OPLObjectFile** LOC::A:\CRIB\CRIBHELP.OPL cribhelp.ODB \OPD\ Help on Cribbage Basic Rules( Selecting you hand( Playing your hand( Scoring your hand( The box( BASIC RULES +;The idea is to score 121 points, shown on the board by pegsO +;which go from left to right on the outermost line of holes,O +;and then back down the inner set and then round again. EachO +=player is dealt six cards of which he/she must throw two intoO +@'the box'. The box is like another hand when scoring after play,O +?and both players take it in turns to have it counting for them.O +;When cards have been discarded, the top card of the deck isO +Bturned over if it's a jack, then whoevers box it is gets 2 points.O SELECTING YOUR HAND +/Use the left and right cursor keys to move fromO +0from card to card. (The current card is shown byO +0a thicker border.) To discard a card, push enterO +0when you are you on it. Two cards must be thrownO +4into the box - they will either score for or againstO +2you depending on whose turn it is to have the box.O PLAYING YOUR HAND +>Each player in turn (unless he/she can't go) puts down a card.O +?The value of which is added to a running total, which can neverO +@be higher than 31. If neither player can put a card down withoutO +?the total of 31 being exceeded then the last player to have putO +=down a card gains a point. If a total of 31 is achieved, thenO +?that person gets two points. If neither player can go or 31 hasO +=been reached, the running total is set to zero again and playO PLAYING YOUR HAND +.continues until both players are out of cards.O +?NB Court cards all have a value of ten and aces are always low.O Pegging Points:O +=If a card is laid with the same value as the card immediatelyO +>before it, that person gets 2 points for a pair. If a third ofO +?the same value is then laid, that person gets 6 points, and forO PLAYING YOUR HAND +=the fourth, 12 points. If three consecutive cards make a run,O +>for example 4 followed by a 5 followed by a 6, then the personO +?who placed the third card gets 3 points. If the run is extendedO +>by the other player by placing a 7, then he/she gets 4 points,O +Aand so on. Pairs and runs only ever score points if all the cardsO +?involved were played within the same round, ie without 31 beingO +=reached. The final way to score pegging points is to make theO +whoever doesn't have the box scores his hand first. Points areO +@gained through pairs (2pts) three-of-a-kind (6pts) or four-of-a-O +>kind (12pts). For every card involved in a run (three cards orO +?more in sequence) you receive 1 point (eg Your hand = 3,4,5,4,9O SCORING YOUR HAND +=You would score 2pts for the pair of 4's, 3pts for 3,4,5 as aO +?run, and another 3pts for the other combination of 3,4,5 as youO +@have two fours.) For every combination of cards adding up to 15,O +?you also receive 2pts, and if all four cards from your hand areO +@of the same suit, you get 4pts. If the fifth card is also of theO +Bsame suit you get an extra point. Finally, if you have the jack ofO +>the same suit as the card turned over, you get an extra point.O THE BOX +6The box belongs to each player in turn. Whoever has itO +8plays first, and whoever doesn't, scores his hand first.O +9The box is scored just like your hand, using the upturnedO +9card as the fifth. (See scoring your hand for the points)O CRIBHELP