OPLObjectFile** PICPOC.OPLt picpoc.pic \PIC\ FILE$ NEWFIL$ GSTY% GFON% GXPRI% CLIP% SPRAY% BRSH% ERAS% SPRSIZ% PATFIL$ PATI% FNTNAM$ HYFID% GETFNTS OFILE SCROLL% DRAWX CLSFIL MAKNEW \pattern0.picK File+ NewOn+ OpenOo+ Save asOa Edit+ UndoOu+ CopyOc+ CutOd+ PasteOp Shapes+ PolylineOy+ RectangleOr+ EllipseOl+ TextOt Tool+ BrushOb+ EraserOe+ FillOf+ SprayOs+ LupeO+ Special+ AboutO/+ PreferencesOq+ Fill patternOi+ Text styleOz+ ExitOx O @[ noaxucdqiz/ PicPoc( - Pictures in my pocket -O Version 2.01O 1993 Berthold DaumKO ptbeyrlfs+ W,W0HO W,LW1 W,W0H W-W1HO W-W1H CROSS PicPoc - help Use O to navigate, KO to accelerateK + Select tool at desired position +# Use Enter to perform tool function Use ESC to cancel tool +" Use Shift/Enter to close polyline Use spacebar for lupe PicPoc - Registration( This program is free.O +(However, I accept donations of any kind:O +%cheques, money orders, Flash SSD, ...O + Berthold Daum, 21 Margate Street( Beaumaris, Vic. 3193, Australia( + Have fun!O O <`[ O <`[ W,W0HO W,LW1 W,W0H W-W1HO W-W1H @`\[ O 0\[ HYFID% GFON% Or@[D |W-|W Ot@[% h@`[& SAVFIL CLSFIL OFILE NEWFIL$ FILE$ Bitmap fileO CLSFIL MAKNEW NEWFIL$ FILE$ Bitmap fileO HeightO WidthO (for icon specify 24 by 24) FILE$ FILE$ Undo finished Not changed SAVFIL FILE$ saved FILE$ Save as Bitmap fileO Use new file+ no,yes saved {M=W,{ {M=`[ No space TSTSIZ% SCROLL% POSIT BRSH% Rectangle started W,L|W W-L|W |W,|W |W-|W |W,|W |W-|W Rectangle finished Rectangle aborted TSTSIZ% SCROLL% POSIT BRSH% Ellipse started W,L|W W-L|W ?JWBx ?JWBx W,|Ny 3 W-|NyO W,|Ny 3 W-|NyO W,|Ny 3 W-|NyO W,|Ny 3 W-|NyO Ellipse finished Ellipse aborted SCROLL% BRSH% Brush started W,|Ny ) W-|NyO Brush finished SCROLL% ERAS% Eraser started W,|Ny ) W-|NyO Eraser finished SCROLL% POSIT BRSH% Polyline started W,|Ny 0 W-|NyO ?JWBMx ?JWBMx W,|Ny 0 W-|NyO 8\`[p W,|Ny 0 W-|NyO ?JWBMx ?JWBMx W,|Ny 0 W-|NyO Polyline finished SCROLL% SPRSIZ% SPRAY% Spraying started |RWBx |RWBx |RWBx |RWBx Spraying finished TSTSIZ% COPBIT% POSIT Cutting started Cutting finished Cutting aborted TSTSIZ% COPBIT% POSIT Copying started Copying finished Copying aborted CLIP% Clipboard empty Pasting finished SCROLL% CLIP% W,L|W W-L|W |W,|W |W-|W FILLIT Filling started Filling finished FILLIT {1\[Z {1\[Z SCROLL% GSTY% HYFID% GFON% GXPRI% Text started NBURDMI No space W-W1H O <[` W2H{ / No space W2HW- Text finished BRSH% ERAS% SPRSIZ% SPRAY% PATFIL$ Brush/Eraser/Spray Brush Pixel+ 1,3,5,7,9 Eraser Pixel+ 1,3,5,7,9 Spray Pixel+ 3,5,7,9,11 Spray Pressure+ low,medium,high Pattern clusterO GSTY% GXPRI% GFON% FNTNAM$ Text style Bold+ yes,no Underlined+ yes,no Reverse+ yes,no Double height+ yes,no + Monospace+ yes,no Italic+ yes,no LO PH Text font and options + Text font Xprint options+UNone,inverse,round inverse,thin inverse,round thin inverse,underlined,thin underlined PATFIL$ PATI% Select pattern O 0[V Pattern selection - help Use O , then Enter to selectK Select another pattern cluster via Preferences (O Pattern selected POSIT Lupe started Lupe functions - help Use O to navigate in areaK Use O and KO to move areaK Use Shift/O to invert pixelK Spacebar or ESC to exit W,W-O W,W-O O @`[# Lupe finished HYFID% FNTNAM$ Normal,Bold,Small, \*.fonKW POSIT SCROLL%r CROSS& CLSFILg DRAWO DRAWN MAKNEW OFILE\ DRAWUk DRAWX SAVFILB DRAWAu TSTSIZ% DRAWRv DRAWL6 DRAWBx DRAWE} DRAWY DRAWS DRAWD DRAWCD DRAWP COPBIT% DRAWF FILLIT0! DRAWT DRAWQH' DRAWZ5( DRAWIT* GETFNTS