OPLObjectFile** LOC::B:\OPL\CPRESS.OPL MEDIA$ FREE$ DEVICE$ PARSE$ MEDIA M:\dat\ 1992 Pelican Software Inc.K Open a File to Compress Data files only!( OpenO W7[$ .odb.dbf.dat Data files only... Checking Ram Drives... FLASHC[ +!Compressing cant be done on Flash( +%There would be no benefit. To reclaim +#space on a Flash, copy all files to +%a Ram drive and Format the Flash SSD, +(then compress the files on the Ram drive +)and copy the files back to the Flash SSD. WRITEC[E Compress Failed!( MediaK ContinueO on K RAMC\[ Compress File? YesOY+ OY@`[/ Od{M9[N Compress Cancelled Not enough space!O ContinueO Compressing... \cprssK .odbKW \cprssK .odbK \cprssK .odbK \cprssK .odbK \cprssK .odbK File Compressed!K Before: bytesK After: bytesK DEVINFO% FLDTYPE% DEVICE$ MEDIA$ FREE$ UNKNOWN FLOPPY + HARD DISK FLASH WRITE-PROTECTED HWC}O 262144 HWC}O O 4\[' DEVINFO% CPRESS8 MEDIA= DEVINFO% FLDTYPE% PARSE$3