Station list
LOCATION.--Lat 42°26'55", long 89°04'11", in SW¼NE¼ sec.24, T.46 N., R.1 E., Winnebago County, Hydrologic Unit
07090005, on right bank 750 ft downstream from State Highway 75 in Rockton, 1.0 mi downstream from Pecatonica River, and
at mile 156.1.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1903 to July 1906, October 1906 to March 1909, July 1914 to September 1919, October 1939 to
current year. Published as "below mouth of Pecatonica River at Rockton" 1903-9; as "at Rockford" 1914-19. Monthly discharge
only for some periods for 1903-1950, published in WSP 1308.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 707.94 ft above sea level (levels by U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers). Prior to Oct. 1, 1906, nonrecording gage at site 800 ft upstream at datum about 1 ft higher. Oct. 1, 1906, to Mar. 31,
1909, nonrecording gage at site 800 ft upstream at datum about 2 ft higher. July 30, 1914, to Apr. 30, 1919, nonrecording gage
at site at Rockford about 21 mi downstream, at different datum. Oct. 1, 1939, to Aug. 10, 1973, at site 800 ft upstream at same
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 32,500 ft3/s, Mar. 30, 1916, gage height, 13.06 ft, site and datum
then in use; minimum daily, 501 ft3/s, Sept. 14, 1958.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood in February 1937 reached a stage of 14.6 ft (backwater from ice), from