No help available for this context A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press a [ESC] button Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the window. When it's at the size you want, press Enter. If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. You can also move a window by dragging its title bar. See Help Index Welcome to DOS Navigator! About Navigator authors Navigator Windows Interface Hotkey Overview Interface overview Main menu Customizing system Utilities Working files Working disks Working archives Working descriptions User Menu Point-and-shoot operations OS/2 support Using Help What you're reading right now is a "Help screen". Most Help screens have some highlighted items ("Help keywords") on them that lead to another Help screen. You can use the arrow keys to move Arrow the cursor from one Help keyword to another, then press Enter to choose that item. With the mouse, you can click a Help Mouse keyword to choose that item. About Navigator and its authors DOS Navigator is developed by two groups of programmers: RIT Research Labs and AxoNSoft of RIT Ltd. Stefan Tanurkov (RIT, ex-AxoNSoft) Slava Filimonov (RIT) Dmitry Dotsenko (AxoNSoft) Ilya Bagdasarov (RIT) Max Masyutin (RIT, FRIENDS Software) Fidonet 2:469/77 Stefan Tanurkov 2:469/12 Sergey Demchenko Address: 277004, Kishinev, Moldova str. Stefan cel Mare 180, office 101 RIT S.R.L. The authors are grateful to all, that supported in creation of Navigator, assisted by councils and ideas, as well as all them, who did not interfere. OverView Multi-windows Text Editor Archives support Power and useful File Clipboard Phone SpreadSheet File Panels of File Manager Direct Access to Standard DOS devices Calculator Make Screen Savers User Menus Point shot on [Enter], [Shift-Enter], [Alt-Enter] Player Games: Tetris and Pentix Windows Feature Hotkey Overview --- Shift Ctrl Alt F1 Help Archive Panl1 on/off Select Panl1 F2 User Extract Panl2 on/off Select Panl2 F3 View Phonebook manager Altern F4 Edit Close window Altern F5 Copy Split window screen F6 Move Reanimator Calculator Enter command F7 Mkdir Format Encode F8 Delete Single Decode history F9 Next Print F10 Main Lines VideoMode VideoMode F11 Sprdsheet player Alt Ctrl A Manual B Sort Method ASCII Table C Select Drive Compare Directories D Disk E Attributes F File G Dir H Dir Branch I Info Panel J Terminal K Columns Setup Toggle Descriptions L Make Info Panel M Manager N Archiver Setup O Options Output screen P Panel Inactive On/Off Q SmartPad Quick R Re-read Panel Re-read S Panel Options T ChangeDir Tree Panel U Utilities Change Panels V Read Com.Line Overstr/Ins W Window X Exit Y Memory Toggle Z Zoom Window Text Editor Main menu - From this menu it is possible to call different additional functions, and to view information about Navigator's version. File - Menu with operations on files. Disk - Here you find different utilities to work with disks and restoration of files. Utilities - Menu to call main Navigator windows. Panel - Menu with file panels options. Options - Installation of colors, user menu definition, start on extension, external viewers and editors. Manager - Special commands for file manager. Window - Working with windows. Menu About... - Information about the current version of DN: the name of the program, the version-number, date of creation of current version, information about current user (who registered this version). M Refresh display - Redraw all windows in Navigator, if screen was messed up. c Screen rest - "Rest" of screen. Blank the screen, if image on it does not change for a long time. n tools on/off - Switch on or off additional utilities (List and Trash ), used in combination with mouse. 3 Clear desktop - Closes all windows on the screen. @ screen - Show user screen ( i.e. working screen of DOS ). = Output window - Same as User screen but in separate window. EGA/VGA lines - Switch video mode to 43/50 lines on screen (This function is available only on EGA/VGA and compatible adapters). K Custom video 1/2 - Switch to custom video mode, set in Configuration + Game - Play rest game (Tetris or Pentix). Extended Video Modes SVGA extended video modes support. Menu File From this menu you can access the available operations you can perform on files and directories. A View - View a file. Submenu indicates its type: As - According to extension As - View as text As - View in hexadecimal format As DataBase - View as database As Spreadsheet - View as a spreadsheet Alternate view - View the file using the external viewing window. Edit - Edit file submenu. Edit - Edit file using external editor Alternate - Edit file using internal editor Edit - Create & edit new file Find - Search for a file. Copy - Copy current or selected file(s). Rename/Move - Rename/Move the file/directory to another disk/directory. Copy archive - Copy files to an external archive Extract archive - Extract files from an external archive Split/Combine - Split/Combine multiple file volumes. Print - Print a file in the Background. Make directory - Create a new directory. Delete - Delete file/directory. File Attributes - Set file attributes. Encode - Encode binary file before sending via E-Mail Decode - Decode file, received by E-Mail Exit - Exit from Navigator. Rename/Move Menu Disk This menu offers you various functions for working with disks. Format - Format a diskette in the background (Available only if you are working in Dos Navigator). Volume label - Set volume label of disk. Reanimator - Restore (undelete) an erased file. Disk editor - Editing data on disk directly. WARNING!! Improper using the Disk Editor can seriously damage your data! - Show directory tree in a window Menu Utilities Memory Information - Information about programs, system drivers and buffers in memory. Also shows hooked interrupt vectors. System Information - Information about the machine, on which Navigator is running Calculator - Use calculator. ASCII Table - Show ASCII table, emulate key-press if character is chosen. Phone - Telephone book Open spreadsheet - Create/open spreadsheet Player - Opens CD Player. Terminal - Open terminal window. Navigator - Run serial port link Manual - Dial a phonenumber. Disconnect - Modem goes on hook and cancels dialing of telephone number. User - Show user menu, if there is no local menu present in the current directory, show global menu. Environment - Edit/View DOS environment variables Commands History - Show History window: list of previously used DOS commands. File History File History Menu Panel file - Create a list of the marked filenames. 0 Compare directories - Compare two directories. 6 Count directory length - Calculate size of directory c Setup columns - Select what you want to be shown in a file-panel (size, date, time, description). % Setup panel - Select panel options. # by - Choose file Sort order. ' Select group - Mark a group of files. 5 Unselect group - Remove marks for a group of files. . Invert selection - Invert current selection. 4 Change drive - Change the drive for current panel. * Change directory - Change the directory. ( Re-read - Re-read directory from disk. Quick Run Menu Options Configuration - Configuration of DOS Navigator options. File Manager - File Manager configuration. Archives - Archives configuration. Quick - Configure Quick-running programs. Extension - Configure extensions. Highlight groups - Define different groups of files. Global definition - Edit the global user menu. Local definition - Edit a local user menu. Viewers - Configure external viewers. Editors - Configure external editors. Save desktop - Write DN configuration to file. Load desktop - Read DN configuration from file. Colors - Set-up window colors. Save palette - Write current DN color palette to file. Load palette - Read DN color palette from file. Navigator windows Working windows File Manager Viewing binary files Text editor Disk editor Directory tree SpreadSheet Calculator Terminal Files reanimator Telephone book File Manager The File Manager is the main Navigator window for working with files. With its help the majority of the file-operations can be performed in Navigator. The File Manager window is created by choosing Manager|New from the menubar. After this, Navigator asks you the drive-letter, with which you want to work, and after you have chosen one, you will see the window with two file panels. You can set file-panel options by selecting them from the Manager menu. 3 The various items of the File-Manager window are: - File panel - Main panel of the File-Manager - Directory - Information panel - Quick panel - Temp It looks like this: E:\ ARC EXE [+] BBS BBS FOXPRO2 [+] TP BP HELP [+] BP BPRTL LEX LEX COM NC [+] ARC dnhlp.txt 14,83 files 77,43 No files selected The right panel The left panel Panels divider, that can be "dragged" to the left and right by using a mouse. This way, you can change the size of the panels. You can also use the keys Alt - and Alt - See also "File Manager Commands" File Manager Commands These commands are accessible from the Manager menu. They can be used to configure the Manager window to the users needs. " New - Opens a new Manager window Directory tree - If there is no active directory tree, it pops up in the inactive panel, and in case of its presence - the tree is removed from the window. P Info - The same applies to the Info screen. It shows some info about the disk. V Quick view - The same for the Quick View panel. It lets you view a highlighted file. , panels - Swap location of the panels. 8 Show/hide panel - Shows/Hides left Manager panel. : Show/hide right panel - Shows/Hides right Manager panel. Change drive left - Change disk of left panel without activating it. If the panel was not visible, it becomes visible after choosing a disk. 4 Change drive right - The same for the right panel. Work with windows Navigator is a multiwindow environment, therefore many users may have some difficulties in working with Navigator. The other users can simply ignore multiwindow property of Navigator, thus losing the set of convenient opportunities and time. Besides the fact that this multi-window system is easy and pleasant, all windows have the same 'appearance' ("Types windows", so you can learn to work with Navigator quickly. You can switch between windows with a mouse or trough the command Window|Next The window is closed by the command Window|Close. With help of Window|Zoom it is possible to maximize the window to the whole screen, as well as to return it in previous size. D A list of currently opened windows, is available with Window|List. The size and location of a window can be changed with help of a mouse, or through the command Window|Size/Move. And, if this command is chosen, moving the window is possible with the arrows , while changing of its size can be done with the same arrows, together with . r The user can rearrange the windows on the screen by choosing "cascade" (Window|Cascade) or "tile" (Window|Tile). Types of windows Click here with mouse to close the window Click here to zoom the window to fit the whole screen Name of window If you click and drag on top of the framework, you can change the position of the window Edit - A:\DN\DNHLP.TXT 1 Scroller 35:12 [172] Dragging this corner will change the size of the window Working with files Navigator offers the following possible operations for working with files and directories: l - copying/moving - Merge files - Split large files multiple volumes - Erasing files directories - View the contents a file: - Archives - Databases - Binary - Text - Edit - Create a file or directory - Search files using wildcards and contents - Copy files to the temporary - Copy files to an archive panel Erasing of files Navigator allows you to delete the files and directories, which are not empty. This is possible with the command File|Delete. If you have enabled direct access in the configuration, erasing, is considerably faster!. On network disks, however, it is not supported. ] When trying to erase a directory that's no empty Navigator gives out two following message: Confirm Directory C:\QQP Is not empty. Do you wish delete it? Cancel If you simply "automatically" press ENTER, nothing will take place. In case you are erasing several not empty directories and You are sure, that want to erase them, you can press "All", and the confirmation will not be repeated. Split file to multiple volumes Dos Navigator can split very large files to several parts a-la DOS Backup. The main difference between backup and DN-split is that DN does not erase the contents of the disk, but it only uses free disk space. To split or Combine a file choose the command File|Split/Combine. After splitting a file, DN has created some files with extensions ".d??", where ?? represents the number of the disk. When combining these files, Navigator distinguishes created files-fragments on extensions and internal format. i WARNING: Files, splitted on multiple volumes with Navigator can only be restored by Navigator! Splitting process Splitting and Combining files with Navigator looks like this: Split File C:\DN.PRG To A:\DN\DN.d01 Read: Write: If this button is depressed, the process is interrupted. When splitting files, and the disk is full, Navigator shows the message: . Confirm Insert disk number 02 Cancel If you have inserted a disk, on which a part of file to be splitted is already present, you see the message: Query File already exists: DN.D02 Overwrite it? Cancel If you choose the button "Yes", this part will be overwritten, and the current part of the file will be written to this disk. See also "Split dialog Combine multiple splitted volumes to file You may select a destination directory See also Split file. Split-file dialog box The Split/Combine dialog box has the form: Split file Split file dn.prg to Cancel here the name of the file or directory appears, where the result of the work should go. If you press this button, you can choose the destination from a Tree. Copying/moving of files Navigator allows to copy both files as directories with its contents. This can be done with the command File|Copy, when you are in one of the file-panels in the file manager, or file-search panel, or the temporary disk. Moving of files and directories is done by the command File|Rename/Move. It is executed within the limits of one disk, as from disk on disk. ; When copying, Navigator can use available EMS/XMS memory. See also "Copying dialog Copy dialog box The copy-dialog box will look like this: z Copy Copy file dnhlp.txt to ( ) Overwrite all existing files ( ) Append to all existing files ) Ask for overwrite ( ) Skip all existing files ( ) Refresh old files [ ] Check free disk space [ ] Verify disk writes Cancel Line with filemask, to which the given file(s) will be copied. Wildcards are allowed. The possible options for copying: "Overwrite all existing files" - overwrite already existing files without requests, speeds up the copying process, as does not check the existence of a created file. "Append to all existing files" - adding the contents of a copied file to an already existing file without request. If a group of files is copied, it is necessary to take care about that, so the files are in the right order. "Ask for overwrite" - Navigator will ask you if you want to overwrite an already existing file with the file to be copied. (on by default) If you enable this option, Navigator will check the available free space, before writing the file to disk. Append files Merging files is realized by copying two or more files to one file. This can be done by choosing the copy command, and when the copy dialog box appears, you enable the option "Append to all existing files", or, when Navigator asks you if it should overwrite an existing file, you choose the button "Append". (This question will be repeated every time an existing file will be overwritten, if a group of files is copied.) See also "Copying files" Text editor Navigator's internal text-editor is intended for already existing files, and for creating new text-files. The commands used by the internal editor, are a little different from Word Star's commands. The main difference consists in working with blocks of text- it is like the editors from Microsoft Corporation(R), where it is executed through the Clipboard. In Navigator, more than one editor window can be opened at a time. You can use as many windows as you want, as long as they all fit in your computer's memory. To exchange data between them, the same Clipboard used. 5 See also "Editor commands" "Editor window" Editor window The editor window looks like this: Edit - E:\TP\DNHLP\A Search Paragraph Options operation with blocks installation and of editor paragraphs options search operations Text block operations File operations 12:2 [174] Block Type: Horizontal or Vertical Decimal ASCII code of the, symbol which the cursor is on Number of current column Number of current line See also:"Types windows" Editor commands Work blocks Moving text Inserting deleting Other additional commands Working with blocks To mark a block of text, you can use the standard cursor keys, together with the key. With the mouse you can select text by moving the mouse cursor while pressing the left mouse-button. Action Key Mark the beginning of a block Ctrl+K B Mark the end of a block Ctrl+K K Copy the block to Clipboard Ctrl+Ins Move the block to Clipboard Shift+Del Insert the copied block Shift+Ins Delete the block Ctrl+Del Read the block from file Ctrl+K R Write the block to a file Ctrl+K W Move the block left to right Ctrl+K I Move the block to the left Ctrl+K U Switch block-type (Vert./Hor.) Ctrl+B V Align the block on end Ctrl+B J Align the block on right end Ctrl+B R Align the block on left end Ctrl+B L Center the block Ctrl+B C Moving on text What move? Key One character to the left Ctrl + S or One character to right Ctrl + D or One word to the left Ctrl + A or Ctrl + One word to the right Ctrl + F or Ctrl + One line upwards Ctrl + E or One line downwards Ctrl + X or Scroll upwards Ctrl + W Scroll downwards Ctrl + Z One page upwards Ctrl + R or PgUp One page downwards Ctrl + C or PgDn Insertion and deleting Toggle Insert/Overwrite Mode Ctrl+V or Ins Delete the current line Ctrl+Y Delete from the cursor- position to end of line Ctrl+Q Y Delete character at the left Ctrl+H or Backspace Delete character at the right Ctrl+G or Del Delete word after cursor Ctrl+T Delete word before cursor Ctrl+Backspace Editor commands A small, but in the authors opinion pleasant feature to work with, is something in the internal editor: If you press the right mouse button, a line with numbers appears, that moves together with the mouse cursor within the borders of the window. 3 Another feature of the editor is multilevel undo. Call menu Save text Ctrl+K S or F2 Read a file from disk Close the editor Window Alt+F3 Insert a TAB Ctrl+I or Tab Undo Alt+Backspace Toggle Line Draw mode Ctrl+Q M or F4 Place a position marker in the text Ctrl+K n (n=0..9) Return to a marker Ctrl+Q n (n=0..9) Insert any symbol in the text ASCII Table Ctrl+P Insert Current Date Ctrl+Q D Insert Current Time Ctrl+Q T Uppercase Current Word Ctrl+[ Lowercase Current Word Ctrl+] Capitalize Current Word Ctrl+\ Search for a string Ctrl+Q F Search and replace Ctrl+Q A Repeat the last search Ctrl+L Cancel operation Working with disks Navigator performs the following operations with disks: k - Format diskette - Install volume label - Restore erased - Editing direct access All these operations (except for formatting) are available ONLY if the option "Direct access" in the configuration dialog box is enabled! File Panel File panel - The main panel of the file manager. It gives the user the opportunity to work with files and directories, and to perform operations on groups of files and/or directories. The user can change the parameters for each panel, after calling the command Panel|Setup Panel, with ALT-S. > To mark (or un-mark) files for group operations use the Insert-key, or, for marking files using a mask, the command Panel|Select Group (for removing a mark - Panel|Unselect Group) is used. If you want, that the marked files become not marked and the unmarked become marked, choose the command Panel|Invert Selection. 5 Note: marking of directories must be done manually. b With the help of Panel|Make list file it is possible to create a list of currently marked files. q See also "Types panel" "Installation panel parameters" "File panel keys" Link Panel Type of file panel The file panel of the file manager appears on your screen like this: O E:\TP\DNHLP .. a dn hlp files, which can appear this a 1,059 23-05-93 21:48 dn hlp 27,724 23-05-93 21:22 dnhlp hlp 21,870 22-05-93 14:15 dn old 7,507 22-05-93 13:09 .. < UP - DIR > 7-04-93 13:50 No files selected Total:8 files with 88,508 bytes 16,748,544 free bytes on drive E: The amount of free space on disk Information about all files on panel (their used space and common length) The same information about marked files The information about the currently highlighted file Info Divider All the elements which are part of the file panel can be included or excluded by switching on or of the appropriate toggle in the menu-option Options|Defaults|File Panel. Installation of file panel parameters by - Type of sorting. The files can be sorted by name, extension, size, creation date (time) or just left unsorted. The last means, that the files will be shown in the same order, as they are showed by the DOS command "DIR". (Provided you did not use the /O switch!) . Show - What should be visible on the screen? r Directory length - Show the total count of all files in a subdirectory, including all underlying directories. Info divider - Show a divider (a line) between the list of files and the information part. You can also select a different color to divide the files from the information part. Current file - Show the information about the currently selected file. Selected files - Show the information about the selected files. Totals - Show the information about all files, which are visible on the file panel. Free space - Show the amount of available free space on the current disk. This way you will not need the information screen (Ctrl-L). Auto change directory - Automatically change subdirectories when "walking" through a directory tree. Standard drag-and-drop - Interface with mouse. Put executable first - Show the executable files (BAT, COM, EXE, BTM) at the beginning of the filelist, independent from the selected sorting order. Put archives first - Show the archived files (ZIP, ARJ, ZOO, etc.) at the beginning of the filelist, independent from the selected sorting order. Files highlight - "Illumination" of files of various types by different colors. It is possible to define five groups of user files. mask - Filter for filenames. Every single files mask, is separated from the next one with a semi-colon (";"). The files that will fit on one of these masks are shown in the file panel. All others are invisible. Panel Defaults File panel Hot keys Selection Toggle file selection .................... Ins Select/unselect a group of files with Ctrl+Gray Plus highlight type same as current file type...(Minus for unselect) Select/unselect a group of files with Ctrl+Shift+Gray Plus extension same as current file extension..(Minus for unselect) Copy selected file names to Clipboard ..... Ctrl-Ins Miscellaneous commands Re-read directory ......................... Alt+R, Ctrl+R Swap panels ............................... Ctrl+U Toggle Information in passive Panel ....... Alt+I, Ctrl+L Turn inactive File Panel on/off ........... Ctrl+P Command Current file name ...................... Ctrl+Enter Full pathname of current file ........... Shift+Ctrl+Enter Directory name of right File Panel ...... Ctrl+] Directory name of left File Panel ....... Ctrl+[ Directory changing Change current directory to upper dir (exit from archive file find, Temp drive) .. Ctrl+PgUp Change current directory to root ........... Ctrl+\ Mark directory for "quick changing" ........ Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N (1..9) "Quick change" directory ................... Alt+N (1..9) Drive Information Setup Set fields to show in information panel. Start of files on extensions When the user is in the file panel, it would be handy if DN would start a certain program depending on the extension of the current file. DN makes it possible! And not only it is possible to start one command, but a complete list of commands! Or to call a menu for choosing several options. This can be done with the Extension file. This file has describes how to work with particular filetypes, determined by the extension. To start a certain command, you just move the cursor to the file you want, and press one of the following combinations: # Enter, Shift-Enter or Alt-Enter. When you press the last combination, the menu will appear. = To describe the commands for each extension, you choose the \ Options|Extension file edit menu option. The format of an entry in this file is like this: ??? ... DOS command or menu description (for Alt-Enter) ... Here ??? is a particular extension, opening and closing symbols should correspond to one of the following combinations: Y Enter - '/' and '/', Shift-Enter - '(' and ')' and Alt-Enter - '[' and ']' If you want to use the filename in your command, insert a '!', name with extension - '!.!', directory of file - '!\'. To indicate the symbol '!', use '!!'. ' A fragment of the file of extensions: Asm{ @echo off echo $[1;36;40m [1;36;44m Echo echo Assembling and linking COM file ... echo echo $[1;37;40m tasm ! tlink /t/x !.obj echo $[1;36;40m} asm( @echo off echo $[1;36;40m [1;36;44m echo echo Assembling and linking EXE file... echo echo $[1;37;40m tasm ! tlink /x !.obj echo $[1;36;40m) >1 ~A~ssemble only tasm ! >1 Assemble & link ~C~OM file tasm ! tlink /t/x !.obj >1 Assemble & link E~X~E file tasm ! tlink /x !.obj General information about interface When Navigator was run, on screen is possible to observe following image, which represents the working environment of Navigator: This -main Navigator menu, said, which-for action necessary caused command String1|String2, often whole String1 means submenu local windows String2 submenu. command caused depression combination keys, which mentioned opposite String2. Utilities Panel Options Manager Window 22:29:19 m E:\TP\DNHLP C:\DN>arj f dn .. ARJ 2.30 Copyright (c) 1990- dn hlp E:\TP\DNHLP\m dn txt 2.6 Start DN manual dn manual txt For start DN you have only are located its working fi Whereas DN is a shell prog program of such type C:\DN 1 manual.dn 31,019 18-05-93 14:26 2 No files selected E:\TP 3 4 5 between command E:\TP 6 refers 7 working table (Desktop). working table Navigator windows E:\TP\DNHLP>snip:_} Snipper 1.0 ( c ) 1987 Ziff Communications co. E:\TP\DNHLP >dir < command B Sort C Drive S Setup L List V Temp R Re-read Y Memory Info X Quit Navigator status. showed accessible present command those keys. status line contain commands reacts depression , , . The DN windows is the working areas of program, in which it removes the necessary information, and, in majority of cases, permits clearly to process. Under presentation is understood the convenient format of representation of current information, as well as operative change of contents of windows in case of changes of information as a result of completion of commands, given by user. All sets (enough large) of DN windows is possible to separate on two large groups: the working windows and dialog boxes. The main distinction between them consists that working windows the some can be openly, and at work with DN the transition from one working window in other is possible, while the dialog box in any moment of time can be on screen only one, and, while it will not be closed by theme or other ways, work with other windows is impossible. 8 The dialog boxes are intended first of all for installation of this or that parameters DN, parameters and start of separate tasks, entering in DN structures, such, as the formatting of flexible disks or restoration of erased files, as well as at task, for example, required line at editing or viewing of files. By examples working (not dialog boxes) windows the windows of file manager, WINDOW of viewing of files can serve in the first place. See also:"Types windows" Directory tree The panel (or window) of directory tree permits to user proceed in (or to indicate for copying) any directories. For moving on tree the cursor arrows are used, and [ENTER] - confirms chosen directory. = The panel (or window) of directory tree appears as follows: Current Directory Tree C:\ [+] DOS Directory enclosed subdirectories [+] TOOLS (is opened blank) [+] !GAMES [-] DN Opened DOWNLOAD subdirectory VIEWERS WORK Directory without enclosed ROMANA.3 subdirectories C:\DN\DOWNLOAD 14 files with 153,432 bytes Current directory Information To open all directories - gray To close all directories - gray See also:"Types windows" Reanimation of erased files Reanimator allows you to restore erased files or directories. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to restore an erased file, since the information on disk can be overwritten with other data. + The reanimator window appears as follows: NB: reanimator works only when Chance recover Direct access is turned on to original state restoring, possible files average 50/50 first letter information impossible Reanimator Name Size Attr Date Time Cluster Prognosis ?age dat 89,352 -a-- 8-10-93 9:05 19,640 average ?fds bat 187,792 -a-- 8-10-93 9:07 19,684 poor ?om-book arj 1,328,816 -a-- 8-10-93 9:43 16,540 average ?ook arj 1,333,339 -a-- 8-10-93 9:32 15,869 poor ?pnet exe 61,334 -a-- 12-09-93 17:06 16,385 good Drive... View... Reanimate Cancel Help Change Restore contents Cancel action See also:"Types windows" Formatting of disks DOS Navigator allows the formatting of any diskette in background mode, on any ( including non-standard ) format. The window of formatting appears as follows: E Disk volume label Arrangement sectors Format diskette ) Drive A Volume label Interleave ( ) Drive B 1 ) Full format Size Tracks Sec/Trk ( ) Quick format 360 76 08 400 77 09 [ ] System disk 720 78 10 [X] Detect drive 800 79 11 [ ] Unconditional 1200 80 15 Ok Cancel System Volume label Cancel option Check formatted diskette quick format Begin format process total format these options Once formatting has started, it is possible to switch to an other window to perform other work while in the background, formatting of the disk will take place. See also:"Types windows" $ Volume Label DOS Navigator allows you to edit the volume label of a disk. The window for changing the volume label is easy to use: 0 ] Set Volume Label Label Write label MS-DOS_5 Cancel Cancel action Desired volume label NB: Editing a volume label is only possible if the option Direct access is turned on! Disk Editor With the Disk Editor you can edit the structure of a disk directly. NB: The disk editor is only active if the option Direct access is turned on! !!! WARNING !!! If you don't know anything about the structure of a disk, you should be VERY careful with the disk editor! With the disk editor you can severely damage your data, or even make a complete disk in-accessible! You can work with the following logical disk structures (in menuArea): k File- Files Directory- Directory Drive- Change disk Cluster- Clusters Sector- Sectors In menu View it is possible to choose the desired display form and edit form: q As Hex- hexadecimal dump As Dir- directories As Text- text format As FAT- file allocation table It is possible to perform the following editing operations (in menu Edit): 0 Undo - undo last operation(s) Copy - copy Paste - replace with contents of clipboard Copy - copy to Fill - fill are with specific string Search - search for a specific string Continue search - continue searching Communication The window of configuration of modem permits to indicate the parameters of modem used in systems, as well as parameters and communication options. It contains the following fields: : Port - Consecutive port to which is connected the modem. 7 Baud - Maximal speed of transmission of given modems. F Escape code - Code of transfer in command regime (usually {+++~~:_}) Onhook - Hook (ATH0 |). G Return on-line - Return in regime of transmission/reception (~ATO1|). ' Offhook - to raise receptor (~ATH1|). " Delay - Pause of set on seconds. , Force answer - To force the answer (ATA|). / prefix - Prefix of set of number (ATDP). , suffix - Suffix of set of number (|). ? string - Line of initialization (as requested of modem). ! Down - to be disconnect (ATH|). < Reset - Initialization of parameters to on-default (ATZ|). . Redial - Passe of re-set of number (30 sec). - Download path - way for reception of files. 9 In fields of configuration are used following symbols: * ~ - Pause 2 sec. | - Transfer of line. Advanced Port Setup Work with archives In environment of DOS Navigator the work with archives happens nearly as with usual directories. The "entrance" in archive is proceeded on key F3. Then on screen the panel with name of disk will: ARC:archive_name And total structure of archive as at usual directory. With files and directories of archive is possible to be made operations that and with usual files in usual panel - F3 - viewing, F5 - copying, F8 - erasing. The exit from archive is proceeded as well as exit from subdirectory - depression on "..". When copying/moving from usual panel to indicate as disk the type of archive and its name, allocated files will be archived, for example: 2 Copy 10 selected files to: ARJ:archive Are possible descriptors:ARC, ARJ, BSA, BS2, CHZ, HA, HAP, HYP, HPK, LHA, LIM, RAR, SQZ, TAR, UC2, ZIP, ZOO) SpreadSheet In each field of spreadsheet is possible to be recorded the numerical significance, text, or formula. The kind of field is determined automatically on contents: o Arithmetic sign - The numerical field begins on "=" - Formula Other - The text The function evaluation is possible:SUM, MUL, IF, sin, cos, tg, ctg, arctg, sqr, sqrt, ln, lg, sign. . The possible operations are defined in menu: Menu File New - Create a new table Open - Open an existing table Save - Save the current table Save as - Save current table under another name Save text - Export to text file Exit - Exit from the spreadsheet editor Menu Edit Undo - Undo of operations Cut - To move the block in Clipboard Copy - To copy the block in Clipboard Paste - To copy the block from Clipboard Clear - To exclude the block Menu Search Find - Find field on significance Replace - Find and replace Search again - To continue the search/replacement Go to cell number - proceed on mentioned field Go to last error - proceed on field with error Menu Table Cell format - Change format of a field Column width - Change width of column Insert row - Insert a row Insert column - Insert a column Delete row - Remove a row Delete column - Remove a column Calculator Navigator's Calculator is a powerful tool for businessman and programmers. You can type any arithmetical expression "as is" and get results while you are typing it in the result pane. $ Calculator window looks like this: Calculator Expression 123+234+0x2EF+0324+01010b+sin(1e-1) Copy as ) DEC 1108.0998334 ( ) HEX The result 454 >( ) BIN pane 10001010100 ( ) OCT 2124 ( ) EXP 1.1080998334E+03 Evaluate Close It is possible to copy into Navigator's text Clipboard result of evaluation in Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary, Octal and Exponential format. Use "Copy" key to do it. Also you can use Ctrl-Ins key to put selected fragment in Clipboard and Shift-Ins to get string in Clipboard to place it in the Expression box. V Use Evaluate button (or Enter key) to put result (in Decimal) in the Expression box. For hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers you can use all possible combinations which existing in different programming languages e.g. 0x23AF=$23AF=23AFh, 01234=1234o, 0b100101=100101b | Also you can input formulas with functions listed below: IF, sin, cos, tg, ctg, arctg, sqr, sqrt, ln, lg, sign, rad, grad. Temp and Find Drive What is the Temp Drive? It is possible to be thought the nonexistent disk on which is possible to copy information from different directories, from different disks - but information is not copied physically, and it is only marked on Temp Drive. After that with these files is possible any operation (F3, F4, F5, F6, F8). Find Drive is like Temp Drive but it places the files found on Find File (Alt-F7). While the search of files happens, with already found and placed in Find Drive it is already possible to work, and this list is filled up in accordance with finding of files. Terminal The terminal supports emulation of the ANSI and AVATAR standards. g Supported file transfer protocols are: XModem, YModem, ZModem, Kermit - They work in background mode. ( The terminal works in background mode. J The use is possible using telephone and auto re-dial (from it). 0 The following operations on keys are possible: F2 - The record in file F3 - The definition LOG-file Alt-V - Toggle local echo on or off Alt-R - Receive a file Alt-S - Send a file Configuration see Communication Installation of achiever The window of installations of achiever contains the following fields: Packer - total name with extension of file of achiever Unpacker - total name with extension of file of unpacker Extract - parameters of unpacker Move - archieving with moving of files Delete - erasing of files from archives Extract pathnames - unpacking with pathnames char - symbol of list of files Extract path - unpacking method execute - to give all memory Test - parameters of testing of archive Password - parameters for definitions of password Telephone book The telephone book window contains the sorted out list of users and their telephone numbers. The bottom part shows the comments on each user. 7 The following operations (with buttons) are possible: Ok - Exit from the telephone book Dial - Dial the number (cancellation of dial with Alt-U) Append - Add a record to the book Edit - Edit the current record Delete - Erase the current record Configuration of the modem can be done in menu Options|Defaults|Communication. Internal text-viewer The Internal text-viewer of DOS Navigator allows you to look through and to edit text and other files. The following operations (with keys) are possible: F2 - (Un) Wrap - Wrap line to length of window. F4 - Hex/ASCII - ASCII or hexadecimal format. In HEX mode editing of the file is possible. F7 - Search - Search for words or sequences of hexadecimal codes. To continue the search press Shift-F7. See also: Types windows Viewing editing files extensions Highlight groups The definition of 5 user groups of files is proceeded on extensions divided by point with point. For each the is possible the definition of colors. The following breakdown on groups is offered: ^ The files on which is practical not paid attention or which are usual erased (black color): BAK;$$$;SWP The working files of programs, texts, documentation, i.e. the most frequently edited files (pleasant for eye by green color): ! TXT;DOC;BAS;FOR;C;CPP;ASM;INC Graphic, musical files (blue color): ' PIC;GIF;PCX;TIF;IMG;STM;CDM;MOD;SND The files with which directly work very little, which should not attract attention (pleasant for eye dark-green color): PRJ;OBJ;LST;DBF;WKS;123 The files of which should attract the attention of user, which should be processed at once (very appreciable, but not irritant magenta color): !!!;1ST;ME;CUT Clipboard Clipboard stores the text you cut and copy from other windows. Any text you cut or copy to Clipboard. Text in Clipboard is the text Dos Navigator uses when you choose Paste. Screen Grabber Grab a part of display area. Drive Selection Select one of valid drives Drive Selection Select one of valid drives. Also You may select a TempList by pressing a [SpaceBar] key. Advanced Search This dialog box lets you be extra selective about which files are included in a File Find. It is especially important when searching for text since you want to open, read, and search as few large files as possible. It also makes it possible to round up all files a certain age, size, or with a certain file attribute. The criteria selected are used the next time you start a search. The Find File main dialog box shows "Advanced Search is ON" to remind you that you are filtering the files. 8 Date is after: Input a file date and (optionally) time formatted as: mm-dd-yy [hh:mm] [AM | PM]]. For instance: 5-10-90 or 15-1-89 7:0 am. Only files which have been modified after that date and time will be included in the search. Date is before: Only files which were last modified before the 5 input date and time will be included in the search. Size is greater than / less than: Input a range of sizes. You I may use K or M at the end; for instance, 2000 is about the same as 2K. The check boxes let you include only files with a specific combination of file attributes. For instance, check the Archive bit is set control if the file you want has been created/modified since you last backed up. Find File This command searches the current or specified directory for files not only by name, but by contents, date, size and attributes. Type the file filter you wish to locate in the File mask text box. To find files by Text to find type a partial word or short phrase (or any fragment of text) in the Containing box that you know to be contained in the required file. The result of file search is a list which is displayed like as disk directory in file panel and you can do with files from this list all operations accessible in File and Panel. Find File File mask Text to find Options Destination [ ] Case sensitive ( ) Entire disk [X] Recursive search ( ) Current directory [ ] Advanced search ( ) All drives Advanced... Cancel if turned off, Navigator will ignore case of searching text if this check box is turned on (default) will search in all subdirectories existing on destination. Search files on current disk only Search files in current directory Search files on all accessible disks from C: to Z: Windows Manager Select or Close a open windows Integrated Games You can play one of next games: Tetris Pentix Tetris Pentix User menu Navigator allows the user to create a menu for calling external programs and DOS-commands. It is stored in the file DN.MNU. When you call the command Utilities|User menu, Navigator checks for this file in the current directory, and, if it finds the file, it starts a menu from the directory, which has the Navigator files. Creation and editing global (i.e. accessible from any directory) user menu is done with help of the command Options|Global menu definition. The local menu for each directory can be edited, by choosing Options|Local menu definition. When the user chooses any menu command, then, if it was not the header of the following menu level, Navigator creates a temporary .BAT file with two parameters: First the name of the file on which the cursor was on, and second the name of a file-list of files marked in this panel. Hints: If User menu not found in current directory, DN will find out User menu in upper directories. It is possible to switch between Local/Global User Menu while User Menu is executed. It is possible to start edit User Menu after call to it. See also "Format file" and Example Menu. Local User Menu See also: User Menu Global User Menu See also: User Menu Menu Tips Example of User Menu Example Comment >1 Microsoft ~W~indows 3.1 Shortcut a litter 'W' win run WIN >1 Divider >1 ~F~ormat diskette >2 1.4~4~ Mb Next level format a: /f:1440 /u >2 1.~2~ Mb format a: /f:1200 /u >2 ~D~efine... <=format a: Edit format params. Default is "format a:" >1 ~M~ail Next first level menu item >2 ~G~et... ............ (skip) >2 ~A~rchive pkzip -mex archive\ Call archiver pkunzip -t archive\ Check archive >2 ~ pkunzip archive\ >1 Divider >1 ~G~ames ......... etc. Edit User Menu To edit current user menu press a [F2] button. To edit local user menu is exist next item of the Main Menu: 'Options|Local menu definition...' To edit global user menu is exist next item of the Main Menu: 'Options|Global menu definition...' Format of the user menu file The user menu in Navigator has a very simple structure. Each item of this menu begins with the symbol '>', after which the level of this item in hierarchy of menu follows. L Followed by a blank and the name of this item. In the name, it is possible to enclose a character in '~', after pressing which, it is possible to cause this user command without using the arrows. The following lines contain the list of commands. Here, "%1" is the name of a file-list of files marked in active file panel (use "%2" to get file-list from passive file panel). The next menu item begins with the symbol '>'. For creating the next menu level it is necessary to increase the number of the level of this item with 1 in comparison with the previous and all menu elements of this level. 1 See also Menu macros and Example Menu. Menu macros ! - Name of file in active file panel $ - Name of file in passive file panel .! - Extension of file in active File Panel .$ - Extension of file in passive File Panel !\ - Directory of file in active File Panel $\ - Directory of file in passive File Panel !/ - Directory of file in active File Panel (without \) $/ - Directory of file in passive File Panel (without \) !: - Drive of file in active File Panel $: - Drive of file in passive File Panel %1 - Name of list of selected files in active file panel %2 - Name of list of selected files in passive file panel %3...%9 - User parameters (Is used for input a user values in input box) Hints: Empty line after Menu Item header means Menu separator in Menu box. It is possible to set title of input box by string which have '<' at start, and to set default text in input box - use '<=' for it. About... This is information about version of Dos Navigator. Press Alt-I to view the Dos Navigator Team CD Player By default CD player is started in minimized state: Celtic Guitar Track Track Irish Ballads To get additional buttons for sound control you have to zoom the CD Player. (Control keys are listed in status line in the bottom line of the screen) . Mouse button click in these areas Time mode indicator - switches mode of time indication Play modes indicator (ANJ) - switches current play Big digits - choose a Track to play from a pane The Bottom line of digits border - choose a Track to play from a list of tracks CD-Player Track Track Time * Time Mode Mix Order Title Buttons description: Play Next Track Previous Track Fast Forward Fast Backward Pause Stop Eject - CD Player's options