OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\TASKMAN.OPL D"QQJ h*i%q @.DpU *)%M} Bb@Hh "$L(& @u2i @$I%JH TaskMan.ODB \OPD\ KSTAT% PIDS% CWIN% THAND% MYPID% SECS& STATWRD% PENDING% TIMSTAT% MWIN% INITCONF RENAME EXTRACT GRAPH2 SETWIN CREDIT GETLIST M:\App\Taskman Small+ TaskManO TIM:O reading...O PIDS% Err... sys$W sys$prgoW sys$W sys$prgoW APOS% PROCESS GETEVENT SETPOS HABOUT SHELL SETWIN DEFESC RENAME REFRESH SEARCH% PIDS% MYPID% TaskMan OjH@[ OrH@[ OaH@[ OsH@[ OvH@[ OeH@[ + Show Bird + Dump Bird Options+ Jump toOj+ RenameOr+ KillOk Special+ Set refresh rateOs Define keyOe+ VersionOv+ AboutOa+ ExitOx Oj@[ Ox@[ TaskMan v1.2 Or@[e Rename + New Name: O |:[ OZ4\`[ |JF[' O(LOk OxH@[ O$@[m O |:\[@ O(LOg SECS& THAND% TIMSTAT% STATWRD% PENDING% KSTAT% PIDS% APOS% Shutdown App Kill +1The Kill option will try first to quit the app by +*sending a shutdown message so that changes will be saved. YesOY+ Shutting down + is busy!K SECS& WIN%$ Tm.cfg \app\taskman\ Create on drive...K This is a small settings fileO SECS& SECS&% WIN%$ SECS& SECS&! WIN% ESC% Error SECS& Adjust refresh rate Seconds:O SECS&% \app\taskman.opa LOC::+ \app\taskman.opaO OOOP( OLOO( OPOI( - TaskMan 1.2 - +?Copyright 1993 Pelican Software Inc. TaskMan was Created in Opl +=on a Psion Series 3A. Use Psion to assign a keypress to TM +AThis will speed up task switching. TaskMan is a utility that will +Bmake jumping between applications much faster since it puts a list +Bof all running applications on the screen and lets you jump to any +Bone of them. TM hides all system apps that can't be jumped to, and +&also allows you to rename any process. MEDIA$ FREE$ DEVICE$ DEVINFO% GRAPH2 O 4\[' Memory OFLOdTP| APOS% CWIN% Define the Escape key Jump to SystemOS+ Do NothingON ESC%$ ESC%$ No changes made... sys$shll.* HABOUT Help: TaskMan v1.2( Basic function( About TM( Refresh rate( Dumping the Bird( Kill a Process( Rename a Process( Help: Basics( +@TaskMan is a utility that will make jumping between applications +Bmuch faster. It does this by displaying a list of all running apps +?on the screen, and letting you jump between them. TM hides all +Asystem apps that can't be jumped to and also allows you to rename +Bany process. Use Psion to assign a keypress to TM. This is very +Bimportant. Assigning a hotkey from the system screen is what makes TM fast. - TaskMan 1.2 - +?Copyright 1993 Pelican Software Inc. TaskMan was Created in Opl +(on a Psion Series 3A. TM is shareware. To Register send $20 to: +. Pelican Software Inc. +' P.O.Box 741072 +0 Houston, Tx. 77274-1072 +8 ... or on Compuserve use Go SWREG and register Taskman Help: Refresh rate( +6The refresh rate is the rate at which TM poles the S3a +:for a new list of running apps. The default is 20 seconds. + Name > M:\app\taskman\OrW M:\app\Taskman\reg.odb Thankyou for registering... Sorry... DATE&! Taskman 1.2 Registration +2You have had 7 days to use TaskMan. You can use it +7for another week and then you will need to register it. GETLISTK PROCESS GETEVENT JUMPY RENAME KILLo INITCONF REFRESH EXTRACT1 CREDITU FREEX! DEVINFO%7" GRAPH2o# SETPOS SETWIN DEFESC SHELLH& HABOUT HRENh. SEARCH%