The Quake Control Center is not free. If you find it useful and decide to use it for more than the 15 day trial period, you MUST register. Once we receive your payment, we will very promptly send you a code to enter that registers the Quake Control Center and removes the nag screen. THIS CODE IS GOOD ON ANY VERSION OF QCC EVER TO BE RELEASED, so it's a one-time fee. When there's an update to the QCC, simply download it and put it in the same directory as your previous, registered version. Please fill out the form below and send it, along with cash, check, or money order (made out to WaWa Pen Ware) for $10 to: Ythan Burstein c/o WaWa Pen Ware 63 East Hollow Rd. Petersburgh, NY 12138 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I am registering Quake Control Center. Enclosed is cash, check, or money order for $10, and I have completely filled out this form. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ___________________________________________________________ (First) (Last) Address: __________________________________________ Apt#____________ __________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ If you wish to have your registration code sent to you by e-mail, please write your e-mail address on the line below. This is generally the fastest way for you to get your QCC registration code, as it eliminates the 3 - 5 day waiting period it would take for you to receive your code by standard "snail mail". E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________ Where did you get Quake Control Center? ____________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your registration!