usSEABED Metadata Sources

DataSetKey (Browse Graphic) DataSet (Metadata) SiteKey(Start) SampleKey(Start) SitesOutput SamplesOutput WestBounding EastBounding NorthBounding SouthBounding
1 Hersey, 1967: Deep Sea Photographs 1 1 12 9 -75.4 -66.4 42.15 29.98
7 NOAA: Southeast Monitoring and Assessment (SEAMAP) data 13 10 21824 8743 -81.44733 33.53333 36.5 26.93
8 U.S. EPA: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) data 21837 8753 2149 3066 -97.6027 -69.941 42.1917 25.9448
9 Sommerfield, 2001: GeoCLUTTER CH01_17 Sediment Grain Size Analysis, New Jersey 23986 11819 6 57 -72.86792 -72.7393 39.33889 39.26698
10 Sommerfield, 2003: Upper Delaware Estuary 23992 11876 382 493 -75.58207 39.4596 40.04963 -75.48917
11 Data from Cape Henlopen Cruise, CH01_17, 2001 24374 12369 229 264 -73.12977 -72.50887 39.42331 38.99951
12 Ardhuin, 2002, coast of Duck, North Carolina 24603 12633 239 237 -75.73817 -74.8375 36.5843 36.11335
14 ONR, Cape Henlopen cruise off Martha's Vineyard, August 2002 24842 12870 36 70 -70.57305 -70.55346 41.344 41.31333
15 Goff, et al, 2000 (L1400 data) 24878 12940 295 295 -73.745 -72.9467 39.6998 39.2666
22 National Status and Trends Program: Long Island Sound Contaminants 25173 13235 122 122 -73.9035 -72.0765 41.353 40.76
23 NOAA-NMFS, Galveston Laboratory Essential Fish Habitat Project data 25295 13357 173 173 -96.764 -80.788 30.005 24.351
27 NGDC '073' files 25468 13530 6758 7823 -180 180 81.705 -78.367
28 CERCTM54: USACE ICONS Cores, Cape Canaveral, Florida to Georgia 32226 21353 20 65 -81.3389 -80.3498 30.52132 28.3613
29 CERCTM34: USACE ICONS Cores, Palm Beach to Cape Kennedy, Florida 32246 21418 73 314 -80.60068 -80.09092 28.30218 27.30223
30 CERCTM42: USACE ICONS Cores,Cape Canaveral, Florida 32319 21732 13 20 -80.5828 -80.428 28.66197 28.09207
31 CERCTM29: USACE ICONS Cores, Miami to Palm Beach, Florida 32332 21752 31 185 -80.12392 -80.02321 26.78326 25.68251
33 CERCTM45: USACE ICONS Cores, Inner New York Bight 32363 21937 67 391 -74.08417 -73.5839 40.57729 40.27374
34 CERCMR82-10: USACE ICONS Cores, Central New Jersey 32430 22328 68 361 -74.3504 -73.9789 39.82517 39.35685
35 CERCTP76: USACE ICONS Cores,Long Island South Shore 32498 22689 131 795 -73.66063 -71.845 41.16785 40.44041
37 USACE vibracores: Union Beach, Point Comfort, Sandy Hook, 1998 32629 23484 16 114 -74.1809 -73.9721 40.4806 40.4536
38 USACE vibracores: Staten Island, 2000 32645 23598 19 73 -74.0999 -74.0682 40.5623 40.5289
39 USACE New York Bight Mud Dump Site, 1988 32664 23671 14 254 -73.8432 -73.8385 40.3733 40.367
40 USACE vibracores: Sandy Hook to Manasquan, 1983 - 1989 32678 23925 90 568 -73.9975 -73.9153 40.4402 40.1171
41 CERCMR80-4: USACE ICONS Cores, Cape May region, New Jersey 32768 24493 101 294 -75.0404 -74.4987 39.0001 38.7545
42 USACE: NY/NJ Harbor 32869 24787 189 189 -74.2505 -73.9685 40.60167 40.45117
46-224 Seafloor Surficial Sediment Descriptions (Deck41) NGDC Data Set G02094 33058-46188 24976-38106 13147 13147 -180.00 180.00 81.983 -79.667
226 Jones and Schubel, 1980: Distributions of surficial sediment and eelgrass in Great South Bay, New York (from Smith Point, West to Wantagh State Parkway) 46205 38123 582 582 -73.51494 -72.8753 40.76797 40.60064
227 Coch, 1986: Sediment characteristics and facies distributions 46787 38705 503 503 -74.24538 -73.92965 40.72627 40.4249
228 Maryland Geological Survey: Offshore Sand Resources in Northern Maryland Shoal Fields (Conkwright, et al, 2000) 47290 39208 37 624 -74.95934 -74.90204 38.48056 38.36508
229 MMS2000-052, New Jersey vibracores (Byrnes, et al, 2000) 47327 39832 149 149 -74.60657 -73.91528 40.03519 39.08071
230 National Status and Trends Program: Mussel Watch 47476 39981 451 438 -158.1242 -68.73417 61.13617 21.3025
231 National Status and Trends Program: Benthic Surveillance 47927 40419 411 249 -166.508 118.178 70.508 25.613
236 Smith, 1996 48338 40668 40 327 -74.69661 -74.52696 39.1839 38.97621
237 NCGS2001-02: Vibracores from offshore Northern Dare County, North Carolina 48378 40995 56 361 -75.7213 -75.26985 36.25767 35.87297
238 OBTF_1999: NCDOT Outer Banks Task Force Offshore Sand Resources Study 48434 41356 122 1202 -75.9125 -75.39616 35.79716 35.08959
239 VASEDS, 1981 48556 42558 2168 2161 -76.49054 0 37.95667 0
240 Chesapeake Bay Earth Science Study (CBESS): Physical Properties of Surficial Sediments, Cheseapeake Bay, Maryland (Tabular Data) 50724 44719 4255 4255 -97.73185 -75.8775 39.44167 19.63333
241 Smithsonian Institution master sediment data file 54979 48974 18790 20123 -175.55 103.4683 84.135 -66.175
245 USGS OFR 98-596: Wrightsville Beach, NC 73769 69097 18 18 -77.80049 -77.76108 34.22441 34.1766
246 USGS OFR 00-295 (New York Bight Apex) & OFR 00-243 (Southern Long Island) 73787 69115 575 575 -73.9712 -71.81784 41.06185 40.03861
247 USGS OFR 00-304, Chapter 12, Eastern Long Island Sound 74362 69690 18 18 -72.19939 -72.13677 41.30838 41.26606
248 USGS OFR 00-304, Chapter 6 , Long Island Sound 74380 69708 266 262 -73.74664 -72.04336 41.31032 40.86602
250 USGS BLM/OCS Baltimore Canyon (Mid-Atlantic) data set 74712 69970 499 674 -75.31 -71.8683 39.89 37.0767
252 USGS OFR 99-010: Oculina Bank 75211 70644 69 69 -80.0325 -79.9483 28.266 27.5412
264 USGS OFR 02-217: Hudson Shelf Valley 75280 70713 33 44 -73.85759 -73.238 40.39059 39.937
265 USGS OFR 00-427: Western Massachusetts Bay 75313 70757 98 98 -70.83904 -70.39452 42.51875 42.23197
266 USGS/WHOI CONMAR analyses, part 1 75411 70855 2165 5028 -82.00167 -63.53333 46.08667 24.16667
267 USGS/WHOI CONMAR analyses, part 2 77576 75883 3902 6286 -82.00167 -63.53333 46.08667 24.16667
268 Atlantic Margin Coring Project (AMCOR): USGS OFR 76-844 81478 82169 28 402 -80.5175 -67.5975 42.17417 31.14283
269 Atlantic Margin Coring Project (AMCOR): USGS OFR 81-239 81506 82571 19 205 -80.5175 -67.5975 42.17417 31.14283
270-306 USGS OFR 03-001, Surficial sediment data from the Gulf of Maine 81525-89610 82776-91184 34212 34537 -75.033 -65.067 44.906 33.443
307 USGS OFR 00-358: East Coast Sediment Texture Database 115739 117313 8467 10952 -169.0833 170.52 55.28 -16.23207