Station list
LOCATION.--Lat 41�00'32", long 87�49'27", in SE¼SW¼ sec.10, T.29 N., R.13 W., Kankakee County, Hydrologic Unit
07120002, on right bank at upstream side of bridge on county highway, 3.1 mi downstream from Beaver Creek, 4.5 mi east of
Chebanse, and at mile 6.5.
DRAINAGE AREA.--2,091 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 1923 to current year.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1308: 1924-28(M), 1930(M), 1936(M), 1938(M), 1942(M), 1947(M). WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 595.99 ft above sea level. Prior to June 16,1976, nonrecording
gage, and June 17, 1976 to Aug. 13, 1979 water-stage recorder at site 600 ft upstream at datum 2.00 ft higher. Aug. 14 to
Oct. 24, 1979, nonrecording gage at present site at datum 2.00 ft higher.
REMARKS.--Records good except those for Oct. 1 and Mar. 22-24, which are fair. Gage-height telemeter at station.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood in spring of 1913 reached a stage of 21.6 ft, present datum, discharge about
34,000 ft3/s.