ONEFOSsil Registration Form (c) Copyright 1995-96 by Morris Softronics Each copy of ONEFOSsil's license entitles you to run at most 8 copies of ONEFOSsil simultaneously on a single computer or LAN. For each 8 copies of ONEFOSsil needed, please register 1 copy of the license. To calculate the cost, take the number of licenses being registered to the 9/10ths power, then multiply by $10.00. One license is 10.00$, two licenses are a total of 18.66$, ten licenses (80 copies) are a total of 79.43$. If in doubt, please contact the publisher. Note that prices may change at anytime. Morris Softronics will try to announce price changes in advance. Only cash, check, or money order can be accepted at this time. The U.S.P.S. does not suggest sending cash in the mail. Neither Morris Softronics nor the U.S.P.S. can be held responsible for LOST or MISSING cash, or other shipments. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery. The publisher should be contacted if you feel you have a problem with the order. Please make payment out to "Morris Softronics". Funds must be in U.S. currency or drawn on U.S. banks! Please print this form and mail it and payment to: Morris Softronics % Carl Morris PO Box 48 Hooper, NE 68031-0048 Note: This document works best if printed in DOS by a DOS editor on an 80 column 60 line per page printer. Please print only the lines between the "Cut Here" markers. --------------------------------Cut Here-------------------------------- Registration form for ONEFOSsil (Revision 9): (Please PRINT) Name: ________________________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _______ ZIP: ________________ Alternative Contacts: list Internet or FidoNet addresses for contact. ______________________________________________________________________ Copies: ________________ @ $10x(copies)^.9 = Cost: _______________$ Nebraska residents add state sales tax (5%)---------: _______________$ Type of diskette: 5¬ [_] 3« [_] Postage: U.S. = 2$, foreign = 4$ (for disks only)---: _______________$ Low density 5¬ disks are not available. 3« disks will be low density. Postage only required if a disk is requested. Otherwise a letter will be mailed that details a way to FREQ or FTP the registered version. Total-----------------------------------------------: _______________$ Additional information may be included, such as other contact addresses, information about your use of ONEFOSsil, or questions or comments about ONEFOSsil or Morris Softronics. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ -----------------------------Cut Here-----------------------------------