object FrameForm: TFrameForm
Left = 113
Top = 143
Width = 568
Height = 444
Caption = 'Frame Creation'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -12
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
Menu = MainMenu1
PixelsPerInch = 96
Position = poScreenCenter
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnResize = FormResize
OnShow = FormShow
TextHeight = 15
object r1c1: TLabel
Left = 116
Top = 11
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r1c2: TLabel
Left = 116
Top = 34
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r2c1: TLabel
Left = 116
Top = 64
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r2c2: TLabel
Left = 116
Top = 87
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r3c1: TLabel
Left = 116
Top = 117
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r3c2: TLabel
Left = 116
Top = 141
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r1: TLabel
Left = 180
Top = 100
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object r2: TLabel
Left = 230
Top = 99
Width = 7
Height = 15
Caption = '0'
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 252
Top = 4
Width = 58
Height = 15
Caption = 'Page Title:'
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 238
Top = 136
Width = 291
Height = 63
Lines.Strings = (
Click to set up Frame'
'Click & drag seperator bars to create the size frame' +
' you need.'
' Move them to the far Right or Bottom to remove the frame.
' +
ScrollBars = ssBoth
TabOrder = 9
Visible = False
object MainRows: TThreeWaySplitter
Left = 0
Top = 165
Width = 560
Height = 233
Align = alBottom
Bar1Color = clRed
Bar2Color = clRed
BarWidth = 3
Color = clYellow
Ctl3D = True
DragCursor = crVSplit
ParentCtl3D = False
SplitDirection = sdHorizontal
OnSplit1Move = MainRowsSplit1Move
OnSplit2Move = MainRowsSplit2Move
object Row1: TThreeWaySplitter
Left = 1
Top = 1
Width = 558
Height = 75
Bar1Color = clBlue
Bar2Color = clBlue
BarWidth = 3
BevelOuter = bvNone
DragCursor = crHSplit
Locked = True
OnSplit1Move = Row1Split1Move
OnSplit2Move = Row1Split2Move
object Cell1: THTMLViewer
Tag = 1
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 183
Height = 75
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 0
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Cell2: THTMLViewer
Tag = 2
Left = 186
Top = 0
Width = 181
Height = 75
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 1
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Cell3: THTMLViewer
Tag = 3
Left = 370
Top = 0
Width = 188
Height = 75
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 2
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Row2: TThreeWaySplitter
Left = 1
Top = 79
Width = 558
Height = 73
Bar1Color = clBlue
Bar2Color = clBlue
BarWidth = 3
BevelOuter = bvNone
DragCursor = crHSplit
OnSplit1Move = Row2Split1Move
OnSplit2Move = Row2Split2Move
object Cell4: THTMLViewer
Tag = 4
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 183
Height = 73
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 0
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object cell5: THTMLViewer
Tag = 5
Left = 186
Top = 0
Width = 181
Height = 73
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 1
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Cell6: THTMLViewer
Tag = 6
Left = 370
Top = 0
Width = 188
Height = 73
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 2
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Row3: TThreeWaySplitter
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 558
Height = 77
Bar1Color = clBlue
Bar2Color = clBlue
BarWidth = 3
BevelOuter = bvNone
DragCursor = crHSplit
OnSplit1Move = Row3Split1Move
OnSplit2Move = Row3Split2Move
object Cell7: THTMLViewer
Tag = 7
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 183
Height = 77
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 0
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Cell8: THTMLViewer
Tag = 8
Left = 186
Top = 0
Width = 181
Height = 77
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 1
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Cell9: THTMLViewer
Tag = 9
Left = 370
Top = 0
Width = 188
Height = 77
Cursor = crIBeam
OnHotSpotClick = Cell1HotSpotClick
ViewImages = False
TabOrder = 2
BorderStyle = bsSingle
HistoryMaxCount = 0
DefFontName = 'Times New Roman'
DefPreFontName = 'Courier New'
object Row1Bar1: TScrollBar
Left = 4
Top = 7
Width = 109
Height = 20
Max = 66
Min = 10
Position = 33
TabOrder = 0
OnChange = Row1Bar1Change
object Row1Bar2: TScrollBar
Left = 4
Top = 30
Width = 109
Height = 21
Min = 34
Position = 67
TabOrder = 1
OnChange = Row1Bar2Change
object Row2Bar2: TScrollBar
Left = 4
Top = 83
Width = 109
Height = 21
Min = 34
Position = 67
TabOrder = 2
OnChange = Row2Bar2Change
object Row2Bar1: TScrollBar
Left = 4
Top = 60
Width = 109
Height = 20
Max = 66
Min = 10
Position = 33
TabOrder = 3
OnChange = Row2Bar1Change
object Row3Bar2: TScrollBar
Left = 4
Top = 137
Width = 109
Height = 21
Min = 34
Position = 67
TabOrder = 4
OnChange = Row3Bar2Change
object Row3Bar1: TScrollBar
Left = 4
Top = 114
Width = 109
Height = 20
Max = 66
Min = 10
Position = 33
TabOrder = 5
OnChange = Row3Bar1Change
object Row1Height: TScrollBar
Left = 153
Top = 65
Width = 21
Height = 88
Kind = sbVertical
Max = 66
Min = 10
Position = 33
TabOrder = 6
OnChange = Row1HeightChange
object Row2Height: TScrollBar
Left = 201
Top = 65
Width = 21
Height = 88
Kind = sbVertical
Min = 34
Position = 67
TabOrder = 7
OnChange = Row2HeightChange
object Orientation: TRadioGroup
Left = 145
Top = 5
Width = 92
Height = 55
Caption = 'Orientation'
ItemIndex = 0
Items.Strings = (
'By Rows'
'By Columns')
TabOrder = 10
OnClick = OrientationClick
object PageTitle: TEdit
Left = 258
Top = 26
Width = 177
Height = 22
TabOrder = 11
Text = 'Page Title'
object NoFrame: TCheckBox
Left = 257
Top = 82
Width = 205
Height = 17
Caption = 'Include Information?'
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 12
object Scaler1: TScaler
PixelsPerInch = 96
Xdevelop = 800
Ydevelop = 600
ClientWidth = 560
ClientHeight = 398
Left = 437
Top = 6
object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
Left = 465
Top = 6
object File1: TMenuItem
Caption = '&File'
object Open1: TMenuItem
Caption = '&Open frame settings...'
OnClick = Open1Click
ShortCutText = 'F3'
object Save1: TMenuItem
Caption = '&Save frames settings as...'
OnClick = Save1Click
ShortCutText = 'F2'
object FramesOk: TMenuItem
Caption = '&Return and insert into HTML document'
OnClick = FramesOkClick
ShortCutText = 'Ctrl+S'
object ReturnandAbandon1: TMenuItem
Caption = 'Return and &Abandon'
OnClick = ReturnandAbandon1Click
ShortCutText = 'Ctrl+X'
object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
Filter = 'Frame Setting Files|*.SET'
Left = 438
Top = 33
object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
Filter = 'Frame Setting Files|*.SET'
Left = 465
Top = 33