Station list


LOCATION.--Lat 42°15'22", long 88°51'50", in SE¼SE¼ sec.27, T.44 N., R.3 E., Boone County, Hydrologic Unit 07090006, on left bank at Belvidere sewage-treatment plant, 1.3 mi downstream from bridge on State Street in Belvidere, 3.0 mi downstream from Piscasaw Creek, and at mile 21.9.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1939 to current year.

GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 738.34 ft above sea level (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bench mark). Sept. 29, 1939, to Sept. 30, 1942, nonrecording gage at site 1.3 mi upstream at datum 3.99 ft higher, and Oct. 1, 1942, to Sept. 30, 1973, nonrecording gage at present site and datum.

EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood of Jan. 24, 1938, reached a stage of 16.9 ft, backwater from ice, from information by sewage-treatment plant employees.


Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Precipitation Data

Biological Data