Station list


LOCATION.--Lat 37°44'55", long 89°20'45", in SE¼SE¼ sec.8, T.9 S., R.2 W., Jackson County, Hydrologic Unit 07140106, on left bank just upstream from Lewis Creek, 0.2 mi upstream from South Twentieth Street Bridge, at Murphysboro, and at mile 36.0.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--December 1916 to current year (fragmentary prior to 1931).

GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 335.5 ft above sea level. Prior to June 20, 1931, nonrecording gage at South Twentieth Street Bridge, 1,300 ft downstream, at datum 5 ft lower. June 20, 1931, to July 11, 1933, nonrecording gage at upstream side of railroad bridge across mouth of Lewis Creek at present datum. Since Nov. 14, 1973, auxiliary water-stage recorder 7,700 ft upstream. Oct. 6, 1931, to Nov. 13, 1973, auxiliary nonrecording gage read twice daily at same site. Since Oct. 1, 1995, reestablished water-stage recorder at South Twentieth Street Bridge, 1,300 ft downstream, at present datum.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 33,800 ft3/s from graph based on discharge record, May 2, 1996; maximum gage height, 37.97 ft, May 12, 1961; maximum daily reverse flow, 4,400 ft3/s, June 3, 1947, caused by backwater from Mississippi River; no flow Aug. 13 to Sept. 1, 1936, unaffected by backwater.

EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood of Feb. 2, 1916, reached a stage of 34.9 ft, present datum, discharge, 28,000 ft3/s.


Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Precipitation Data

Biological Data