rip103.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ripper.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rise of the Robots i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/rotr.zip v) Patches to 1.01 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rorcd101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rise of the triad i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/rott.txt v) Patches to 1.1 share ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rot11spt.zip 1.1 o 1.2 share ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rot12spt.zip 1.2 to 1.2a reg ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rott12ar.zip 1.2 to 1.2a share ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rott12as.zip Rise of the Triads 1.2 CD-install fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rottcdi.zip 1.2x to 1.3 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/r13swpt.zip 1.2 to 1.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/r13fdpt.zip 1.2 to 1.3 (site licence) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/r13slpt.zip 1.2 to 1.3 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/r13cdpt.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Risky Wood i) cheat codes type the following at the title screen: QWERTYUIOP now has the following cheat key [F1] [F2] [F3] [F4] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roadblasters i) cheat codes One The "Press Start Button" screen, press at the same time (um, this seems a bit awkward, unless you have 12 fingers !), QWERTYUIOP[] A message should indicate that you are in the Cheat Mode. Now F1-F4 will enable various cheats. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Road from Sumpter to Appomattox v) Patches to 1.22 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rfsta122.zip Road from Sumpter to Appomattox 1.23 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rfsta123.zip 1.24 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rfsta124.zip 1.25 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rfsta125.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robocod i) Cheat Codes To turn the Playable demo version into the whole version - When you start the game, there are 5 different objects that you can collect above the first sign. They are a tap, a cupcake, a globe, an apple and a hammer. If you collect these in the right order, you can now enter all of the doors, not just sports and toys !! The order is ( Drumroll please ! ) - The Cupcake - The Hammer - The Globe - The Apple - The Tap That's it ! You can now enter any door that you want !!!!!! As if that wasn't enough - you are also invincible - BUT ----- NOTE : you cannot be hurt by runnig into enemies etc. BUT ----- YOU CAN BE KILLED BY FALLING OF THE SCREEN !!!!! REMEMBER THAT ! ii) Cheat Edit Edit ROBOCOD.EXE Change Offset 49FA to 90 90 90 90 (Infinite Health) Change Offset 4A68 to 90 90 90 90 (Infinite Health) Change Offset 2560 to 90 90 90 90 (Infinite Credits) Change Offset DE7B to 90 90 90 90 (Immunity) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robosport iii) Crack edit INSTALL.EXE search 75 11 33 C0 50 9A change EB -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCKETEER i) cheat codes SHOOTOUT CHASE RESCUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rockman 7 i) cheat codes ROCKMAN 7 - ALL WEAPONS AND SECRET ITEMS FOUND HERES THE **BEST** CODE POSSIBLE FOR ROCKMAN 7 7 2 5 1 5 8 4 2 2 8 4 7 6 1 3 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roller Blade Racer ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life edit PCBLADE.EXE search FE 0E 44 40 change 90 90 90 90 unlimit time search FF 0E 3E 40 change 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rollin i) cheat codes Level Codes for the first four levels. ASTRID TICSOFT LONGWAY SHOWIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rome AD 92 iii) crack search for e8 8f 01 e8 30 08 replace -- -- -- 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules of Engagement II v) Patches to 1.07 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roe2-107.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russian Sixpack for Windows v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/winr6p.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam & Max hit the road iii) Crack edit SAM&MAX.EXE search 74 06 48 48 74 change EB -- -- -- -- input anything for password v) patches new executable, 2nd december '93 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sam.zip CD-version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/samcd.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sammax.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/samnmax-sol2.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/samnmax-sol1.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Storm i) Cheat Codes SAND PODBAY - For mission 05 SAND KIRKUK - For mission 10 SAND TOMAHAWK - For mission 15 ii) Cheat Edit hex offset to skip edit SAND.SAV, offset 4 & 7 change both according to following to skip level 01 for mission 1 0B for mission 11 02 for mission 2 0C for mission 12 03 for mission 3 0D for mission 13 04 for mission 4 0E for mission 14 05 for mission 5 0F for mission 15 06 for mission 6 10 for mission 16 07 for mission 7 11 for mission 17 08 for mission 8 12 for mission 18 09 for mission 9 13 for mission 19 0A for mission 10 14 for mission 20 e.g. change both offset to 10 to play mission 16 quit and restart game to make change effective ------------------------------------------------------------------- Savage Warrior i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/savagewr.cod ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/savage.zip vi) solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/savagewr.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer i) cheat codes To get all the tracks inversed, type MIRROR any menu . If it works well, you'll hear a voice that says you the tracks are inversed. ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/screamer.cod iii) cracks File: startl.exe (SVGA starth.exe) Find: 85 C0 0F 84 F5 Edit: 31 -- -- -- -- iv) editors/trainer Save Game Cheat ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/screamer.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/screamer.zip 2.5 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/screamer.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S.D.I. iii) cracks edit SDI.EXE search : 7D 0F 33 C0 50 E8 DF 03 change : EB 31 -- -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seal Team v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/st_updt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SeaWolf iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/ssn21trn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Search for the King iii) crack Change 39 87 22 66 75 05 in EXE.EXE to -- -- -- -- -- 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Agent Man i) cheat codes: [P][J][X] God Mode [O][N][B][D] Warp Mode [U][V][K] ammo [I][G][Z] Bomb iv) editors/trainer Secret Agent I 25,000 shots ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/agentcht.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret of The Silverblades iii) crack edit START.EXE search 5C 0C 74 33 9A change -- -- EB -- -- edit GAME.OVL search 02 1E 72 1D change -- -- EB -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe iii) crack edit NOTCAMP.OVL search : 42 DE 74 change : -- -- EB v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/swupg.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seek and Destroy i) cheat codes To activate these cheats hold down the keys of the name all at once ` DETH All enemies have only 1 hit point. (PT) ` AMO Gives you LOTS of ammo! (R) ` MEGA Gives choppers the best of all its weapons. (PO) ` LIFE Gives you LOADS of hit points immediately and (PT) ` for future phases. Codes () P-Permanent, lasts for the rest of the game T-Toggle. Hold down the keys again, and at the same time hold down TAB, to turn the cheat off R-Repeat. You can repeatadly keep doing this. O-Once. Can only be done once and not toggled. In Phase Select Screen gimme Allows you to select any phase to play. In The Shop capo All future purchases are free until you leave the shop. >From Main Menu Immediately after selecting NEW GAME or RESUME, hold down left-shift, left-alt and left-control all at once and keep them down. You will get the chance to select a specific mission to play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sensible Soccer iii) Crack edit SOC.EXE search 87 5E F3 A6 74 03 change -- -- -- -- EB -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serfcity iii) Crack edit SERF.EXE method 1 search 39 47 14 0F 85 99 FB FF FF change 89 -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 90 method 2 edit SERF.EXE (668751)Byt search 85 99 FB FF FF change 88 CD FC -- -- v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/serf1_1.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/serfcity.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sex Vixen vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sexvixen.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShadowCaster iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/shadpat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ShadowGate vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/shadowg.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadows of Cairn v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/soc22.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow of the Beast 2 vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/sotb2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shanghai: Greatest Moments v) Patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/shgm1_1.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shannara vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/shannara.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shards i) cheat codes So here are the level codes for the shareware version of this puzzler from Elkware. NOTE: If your game runs anything like mine, you will need to press the 'Z' key to enter a 'Y' on the password screen, and the 'Y' key to enter a 'Z'. Okay? Level 1 - No password Level 6 - JAQZRLSN Level 2 - EOJDREPP Level 7 - POQYHORV Level 3 - NIAGMGYF Level 8 - QTOJJQIB Level 4 - LMZYLAPQ Level 9 - CHQUWHXC Level 5 - TRDDQWRZ Level 10 - LOUMPAFU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipyards II v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/synew.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shivers vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/shivers.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/shivers.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/shivers.uhs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sid & Al's Incredible Toons i) cheat codes After you have solved all official riddles a new password is active. Type WIND at "Secret Passwort" and know you have some bonus levels. iii) Crack edit TOONS.EXE search 59 0B C0 75 05 9A 20 00 change -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- after crack, the first time enter game may has problem, quit and re-enter again --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siege/ Tegel's Mercenaries v) Patches to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sgup121.zip (Soundblaster fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mcdrv.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Service II iii) cracks edit SS2.EXE SEARCH_75 41 2B C0 50 50 _ REPLACE_90 90 2B C0 50 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Steel vi) solution/hints/map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/silsteel.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sim Ant i) Cheat codes Don't know what they do but here they are: opps rand erad FUND will joke HOLE hole JEFF --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim City 2000 i) Cheat Codes (IBM V1.0 & 1.1). note that not all will work with 1.1. Type these in while playing the game. VERS Your software version number FUND Bond at 25% interest (see below on how to use this for gain) PORN if you have a soundcard, you'll hear an audible voice MEMY memory check TEST ??? CASS $250 at the end of the month. Don't use too many times.... TORG has million income each year Don't type these in. Will cause churches to dezone your residential areas. Big mistake. Whatever you do, don't save your city after typing these in. Re-load the game to clear the bug. Money cheat: method 1: You might want to pause the game first, to avoid being interrupted by some event before you've completed the whole sequence. Then follow these simple instructions... 1. Press Ctrl-F3. 2. Click on the Rotate Counterclockwise icon. 3. Click on the Resize box (lower right corner of City Window). 4. Click on the Status Window. 5. Click on the Population icon. 6. Click anywhere inside the City Window. 7. Pull down the Disasters menu and select the horizontal line between Riots and No Disasters. method 2: while in a fresh new city (don't build anything), do the following. 1. type FUND to issue a bond at 25% interest- say yes to it. 2. repeat step 1. 3. go to the budget window and take out a real bond. The interest should be .%. Say yes to it. ii) Cheat Edit change money edit ??.SC2 go sector 0 offset 39 to 41 change all to 20 not unlimit money, but enough for spend iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/sc2kcht.zip City Manager (for SimCity) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/editcity.zip v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sc211upd.zip for Windows to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sc2w12.zip OS/2 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/2kos2fix.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/sc2000.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim Earth iii) cracks edit SIMEARTH.EXE SEARCH_74 03 E9 46 01 _REPLACE_74 00 E9 40 01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim Farm ii) Cheat Edit edit money method 1 edit ?.SFM (? is save game name) go sector 267 offset 228 - 231 change to FF FF FF 7F method 2 edit SF.EXE search 26 C7 06 F4 3E 40 9C 26 C7 06 F6 3E 00 00 change -- -- -- -- -- 00 E1 -- -- -- -- -- 05 F5 iv) editor/trainer money cheat ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/farmmny.zip v) Patches to 1.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/farm-1_3.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim Isle i) cheat codes iaintestedtico simonschickenkb deesextrapixel soggybiscuit cheatingnotme ragschocolatestash marksanchovypizza They are used by typing them into the saved game box. When the saved game is re-loaded I think the cheat then comes into effect. In typical Maxis form, none of them seem to directly affect your money or your ratings. After using one, send out Rick, trained to 100, to find the goody now planted on your island. They will have various effects like encouraging a constant stream of tourists for ever, or allowing you to charge double for exported wood and so on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMPSONS iii) crack edit SIMPSONS.EXE (in \PRG dir) Search for : 74 1A A0 E4 47 Replace with: EB -- -- -- -- Search for : 75 03 E9 5C FF Replace with: EB -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim Tower i) Cheat code When starting a new tower, click in the lowest left hand corner to double your starting money. ii) Cheat Edit Here's a DEBUG for SimTower that will get you a 5 star rating and plenty of money: C:\SIMTOWER>debug anytower.tdt -e 102 5 -e 106 ff -w -q iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/simtwr-t.zip v) Patches 1.1b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/towerw11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon the Sorcerer vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/simon.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/simon.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon the Sorcerer 2 vi) Solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/simon2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/simon2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sink or Swim i) cheat codes 1: DONTPANIC 5: MARYMUNGO 10: DRACONUS 15: THERAINBOW 20: BAHHUNBUG 25: TATLINSTOWER 30: NOTTHEEND 35: MRNATURAL 40: SOUNDCARD 45: ASPACEODDITY 50: NEWSPAPERTAXI 55: SOMALTHUSIAN 60: CLEANUPTIME ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SKUNNY KART v1.4 i)Cheat Codes Player 1: Hit F1 key 4 times -->invincible, hit F1 again to stop Hit F2 key 2 times to receive a missile Player 2: Hit F5 key 4 times -->invincible, hit F5 again to stop Hit F6 key 2 times to receive a missile Hit F9 to capture a PCX screen --> COPY001.PCX, COPY002.PCX... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - BACK TO THE FOREST i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: TOAD infinite energy:HARDNUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - DESERT RAID i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: NUTS infinite energy: POWWOW infinite ammo: INSANE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - LOST IN SPACE i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: SKUNY infinite energy: HUMHA infinite ammo: KICKBUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - SAVE OUR PIZZAS i) Cheat Codes infinite lives: TOGA infinite energy: CHEESE infinite ammo: SLING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - WILDWEST i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: OHYEAH infinite energy: BURGER infinite ammo: WATER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slam City i) Cheat code Simply type FFLLY when Fingers tosses you the ball to make the next breakaway Super Slam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep walker i) Cheat codes Lives and Level skip: At the title screen type in the following "DING A DINING DANG MY DANG A LONGING LONG" the faces of the boy and the dogs nose will beocme green with envey. Now in the game press to advance a level or to get 9 lives and full energy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Slipheed v) patches (joystick fix for faster computers) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/silph_joy.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slipstream 5000 i) cheat codes On the main menu type REFINERY and you will be able to race every track. You will also receive a large sum of cash to buy loads of equipment for your craft. ii) cheat edit assume you edit the first save game edit slipstrm.sav money sectro 00, offset 228-229 change to 50 C3 warp level edit slipstrm.sav sector 00 offset 222 change this to warp to level 00 = Arizona 05 = Egypt 01 = Chicago 06 = France 02 = Amazon 07 = Hawaii 03 = London 08 = Tokyo 04 = Norway 09 = New York vi) solution/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/slip5000.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/slptch.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solitare Deluxe for Windows v) patches (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/soldlxcd.zip 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/solwin11.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soccer Kid ii) Cheat Edit umlimit life edit KID.EXE search A3 42 00 83 3E change 90 90 90 -- -- unlimit power edit KID.EXE search FF 0E 84 00 change 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Ace i) cheat codes To enable auto play just type BORF during the into and press fire. iii) cracks edit SPACEACE.EXE SEARCH_75 16 BE 15 07 _REPLACE_75 16 EB 14 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/spacetrn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Space Ace II i) cheat codes for SPACE ACE 2 type HURRY DEX and fire -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Bucks v) patches 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sbuck102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Hulk ii) Cheat edit debug nsquad.inf l E 0194 0B Sergeants undead E 0154 x x = mission number E 0150 x x = training mission E 0102 07 maximum E 010E 07 points E 0114 07 all E 011A 07 sergeants w q --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Nightmare i) Cheat Codes Level Codes UPGY, ZJTO, QITF for the Shareware Version JDPT, ZUFS, UBUZ, RTAW, DERV, QXPB, IJQR, NGOL for Full Version. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Pirates ii) Cheat Edit copy SP.EXE and SPSB8.EXE from CD-ROM to install directoty umlimit life edit SP.EXE go sector 55 offset 281 change 48 to 90 go sector 64 offset 322 change 48 to 90 change number of life edit SP.EXE go sector 54 offset 74 change 03 to ?? where ?? is the number of life Apply samething to SPSB8.EXE next time, play the game by running SP.EXE (no sound) or SPSB8.EXE (have sound) from the hard disk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq1s.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq2s.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq3s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest IV iii) cracks edit SCIDHUV.EXE SEARCH_FF 77 04 FF 77 02 9A 4C 02 _REPLACE_FF 77 04 FF 77 04 9A 4C 02 v) Patches "Text.001 not found"-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sq4text.zip (CD-version) soundcard fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sq4cdtb.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq4s.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/sq4.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest V v) Patches Space Quest V (lockup-fix for disk-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sq5patch.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest VI vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/sq6-hints.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/sq6-sol.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/spaceq6.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/sq6.uhs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spaceward Ho! for Windows iii) cracks ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/doshocrk.zip v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/whopatch.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speedball II iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/sb2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spellcasting 301: Spring Break ii) Cheat Edit change money edit S301_???.SAV go sector 30 offset 271 - 272 change to 0F 27 vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/s301.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speel Jammer vi) solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spelljam.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splatter House 2 vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/walkthrus/SplatterHouse2.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stalingrad 1.85 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stpatch.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stalin_p.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Control ii) cracks edit STARCON.OVL SEARCH_74 05 1B C0 1D FF FF 3D 01 00 _ REPLACE_EB 05 1B C0 1D FF FF 3D 01 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star-Control II iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/sc2crack.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/sc2cheat.zip v) Patches fix SoundMan 16 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sc2patch.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/starcon2.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/starcon2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ StarLord iii) Crack bypass password edit SETUP.EXE search 08 0B C0 75 02 EB 0C change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars! v)Patches 1.1 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/starsupd.zip 2.0 to 2.0a (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stars2au.zip 2.0a to 2.0b (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stars2bu.zip 2.0b to 2.5 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stars25u.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/stars.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Emperor v) patches fix kit #1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/se_fkit1.zip fix kit #2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/se_fkit2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Flight vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/starflyt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Star Glider i) cheat code Reduce speed to minimum, and press F to Fix gun sights, then pause the game and type the following :- JS ARG S JS ARG S The cheat mode is now enabled and you can now press the below keys to perfrom varied things. M to stop all enemies N to increase your points by 5000 P to gain an extra missile ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Glider II iii) cracks edit SG2.EXE position: 79542 change into: B2 00 position: 79552 change into: EB Note: You must enter something for the program to continue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Trails : Realms of Arkania II v) Patches kid face patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roa2kid.zip (fix for users with >= 32meg RAM) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roa2_32m.zip Star Trail "kid faces" test patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/starfix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Trek-25th Anniversary iii) crack edit STARTREK.EXE search : A3 82 01 39 06 84 01 74 04 change : A1 84 01 A3 82 01 90 EB -- Note: The color of the planet you see on the screen when arrive won't be correct, but it doesn't matter; the rest is all right. v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/startrek.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stpatch.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/trek25th.zip viii) FAQs v3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/roa2faq.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Trek- The Next Generation : Final Unity v) patches install fix for NexGen-and OS/2-user ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nxgenist.zip vi) Solution/hint/Map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/stafu-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/stafu.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/st-afu.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/stafu.uhs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stationfall vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/station.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel Panthers iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/spedit12.zip Editor Utility v1.5 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/sp-edit.zip 1.5 editor ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/spedit15.zip v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steelp11.zip 1.11x (beta patch!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel11x.zip 1.14x (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel14x.zip 1.16x (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel16x.zip 1.18x (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel18x.zip 1.19 (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel19.zip vi) Solutions/hints/map Chart & Weapons Data ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/steelpnt.zip viii) FAQs Unofficial Strategy Guide 1.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/steelpnt.zip 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/steel102.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stellar 7 i) cheat codes Start the game from DOS with: stellar7 /IAMNOGOODCHEATER "stellar7" must be in small letters, followed by a blank, a slash and the sentence "I am no good cheater" in CAPITAL letters and without any blanks. (It's important that you get it this way or it won't work.) The program should respond with "You are!" for a tenth of a second before it continues loading. In the game now, you can press a damn LOT of function keys (try out all from F1 to F12) which will enable some very nice cheats. F1 warps to next level F3 get all weapons F4 refuel energy etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonekeep ii) cheat edit In the savegame directory (game??), use some hex editor on GAMEINFO.SAV file. Offset 155 is your vitality, 157 your max vitality (for the impatient, replace 155-159 with e7 03 e7 03 - gives you 999 hit points, more will crash the game). Your companions are in there, too... same procedure. 0623 for your first character 0AF2 for your second character 0FC1 for your third character v) patches Stonekeep 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sk_p12.zip vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/stonkeep.zip viii) FAQs Stonekeep Combat FAQ v2.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/skeepcom.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strife i) cheat code (demo version) Remember do not give the chalice to Harris in the room above the Tavern. Tell him you are keeping it, then kill him. This is the only way to access the ID Badge, communicator, and finish the demo level. GUNS All weapons, ammo MONEY Gold, accuracy, toughness (can use multiple times) OPEN Gives all keys STIC Stealthboots SPIRIT No clipping (walk through walls) STUFF God mode, all weapons, keys, teleporter beacon IDDT After you TAB the map, type this to reveal whole map, toggle again to see all enemies, objects. GOTO## Where ## is level (32=sanctuary, 33=town, 34=rebel base) IDMUS## Change music LISTIT Accessories TIC Devparm toggle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Commander ii) Cheat edit You'll need Debug (its a DOS program) and a savegamea, of course. It does work with both SC-cd savegames and tactical operation savegames. [rt] will mean that you should press the ENTER key at the command prompt, type: DEBUG [rt] -N[savefilename.sav] [rt] (i.e., -Ncalifor.sav or -Nturkey.to1 (for tac-ops savegames) -L [rt] -E 0289 92 ff 92 [rt] -E 0305 00 [rt] -W -Q iii) Crack edit MKGAME.EXE (in disk 1) go sector 97 offset 274 change 7465 to 90 90 iv) editor/trainer money maker ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/scomed.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/sceasy.zip editor 1.0 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/scedit.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Football iii) Crack edit 16.EXE or 256.EXE search 74 F9 EB 4C 90 B8 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search 72 19 90 90 90 change 90 90 -- -- -- search 75 11 90 90 90 change 90 90 -- -- -- search 75 08 90 90 90 change 90 90 -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strip Poker for Windows iii) Crack Serial # 290395509p if in an English country. or 32995509p if in America. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strip Poker II iii) crack just type in "artworx" at the password prompt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong Hold iii) Crack edit STRONG.EXE search 80 7E FF 00 75 03 E9 8E 04 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- iv) editor/trainer Stronghold money maximizer 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/strcht.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunt Driver iii) cracks edit STUNT.EXE SEARCH_74 06 9A F4 A6 E1 FE _REPLACE_EB 06 9A F4 A6 E1 FE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SU-27 Flanker v) patches 1.03 (beta!) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/su27_03b.zip 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/supat101.zip beta 2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/su2711b3.zip beta 3 (needs 1.1 beta 2 installed) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/su2711b2.zip 1.1 beta 4 (needs previous betas installed) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/su2711b4.zip 1.1 beta 5 (needs previous betas installed) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/su2711b5.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Marine Riptide ii)Cheat Edit Oxygen not reduce edit RIPTIDE.EXE go sector 76 offset 173 - 176 change 01 06 C0 2A to 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SubWar 2050 i) cheat codes On the command centre screen, type: UP PERISCOPE Once the cheat's been activated you may use the following keys: [ - To either advance or retreat a mission (try it) ] - The opposite of the above = - To resurrect your pilot iii) Crack use UNLZEXE/UNP to decomp SW.EXE edit SW.EXE search 06 D7 F8 3B C3 74 0E change -- -- -- -- -- EB -- iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/sweasy10.zip v) Patches to 2.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/subwarpt.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summoning iii) Crack edit CODE.1 position: 63061 change into: 90 90 just select any 5 faces and the game will continue. ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/summon.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/summoning.FAQ ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/summoning.faq ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Supaplex i) cheat codes Edit the savefile with a HexEditor (it's a hidden file!) and edit this after your name (as entered when you first created a character in the game) enter a few 01 hex characters , ascii code 1 a small face (white) and this counts as one more completed level. Do this up till about 111 or as far as you like ! iii) Crack edit SUPAPLEX.EXE search 3B 0E 34 DE 75 06 C6 06 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- or Search : E8 E9 05 E8 98 87 Change : -- -- -- 90 90 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SuperHero League of Hoboken vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/hoboken.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Superkarts i) cheat code Track Select Type ORIEL at the "Go Karting" screen and you'll get a track select option in place of the exit option. Extra Cash Type BRASENOSE in the shop and you'll get an extra $10,000. Unlimited Turbos Type MANICMARTIN in during a race and you'll have unlimited turbos! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Frog i) Cheat Codes Level Code Level Code ----- ------ ----- ------ 1-2 234667 4-1 467464 1-3 447467 4-2 818234 1-4 747822 4-3 182394 2-1 392822 4-4 298383 2-2 446364 5-1 452234 2-3 984448 5-2 984841 2-4 477444 5-3 383772 3-1 343522 5-4 093152 3-2 882311 6-1 387211 3-3 992334 6-2 981122 3-4 091332 6-3 017632 6-4 398112 iii) Crack by pass password edit SF.EXE go sector 154 offset 24 change 74 to EB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Street Fighter II Turbo iii) cracks FILE : SF2TURBO.EXE V1.4 SEARCH : E8 93 15 FD FF CHANGE : EB 03 -- -- -- SEARCH : 00 00 00 00 00 00 6E CHANGE : 01 -- -- -- -- -- -- for v 1.5 edit SF2TURBO.EXE search: E8 30 0E FD FF change: EB 03 -- -- -- search: 00 00 00 00 00 00 6E change: 01 -- -- -- -- -- -- iv) patches 1.3 CD-Version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tukc3.zip 1.3 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tukd3.zip 1.3 CD-version (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tusc3.zip 1.3 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tusd3.zip 1.5 CD-Version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tukc5.zip 1.5 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tukd5.zip 1.5 CD-version (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tusc5.zip 1.5 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tusd5.zip 1.5 to 1.6 CD-version (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tusc6.zip 1.5 to 1.6 CD-Version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tukc6.zip 1.5 to 1.6 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tukd6.zip 1.5 to 1.6 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tusd6.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/ssf2tpc.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Tetris for Windows v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wst11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surf Ninjas ii) Cheat Edit undead edit SURF.SAV go sector 11 offset 84 change to 03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switch i) cheat codes A collection of level codes. Level 4 - YAHOO Level 10 - TRONIC Level 16 - TEEACE Level 5 - IMPER Level 11 - DJAYBE Level 17 - ZOZOR Level 6 - BART Level 12 - JAILE Level 18 - PSNPSN Level 7 - MBMBMB Level 13 - GRIZZO Level 19 - SILVER Level 8 - PRINST Level 14 - MOBYDK Level 20 - KIKISF Level 9 - EVERST Level 15 - LOOPZ Level 21 - WOOPER Level 51 - BUSTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syndicate i) Cheat Codes use the followings as company name, you will have special cheat: ROB A BANK --- $100,000,000 NUK THEM --- attack any country TO THE TOP --- $100,000,000 and attack any country COOPER TEAM --- same as TO THE TOP and with full weapon WATCH THE CLOCK --- speed up research time (sometime not work) viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/syndicat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Shock vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sshock03.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sshock09.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T2 ii) Cheat Edit energy not reduce edit T2.EXE search 89 44 10 60 E8 7F change 90 90 90 -- -- -- bomb not reduce edit T2.EXE search 89 45 68 60 change 90 90 90 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tactical Manager ii) cheat edit Money and Manager rating cheats. Run the game as usual, select the Managers icon (pen and paper) from the control panel, and create a manager in the first slot. Manage Birmingham City, save the game in slot 1 and then exit. For loads of money Edit the file TEAM2.DAT file in the DATA directory, change the values at 0000:00DC and 0000:00DD to 26. For Manager Rating of 10, World Class status and able to manage ANY team. Edit the file MANAGER.DAT file in the DATA directory, change the values at 0000:0014 and 0000:0015 to 0A. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Take a break : PinBall v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pbpat.zip -------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Commander ii) cheat edit The File You MUST Edit Is Called "cmndr.0" Which You Will Find In Your Tank Commander (E.G. "C:\TANKGAME\") Directory On Your Harddisk. An example of the string of characters found in the right hand coulmn is as below .......... 45 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 RAIDER.......... .......... 31 47 32 41 33 41 35 41 36 41 37 41 ....1G2A3A5A6A7A .......... 2A 41 00 02 00 04 00 06 00 09 00 8A*A*A..... The Line With "1G2A3A5A6A7A" and "8A" in The Next Line Represent The Missions. Now Grab A Simple Hex Editor And Change Your Missions Like Following: Mission 1 - From 1A To 1G Mission 2 - From 2A To 2H Mission 3 - From 3A To 3E Mission 4 - Doesn't Exist Neither In The Savegame Nor On The CD Mission 5 - From 5A To 5F Mission 6 - From 6A To 6E Mission 7 - From 7A To 7F Mission 8 - From 8A To 8E Mission 9 - Doesn't Exist - Will Be Probably The Data Disks Or Whatever iv) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tankfx11.zip Patch #1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tcpatch1.zip to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tcv12.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tekken viii) FAQs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/tekken2.faq --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TekWar... i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/tekwar.zip v) patches modem & network patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tekmnet.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminator: Future Shock i)Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/term-fs.cod v) patches 1.0 to 1.20 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfs_120.zip 1.30 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfs_130.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminator Rampage ii) Cheat Edit Edit GAME*.SAV (* is the number) Change to FF to get loads of Armour and Health Offset 28 2A 2C 2E 30 32 34 36 iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/termcrk.zip v) Patches P5 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tr_pent.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminal Velocity i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/tv-cods.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/tv.zip iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/tv-cht.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/tv-cods.txt v) Patches to 1.1 for shareware ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tv11spt.zip 1.1 to 1.2 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tv12cdpt.zip 1.1 to 1.2 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tv12swpt.zip 1.1 to 1.2 (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tv12fdpt.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/tv-faq.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terra Nova v) patches 1.09 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tnv109.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Drive III v) Patches to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tdfix12.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TFX i) Cheat Codes 1) press CTRL-ENTER after execute CALLSIGN, it will skip the training stage type PLOP in the game for undead 2) Press and <4> (on the keypad) and now you have nice pictures from your best manouvers in LBM format. v) Patches CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxcd_1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxcd_2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxcd_3.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxpat_1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxpat_2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxpat_3.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Theme Park i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/themep.zip iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pw-tpmm.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/themeprk.zip viii) FAQs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/theme.park.faq --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 7th Guest i) cheat codes On the initial screen when you start the game up, type Zaphod Beeblebrox (space and caps important) Now click on one of the corners of the sphinx ouija board to go anywhere in the game. v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/t7gfix3.zip The 7th Guest 1.30 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/t7g_130.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/t7guest.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/t7g-sol.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Adventures of Willy Beamish v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/willyfix.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/willbeam.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Alignment Wizard iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/ac.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Blue and The Grey v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/blu_grey.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dig vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dig.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/thedig.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dig-step.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dig-turtle.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dig-sol.txt ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/dig.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/dig.uhs viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/dig-FAQ.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall iv) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/arenatrn.zip viii) FAQs FAQ v0.98 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/daggerfl.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Even More Increditable Machine i) cheat codes Enter as a password: RHOMBUS to choose any level * Datadisk users, substitute PASSWORD for that. ;-) * PASSWORD also works for Incredible Machine The cheat goes as follows: While playing start the machine (I've never tried in free form but a don't think it works) and while it is running press V. It Will gratuate you to the next level. iii) Crack UNLZEXE TIM.EXE edit TIM.EXE search 83 7E F0 00 75 03 change -- -- -- -- EB -- vi) solution/hints/maps ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/temimsol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grandest Fleet iii) Crack edit 0COVER0.OVL search 74 18 89 76 FE change EB -- -- -- -- (enter anything >= 12 letters) v) Patches fix #2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tgfup2.zip (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tgfcd_up.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Legacy iii) Crack edit LEGSHIP.EXE search 89 46 FA 3B 46 F8 75 07 change -- -- F8 89 -- FA 90 90 another way to crack edit LEGSHIP.EXE search 3B 46 F8 75 07 C7 46 change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Last Bounty Hunter v) patches save/load-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bh_sound.zip save/load-fix (for Soundblaster mono) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bhsb8.zip save/load-fix (for all soundcards) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bhupdate.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Light Corridor i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/tlc.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The lost Files of Sherlock Holmes v) Patches to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sherlock.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Martian Chronicles vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/mchron.uhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Patrician ii) cheat edit To get loads of money, edit and of your save games. Search for byte 0213 and change the values there to FF FF FF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Perfect General iii) crack Use Norton Utilities/PCTools or a hex editor for this crack. If you cannot find the string STOP NOW, you have a different version than the one I used for this crack. File: GENERAL.EXE Search for: 8D 11 75 0E 9A 14 0A 05 20 ^^ ^^ Replace with: EB 09 It's that simple, now when the menu is accessed there will be no more annoying "Top Secret" verification screen. v) Patches to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tpg102a.zip The Perfect General II 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tpg2up1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Prophecy v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/proph_pt.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/prophecy.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderscape v) patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/thund11.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/thndrscp.faq ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/thund1_1.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Strike iii) cracks edit TS.EXE SEARCH_EB 92 72 _REPLACE_90 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tie FIghter ii) Cheat Edit edit the FLIGHT.OVL file change offset 36234 to 01 disable enemy Hyperspace Drive change offset 36230 to 01 give your ship Hyperspace iii) Crack edit FRONT.OVL search 89 56 fe 52 50 9a 06 00 change -- -- -- -- -- eb 03 -- ** there are 3 occurances of this pattern, only need to change the second one Defender of the Empire crack ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/doecrk.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/nx-tieck.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tflscrk.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tiepass.zip iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tie-ftrn.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tienwt.zip v) Patches fix sound ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tiesnd.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tiesnd.zip CD (fix for MS Sidewinder 3D Pro) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tiecdjoy.zip vii) Add-ons get the below to know the updated file list ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/TIEINDEX viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/tieguide.zip Combat FAQ v1.0 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/tie-cmbt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tigers on the Prowl v) Patches 1.1x to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/patches/topv121.zip upgrade to 1.23 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/patches/top_123.zip 1.26 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/top_126.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Titus the Fox iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/titf_trn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Laundry Strategy Football iii) Crack edit FOOTBALL.EXE search 55 8B EC 1E 41 F6 E8 6B C0 28 8B 16 F4 E8 change CB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tlsf103.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tony & Friends i) cheat codes During the game type one of the following to enable cheat :- ILOVEKELLOGGS - menu for the music SMACKSAREGREAT - plus three lives PCENGINEBYNEON - cheat mode, where: [1] = all hearts filled up [2] = end level with success [3] = all keys [4] = menu for warps --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony LaRussa Baseball III v) Patches 1.01 beta ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/t3patch.zip 1.20 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/t3_120a.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/t3_120b.zip (two new stadiums) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stad_fix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top Gun v) patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tgv11.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/topgun.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Torin's Passage v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/torinpat.zip vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/torin.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/torin.uhs ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/torin.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tornado iii) Crack edit AMP.EXE search 74 24 31 C0 50 9A change EB -- -- -- -- -- iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/torn-crk.zip v) Patches to 1.0c (US release) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ntorn10c.zip to 1.0c Europe version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/torn-10c.zip 1.0d to 1.0e Europe version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/torn-10e.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower Assualt i) cheat codes Enter these as level codes: * AAJIHGDDC - Start at level 1 * CGGHDGGDG - Start at level 2 * HDICICCII - Start at level 3 * IDHEHDGCC - Start at level 4 * IJIIDIHEC - Start at level 5 * CFDFEFEFJ - Start at level 6 * JIIJIIIIC - Start at level 7 * AAAABAAAA - Start at level 8 * CCGDGBBBB - Start at level 9 * HHIAAJJIG - Start at level 10 * GGDDJJHFD - Start at level 11 * JIDCBFGFF - Start at level 12 * HGGEDDCCB - Start at level 13 * HHHGFGDCC - Start at level 14 * IHDCHGHFF - Start at level 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tradewar 2002 i) Cheat codes At the computer menu, type ALT 202, ALT 203, ALT 204, ALT 205 on keypad for a list of starpoints and sectors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Transarctica i) cheat codes Press and and simitaniously click on the left top corner (try it many times). Now you have a mega train. If you click on the left bottom corner the victory gets nearer. (only two trains left). If you click on the left bottom corner an advanced scenery will appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transport Tycoon v) Patches French ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttfupd.zip German ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttgupd.zip Itialy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttiupd.zip US ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttusupd.zip Sound FIX ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttyc_snd.zip ATI support ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttyc_ati.zip General Fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tycoon.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/ttyc1_1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Quicky i) cheat codes To activate these cheats, simply type the code at the menu :- QUIKYISTHEBEST - 9 lives GOQUIKYGOQUIKY - invulnerability NESQUIKY - unlimited flakes RUNQUIKYRUNRUN - Quiky runs faster and jumps higher THROWQUIKYDOIT - Quiky throws more flakes QUIKYSUPERHERO + [1] - full energy + [2] - ends level + [3] - plus 99 flakes + [4] - level warp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tristan iii) Crack edit TRIST16.EXE, TRIST256.EXE ------------------------- search : 83 C4 04 09 C0 74 5A change : -- -- -- 31 -- -- -- search : 83 C4 08 09 C0 75 03 change : -- -- -- 31 -- -- -- search : 83 C4 04 09 C0 74 21 change : -- -- -- 31 -- -- -- apply to DOS version only ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troddlers i) cheat codes level codes solo mode level codes: PREMIERE BUILDIT NOSWEAT PYRAMID CLEAROUT SPHINX QUARTET CENTERIN REDGEMS CROSSED SKIPAROUND PACKEDUP PILLARS BZZZZZ FIVEROWS TIGHTTIME EASYONE TWOTRIBES DONTMIX HELPMEOUT MEANONES NOPROBLEMS TREASURES STOREROOM UPANDDOWN TECHNO ONEONONE SIXROOMS THETOWER GOFORHEART NEWTHING BOULERO CRUELWORLD CRUELCUBES SLIPNSLIDE KEYX COLDCROSS STONEM HARDROUND FIRSTGUNS CROSSFIRE RUNFORIT NORULES NOFARFALL RUNAROUND BADBIRD COVERTHEM SAVEBLOCKS GLAMOUR HACKBACK ALOTODO UPSIDEOUT DROPEMIN POSSIBLE CLOSEUP FOOLSRUN JEWELPUSH GUIDETRY WOTANSGO LOOSEM YOURSOR SACRIFICE BOOMPARADE WAITFORIT ROCKBLAST NOWASTEALL FROMABOVE SMASHHITS CRUSHRUSH FIRSTFIRE BURNOUT RUMBLEHOT COCKTAIL BUGGINHARD MOREFUN SPINAROUND LETITOUT ALLABOUT BOUNCEIT RAINDROPS FIREANDICE SLOWBURN STALLEM BADBOMBS SOLOMAN HELLSDITCH FIRSTFIRST GOODLUCK TIMEHUNTER NODELAY NOPULLPLUG GUNZONE BELTZENRUN BRIDGEMIN FALLOUT COLORRUN AUTOFIRE SWEETHEAT HEAVYDUTY TWEAKY team mode level codes: BEGINNERS ROOKIES HOPALONG BRACKETS SPARKLES DOUBLEPLUS LONGJUMP RIGHTWAY TRIDENT GUIDERIGHT JUSTDOIT ZOMBIEGO BADLAX TIMEAROUND TOOMUCH SPLITTED RUSHIIT MIXUP NOPANIC THEMACHINE TEAMWORK DIVIDED ROCKITOUT CLEARAWAY LOOKUP ONEOFTHREE QUICKBRICK FROSTY SURROUNDED BOOMER SPLITUP TARGETS SLOWSQUARE FLAKPASS THEWALL ROCKBOX TWINGUNS GETHIMDOWN DROPTURN TUFFJOB NOFALLDOWN ICEICEBABY SWIFTLY TAKETURNS DELAYNPLAY FULLHOUSE TWORANKS TRAPANSZAP STAGEDOWN GRINDSLIP QUICKCUBES WORKOUT TRAXMIX HELLTRACK GETDABLUES SHOOTNBLOW SLOWFLOW COOPERATE DENNISFAV FINALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Trog ii) Cheat Edit use UNP to decomp RUN.EXE (it has been comp. several times, decomp all) unlimit life edit RUN.EXE search FE 4E 4C change 90 90 90 unlimit continue edit RUN.EXE search FE 4E 73 change 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trolls ii) Cheat Edit unlimit lives Edit TROLLVGA.PCN, Change Offsets 5BB6, A2BA and A382 to 90 90 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trophy Bass v) patches to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tbass101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tube i) cheat codes Go for a round, after that save in the highscore with "JTY". Now you can use the below keys to activate the cheats :- [+] - one unit energy - repeat it a few times [1] - collision check off [2] - collision check on again [rShift] - stopps ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tubular Worlds ii) Cheat Edit edit PART2.EXE single player search FE 0E 42 01 78 1A change 90 90 90 90 -- -- two player search FE 0E 86 03 79 05 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search FE 0E 42 01 79 05 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search FE 4C 34 78 20 8B change 90 90 90 -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/tubtrn.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tunnels of Armageddon iii) Crack search 3B 87 70 0E 75 09 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyrian i) cheat codes At The Title Screen techno for the PQR experimental ship stormwind for the elemental fighter weird for the carrot fighter enemy for the enemy U-fighter unknown for the silver cloud fighter At the difficulty selection screen Capital "G" for impossible mode Then press "}" for suicide mode (must be done in that order) During the game f2+f3+f6-invincibility f2+f6+f7-next level backspace+1- super turbo speed f2+f3+f5-Destruction mode-This is an odd code. When you type it in, you get the cheaters always prosper message at the bottom of the screen and a flashing boarder around the screen like when your armour is down, but your armour will still be full. But if you get shot once, your armour goes down to nothing. Could this maybe be the way to find the last hints on the score screen at the end of the game. Anytime Press 2 to go from arcade mode to story mode v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tyrup11.zip vi) solution/hint/maps General Hint ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/tyrian.hnt viii) FAQs Unofficial FAQ, v0.53 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/tyrian.zip FAQ 0.61 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/tyrian.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO : Enemy Unknown/X-COM i) cheat codes 1) Before you finish the mission unload all your weapons including the weapons of the aliens (even if you have not researched there weapons you can still unload them). This is so you don't lose you ammo clips so your not always buying/manufacturing more ammo. You may even sell the plasma clips because you have so many. 2) When you have an alien under mind control you can access his inventory by going into one of your guys then using the arrow button to scroll until you get to the alien then you can unload his weapon, ready a grenade etc. iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/ufo12crk.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomedit.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/ufo-edit.zip ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/xcom2/xcomut11.zip X-COM Utilities 3.1 (for X-COM 1 & 2) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomut31.zip v) Patches fix map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ufomap.zip to 1.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ufov13.zip to 1.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/xcom14.zip X-COM/UFO resource tree fix (beta) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/xcom_geo.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/ufo.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO II : Terror from the Deep iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom2-bed.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom2-ed2.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xc2alien.zip ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOAD/xcom2/xcom2cht.zip ftp://Wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/xcom2/xc2edit.zip ftp://Wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/xcom2/xc2weap.zip ftp://Wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/xcom2/xcom2ufp.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xc2edit.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xc2weap.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xcom2ufp.zip ftp://vtplace.idde.saci.org/pub/cheats/givetu10.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom2me.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom-ut.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomut32.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xedit211.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcomutil.zip ver 1.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcom2e14.zip xcomut25.zip - X-COM Utilities 2.5 (for X-COM 1 & 2) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomut25.zip v) patches ftp://ftp.microprose.com/pub/mps-online/new-versions/tftdv2.zip ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/xcom2/tftdv2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tftdv2.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/xcom2.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UGH i) cheat codes level codes Level Code --------------------------------- 1 CAVITY 10 RESSURECTION 20 ANDDROGYNOUSNOISE 30 LAMENTOVERTHESHADOWS 40 THEABSOLUTE 50 STRANGEFORTUNE 60 ARINGINGINTHEIREARS 69 THISISHERESY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima II : Martain Dreams iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/mdhack.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima V vi) solution/hint/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ultima5.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima VI vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ultima6.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ultima6.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ultima6s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima VII i) Cheat Codes for U7.5 without the add-on. start Serpent Isle by : Serpent Pass That's the cheat for Serpent Isle WITH the Silver Seed add-on. start Serpent Isle by : serpent manimal Then press the function keys in the game and have fun (same as in original U7) v) Patches 3.0 to 3.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u7up34.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/u7scened.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ultima7s.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultima VIII ii) Cheat Edit CD\GAMES\ULTIMA8\GAMEDAT DEBUG AVATAR.DAT E 12A 01 01 W Q This will put your current game into cheat mode. Single click on the avatar for a basic cheat menu, or play with the F keys for some more advanced stuff. iv) Editpr/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/u8cheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/u8cheat2.zip v) Patches Adlib update ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8adlib.zip Eng ver to 2.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8patche.zip Fre ver to 2.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8patchf.zip German to 2.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8patchg.zip AWE32-fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8awe32.zip vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ultima8.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/u8walk11.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima IX viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/ultima9.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/ultima9.FAQ ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/u9faq101.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/ultima9.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/u9faq103.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Underworld i) Cheat codes During the game push = G - unlimited strenght I - for more light W - Level jump Z - stop time and monsters --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Underworld II i) cheat codes Simply delete a file called SHADES.DAT and you'll no longer get any shadows. iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/uw2cheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/uw2ed11.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/uw2patch.zip vi) solutions ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/uw2wlk14.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima : Ways to kill Lord British In Ultima 6 : Get A Glass Sword And Sneak Up On LB whn he sleeps. Whack him with the sword. The program will say that you have slain him. He should be standing up after you have killed him. Nothing else though. In Ultima 7 : At around 12.00 Night, Go read the plague above LB. It'll fall down adn kill him. In Ultima 7 FOV : Use the Black Sword's KILL power to slay him when he is nearby --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Backgammon iv) Patches SVGA Fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ubgamexe.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Football v) Patches (new digital sound-drivers) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ufbdig.zip Ultimate Football '95 ("CD not found" fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/uf95cd.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Soccer Manager i) cheat codes Enter your name as MAKE BELIEVE and any time during the game you can increase your finances by 100,000 pounds by simply pressing the + key. You can keep doing this, till you have enough to cash to keep you happy for a few seasons. You can also press the following during the game to enable other cheats :- E will take you straight to a penalty shoot out. F gives away a foul G attributes a goal to the last player to pass the ball. 1 ends the match instantly with a 1-0 result. 2 ends the match instantly with a 2-0 result. 3 ends the match instantly with a 3-0 result. 4 ends the match instantly with a 0-1 result. 5 ends the match instantly with a 0-2 result. 6 ends the match instantly with a 0-3 result. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under A Killing Moon v) Patches to 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ukm4-195.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/uakmaria.zip 1.04 (with DOS/4GW 1.97) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ukm4_197.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ukam-sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlimited Adventures v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fruav12.zip vii) Add-ons ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/frua/modules/*.* ftp://ftp.cco.caltech.edu/pub/UA/Modules/*.* (the above two places contain a lot of add-on modules for UA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unneccessary Roughness '96 v) patches (5th january '96) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ur96patc.zip '95 fixes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ur95clok.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninvited vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/uninvite.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/uhs/uninvite.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- US Navy Fighter iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/usnf-fly.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/usnfutil.zip ftp://ftp.caprica.com/pub/misc/games/usnf/usnfutil.zip http://zeus.uni-duisburg.de/~stenger/private/FlightSim/USNF/ http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~kamps/usnf.html ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/usnfutil.zip v) Patches upgrade to 1.1 ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/usnf11.zip (or usnf11.exe, also get usnfread.txt) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/usnf11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USS Ticonderoga v) Patches (soundcard- and weapons-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ticoupdt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utopia iii) Crack UNP I.MDG search 2C 30 2C 06 5A 3A C2 74 0F change -- -- -- -- -- 8A D0 EB -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegas Entertainment Pack v) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/vegas1_1.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Veil of Darkness iii) Crack edit CODE.2 Search : 98 97 74 04 33 change : -- -- EB -- -- Search : 3D 05 00 75 6E change : -- 01 -- -- -- Search : 0B C0 74 03 E9 88 00 change : -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VGA Roulette 2.0 i) cheat codes 1. Set the system date to something like 01-01-80, this is done by typing DATE at the DOS prompt. 2. Run the game and create a new name. 3. Exit the game. 4. Change the system date to something like 01-01-99. 5. Run the game again and you'll be awarded INTEREST on the money you had to start off with. 6. DO NOT try and repeat as it will cause the program to crash. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Pool v) Patches Video Pool new graphic drivers (14th june 1995) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/vr0614.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vigilante i) cheat codes Type GREEN CRYSTAL on the score screen. Then use : F1 to gain Extra lives F8 to Skip levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viking II iii) Crack edit VIKINGS.EXE go sector 216 offset 206 change C4 to BC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viking Child i) cheat codes Level codes: Forest: NUGGETS Landbridge: BOUNCING Labyrinth: BUSTFOOT Pyramid: REDDWARF -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viking Kids i) Cheat Codes Level codes 1)STRT 11)VLCN 21)JNKR 31)FNTM 2)GR8T 12)QCKS 22)CBLT 32)WRLR 3)TLPT 13)PHR0 23)H0PP 33)TRPD 4)GRND 14)C1R0 24)SMRT 34)TFFF 5)LLM0 15)SPKS 25)V8TR 35)FRGT 6)FL0T 16)JMNN 26)NFL8 36)4RN4 7)TRSS 17)TTRS 27)WKYY 37)MSTR 8)PRHS 18)JLLY 28)CMB0 9)CVRN 19)PLNG 29)8BLL 10)BBLS 20)BTRY 30)TRDR iii) Crack edit SETUP.EXE method I search : 75 12 33 C0 50 change : 90 90 -- -- -- method II edit DATA.DAT search : B8 62 69 change : F2 41 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Pool iii) crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/vp.zip iv) editor/trainer Virtual Pool new graphic drivers (20th june 1995) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/vp0620.zip v) patches 3DVX graphic drivers (9th august 1995) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/vp0908.zip to 1.6.6 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/vpool166.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voyager i) cheat codes in the options screen input: WHEN THE SWEET SHOWERS OF APRIL FALL to enter cheat screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wacky Wheels 1) Cheat Codes 1) WW.EXE accept several parameter for cheating e.g. WW.EXE below are the codes: /2 --- dpuble speed /3 --- triple speed TURBO --- press BREAK and FIRE will accelerate the car JUMP --- press BREAK and ACCELERATE can make the car jump HOG --- 99 hog ICE --- 99 ice FIRE --- 99 fire ball e.g. WW.EXE FIRE /3 will make the car has 99 fire ball and with triple speed * above only apply to full version 2) Dopefish, is a creature taken from Commander Keen, and can be seen by starting any single player race. When everybody else moves, stand still. Hold down the break, and turn left all the way around until the Dopefish shows up. Note: the lion that starts the race must remain on the screen the entire time; otherwise, the Dopefish won't appear. You can do this as many times as you like, so long as the lion doesn't leave the screen. 3) (For shareware) To get an extra race track on your shareware version of wacky wheels: 1. Choose single player racing. 2. Choose a vehicle. 3. Choose amateur class. 4. Choose six lap race. 5. Choose fast 12 HP engines. 6. Choose bronze wheels race (obviously). Now wait for the first race to start, then press ESC and save and quit from the race. Back at the main menu select ordering info or go into wacky wheels info and choose ordering info. Wait for the DEMO to load up and start, then press ESC and exit back to the main menu. Once again choose single player racing and restore the saved game and you should now be playing race 2 of silver wheels race as Uno the Panda. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- War in Russia iii) crack edit WIR2.EXE position: 340647 change into: 90 90 choose any answer and the game will proceed ------------------------------------------------------------------------- War in the Gulf i) cheat codes Type on the highscore screen LET ME CHEAT and click on the RESET button. Now you have the complete map. With pressing and at the same time you will win every battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WarCraft i) Cheat Codes Simply hit Enter/Return and type out the cheat phrase, then hit Return/Enter again. Thats it!! No editing of saved games is required. Pot of Gold -adds 10000 gold and 5000 lumber Eye of Newt -updates magic-users with all spells!! Sally Shears -reveals entire map Iron Forge -update all technology instantly!! Hurry up Guys -speeds building of units and buildings The following are used in only single-player games and should type Corwin of Amber to activate the below code. There can be only one -all units are invincible (except for a catapult hit) Your units are also able to kick major butt!!!! Yours truly -takes you to victory sequence Crushing defeat -takes you to loss sequence Ides of March -takes you to final sequence in current campaign Corwin of Amber -find out what it does iii)Crack (Password Bypass) 1. ***BACKUP*** the original file before making change. 2. Change according to the following : For v1.12, [original version] FILES=SETUP.EXE(Size=126889) Search : 75 19 B8 00 20 00 00 [Password Bypass] Change : 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- Search : 75 57 B8 30 C0 C0 80 [CheckSum Bypass] Change : EB -- -- -- -- -- -- For v1.16,1.21 FILES=SETUP.EXE(Size=132609) Search : 75 19 B8 [Password Bypass] Change : 90 90 -- Search : 74 0F BA 01 00 00 00 B8 70 48 [CheckSum Bypass] Change : EB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- FILES=WAR.EXE(Size=319771) Search : 39 D0 0F 84 D7 Change : -- -- E9 D8 00 FILES=WAR_EDIT.EXE(Size=82421) Search : 3B 56 04 74 03 Change : -- -- -- EB -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/war115cr.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/war121cr.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/warcheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wartrn.zip v) Patches to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/warcr121.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/warcraft.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WarCraft II i) cheat codes wcrft2.cod Warcraft 2 Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/wcrft2.cod iii) crack crack WarCraft II v1.20p to play on HD only edit: War2.exe Sector 857 : 00 85 c0 74 13 31 eb Sector 923 : 0f 84 6c 00 00 Sector 932 : 00 74 0d 89 eb Sector 989 : d0 e8 44 ff eb 03 Sector 1212 : 04 7c 40 7e 90 90 of course, you need to disable CD-Audio iv) editors/trainer wcrft2-t.zip Warcraft 2 Interactive Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/wcrft2-t.zip wcrft2-e.zip Warcraft 2 Savegame Editor ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/wcrft2-e.zip Warcraft 2 players need Kali and it can be found at: http://www.blizzard.com and download war2kali.exe, run it instead of war2 when you're using Kali. All players in the game should be running it, and all players should be running ver 1.1. v) patches 1.00 to 1.20 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc2_12.zip vi) solutions/hint/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/warcraf2.uhs vii) Add-ons fix for Kali-users ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/war2kali.zip viii) Strategy Guide Jan. 96 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/war2-s.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warlords II iii) Crack edit WARLORD2.EXE SEARCH : E8 E3 00 9A 33 02 00 00 CHANGE : -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 v) Patches 1.02 to 1.02a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/war102a.zip AWE32-patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wl2awe32.zip 2.0 to 2.2.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2d_p20.zip Deluxe 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2d_p222.zip Deluxe 2.2 to 2.2.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2d_p22.zip Deluxe 2.0 to 2.2.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2dp20.zip Deluxe 2.2 to 2.2.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2dp22.zip Deluxe 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2dp222.zip Deluxe 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/w2dp223.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/warlord2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WarWizard v) patches 2.x to 2.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ww23pat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WasteLand vi) solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/wasteland.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/wastelnd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wax Work vi) solution/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/waxwork.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wayne Gretzky Hockey III v) Patches 1.11 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wgh3v111.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Werewolf VS Comanche 2.0 v) patches Werewolf 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wer101.zip Comanche 2.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/com201.zip Werewolf VS Comanche 2.0 / Comanche 2.01d ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/com201d.zip Werewolf VS Comanche 2.0 / Werewolf 1.01d ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wer101d.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WetLands v) patyches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wetup11.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where In Time Is Carmen SanDiego iii) cracks Remove protection File: CARMEN.EXE 0000B980: CD 31 0000B981: 13 C0 0000B99D: CD 10 0000B99E: 13 C0 0000B9B7: CD F9 0000B9B8: 13 B4 0000B9B9: FB 10 0000B9D4: 74 EB 0000B9FB: 0074 EB ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whiplash i) cheat codes Here are some codes for WHIPLASH! Enter them as player name in the configuration menu [blank] B&W mode CINEMA Wide Screen Mode LOVEBUN Secret car MAYTE car with maxed stats TINKLE " SUICYCO " 2X4B523P " FORMULA1 " SUPERMAN invincible human cars DR DEATH destruction mode GOLDBOY access tracks on premier cup MREPRISE access tracks on bonus cup CUP WON see end sequence I WON see race win ROLL EM see credits DUEL killer opponents TOPTUNES alternate sounds REMOVE Remove cheat codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whizz i) Cheat Codes Load the game by typing GO PULP FICTION to access the Cheat Mode. Also by pressing 4 you can skip levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander I i) Cheat Codes Method 1 type wc Origin -k and you will be invincible and can use alt+del to kill anyone in your target sights ALT-O blows up parts of the cockpit (looks cool) ALT-INS destroys wing of ships (not capital ships) Method 2 Command line parameters: WC Origin s# m* w# -k l Case and order are critical in the command line parameters. SM2 has the same command line as WC. SO1 and SO2 have the same command line as WC2. The parameters work as follows: Origin - Playtest mode with the Finger of God Activates the other command line parameters. Press ALT-DEL and the targeted ship explodes Press ALT-INS and ALL non-capital enemy ships on radar explode (WC2/SO1/SO2 only) Press ALT-Z and your ship explodes Press ALT-M to toggle display of memory usage Press I to toggle display of current intelligence factor s# - Select specific series (e.g. s8) m* - Select specific mission (e.g. md) w# - Preview cinematic sequence (e.g. w3), scene numbers range from 1 to 22. Mission specific scenes require that s# m* also be specified. (WC/SM2 only) -k - Unlimited shields l - Single mission, no copy-protection question (WC/SM2 only). Example: wc2 Origin s8 md -k Starts Wing Commander II and loads System 8, Mission D (K'tithrak Mang) and provides unlimited shields. iii) cracks edit WC.EXE position: 301369 change into: 90 90 90 position: 301375 change into: EB Secret Missions II edit SM2.EXE position: 304016 change into: 90 90 90 position: 304022 change into: EB iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wing-it.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander II i) Cheat codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wc2.zip ii) Cheat Edit laser unlimit edit WC2.EXE search 89 87 F8 66 8B DE D1 E3 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- search 29 87 F8 66 57 56 FF 76 06 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wc2train.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wing Commander III i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wc3.zip Wing Commander 3 Cheat List ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/wc3.cht iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/wc3-save.zip savegame-editor ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wc3edit.zip v) Patches SVGA patch for Compaq ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qvision.zip Joystick fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc3joy.zip Thrustmaster fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc3tm.zip support for Colorado Spectrum's Notebook Gameport ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc3joyng.zip Unofficial Strategy Guide ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wc3-usg.zip vi)Solutions/Hint ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/wc3-miss.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/wc3-sol.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/wc3.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/wc3_sol.zip Unofficial Strategy Guide ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wc3-usg.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wc3-faq.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander IV i) cheat codes Start with "WC4 -chicken", makes quite the same as "WC3 -mitchell" did with WC3. v) patches joystick calibration fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc4joy.zip support for Colorado Spectrum's Notebook Gameport ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc4joyng.zip (fix for S3 968 with IBM RGB524 RAMDAC) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc4_16sv.zip Unofficial Strategy Guide ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wc4-usg.zip viii) FAQs The Wing Commander III and VI FAQ v2.30 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wc3&4.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/wc3faq23.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander Armada v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/armpat.zip vii) Add-ons ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/armada.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Olympic 94 iii) Crack edit ME.GAM search 6F 3A C3 74 14 change -- -- -- EB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Witchaven i) cheat codes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/whaven.cod ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/witchav.zip ii) cheat edit Start a game and then save it in slot 1 Use you hex editor and open svgno.dat Edit below for cheats 0051=01 Gives a sword 006D=255 arrows 0071=FF sword life 0081=FF 0085=FF 0089=FF 008D=FF 0091=FF These altogether gives 255 of each spell 0129=63 012D=63 0131=63 0135=63 0139=63 These altogether give 99 of each potion 013D=09 Experience Level 0141=FFFF Experience Points 0145=FFFF Lots of lives 014D=FFFF Lots of strength v) patches 3-button mouse,CyberMaxx,I-Glasses ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/3butwh.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizardary VI iii) Crack edit WBASE.OVR search : 55 8B EC FC 56 57 8B 76 04 8C DF 8E C7 8B change : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 06 -- -- -- -- -- search : 7E 06 AD AF 75 3F 84 C0 74 35 84 E4 75 F4 change : -- 04 AC AA 90 90 -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizardary VII iii) Crack FILE NAME : VBASE.OVR(38171 Bytes) & VINIT.OVR(5943 Bytes) VBEAS.OVR search : 83 3E 4C 90 00 75 2E change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- VINIT.OVR search : 83 3E 4C 90 00 75 03 change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wiz7-cht.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/w7edig20.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/w7edit20.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cds_pent.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cdspatch.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/wiz7.zip ftp://risc.ua.edu/pub/uploads00/wiz7wlk.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/cdsmap.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/wizardry7.FAQ ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wiz7.zip ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/wiz_7.faq ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizball i) cheat codes Pause the game and enter RAINBOWT to enable cheat mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Woodruff and the Anzimuth of Schnibble vi) Solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/woodruff-step.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Circuit iii) Crack edit GP.EXE Search 39 07 75 05 39 57 02 74 19 81 06 Change -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- EB -- -- -- or search BA 43 00 B0 00 EE 4A 4A change BB 92 0B B8 0B 00 5A CB Always enter same word at protection screen: monza (MODEM UPDATE VERSION 1.04) FILE TO SEARCH: GP.EXE ORIGINAL FILE SIZE: 321716 DATE: 3-4-93 SEARCH STRING: B8 00 00 9A 0A 08 64 8B C1 EB 02 CHANGE TO: B8 0B 00 9A 25 08 64 8B BB E4 02 Always enter same word at protection screen: monza ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Cup USA '94 i) cheat codes Select your team as Argentina and go play. During the match, substitute one of your players for the player D. Armando. His speed will be AMAZING. Note: You will have to substitute him. This does not work if it is done by selecting him before the match starts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Tour Golf iii) cracks edit WTG.EXE SEARCH_83 C4 08 0B C0 75 10 _REPLACE_83 C4 08 0B C0 74 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worms i) Cheat code On the Weapon select screen enter BAA BAA and you enable some kind of cheat, something to do with a sheep and an ultimate weapon (?) v) patches (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/worms_cd.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/worms_dk.zip network fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wormsdkn.zip network fix (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wormscdn.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrath Of Earth i) cheat codes Internal Cheats. Load the game by typing WOE TranSend and during the game press SHIFT ESCAPE to enter cheat mode and you can use the below keys to enable the cheats :- C - Clipping toggle I - All Weapons M - Full Map S - Level Warp (press ESC and Level Number) Z - GOD Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrath of the Gods iii) Crack edit WRATH.EXE (27 SECTOR 445 OFFSET) search 3B 06 9F 0C 74 06 change A3 9F 0C 90 EB -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Wing i) cheat code B-Wing Historic Mission 6 (Death Star Trench). If you turn the detail right down most of the difficult obsticles will not appear, for example with the detail right up there are several yellow gurders that stretch across the width of the trench which you have to avoid. With the detail down most of these will be gone, making the mission a breeze. ii) Cheat Edit edit ?.PTL (? is save game name) go sector 1 change offset 240 - 242 to 0F now can select any mission in change tours iii) Crack edit FRONTEND.OVL change value between sector 1008 displacement 178, sector 1009 displacement 106 to 00 from now on, press ENTER for password ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/xwingcrk.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/xwcrack.zip crack+trainer for X-Wing and Imperial Pursuit ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/ipstrn.zip B-Wing crack ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/bwingctd.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wcheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/xwtrain.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xwinged.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/hexwing.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/pfe210.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/xwse50.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/xwtrns.zip B-Wing editor ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/bmanager.zip bWing trainer ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/bwtrns.zip v) Patches Imperial Persuit 1.0a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ip1a.zip vii) Add-ons ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/aplha.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/asets.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/daala.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/dathomir.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/deathh.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/deathmaz.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/dkmisn.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/dvalor.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/endor.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/rmpire.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/follow.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/guardian.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/katana.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/savcth.zip get the below file to get updated list ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/XWINDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- XARGON i) cheat code Press [F7] three times in the game and you have invulenerability, full energy and all keys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xatax i) Cheat codes Level 2: TCGWXY-7BFJMT Level 3: 1MG2FG-SV91SZ Level 4: FDNCW1-ADVA4U Level 5: 3PNXX1-R1NUCG Level 6: P52G5T-G78HB2 Level 7: L22ZGJ-DWM46F Level 8: EYH34W-PR7X5K --------------------------------------------------------------------- XENOBALL i) cheat codes Level codes Planet United Fortress Inferno Mutant Game Wind Sojus Crash Sandworm Neutron Balla Dune Uranus Option Terminus Laser Ship Cyborg All Cyball Tango Basis Positron Gemini Stars Speedy Deneb Giant AI Moon Drama Alien Capella Nukleus Flash Bansai Epsilon Metallix Procyon Vulcano Universe Venus Pegasus Shuttle Sun Damokles Gagarin Program Desaster Schleuse Logic Computer Luftleer Chaos Galaxy Strahlen Phobos Global Rakete Trauma Monitor Polaris Ikarus Diamond Urknall Explorer Nautilus Suche Titan Water Irrfahrt Rubin Fire Schwinge Topball Racer Wanderer Topas Stones ByeBye Triton Ironman Pluto Robots Comet Silver Centauri Timehunter Nova Machine Asteroid Steel Apes Gold Photon Solaris Fog Starball -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xenon 2 i) cheat codes In the graphic menu press . Now you can press in the game and you are unvulnerable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xybots i) cheat codes Try to play a highscore and type ALF as your name. Now you have endless lifes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zak McKracken iii) cracks Removing doc check: File: 52.lfl 00001AB9 57 E7 00001ABA FE DC 00001ABB DD FF -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zeliard iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/zeltrain.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zephyr v) patches 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zepup11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zone 66 i) cheat codes To bypass the opening screen trash in Zone 66, start the game with: C:\GAME.EXE TranIsEvil -or- ZONE66 -? -? -? TranIsEvil iv) editor/trainer (shareware) trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/z66cht.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zone Raiders v) patches fix 1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zoneup.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Zool II i) Cheat Code Level Skip and and extra jumping height. >From the options screen, press ESCAPE to get to the Config Menu. Then type the word PHONEBOOK and press ESCAPE again. Now while you're playing the game pressing 0 will take you to the next Level and 3 will give you a bonus stage. Also you will be able to jump higher with CTRL. iii) Crack bypass password edit ZOOL2.DAT go sector 10 offset 164 change 20 to 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork1_sol.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork2_sol.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork3_sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/uhs/zork3.uhs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork 1+2+3 vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork_123.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork Nemesis vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/zork-nem.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zorro i) cheat codes when player fall from high place, just before hit ground, hit ESC, and answer 'no' in the quit menu, then the player will not die ii) cheat edit unlimit life edit ZORRO.EXE search 0D 00 7F change -- -- EB (2 times) search 0D 00 75 change -- -- EB v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zorrupgr.zip Zorro soundcard-fix (for cards on IRQ 5) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zcfgirq5.zip Zorro soundcard-fix (for cards on IRQ 7) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zcfgirq7.zip ======================================================================== Other information sources: http://www.essi.fr/PubHTML/buffa/videogames.html http://www.power.net/users/HappyPup http://www.GamesDomain.com http://www.cyberspace.com:80/acroft http://www.ifi.uio.no/~jankr/@/game.html http://www.et.ee/spoiler (Spoiler Center) http://www.ozemail.com.au/~pudney/Jester/ Game Base offical site ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/msdos/games/misc/gbase110.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/utility/cheat/cheat260.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/utility/cheat/cheet43.zip ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/gbust60.zip ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/dlh10???.zip ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/cheat/chwin102.zip Apogee FAQ 5.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/apogee52.zip Game on InterNet: http://happypuppy.com/games/lordsoth Game Tips & Cheats MRMAXG@aol.com http://users.aol.com/mrmaxg/www/qipsoft.htm ftp://users.aol.com/mrmaxg/gametips.zip FAQ of FAQ for game email to sigma@tdb.vision.net.au to get it CHEET ftp site ftp.uwp.edu - /pub/incoming/games ftp.uml.edu - /msdos/games/cheet_sheets ftp.sunet.se - /pub/pc/mirror/games-uml/games/cheet_sheets Send an e-mail to netslave@midnight.com.au leave the Subject blank and inside the mail body put: SEND faq/index you can get a good FAQ list Game Ftp list by Matthew Aldous send e-mail to : aldousm@topaz.cqu.edu.au request the list Cheat Machine send an e-mail to: Jan.hertsens@ping.be to request Jan to put your name in his mailing list or It can now be found at : http://www.SliceOfLife.com/Official/AFOREST/CM.HTM ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/utility/cheat/chtm20.zip ProCheater cheats for over 500 games ftp://ftp.cica.indiana.edu/pub/pc.win3/games/procheat.zip ChetBox 40 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/utility/cheat/cheat40.zip Below are some game publishers ftp site/web pages : Apogee ftp.uml.edu Bullfrog ftp.bullfrog.com (un-verified) Electronic Arts ftp.ea.com Epic ftp.ulowell.edu id software ftp.idsoftware.com MicroProse ftp.microprose.com Microsoft ftp.microsoft.com Trilobyte tbyte.com ftp.uwp.edu Union Logic ftp.unlogic.com /pub/unionlogic Disney (Misc) ftp.caprica.com /pub/disneysoft Epic Megagames http://www.epicgames.com/ ID Software http://www.idsoftware.com/ Domark http://www.domark.com/ Interplay http://www.ea.com/ Rocket Science http://www.rocketsi.com/ Virgin http://www.vie.com/ Westwood http://www.westwood.com/ Ocean http://www.odon.com/ocean/ ========================================================================= access InterNet by e-mail source to get "Access InterNet by e-mail", follow the below instruction to send e-mail to the following address: To: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu (for US/Canada/etc.) Enter only this line in the BODY of the note: GET INTERNET BY-EMAIL NETTRAIN F=MAIL To: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (for Eastern US) Enter only this line in the BODY of the note: send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email To: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk (for UK/Europe/etc.) Enter only this line in the BODY of the note: send lis-iis e-access-inet.txt after get the document back, read the ftpmail session, and get the ftp faq. To get ftp faq: send e-mail message to the internet address: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu and inside the mail body, put only the following line: send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq Also read the ftpmail session. if you want to access the ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de, the ftpmail@irz.inf.tu-dresden.de ftpmail server is recommaned. Get the above document to learn what ftpmail is and then send e-mail to the irz server, put 'help' in the Subject line and left the body blank. The Access InterNet by e-mail contain many good stuff, you are very lucky, in old days, I need to search all the black holes/void in the net to find them. ------------------------------End of File--------------------------------