ImageFileType** gDD"" gDD"" MegaStor olib.DYL hwim.DYL WVRQS [YZ^_ WRQSP3 X[YZ_ :2[YZ =1Y^_ jWVRQS WVRQS <|T9> WVRQS LLVRQ WVQSP3 X[Y^_ WVRQSP3 LLWVQS LLRQS &WVRQ WVRQS WVRQS WVRQS WVRQS WVRQS WVRQS WVRQS @ VRQS3 WVRQS WVRQS WVRQS [YZ^_ BWVRQS3 WVRQS t-< t <t*<"t >P* s SQRWV ^_ZY[ OASQR SQRWVU ]^_ZY[ @_ZY[ LLWVRQ WVRQS LLWVRQS VRQS3 WVRQS [YZ^_ VRSP3 VRQS3 [YZ^] PSQWVSV ^_Y[X X^_Y[ WVRQS PSQRWV ^_ZY[X X[YZ^_ cCompress uUncompress aAbout MegaStore rRegister xExit Special DMC10 DMC10 Compress File Input Output Error Unable to open source file... Error File already compressed... Error Unable to open destination file... Compressing... %ld Bytes %ld Bytes Success Input Output Percentage Error Unable to write destination file... Uncompress File Input Output Error Unable to open source file... Error File is not compressed... Error Unable to open destination file... Uncompressing... %ld bytes restored Success Error Unable to write destination file... MegaStore is a program that allows you to compress and uncompress files. It is based on Huffman coding method. If you like this program, you may wish to consider registering for it. To register to MegaStore just send me 10 or 75 French Francs by cheque payable to D. Metoz to: David Metoz, 16 Rue sur la cote, 25630 SAINTE-SUZANNE, FRANCE. You can also send to : D. Metoz, 64 Craneswater Avenue Southsea, Portsmouth, PO4 0PD, ENGLAND During the summer, send your letter to France. I will send you back the registration code that will avoid you to wait 10 secondes before being able to actually use the program... You are already registered to MegaStore 1.0. Press any key to continue... MegaStore : Registration )+*0&!(-%6 Error Wrong registration code... m:\OPD\MEGASTOR.REG MONTBELIARD Thanks for registering to MegaStore 1.0 A file called MEGASTOR.REG has been created in your \OPD\ directory. This file contains your registration code. Press any key to continue... Press Menu (C) DMC June 1994 MEGASTORE V 1.0 MegaStore 1.0 -- (c) DMC 06/94 This copy of MegaStore is not registered. For information on registering, see About menu. Registering will suppress the nag screen... D. Metoz. Press any key to continue... M:\OPD\MEGASTOR.REG )+*0&!(-%6 ' 8 B 0@PX`hpx !!""##$$%%&&''(())**++,,--..//0123456789:;<=>? Floating Point Not Loaded SYS$FSRV.* CON:*