Station list
LOCATION.--Lat 42�26'37", long 88�14'51", in NE¼NW¼ sec.25, T.46 N., R.8 E., McHenry County, Hydrologic Unit
07120006, on right bank at upstream side of bridge on Winn Road, 0.6 mi west of Spring Grove, and at mile 7.4.
DRAINAGE AREA.--192 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1966 to current year.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 2115: 1969-70(M). WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area. WDR IL-85-2: 1966-67(M), 1971.
GAGE.--Water stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 746.00 ft above sea level.
REMARKS.--Records good except those for estimated daily discharges, which are poor. Recording rain gage and gage-height
telemeter at station.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood in April 1960 reached a stage of 13.7 ft, from information by local resident,
and flood in July 1938 reached a stage of about 4 to 6 ft higher than that in April 1960.