object EffectsForm: TEffectsForm Left = 118 Top = 37 BorderIcons = [] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Web Effects' ClientHeight = 347 ClientWidth = 435 Color = clNavy Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object TLabel Left = 202 Top = 136 Width = 3 Height = 14 end object HTMLTemp: TMemo Left = 10 Top = 241 Width = 406 Height = 70 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 6 Visible = False end object Notebook1: TNotebook Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 435 Height = 326 Align = alTop Color = clBtnFace Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] PageIndex = 5 ParentColor = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Headers' object Label1: TLabel Left = 111 Top = 33 Width = 74 Height = 16 Caption = 'Header Text:' end object Label2: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 33 Width = 75 Height = 16 Caption = 'Header Size:' end object HeaderNumber: TSpinEdit Left = 20 Top = 50 Width = 41 Height = 26 MaxValue = 6 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 0 Value = 1 OnChange = ViewEffectClick end object HeaderText: TEdit Left = 113 Top = 51 Width = 173 Height = 24 TabOrder = 1 OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnKeyPress = HeaderTextKeyPress end object HeadingJustify: TRadioGroup Left = 15 Top = 85 Width = 110 Height = 72 Caption = 'Heading Justify' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'none' 'left' 'center') TabOrder = 2 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Tables' object Label3: TLabel Left = 27 Top = 26 Width = 51 Height = 16 Caption = 'Columns' end object Label4: TLabel Left = 27 Top = 71 Width = 51 Height = 16 Caption = 'Padding:' end object Label5: TLabel Left = 107 Top = 26 Width = 32 Height = 16 Caption = 'Rows' end object Label6: TLabel Left = 107 Top = 71 Width = 51 Height = 16 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MaxValue = 100 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 4 Value = 0 end object HasBorder: TCheckBox Left = 20 Top = 5 Width = 121 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show Border' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 5 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object TableJustify: TRadioGroup Left = 20 Top = 125 Width = 96 Height = 71 Caption = 'Table Justify' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'left' 'center' 'right') TabOrder = 6 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object Caption: TEdit Left = 179 Top = 22 Width = 121 Height = 24 TabOrder = 7 OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnKeyPress = CaptionKeyPress end object CaptionLoc: TRadioGroup Left = 179 Top = 48 Width = 139 Height = 54 Caption = 'Caption Location' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Top' 'Bottom') TabOrder = 8 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object CaptionSize: TSpinEdit Left = 350 Top = 25 Width = 41 Height = 26 MaxValue = 6 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 9 Value = 5 OnChange = ViewEffectClick end object DataGrid: TStringGrid Left = 168 Top = 9 Width = 256 Height = 106 ColCount = 3 DefaultColWidth = 80 DefaultRowHeight = 14 RowCount = 3 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect, goDrawFocusSelected, goColSizing, goRowMoving, goColMoving, goEditing, goTabs] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 10 Visible = False OnClick = ViewEffectClick RowHeights = ( 14 14 14) end object ToggleGrid: TBitBtn Left = 37 Top = 259 Width = 76 Height = 27 Caption = 'Toggle Grid' TabOrder = 11 OnClick = ToggleGridClick end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'ListTypes' object label11: TLabel Left = 17 Top = 126 Width = 110 Height = 16 Caption = 'Number of parents:' end object Label13: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 173 Width = 113 Height = 16 Caption = 'Children per parent:' end object ListType: TRadioGroup Left = 10 Top = 10 Width = 116 Height = 105 Caption = 'List Type:' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Ordered' 'UnOrder' 'Definition' 'Directory' 'Menu') TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object Parents: TSpinEdit Left = 24 Top = 142 Width = 46 Height = 26 MaxValue = 100 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 1 Value = 4 OnChange = ViewEffectClick end object ChildValue: TSpinEdit Left = 22 Top = 190 Width = 46 Height = 26 MaxValue = 100 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 2 Value = 0 OnChange = ViewEffectClick end object Child: TRadioGroup Left = 138 Top = 10 Width = 116 Height = 105 Caption = 'Child Type:' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Ordered' 'UnOrder' 'Definition' 'Directory' 'Menu') TabOrder = 3 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object ListItems: TStringGrid Left = 260 Top = 15 Width = 166 Height = 100 Hint = 'Enter items that should appear in the list' ColCount = 1 DefaultColWidth = 148 DefaultRowHeight = 15 FixedCols = 0 RowCount = 100 Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect, goEditing] ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 4 end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Images' object Label10: TLabel Left = 27 Top = 16 Width = 96 Height = 16 Caption = 'Image Filename:' end object Label12: TLabel Left = 182 Top = 16 Width = 85 Height = 16 Caption = 'Alternate Text:' end object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton Left = 6 Top = 34 Width = 20 Height = 20 Hint = 'Click to search drive for image' Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 04000000000000010000130B0000130B00000000000000000000000000000000 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333333 33033333333333333F7F3333333333333000333333333333F777333333333333 000333333333333F777333333333333000333333333333F77733333333333300 033333333FFF3F777333333700073B703333333F7773F77733333307777700B3 33333377333777733333307F8F8F7033333337F333F337F3333377F8F9F8F773 3333373337F3373F3333078F898F870333337F33F7FFF37F333307F99999F703 33337F377777337F3333078F898F8703333373F337F33373333377F8F9F8F773 333337F3373337F33333307F8F8F70333333373FF333F7333333330777770333 333333773FF77333333333370007333333333333777333333333} NumGlyphs = 2 OnClick = SpeedButton1Click end object AlternateText: TEdit Left = 184 Top = 32 Width = 121 Height = 24 TabOrder = 0 Text = '***' OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnKeyPress = AlternateTextKeyPress end object ImageLocation: TRadioGroup Left = 20 Top = 70 Width = 96 Height = 71 Caption = 'Text Justify' ItemIndex = 1 Items.Strings = ( 'top' 'middle' 'bottom') TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object ImageFile: TComboBox Left = 30 Top = 32 Width = 145 Height = 24 ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 2 OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnDropDown = ImageFileDropDown end object ImageCenter: TCheckBox Left = 19 Top = 165 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Center Image' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object CopyImage: TCheckBox Left = 19 Top = 182 Width = 102 Height = 19 Hint = 'Copies image to page location' Caption = 'Copy Image' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 4 end object IsMap: TCheckBox Left = 19 Top = 203 Width = 78 Height = 14 Caption = 'Is a Map?' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = IsMapClick end object CreateMap: TButton Left = 22 Top = 220 Width = 96 Height = 22 Caption = 'Create Map' Enabled = False TabOrder = 6 OnClick = CreateMapClick end object ImageMap: TMemo Left = 4 Top = 248 Width = 135 Height = 73 ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 7 Visible = False end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'DocumentText' object DocText: TMemo Left = 10 Top = 5 Width = 416 Height = 106 ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnKeyPress = DocTextKeyPress end object DocBold: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 131 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Bold' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocItalics: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 148 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Italics' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocUnderline: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 164 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Underline' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocParagraph: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 181 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Paragraph' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocCenter: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 115 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Center' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocVariable: TCheckBox Left = 65 Top = 148 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Variable' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocCitation: TCheckBox Left = 65 Top = 115 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Citation' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocBlink: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 230 Width = 131 Height = 17 Caption = 'Blink(Netscape 3.0)' TabOrder = 8 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocQuote: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 247 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Block Quote' TabOrder = 9 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocAddress: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 214 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Address' TabOrder = 10 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocTT: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 197 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Typewriter' TabOrder = 11 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object DocCode: TCheckBox Left = 65 Top = 131 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Code' TabOrder = 12 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'References' object Label14: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 54 Width = 131 Height = 16 Caption = 'Reference Description:' end object Label15: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 7 Width = 57 Height = 16 Caption = 'URL Link:' end object Reference: TEdit Left = 17 Top = 73 Width = 229 Height = 24 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'Reference' OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnKeyPress = ReferenceKeyPress end object CurrentURLs: TComboBox Left = 15 Top = 24 Width = 231 Height = 24 Hint = 'Right click dropdown button for prefixes' ItemHeight = 16 Items.Strings = ( 'http://www.i1.net/~lnclnbch' 'http://www.i1.net/~klafata/buffet') ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = LinkPopUp ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 OnChange = ViewEffectClick OnDropDown = CurrentURLsDropDown OnEnter = CurrentURLsEnter end object LinkJustify: TRadioGroup Left = 15 Top = 102 Width = 90 Height = 71 Caption = 'Justify Link' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'none' 'left' 'center') TabOrder = 3 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object ReferenceType: TRadioGroup Left = 275 Top = 15 Width = 125 Height = 71 Caption = 'Reference Type' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'URL' 'Page Anchor') TabOrder = 2 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object LinkSource: TRadioGroup Left = 15 Top = 177 Width = 120 Height = 61 Caption = 'Link Source' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Your Page' 'External Page') TabOrder = 4 OnClick = ViewEffectClick end end end object TabSet1: TTabSet Left = 0 Top = 326 Width = 435 Height = 21 Align = alClient Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Tabs.Strings = ( 'Headers' 'Tables' 'List Types' 'Images' 'Document Text' 'References') TabIndex = 0 OnChange = TabSet1Change end object CloseButton: TBitBtn Left = 244 Top = 290 Width = 89 Height = 30 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = CloseButtonClick Kind = bkClose end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 149 Top = 290 Width = 89 Height = 30 Caption = 'Add' Default = True Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ModalResult = 1 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 OnClick = BitBtn1Click Glyph.Data = {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} NumGlyphs = 2 end object HTMLTempView: THTMLViewer Left = 140 Top = 120 Width = 290 Height = 161 Cursor = crIBeam ViewImages = True TabOrder = 3 BorderStyle = bsSingle HistoryMaxCount = 0 DefFontName = 'Times New Roman' DefPreFontName = 'Courier New' end object ViewEffect: TBitBtn Left = 340 Top = 290 Width = 89 Height = 30 Caption = 'ViewEffect' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 4 Visible = False OnClick = ViewEffectClick end object LinkPopUp: TPopupMenu Left = 316 Top = 11 object http1: TMenuItem Caption = 'http://' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = http1Click end object httpwww1: TMenuItem Caption = 'http://www.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = http1Click end object ftp1: TMenuItem Caption = 'ftp://' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = http1Click end object ftpftp1: TMenuItem Caption = 'ftp://ftp.' 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