OPLObjectFile** LOC::B:\OPL\CV-HELP.OPL This is +%the help system for 'Conversions'. +%Please install CONVERT.OPA; this +%help system should then be copied +%to your \APP directory with it. +%Press Help to view or any key to exit + This fileO + 04-Sep-93O Help for 'Conversions'( The 'File' menu( The 'Conversion' menu( The 'Window' menu( The 'Settings' menu( Doing a unit conversion( About the program( 'Error' entry reached!W8 File( Open( Save( Revert( Clear( \APP\CONVCONV.OPOW Upgrade( Exit( \APP\CONVCONV.OPOW File+Upgrade( Convert old .CNV files to the current file format. + File+Save( Saves the current set ofO conversion windows forO later loading.O + File+Open( Loads a previously saved setO of conversion windows.O File+Revert( Discards all changes since lastO save or load by re-loading theO file from storage.O File+Clear( Closes all conversion windowsO and sets name to (none)O + File+Exit( Closes all windows and quitsO the conversion program.O Any unsaved changes may beO saved by pressing the 'Save'O on the confirmation dialog.O Conversion( Formula( Edit( Forget( Factor Formula Expression Conversion+ + Prompts you for parameters, then creates a new window. +"Note: Maximum 5 conversion windows Parameter help+-None,Name,Target unit,Unit position,Jump key, Conversion+ (Name)K( +)The name by which this conversion will be +%known. For example, if converting km ++to miles, call the conversion 'kilometres'. Conversion+ (Target Unit)K( +&This is the symbol to be used with the result of the conversion. For +#example, when converting kilometres +"to miles, the Target Unit is 'mi'. Conversion+ (Unit Position)K( +'Indicate whether the symbol you entered +'for the target unit is placed before or +%after the value, and whether decimals are to be shown on the values. Conversion+ (Jump key)K( +'This is the letter that will be pressed +$before all conversions of this unit. +%Displayed on-screen befor the hyphen. NewC[ Conversion+New(Factor)( The conversion factor is the amount by which to divide entries in order to reach the target unit. Conversion+Formula(Expression)( +%Enter here the expression in x (where +'x is the amount entered for conversion) +!which will convert entries to the target unit. Conversion+Edit( +#Allows the conversion parameters to be changed. Conversion+Forget( +)Closes and forgets the current conversion +"Allows a suite of unit conversionsO +!to be created, stored & reloaded.O +"Shareware. Evaluate for 1 month...( 1993, SP Services, UK( +"Fax: 0703 322416 Tel: 0703 550037( + created K Help 1.2KO Conversions, from SPS Shareware( +'If you find this program useful, pleaseO +#pay 6/$12 for it by credit card orO +'cheque to SP Services. Visa, MastercardO and Amex accepted.O +'See the documentation for more details.O SP Services( PO Box 456O SouthamptonO SO9 7XGO United KingdomO That's +44 703 322416O from outside the UK.O Doing a conversion( +!Press the 'Jump key' for the unit +#you want to convert (shown in front +#of the name), then enter the amount to be converted in the box. Settings( Preferences( Defaults( Settings+Preferences( Change default values. Your changed preferences are saved with the conversions. Parameter help+ None,Decimal Places,Window Width Settings+Pref(Decimal Places)( +!Vary the default number of digits +!displayed after the decimal (0-4) Settings+Pref(Defaults)( Change the preferences settings back to the system defaults. Settings+Defaults( +"Restores settings to their default values. Window( Move( Gather( Title( Window+Title( +#Gives the focus to the title window Window+Move( Move the current window around the screen with the cursor keys or back to the top with the + Home key. Window+Gather( Cascades conversion windows across screen MAIN9 HELPZ