Station list
LOCATION.--Latitude 41°53'12", longitude 87°57'34", in SW¼NW¼ sec.11, T.39 N., R.11 E., Du Page County,
on left bank at upstream side of the Illinois Prairie Path Bikeway bridge in Elmhurst, and at mile 20.1.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 16, 1989 to March 31, 1996 and December 4, 1996 to current year.
GAGE.--An 8-in.-diameter, unheated, tipping-bucket rain gage
REMARKS.--Snowfall-affected data can result during cold weather when snow fills the rain-gage funnel and then melts as
temperatures rise. Snowfall-affected data are subject to appreciable errors.
MAXIMUM FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum recorded, 3.45 in., May 9, 1990 but may have been greater during periods of
missing record.
MAXIMUM FOR WATER YEAR 1998.--Maximum, 2.92 in., September 7, 1998.