Station list
LOCATION.--Lat 40�01'51", long 88�35'20", in NE¼SW¼ sec.12, T.18 N., R.5 E., Piatt County, Hydrologic Unit 07130006, on
right downstream side of highway bridge, 0.5 mi west of Monticello, and at mile 162.2.
DRAINAGE AREA.--550 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--February 1908 to December 1912, June 1914 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some periods,
published in WSP 1308. Published as "near Monticello" 1910-12.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 525: 1920. WSP 1115: 1946-47. WSP 1208: 1915-16, 1918-20, 1927, 1929, 1939. WSP 1508:
1908(M), 1917, 1928(M). WDR IL-81-2: 1909(P), 1912(P), 1915(P), 1919-32(P), 1935(P), 1937-38(P), 1940-41(P), 1944(P),
1946-47(P). WDR IL-89-2: 1988.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 625.89 ft above sea level. Prior to Sept. 30, 1964,
nonrecording gage at site 0.2 mi downstream at same datum. Oct. 1, 1964, to Oct. 22, 1971, nonrecording gage at present site
and datum.
REMARKS.--Records good except those for estimated daily discharges, which are poor. Recording raingage and gage-height
telemeter at station. Water temperature and specific conductance continuously recorded at station for the National Water-Quality
Assessment Program.