Patcher ------- Version 1.3, 12/22/96 Written by Lutz van Hasselt (, Brien Smith ( and Tim Tschirner ( Copyright (c) 1996 by Lutz, Brien and Tim, All Rights Reserved - Provided on 'as-is' basis, no responsibility - - for data loss or any other damage is taken - Overview -------- Patcher allows you to create and apply patches. A patch file stores the binary differences between two files of the same length. The main use for Patcher is to make and apply patches to NBA Live 95 and NBA Live 96 Executable Files, but in general you can use it to create patches between two files of the same length. You may distribute Patcher freely, but all files inside the package must remain unchanged. You can also distribute PATCHER.EXE with your programs, as long as the original files remain unchanged and credit is given where credit is due. Usage: ------ To make a Patch, simply type: PATCHER OldFile NewFile PatchFile where - OldFile is the original file, for example NBA96.EXE, - NewFile is the changed file, for example 95-96.EXE and - PatchFile is the name of the Patch file you want to create, for example 95-96.PAT Please note that both OldFile and NewFile must be of the exact same lenght. To apply a Patch, simply type: PATCHER OldFile PatchFile where - OldFile is the original file, for example NBA96.EXE and - PatchFile is the name of the file that contains the patch data. Version History --------------- Version 1.1, 04/29/96 - initial Release Of The Pascal Version Version 1.2, 05/17/96 - small Changes In The MakePatch Routines That Result In Slightly Smaller Patch Files Version 1.3, 12/16/96 - fixed A Rare Bug That Screwed Up A Byte Or Two Once In A While