HOW TO SET UP THE DETH and HETH .INI AND .CFG FILES =================================================== In order to make DETH user-configurable, it is necessary to use configuration files. These can be confusing, and ordinarily do not need to be edited, as long as you have unzipped DETH with the -d parameter in order to retain DETH's directory structure. DETH needs to know the location of main IWAD file for the game you intend to edit. The default locations are shown in the DOOM.CFG, DOOM2.CFG, HEXEN.CFG, and HERETIC.CFG. # Location of the main IWAD. [wad] c:\doom\doom.wad # Location of the main IWAD. [wad] c:\doom2\doom2.wad # Location of the main IWAD. [wad] c:\hexen\hexen.wad If your DOOM 1 and 2 and HEXEN directories are on different drives, or named differently than the above, you will need to put the proper reference in these two areas. (Likewise for the HERETIC.CFG.) This is all you should have to edit in the .cfg files. ========================================= DETH is set up by default to edit DOOM 2, assuming the above. If you want to edit DOOM 1 or The Ultimate DOOM, you will have to change one area in the DETH.INI: # LOAD OPTIONS # -+-+-+-+-+-+ # Game data to use. #gamedef = config\doom.cfg gamedef = config\doom2.cfg #gamedef = config\heretic.cfg In the HETH.INI: # LOAD OPTIONS # -+-+-+-+-+-+ # Game data to use. gamedef = config\hexen.cfg A "#" in front of line means that that line is ignored. So if you want to edit Ultimate DOOM, for instance, put a # in front of the 2nd gamedef line, and remove the one in front of the 1st gamedef line. Likewise if you want to edit HERETIC. DETH will recognize only one of these lines: the others must be "commented" out with a #. There are a couple of other options in the DETH.INI that can be changed to reflect your own personal default options for DETH each time you use it. It is a good idea to get familiar with the DETH.INI file. Here are some other areas you may want to look at: # DISPLAY OPTIONS # -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- # 0-standard VGA, 1-640x480x256, 2-640x480x256, 3-800x600x256, 4-1024x768x256 #bgi = VESA video = 3 DETH is set to run in 800x600x256 mode. If you have a decent monitor, you may wish to run DETH in a higher resolution. To do so, simply change the "video = 3" number to 4. (For more info on this, read the DETHGO32.TXT for setting up the GO32 environment and specifying drivers for your video card.) You may also wish to configure DETH to use your favorite Textures and Flats each time it starts. To do this, check out the Preferences Menu section: # PREFERENCES MENU (F5) # -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- # Default Textures and preferences. You may want to change these values... walltexture = BIGBRIK1 uppertexture = BIGBRIK1 lowertexture = BIGBRIK1 ceiltexture = FLOOR7_1 floortexture = RROCK09 doortrack = DOORTRAK doortexture = BIGDOOR4 upperstep = STEPTOP lowerstep = STEP6 teletexture = GATE1 ceilheight = 256 floorheight = 0 To change or use any or all of the above lines, remove the "#" from the line you wish to use, and enter IN CAPITAL LETTERS the exact name of the texture/flat you wish to use. That is, DO NOT enter "brick6". It must be "BRICK6" (without the "" of course). Otherwise you will get invalid PName errors when DOOM tries to run. These options can also be set from within DETH itself using the F5 key, but the changes are only good for the current editing session, and will reset to default values if you exit DETH. ======================================== That's about it. We are hopeful to have an automatic configuration function for DETH sometime in the future; but for now, there are other more pressing areas for further development to make DETH even better. I know: How much better could it get? ======================================== Your suggestions and comments matter. Please e-mail any and all to: Antony J. Burden 100765, John W. Anderson (Dr Sleep)