OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\ICONEGB.OPL AIDE% FONTID% GREY% DEBUT OUVRIR TRACDEPL AMENER Od@[ (B) lack (G) rey (E) rase + (I) nvert B ring (V) (P) ixel (N) ew (O) pen (S) ave e (X)it (D) raw (M) ove File+ NewOn+ OpenOo+ SaveOs Brush+ BlackOb+ GreyOgh+ EraseOe+ InvertOi Scroll+ RightO LeftO HighO DownO cial+ BringOv+ PixelOp+ InfosO?h+ ExitOx DrawOd+ MoveOm Oo@[? + Open Icon M:\ICN\ + Opened... Pixel WidthO O {9[ (P) ixel (P) ixels Ox@[# M:\ICN\TMP.PICO0O0 O?@[S Infos on B-ICON Version + 1.314-08/93 Alan+ Square Os@[^ + Save icon M:\ICN\ W7[3 LOC::M:\ICN\G[ Saved... Ob@[D Og@[D Oe@[$ Oi@[$ Ov@[g LOC::M:\ICN\XXX.PICW LOC::M:\ICN\XXX.PIC Brought... M5\[> I=\[> M5\[> I=\[> +*Scroll not allowed when using 'Draw' mode. +%Scroll not allowed using 'Draw' mode. +%Scroll not allowed using 'Draw' mode. +%Scroll not allowed using 'Draw' mode. DEBUT O0O0O O0O0O O0O0O O0O0O O0O0O O0O0O HO`O0 GREY% O {9[ (P) ixel AIDE% M:\ICN\XXX.PIC FileO W7[e O0L0\[ O0L0\[ M:\ICN\XXX.PICO0O0 AIDE% Help+ Help+ Open( Help+ Save( Help+ Exit( Help+ Draw( Help+ Move( Help+ Bring( Help+ Pixel( Help+ New :+-Erase the icon in progress without saving it. Open :+.Open an existing icon from an \ICN\ directory. Save :+3Save the icon without exiting the work in progress. Exit :+/Exit, saving in 'TMP.PIC' the work in progress. Draw :+)Cursor is a brush. Pixels can be (B)lacks + (G)reys, (E)rased or (I)nverted. Move :+$Move cursor without altering pixels. Bring :+:Cut and Bring in the working place a 48*48 part of picture + from a .PIC other file. Pixel :+AExpress in term of pixels width's stoke of the brush (or cursor). O @[X X,Y :+DHorizontale (X) and verticale (Y) position of the cursor (or brush). Help : Moves in 'Bring' option +:Arrows move the 'cuting window' inside the original screen +?(from witch the icon is to be brought). In order to accelerate, +-Psion-arrows move the original screen itself. Enter to validate your choice. +-Icon is then brought with the name 'XXX.PIC'. ICONE9 OUVRIR TRACDEPL DEBUTi AMENER