OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\VIEWGIF.OPL Viewgif.gif \gifs\ TEMP$ OUTFILE$ SECTION% PICFILE% WPAPER% HEAD$ WHEAD$ PATH% PATH$ DELGIF% BEEP% TIMES% TIMES2% USED% TART% PROGGY$ TMPBUF% HEADER$ DDEFAULT WPAPER CHKFILE LOADPIC ROMC[1 +'Sorry ,only runs from the System screenW8 m:\opd m:\gifs m:\pics This copy has been used times.K File not foundW8 TMPBUF% PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 TMPBUF% PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 SHOUR% SMIN% SSEC% LINE% NEED3& TCHAR% INTLACE% PIXELS& LACEST% INCREM% LCOUNT% BYTE% BYTE$ BYTE% MANYRED% POWERS% PREFIX% SUFFIX% OUTCODE% MAXCODE% POWERS2% OUTCNT% SCRX% SCRY% NEWOUT$ XSTART% XEND% YEND% COLS% CODMASK% CODESIZ% CLRCODE% EOFCODE% FIRST3% FRECODE% HANDLE% MODE% ADDR% INITCSZ% BLKLEN% CODE% SPACE% INFO$ TOTALX% TOTALY% BITPIX% BACKGRD% BITMASK% MAXCODE% BITSIN% YSTART% XLENGTH% YLENGTH% GREEN% BLUE% READ% CURCODE% OLDCODE% FINCHAR% INCODE% HALF% ABOUT HEADER$ GETIME SCROLL ESTIME TMPBUF% HEAD$ PICFILE% SECTION% DELGIF% OUTFILE$ BEEP% Z2U[d PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 Unexpected End Of File Initialising.. I[<[* I[O$h@[ Loading Pic-file I[O$h@[ GIFG[% Not a valid Gif or Pic fileW8 I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ Bad fileW8 Initialising Palette I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ ZO @` ZO"@`[ ZO(@` I[O$h@[ Bad fileW8 I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ Local colourmap encountered. [O@\O@@[E Image is interlaced InterlacedK I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ Press Help for keys ;[O @[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ ;[O @[ I[O$h@[ I[O$h@[ 7[8[1 9[<[ [O @[ [O @[ [OS@`[ [OT@`[ /[O>L /[O saves setup , quitsO M:\PICS O%h@[ No system memoryW8 O'h@[D +#Access to m:\opd\viewgif.cfg denied+ Program terminatedW8 O%h@[ No system memoryW8 Oe@[' O%h@[ No system memoryW8 TMPBUF% DELGIF% BEEP% TIMES% TIMES2% PATH% PATH$ PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 M:\PICS TMPBUF% PATH$ TEMP$ PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 O*hD\[0 O!h@[ + Creating Error creating (t D[ TMPBUF% PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 Registration +*I've spent nearly five months getting this +*program to run at a reasonable speed ( my +*first attempt took 3 hours to decode a +*320*200*256 image ,this version takes only +.10 minutes!!!) It will display most Gif files, ++including those that are interlaced,but has +*been optimized for use with cartoons Gifs Registration +)If you like this program you may wish to +,consider registering for it whereby you will +-receive the next version . The fee is 10 and ++the improved program will allow you to vary ++the amount of detail , allow user definable +.shades , a choice of dithering algorithms and +-possibly a PIC -> GIF conversion utility Registration +.If you do decide to register, please make your +,cheques payable to D. Yoo-Foo and send them 1 Archibald Road Tufnell Park London N7 OAN United Kingdom Comments welcome Email can be sent to ZDAH074@ ELM.CC.KCL.AC.UK TMPBUF% PO PD[ Try something else!!W8 Using Viewgif 1.1 ++Copy the GIF file into the \GIFS directory. +*Select the Open Gif-file option and either +*type in the file name or use the and +*arrow keys to select the file. The program +'will start to decode the file and when +-finished the resultant PIC file will be saved +#in the output dir (Default M:\PICS) MAINLY PLOTe READBUF HEADER$m CHKFILE ABOUT ESTIME9 GETIME&" LOADPIC SCROLL HELP2 MENUU* GIFNAME PICNAMEm, WPAPERM- DDEFAULTS/ ATTRIB LAMP]8 USING2= WUUuT@ @WUUUTUUUU xUUUUU UU=_]UU UU_UU UU_UUU_UU UUQgUU vU7TU`}UU X5xuUUu }UuUU\U UUUUUU UUUUUU UuUuUU VUUUU `UUUU USING