Station list


LOCATION.--Lat 39°50'34", long 89°32'52", in NW¼NE¼ sec.16, T.16 N., R.4 W., Sangamon County, Hydrologic Unit 07130008, at right abutment on former U.S. Highway 36 bridge in Riverton, 2.2 mi downstream from Sugar Creek, 5.6 mi upstream from Fancy Creek, and at mile 83.1.

DRAINAGE AREA.--2,618 mi2.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--February 1908 to December 1912, August 1914 to October 1956, and annual maximum, water years 1957- 85. January 1986 to current year.

REVISED RECORD.--WSP 1208: 1908-9, 1921-22, 1926-27, 1947. WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area.

GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 508.38 ft above sea level. Prior to Aug. 14, 1934, chain gage on old Wabash Railway bridge (currently Norfolk and Western Railway bridge), 1,450 ft downstream, at datum 5.61 ft lower.

REMARKS.--Records good. Some regulation by municipal reservoirs at Decatur (since 1922) and at Springfield (since 1934). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter at station.

EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--The high water of 1883 reached a stage of approximately 32 ft with respect to the gage at the old Wabash Railway bridge. The high water of 1875 is said to have been about one-half foot lower.


Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Precipitation Data

Biological Data