OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\CX.OPL Cx.ODB \OPD\ COUNT% LEVEL% OPENSCR PRTSCRN SHUFFLE SCORE INSTR VERSION DOMENU UNSET O_@[ Moves to go Blocks OQ@`[ OH@`[ INSTR VERSION CrissX+ HelpOh+ QuitOq+ VersionOv FLIPX VERSION INSTR LEVEL% CrissX A solitaire on the Series 3 Key HELP for instruction or press ENTER to play. |RWBO |RWBO CX:Play level Choose level+ Practice,Intermediate,Expert MATRIX FLIPX LEVEL% |RWBO O |RWBO FLIPONE COUNT% COUNT% CrissX A WINNER !! Well done! CrissX Out of crosses! Better luck next time. At least you LOOKED busy! CrissX No-one loves a quitter! Good luck next time. -CrissX- LEVEL: Please Wait.. CrissX v1.1 Instructions 1/3 +"The 30x9 playing area is scattered +#with crosses. Where crosses happen +'to overlap, they cancel each other out. +$Therefore, to erase a cross you must +%position another cross in exactly the same place. CrissX v1.1 Instructions 2/3 +"The object of the game is to clear + the whole of the playing area by +$using a limited number of additional +$crosses. At INTERMEDIATE and EXPERT +$levels there is less room for error. CrissX v1.1 Instructions 3/3 +'Use the arrow keys to mark the position +'where you wish to place the next cross. +(Then press ENTER or [spacebar] to place the cross on the screen. CrissX history Inspired by a BASIC program I saw for the ZX81 around 1982/3. It has been on a Spectrum and a Cambridge Z88 since. CX uses crosses, the previous +"incarnations used block 'squares'. CrissX Version 1.0 +#'Black & Khaki' version coded under OPL for the Psion Series 3 by C.S.Littlejohns Aug 92 UNSET FLIPX SCORE MATRIX MATRIX DOMENU OPENSCRS MATRIX FLIPONE< SHUFFLE FLIPX5 INCSCR5 DECSCRV SCOREw QUITm PRTSCRN INSTR VERSION POLL% UNSET_